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ns2:fiat true ; ns5:codeISO2 "KR"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Korbit"@en . ns2:D268e8118-c3ca-4863-bc40-730ccf850d92 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "Ice3x"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:South_Africa ; ns2:extant true ; ns5:codeISO2 "ZA"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Ice3x"@en . ns2:D26cd430b-83c8-4db8-a34d-98d5ed97280e a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "LEObit"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:British_Virgin_Islands ; ns2:extant true ; ns5:codeISO2 "VG"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "LEObit"@en . ns2:D282d3510-78fa-4ce2-b0e4-289c4905b250 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "btc2day"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:Czech_Republic_the ; ns2:extant false ; ns2:fiat true ; ns5:codeISO2 "CZ"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "btc2day"@en . ns2:D28d7d789-f136-4c60-b1af-8016f4adca0a a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "Anx Pro"@en ; ns2:api "listing"@en ; ns2:extant true ; ns2:fiat true ; skos:prefLabel "Anx Pro"@en . ns2:D2a94faea-0a2b-420f-ac75-a6f9b99c3b16 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; 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ns2:extant true ; ns2:fiat true ; ns5:codeISO2 "GB"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "In Bitcoin We Trust"@en . ns2:D37b23b9c-3bc7-4170-9487-08f13239d2da a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "1 Coin"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:China ; ns2:extant false ; ns2:fiat true ; ns5:codeISO2 "CN"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "1 Coin"@en . ns2:D388d483f-8033-4cd6-baca-1e97b689d296 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "bitebi9"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:China ; ns2:extant true ; ns5:codeISO2 "CN"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "bitebi9"@en . ns2:D39bed2d1-1626-49d2-bac3-ac8b193e4389 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "CoinExd"@en ; ns2:api "listing"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:China ; ns2:extant false ; ns5:codeISO2 "CN"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CoinExd"@en . ns2:D3b1be84e-fb1f-461d-8b39-f419bdd94789 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "Coin Fresh"@en ; ns2:api "listing"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:Canada ; ns2:extant false ; ns5:codeISO2 "CA"^^xsd:string ; 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skos:prefLabel "YBex"@en . ns2:Df4abbafd-b092-4fb3-8a3a-a7e87be5b063 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "BitShares Asset Exchange"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:United_States_of_America ; ns2:extant true ; ns5:codeISO2 "US"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BitShares Asset Exchange"@en . ns2:Df665e92d-d6a8-4b42-ad2b-ec773c8abc40 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "Quadriga CX"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:Canada ; ns2:extant true ; ns5:codeISO2 "CA"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Quadriga CX"@en . ns2:Df74a273b-7461-43ec-9e6f-18d3e7109e85 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "LakeBTC"@en ; ns2:api "listing"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:United_States_of_America ; ns2:extant true ; ns2:fiat true ; ns5:codeISO2 "US"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "LakeBTC"@en . ns2:Df8d48d21-176c-4201-ba39-299f46092d33 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "Bitstamp"@en ; ns2:api "listing"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:United_Kingdom_of_Great_Britain_and_Northern_Ireland__the ; ns2:extant true ; ns2:fiat true ; ns5:codeISO2 "GB"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitstamp"@en . ns2:Dfa420064-7c25-4177-9e34-23fc4bfcd2e5 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "AltQuick"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:United_States_of_America ; ns2:extant true ; ns2:fiat true ; ns5:codeISO2 "US"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "AltQuick"@en . ns2:Dfa572b95-6077-4bfe-a41e-3205533816c9 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "Ask Coin"@en ; ns2:extant true ; ns2:voting "free"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Ask Coin"@en . ns2:Dfe7a3535-f6c9-43a7-b3c3-8961f9c35b39 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "Bitcoins Norway"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:Norway ; ns2:extant true ; ns2:fiat true ; ns5:codeISO2 "NO"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitcoins Norway"@en . ns2:Dff55cae5-a4bb-4ec3-a460-f71bfa7e72c0 a ns2:CryptocurrencyExchange ; ns4:page ; dc:title "Cryptsy"@en ; ns2:api "listing"@en ; ns2:countryprofile ns5:United_States_of_America ; ns2:extant false ; ns5:codeISO2 "US"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Cryptsy"@en . ns1:C18d1b24d-46ff-4aae-9e14-5e7fd17cae37 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Df4161fc6-9e7e-47af-9934-cfb17cd2778e . ns1:C2266e809-0bf7-44e4-89da-418cc5ba3eb5 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 . ns1:C250f9fe9-5ec9-40af-a66f-83424e939e4d ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D6a656188-97c4-4036-bf0c-d9a4f1cedbc3 . ns1:C28c93ca3-fcb7-40d5-a74f-f0370eca330b ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D393a00bf-de6d-4b89-b4f8-f2992f9a5c36 . ns1:C2ac30218-458f-4fcb-8f3e-820f5dc28a6e ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D99e1c6f8-6944-4786-ae6f-1b32e61da00e . ns1:C4193bef0-d3d7-41f1-91db-68080819e61b ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D36b1d006-4ad9-4f56-9662-61a433a1d9cf . ns1:C543a1e6d-1115-40ea-9fa7-edf9aa9dd9cd ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Deeade0fb-8526-45cb-88e0-2c892d0bd9ea . ns1:C58f4c383-26d0-46bc-b555-73643c77882e ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D9ab8cd2f-a037-40dd-a37e-701cce530b76 . ns1:C58fcdae4-72f4-4896-b21b-79c72a423f68 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Dd66256d2-0c40-4878-a0a8-15afe5cafadf . ns1:C5b41d313-421f-41f9-b4a3-469db225ae59 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D8fee92dd-bd95-4c1e-8224-cc421fcc6671 . ns1:C5deba68e-3eea-4951-947e-210996c97b67 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Dc472d892-d1f0-4462-bff5-3a77c3f2d5db . ns1:C5e46916d-a0aa-4fe8-848b-60640035ce41 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Dc003a925-24a3-4828-b1e1-d8536f2912e7 . ns1:C63fc4ded-f1b5-4d80-a94d-9a618b31c133 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Da0770ce7-0c77-4295-b225-a54a277a7828 . ns1:C67229944-ab9a-42aa-84a0-3a835cfcbabb ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D89af0517-dcf2-4703-9c9e-8f0cb1feb8fb . ns1:C6a2e4cbc-716d-4ac3-81fb-1ff1702f7e26 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Dfd50a12b-940e-47f7-8815-9189a10af5f4 . ns1:C75fe329d-956d-4a49-9d85-70aa29a25e0a ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D02f66cd1-334b-46bf-99d8-8cb63327b5e8 . ns1:C812bd2fc-4e26-42fe-8c2d-459aad70a430 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D531fa7af-dfe3-44c2-8096-b01242435750 . ns1:C87f0c4ea-8352-4494-96ce-d00bdb8e0e53 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D82f13043-fdef-4d69-89bc-56f84c7f4578 . ns1:C89252e0f-e971-4a25-bd28-35ca69a317c1 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D8f5a9709-2b63-45c6-8261-9714030b7072 . ns1:C8a1507ee-fb63-45fc-9421-25d091847c6b ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Df92a5886-a6f0-4483-86be-891b9feded39 . ns1:C93289253-aeff-48ff-a443-033622c7b956 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D6d79f7cd-fbcd-4fcf-9496-ced02f726670 . ns1:C96403589-ccde-453c-b5d3-de53e8a82a49 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D4e3215fb-0dda-449f-ab2f-eb93cfa918b3 . ns1:C9aeefa4f-c5e8-4056-8b8c-99da124ad07a ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D0de7ec08-99ec-40dc-bcf2-a250e6c69c48 . ns1:Ca5384dab-c799-40b4-974d-f789b5f4f9b9 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Da0432a24-2a3e-4bd9-b691-6bf28cd0a1a9 . ns1:Caeab9d43-464b-464b-8aca-c9a56610b554 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Dd71a837a-7e35-4aa0-9195-da60edb78db5 . ns1:Cb5581c4d-b6c1-47ba-9eb7-7f338bb39ac9 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D16aa1598-d780-4261-94c3-ef572499f63f . ns1:Cb7703259-93fc-476f-b0f4-326cafd0a9bb ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Dda1a9170-1ee2-4325-8d30-ce49027824bd . ns1:Ccb20e5b3-b341-4451-8712-2924307d1b56 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Dadcaeb18-2d16-476f-9edb-2f232e7d4357 . ns1:Ccdb9d352-0734-47a7-bc23-f306d0df0fe5 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D86ad0832-d388-4d76-9b21-574c660355e7 . ns1:Ccea0ab7e-2467-4954-910e-390a264628da ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D8896b685-79c8-4a1f-a2dd-eee72eabb8e8 . ns1:Cd49feaee-fb96-4ad3-8e5c-2fe02bed41cf ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D76105716-0a12-437d-8818-effdfe9bfe9d . ns1:Ce8975a50-ee90-4e4c-85b6-48b88e98563c ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D18b06195-ed5c-4b46-abe7-c41fcdb02e07 . ns1:Ce9084974-95c2-4095-8868-d22833595aff ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D34316e5b-d78c-4b7b-bd26-5bdf0b26d0bd . ns1:Ce91ae513-1524-4350-afc6-9f1fe4ca949a ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:De9a82354-d377-41f0-9c54-3a772840ef9a . ns1:Ce9859368-6255-4198-862e-808ab469acee ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 . ns1:Ced7491b4-f8b7-4e56-9e2a-59ccbda030c7 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 . ns1:Cfa05bdee-0fdf-4ffd-b73f-78a6c1e20485 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:Dd5bd8eaf-b432-440b-9502-3707aa57ff93 . ns1:Cfffe9878-05af-4274-915a-51dffc3d4580 ns1:cryptocurrency doacc:D0e8ba678-cbed-4890-aa56-6e53b7098c71 . doacc:D0016a183-ba27-4f55-bb91-25a81e70754f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "EDGE: A I2P-Centric Gaming Crypto-Currency v.1.0"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "edgecoin_edge.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "25 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EDGE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Edge"@en . doacc:D001c782e-f6dc-4833-bc0a-2b5049432ab9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "block range coin rewards and 27 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "fixcoin_fix.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FIX"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Fixcoin"@en . doacc:D001fe60c-541f-4a30-9a62-fa2a3938bf4a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "[IEC] IvugeoEvolutionCoin [SCRYPT][POW] - Gold Backed, Scrypt Algorithm, Proof of Work, Block time 1 minute, 7.6 coins per block, 100 million total coins. Every single coin has certain value in gold.To avoid reducing the value of our COIN it must always be balanced gold standard. Now we have 60% of the coins covered in gold(we have our gold in Gold wire - it's used in Electronics) with worth 36 million euros. Gold standard will be always increased with how many coins will be mined. Since we are trying to diversify risk, next increasing of gold standart will be in Troy ounces"@en ; doacc:block-reward "7.6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ivugeoevolutioncoin_iec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "IEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "IvugeoEvolutionCoin"@en . doacc:D003e348b-3919-4fb2-a0b2-59358b6bdb98 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "[PSY] Psilocybin | SporeNet | No ICO/Premine | SHA256d | NINJA!, PoW Reward Structure:, Blocks 1 - 250 = 1500, Blocks 251 - 500 = 1000, Blocks 501 - 750 = 800, Blocks 751 - 1,000 = 600, Blocks 1001 - 1,250 = 400, Blocks 1251 - 1,500 = 400, Blocks 1501 - 1,750 = 600, Blocks 1751 - 2,000 = 800, Blocks 2001 - 2,250 = 1000, Blocks 2251 - 2,500 = 1500"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "psilocybincoin_psy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PSY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2141400"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Psilocybin"@en . doacc:D00659188-9b29-4f50-8e7f-454ebd031637 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Positron has a rapidly changing Proof of Work and Proof of Stake system, and it's first goal is to test an evolving POS system and observe it's effects on the blockchain and in the altcoin marketplace. Positron is built on the foundation of Bitcoin, PPCoin, Novacoin, and BitcoinDark, with a modified POS system., Short: TRON, Algorithm SHA256, 90 Seconds Per Block, 100 Blocks to Confirm, 20MB Blocksize, Proof of Work rejected after block 3400, Total approx potential coins from POW: 900,000, lower with mixed POS at block 2700. 3 days mining., Dynamic POS last approx one month. End Block 21,000, Total Approx Coins from first month of Dynamic POS: 614,000, Total Approx Total Coins 1.5m. After block 21,000 POS goes to approx 9% yearly."@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "positroncoin_tron.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TRON"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Positron"@en . doacc:D008d4c2d-3d0e-4390-98eb-8933fc0408cf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "DoA, relaunched by someone else and dead again."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-06-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "icecoin_ice.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ICE"@en ; skos:prefLabel "IceCoin"@en . doacc:D00add470-26f1-49a2-8ccd-f9a417dd624e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Stopped 5/15/2014. Sources removed."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "distrocoin_distro.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.7%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1000000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "DISTRO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Distrocoin"@en . doacc:D00cf175b-6429-4760-9e6c-745445fa57a2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "BlueChip Specifications:, X13 algorithm, 15 million coins mined during the PoW phase, 1% Premine, 7 Day PoW, 15 % PoS, Confirmations - 10, Maturity - 30, PoW BlueChip Block Reward Structure:, 2-100: 1 BlueChip, 101-3100: 2,000 BlueChips (6mil ~2 days), 3101-8100: 1,000 BlueChips (5mil ~3.5 days), 8101-10,100: 2,000 BlueChips (4mil ~1.5 days"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bluechip_bch.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BCH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bluechip"@en . doacc:D00d1d798-922c-4b1e-ba09-0c84c68a96a4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2016 blocks, 100 coins per block, and 100 million coins. Mario Bros Coin - MarioBrosCoin Abbreviation: MBC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/18/2014 Total Coins: 100 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 24 Hours Block Time: 120 Seconds Block Reward: 100 Coins Halved 840k coins Diff Adjustment: Premine:187 Blocks."@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "mybroscoin_mbc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "24 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'c')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MBC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Mybrocoin"@en . doacc:D00ebcbf6-93f1-471c-9915-bf2b01455b71 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Type: Proof of Stake (PoS), Block Time: 90 seconds, Stake Interest: 5%, Minimum Coin Age: 8 hours, Block Maturity: 50 blocks, 50 Billion pre-mined with safety in mind that if all 50 Billion were to be staked at 20% interest, it would be a 12 billion rise yearly. This has been stated to not be the case, but on the off-chance it were consistently staked it would run through safely for a bit under 3 years. If later on this coin were to achieve widespread adoption, an upgrade and refactoring of the system could take place with a hard fork to push it beyond these limitations."@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D52bb501a-d12a-44b9-b839-77f8cb850cc3 ; doacc:image "whycoin_why.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "WHY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Whycoin"@en . doacc:D00fbfdb5-15d5-42f0-934b-0ef7218cea00 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "firecoin_fec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FEC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Firecoin"@en . doacc:D01044b01-7149-4bee-badf-2480f5ac0062 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1 block, 5000 coins per block, and 200 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "orangecoin_oc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "OC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "OrangeCoin"@en . doacc:D010b4f7f-23b2-4630-bc42-d3df3c520fc0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1) About UAE United Arab Emirates - the land of great prospects. Bitcoin isn't banned here. Moreover, here are installed ATMs which