[a rdfg:Graph;rdflib:storage [a rdflib:Store;rdfs:label 'IOMemory']].
@prefix altc: <http://minkiz.info/owl/cryptocurrency.owl#> . @prefix atom: <http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom> . @prefix cce: <http://purl.org/net/bel-epa/cce#> . @prefix ccy: <http://purl.org/net/bel-epa/ccy#> . @prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> . @prefix doacc: <http://purl.org/net/bel-epa/doacc#> . @prefix ev: <http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/ontology/event.owl#> . @prefix foaf: <http://daml.umbc.edu/ontologies/cobra/0.4/foaf/> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix pam: <http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/pam/2.0/> . @prefix pers: <http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/ontology/person.owl#> . @prefix pub: <http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/ontology/publication.owl#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> . @prefix tags: <http://www.holygoat.co.uk/owl/redwood/0.1/tags/> . @prefix xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . <http://purl.org/net/bel-epa/doacc#61cd0452-ce89-4726-b9f8-d987a76894b8> a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-based cryptocoin with re-target every 30 minutes / 60 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 210.1 million total coins. LTC clone with 1000000 premined and starting superblocks. http://alphacoin.wordpress.com/ 30 seconds block target - 4 confirms per transaction. So every transaction will be confirmed in 2 mins. - Difficulty retargets every 30 mins, that is every 60 blocks. Also using accelerated retargets at the beginning to completely avoid instamining. - Total 210,182,000 coins. - To encorage early adoption the coins per block is high for the first 3 days (block time): - 1st day: 500 coins per block - 2nd day: 200 coins per block - 3rd day: 100 coins per block - Starting 4th day, it will be 50 coins per block, will be halved every two years (or 2073600 blocks). - First 1000 blocks of 1000 coins each are premined. This is used for bounty of various needs. Also the 1000 blocks are used for checkpoints. - connection port is 9538, RPC-port 9539 - Scrypt Exchanges: Cryptsy.com: https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/57 Coins-e.com https://www.coins-e.com/exchange/XPM_BTC/ Mining Pools: Stratum Pool: http://alpha.miningpool.co Stratum only: stratum+tcp://alpha.miningpool.co:8822 A New Pool: http://alf.ahmedbodiwala.tk/index.php?page=statistics&action=pool p2p Pool: http://coinworld.us:8881/static/ new pool from nordicminers: http://alf.nordicminers.eu Small Time Miner Alphacoin Pool http://alf.smalltimeminer.com Proportional Payouts. Full Block Rewards. 1% Fee. Stratum Only: stratum+tcp://smalltimeminer.com:3335 Faucets: http://alph.a.gp/index.php (bounty sent) https://sites.google.com/site/alphacoinfaucet/ (still pending verification) Blockchain Explorer http://blockexplorer.coinworld.us/chain/AlphaCoin Gaming Sites: http://lotto.coinworld.us Downloads: Windows Client (version 1.1) Download: Mega.co.nz: https://mega.co.nz/#!FkEihZCC!EJITlRang4BptpmRoIG3Pg6S8cdRehYkA-ZFut7BkwM Google Disk: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-_dA_Dsnb3oWw1BSWgxw7Etb2M/edit?usp=sha... Source Code at Github: https://github.com/alphacoin/alphacoin Sample alphacoin.conf: listen=1 daemon=1 server=1 rpcuser=**Yourusername** rpcpassword=**Yourpassword** rpcallowip=10.1.1.* rpcport=9539 rpcconnect= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= Getting Started: 1. Start up alphacoin-qt, wait for it to load, then exit. 2. Put alphacoin.conf (see sample file above) in your c:/users/**yourcomputername**/appdata/roaming/Alphacoin 3. restart alphacoin-qt, and you should connect and sync. 4. For solo mining, launch cgminer or whatever mining program you like and begin mining. cgminer ex: cgminer.exe --scrypt -o localhost:9539 -u **yourusername** -p **password** (without **) up1 user has voted."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D86ad0832-d388-4d76-9b21-574c660355e7 ; doacc:image "alphacoin_alf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source <https://github.com/alphacoin/alphacoin> ; doacc:symbol "ALF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "210000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Alphacoin"@en .
VAT Reg: GB701276958
Contains semantic web technology, may also contain nuts.
NB: in development, structure and/or content may change without warning; uses RDFLib4.2.2-dev, Pyramid1.5dev & Python3.4.3+ sign in