give an opportunity to buy Bitcoins. Such possibility significantly promotes the development of cryptocurrency. The number of rich citizens and tourists in the country is great. National cryptocurrency can attract wealthy Arab Investors to the EmiratesCoin as well, as to the Bitcoin. It allows to strengthen and even increase the Bitcoin's rate. We are planing to distribute the coins to the population of the EmiratesCoin to catch Arab investor's attention. This operation will be carried out this summer. Our currency is created for direct exchange for Bitcoin. Trades will be able to exchange EmiratesCoin and vice versa right in our purse using exchange BTC/UAE, development of which we will begin in the near future. United Arab Emirates is a new state, which has a great stocks of natural resources, such as oil and natural gas. Every fifty-fifth country citizen, according to statistics, is a millionaire. Gross domestic product is about 384,196 billion dollars. So, citizens of this country are always ready to go on invests in perspective economic spheres, one of which is a cryptocurrency exchange. So Implementation of the national cryptocurrency could be a new breakthrough in the economic of UAE. 2) Specifications Total coins: 930,000,000 Premine: 651,000,000 IPO and Bounties: 23,250,000 For UAE population: 627,000,000 Avaible for mining: 279,000,000 PoW:X11 DGW 60 second block times Block Rewards 1-300,000 500UAE 300,001-600,000 300UAE 600,001-900,000 100UAE 900,001-1,000,000 90UAE 3) Airdrop AirDrop will be held in 6 stages. Each resident will receive 60 coins a half years. The first stage will be held the first of June and here will be given 15 coins. The following steps will be carried out everyfour months with reduction in the number of coins in each stage by 2. (1st stage—15 coins, 2nd—13..., 6th stage—5 coins). Coins can get any UAE citizens that have Emirates Identity Card. We have links with some private companies in the UAE that have an opportunity to conduct verification by the identification card number of UAE citizen. This will allow us to avoid fraud by unscrupulous participants of our event. Here are five simple steps to getting EmiratesCoin for UAE residents: 1) Name card's holder should proceed to the section of our website, called AirDrop. 2) On the next page, the user must enter his identification number (ID). 3) If the ID, after checking carried us, belongs to the citizen of region Arab Emirates, the user will be transferred to the next page. 4) On the new page, the user will be offered a choice: to authenticate through a personal page on Facebook, or via cell phone number. At the appropriate place will be sent a confirmation code that should be entered in a special field on our web site. 5) Upon successful passing of the last stage, the user should enter his EmiratesCoin purse number in the window that appears. If this wallet doesn't exist then the new unique number wallet is created for user. In the near future purses released for mobile devices. At this stage the process of receiving the coins to the user is ending. 4)IPO Your investment will serve as a support for EmiratesCoins. All the money will go to the improving equipment, ensuring stable operation of the servers, advertisement, creating an online store and exchange. All of this will consolidate UAE coin on the cryptocurrency exchange as one of the most perspective and reliable coins. Total coins for IPO: 23,000,000 Price: 0.0000025 UAE/BTC IPO Wallet: https://blockchain.info/address/1BzgQ3sRNABgSHcxairjEtXfLBwZQBKCQ4 How to invest? Click on the link: http://emiratescoin.org/#ipo Step 1: send BTC to 1BzgQ3sRNABgSHcxairjEtXfLBwZQBKCQ4 Step 2: Enter your bitcointalk name(if you have it) in \"Name\". Step 3: Enter your REAL e-mail in \"Email address\". Step 4: Paste your TXID in \"Transaction ID(TXID)\". Step 5: Click \"Send\". 5) Extra Info Wallet preview: http://i.imgur.com/b1im0uM.png Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJFpSN2OfUA Bounties: Spanish translation - 5,000 uae Chinise translation - 10,000 uae Russian translation - 10,000 uae German translation - 5,000 uae Italian translation - 5,000 uae Fisrt Exchange - 50,000 uae Second Exchange - 50,000 uae First Mining Pool - 35,000 uae Second Mining Pool - 35,000 uae Fisrt p2p Pool - 20,000 uae Second p2p Pool - 20,000 uae"@en ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "emiratescoin_uae.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "651000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "UAE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "930000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "EmiratesCoin"@en . doacc:D01103c27-6bbd-4a4a-8785-6e4c97ccacc0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "megcoin_meg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D7ee44a22-8d89-400e-a531-279d64a0549a ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MEG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Megcoin"@en . doacc:D01121463-402a-4ddc-b5b3-877d2a3ea34d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Posted on March 1, 2014, issue special coins E is the total four-year total 13.5 million, of which 7.2 million the first year, 2,000 a day, the second year of 3.6 million, 1,000 a day, the first 1.8 million years, 500 a day, in the fourth year 900 000, 250 a day. The average daily total allocation for 24 blocks, each one hour to produce a block and equal number of each block of the mine pool. All mining machine operator force a mining exploration focus, this block is decrypted when open, then the block is automatically assigned to all mineral pools involved in mining ore machines which, based on how much is allocated to each respective mining machine the ability to run integrated computing competence."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "eticoin_etc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ETC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "13500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Eticoin"@en . doacc:D011b0b57-9b75-4c85-8f78-95b51f1a8248 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications, Block time: 60 seconds, Difficulty retarget: every block, Nominal stake interest: 8% annually, Min transaction fee: 0.0001 JBS Fees are paid to miners, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 500, Min stake age: 8 hours, no max age, P2P port: 51717, RPC port: 51716, Blocks 1-120 will only yield 1 JBS. Allowing for a fair distribution to early miners., Ticker symbol: JBS (1 Jebus. 0.00000001 JBS = 1 Baby Jebus. Plural is Jebii), Proof of work, Algo: scrypt, Block reward:, 1-120: 1 JBS (Fair launch), 120-31000: 250 JBS, no halving, Max height: 31000 (after this network will not accept PoW), Max supply after PoW ends: ~7.75 million JBS"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "rebrand to jumbucks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "coinmarketscoin_jbs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "JBS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7750000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Coinmarketscoin"@en . doacc:D0129cdd7-42e5-4ad9-9e6b-db2b731b9411 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Sprouts - The Entry level Cryptocurrency., Hybrid - PoW/PoS, PoW Algo - SHA256D, PoS Reward - 5% 5Days, BlockReward - Depends on Difficulty, Blocktarget - 2.5 minutes"@en ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sproutcoin_sprt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SPRT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sprouts"@en . doacc:D01421a3a-d84d-40bc-8070-46aa6a5a73ab a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SJWcoin.com, you better check that privilege, 5K blocks every minute, 10 Hr Re-Target, Merge-Minable, Not Racist, Reddit tipbot (/u/sjwcointipbot), block-explorer , Hates misoginysts"@en ; doacc:block-reward "5000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "tacocoin clone"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sjwcoin_sjw.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SJW"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "SJWcoin"@en . doacc:D01436a42-4463-467a-a92e-1be01a14ed65 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ponycoin is built off of the Bitcoin 0.8 wallet."@en ; doacc:block-reward "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ponycoin_pony.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 hr"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PONY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "108000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Ponycoin"@en . doacc:D01457215-d4f6-47b0-ab46-7efd63c64d5f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "turbocoin_xtb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "XTB"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Turbocoin"@en . doacc:D014bfe5b-da82-4090-887d-2f5964f29f1d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "CANDLECOIN, CD, Algo : SHA256d , PoS 30 % Annual , Blocktime - ~60 seconds , RPCPORT : 38876, P2PPORT : 38877 , Min. Stake Age : 3 Hours , Max. Stake Age : 90 Days, 30 Million CD"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D69c60ef1-ed66-4562-bd83-9620f8c34e74 ; doacc:image "candlecoin_cd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Candlecoin"@en . doacc:D014c3ff4-99f8-4dd5-b985-800291cd86bc a doacc:Protocol ; dc:description "ClearingHouse"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:prefLabel "clearinghouse"@en . doacc:D0154a2a5-61c3-4fcc-aa9f-4766446c6d35 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11 | 100% PoS (After PoW), Total Coins [PoW]: 21,000,000, Block Times: 20 seconds, PoW Blocks: 12960 | 3 Days, Block Reward: 1620 coins, Blocks <101: 1 coin, Coin Maturity: 80 blocks, Annual Interest: 5%, Min Coin Age: 6 hours , Coin Age Maturity: Unlimited, Free Distribution: 2% | 420,000 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1620"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 20 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D411fe918-40af-40bb-95de-417643c5da19 ; doacc:image "honorcoin_xhc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "2% distributed"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XHC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Honorcoin"@en . doacc:D01681b23-9649-4ecf-8115-57c14be65817 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "axiocoin_axio.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "AXIO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Axiocoin"@en . doacc:D016b0a7e-b58e-424f-8851-18a7b95e2676 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Super secure hashing algorithm: 15 rounds of scientific hashing functions (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo, hamsi, fugue, shabal, whirlpool), Block reward is controlled by moore's law: 2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2), GPU/CPU only mining - no ASIC!!, Block generation: 2 minutes, Difficulty Retargets every block using Dark Gravity Wave, Est. ~7M Coins in 2015, ~13M in 2020, ~23M in 2030, Anonymous blockchain using DarkSend technology (Based on CoinJoin): Beta Testing, PREMINE 200k coins for IPO and network testing. This is less than one percent premine!"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "soundbit_snd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SND"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Soundbit"@en . doacc:D0189b4b7-36dc-48d4-8649-ac544a7699c8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications, Algorithm: X15, Total coins: 2,500,000, Proof of Stake Reward: 11, Block Time: 60 seconds, Coin Maturity: 100 blocks, Min Coin Age: 3 day , Min Tx Fee: 0.00000001 SHOE, Premine: yes, Block Rewards, 500 SHOE, PoW: 5000 Blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "shoecoin_shoe.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "yes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SHOE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Shoecoin"@en . doacc:D01a67fa4-b4d4-41bc-a5d5-48bb87622de3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "We are releasing XenonCoin as a Proof of Work only coin in the hopes of building a secure blockchain and giving something back to the miners who have invested big money in rigs only to see it all go to waste on PoS coins. Xenoncoin follows Myriad's implementation of Multi-PoW and we hope to work closely with not just the community but other Developers looking to make advancements with Multi-PoW coins. We do have further annoucements to make regarding ongoing development support and we will be looking to test some new features shortly after launch., Algorithim: Multi PoW. (Scrypt, SHA256D, Qubit, Skein or Myriad-Groestl), Total Coins: 100 Million, Starting Subsidy: 20 XeC Per Block, Minimum Subsidy: reward will never be lower than 1.25 XeC, Block Halving: Block rewards will halve every 2102400 blocks (around 2 years), Ticker: XeC, RPCPort: 16669, P2Port: 16668, Premine: 0.5%"@en ; doacc:block-reward "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "xenoncoin_xec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:premine "0.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2102400, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Xenoncoin"@en . doacc:D01cc66b6-8d98-493d-9f96-db8c116bc0e0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt"@en ; doacc:image "gsccoin_gsc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GSC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "GSCcoin"@en . doacc:D01deeb97-55b3-44ce-8552-92aa01e75758 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 65536 sec, 1024 coins per block, and 460 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Dfd50a12b-940e-47f7-8815-9189a10af5f4 ; doacc:image "dime_dime.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DIME"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Dimecoin"@en . doacc:D01f087b1-96a4-4570-969b-a9a6938c04e2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The total number of coins in Sapience is 1,123,580, based on the Fibonacci sequence., Proof-of-stake interest rate is 11% per year., Coins mature after 112 blocks."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sapiencecoin_xai.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "112"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XAI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1123581"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Sapience"@en . doacc:D02146629-c114-4fed-9e55-36a1423bf9fe a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "First coin with transaction comments Florin Coin - FlorinCoin Abbreviation: FLO Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 6/17/2013 Total Coins: 160 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 90 Blocks Block Time: 40 Seconds Block Reward: 100 FLO, halving every 800,000 blocks Diff Adjustment: Premine: None."@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 40 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-06-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "florincoin_flo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "90 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 800000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FLO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "160000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FlorinCoin"@en . doacc:D0215e056-0fdb-41a4-8dfd-e1aa05e3be72 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: Scrypt, Pre-Mine: 17 777 777 to cover investments, Total Coins: 77 777 777, Block Time: 77 secounds, Coin Maturity: 77 Blocks, Retargeting: 7 minutes"@en ; doacc:block-time 77 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "luckysevenscoin_l7s.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "77"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "22.85%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "7 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "L7S"@en ; doacc:total-coins "77777777"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "LuckySevens"@en . doacc:D022e3c36-418d-4b17-b8df-9b367a41af52 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "No premine, no ICO., Specs, Algo: Scrypt, Ticker: FUZZ, Block Target: 64 seconds, POW:, Block > 500 FUZZ, Halves every 50000 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "fuzzballcoin_fuzz.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FUZZ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Fuzzballs"@en . doacc:D02571c9f-dc93-44ba-ac5d-2e7af29d2ab9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Name: sunnysideupcoin , Coin Abbreviation: SSU , Coin Type: Pure PoW , Hashing Algorithm: Scrypt , Dificulty Retargeting Algorithm: Kimoto Gravity Well, Time Between Blocks (in seconds): 600 , Block Reward Type: Simple , Block Reward: 50,000 , The block reward will cut in half every 2.28 Months , Premine: Yes , Premine Amount: 10% , Total Coins: 1,000,000,000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sunnysideupcoin_ssu.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2.28, 'm')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "SSU"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Sunnysideupcoin"@en . doacc:D026e84b4-5f6a-48a3-905b-9a8ad9ebcebc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHA256, POW, TOTAL COINS: 1,500,000,000, Time per block: 2Min, Reward per block: 4,000, block halves every 200,000 blocks, premine: 1.9%"@en ; doacc:block-reward "4000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "netbitscoin_nbs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1.9%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 200000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NBS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Netbits"@en . doacc:D027fa164-aa4d-4eb8-9a8f-c78959a17a4b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "coffercoin_c0c0.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "C0C0"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://c0ffer.com/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "C0fferCoin"@en . doacc:D02a091b1-0bf6-4bfd-9fc3-555de0c97308 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "4027"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 256 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "eclipsecoin_ec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 337.5, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.eclipsecrypto.com"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Eclipse"@en . doacc:D02b39bd1-f191-4248-8aa5-565defe38a19 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "NAME: RubleBit, Short Name: RUBIT, algorythm: Scrypt, coin supply: 100000000, Developers safe: 4000000, coin mining available: 100000000, block generation time: 60 seconds, half reward: 1 000 000 blocks, block max size: 8 Mb, block reward: 40 RUBIT, start difficulty: 0.00024414, change difficulty: 10 blocks, coinbase maturity: 120 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "rublebitcoin_rubit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "4%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1000000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RUBIT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "RubleBit"@en . doacc:D02c2d5d4-0d0d-486e-8447-f697d31d0db2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Launch Date May 01 2014 11:59 PM EST Total Coins 100 000 000 CPTL Premine 0 Blocks Block Reward 1 000 CPTL Block Time 30 Seconds Transaction Time 120 Seconds Difficulty Retarget Every Block Algorithm Scrypt PoS Annual Interest 10% Minimum Stake Age 12 Hours Maximum Stage Age 2 000 Days"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "capitalcoin_cptl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CPTL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CapitalCoin"@en . doacc:D02eda605-35fb-458a-a422-3110623a2d3e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Welcome to the FUTURE of Electronic Benefit Transfer! EBT Coin! Do you think you missed out on the BTC train? Well think again! Now there is assistance for the crypto impaired, EBT is here for you less fortunate crypto holders so get on board! For most of its history, the Food Stamp Program used paper denominated stamps or coupons worth US$1 (brown), $5 (blue), and $10 (green). In the late 1990s, the food-stamp program was revamped, and stamps were phased out in favor of a specialized debit-card system known as Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) provided by private contractors. Many states merged the use of the EBT card for public-assistance welfare programs as well. The 2008 farm bill renamed the Food Stamp Program as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (as of October 2008), and replaced all references to “stamp” or “coupon” in federal law to “card” or “EBT.” What if in the future “card” is replaced with “coin”? Could cryptographic currency be the future of electronic benefit programs?, Coin Information: Scrypt, 250 million coins, 30 second block time, PoW Reward: 1,000 halving every 100k blocks - final subsidy of 1 coin after block 1,100,000, PoS Reward: Begins on day 30, mature at day 90, 1% (2.5m) pre-mine for giveaways/bounties (see below)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "electronicbenefittransfercoin_ebt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "90"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 100000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EBT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "250000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ElectronicBenefitTransfer"@en . doacc:D0329c0d5-9b79-4384-b6e7-868e0e3625bc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm - euphoria(modified scrypt-n) - gives great performance with nvidia cards too., Max Coins - 11 Billion, Initial Block Reward - 48000, Block Reward Halving - Every 80,000 Blocks, Block Time - 60 seconds., Difficulty Retarget - 2 Blocks, Premine - 5% for the IPO"@en ; doacc:block-reward "48000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "euphoriacoin_eup.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 80000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "EUP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "11000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Euphoriacoin"@en . doacc:D03426fb4-c62d-49e0-a23e-7d822949efad a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Instead of deploying complicated, CPU-friendly algorithms, we use use simple GPU and ASIC friendly algorithms. And as soon as an ASIC is on the verge of being made, we simply change the algorithm by automated hard forking, cause it's so easy to implement it for us regardless of how popular the coin is. Specs: 30 Seconds block Block reward 237 Difficulty retarget every block. Premined 0.25% (address will be posted soon). Blake Constant 237 coins per block 500 million coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "237"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "hardforkcoin_hfc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D61137b39-d1fa-4340-87e3-cc4e045dbf38 ; doacc:premine "0.25%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HFC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Hardforkcoin"@en . doacc:D0394a7f6-793e-4e3e-a252-0a3c2eb6854a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "sovereign_sov.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SOV"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6750000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Sovereign"@en . doacc:D03ecf060-9b1a-4ee2-a7c6-4b77d8a98cbf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "jixiangcoin_jxc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "JXC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Jixiangcoin"@en . doacc:D03fc1e97-3a09-46ca-9b26-1a3b82e508cd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: HEFTY1, Proof: POW, Total coins: 210 million, Block time: 60 seconds, Ripening time of latest block: 48h"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "mozzsharecoin_mls.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D2018f8a5-5ed8-40b2-a466-b7faddcb65b2 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "48 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MLS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "210000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Mozzshare"@en . doacc:D042d11c3-ae5a-4b9a-8533-4ba2c80f6b73 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 Algo, Progressive Difficulty Adjustment, TOTAL AMOUNT one hundred million, BLOCK REWARDS, 60 seconds block time , TOTAL one hundred million"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "brothercoin_brc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BRC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BrotherCoin"@en . doacc:D04308d78-cf5d-4514-81f1-6fa64e6c67b3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PROOF OF WORK:, Block Reward: 100 , Block 1: IPO/SHARE coins + 3 shares for bounties, Block 2 till 150:0 coins per block, (Block 1 - 100 will be mined for test), Block 151: 100 coins , Block 7000: 70 coins, Block 12000: 40 coins, Coins from PoW: 2.2/2.5 million approximately, Block Reward: 100 , Block Time: 60 sec, Diff retarget: Every block, PoW Distribution: 10 days, PROOF OF STAKE:, PoS interest: 20%, PoS block: 12000, Supply: 5 million, Minimum age: 24 hours, Max age: 30 days, Coin maturity: 50 block"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "aryacoin_arya.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ARYA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Aryacoin"@en . doacc:D0448b37e-a379-47cd-a49b-73cc7d31ddce a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algrithm SHA256, Retarget 90s, POS/POW, Min Stake age 1h, Max Stake age 30d, Maturity 10 confirmations, Specs:, blocks 1-100 : 0, Blocks 101-200: 50, blocks 200-400:45, blocks 400-600 :40, blocks 600-800 30, blocks 800-1000 20, blocks 1000-1200 :10, Supply 33k"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "covencoin_cov.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "30 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "COV"@en ; doacc:total-coins "33000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Coven"@en . doacc:D04542d0c-a3e0-4d23-b5de-4d3a05cec5a5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "CURA are issued at a fixed rate of 671 million units per day (671,000,000 miles per hour is the speed of light). CURA uses a proof of labour algorithm where people are rewarded for positive contribution to society. CURA uses Multichain Bitcoin privilege based technology for zero hour accountability."@en ; doacc:block-reward "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D69c60ef1-ed66-4562-bd83-9620f8c34e74 ; doacc:image "currencyoflightcoin_cura.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Dccfc27a7-6e39-4d35-8e7f-09a5a338ea32 ; doacc:symbol "CURA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "444444444444444"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CurrencyofLight"@en . doacc:D046f8e0d-56f3-4495-8158-abf7b3a66f2a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "868 coins per block and 15 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "cinnicoin_cinni.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CINNI"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Cinnicoin"@en . doacc:D04c2a02b-99b6-424b-b13c-bbd92b9a91fa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Virtual PoW, ~673 CS per block, ~1000000 CS monthly distributed , ~12000000 CS distributed in 1 year(total supply for PoW), POS is 7%, POS Maturity is 1 hour"@en ; doacc:block-reward "673"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "service layer"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D69c60ef1-ed66-4562-bd83-9620f8c34e74 ; doacc:image "cryptospotscoin_cs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 mins"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "60000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CryptoSpots"@en . doacc:D04d438e2-96eb-4f65-912a-0f275ef0d356 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:comment "satire"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bernankoin_bek.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D38ff1442-5d46-4c97-8950-3fbbdf705a0d ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BEK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bernankoin"@en . doacc:D053bddb1-bfd9-46a3-aa28-d9c9b0e0250e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "POW & POS, Algorithm: X11, Ticker: XIT, Total coin supply: 13 000 000, Block time: 60 seconds, Coinbase maturity: 120 blocks, Difficulty retargeting after every block , POW, Blocks 1-200 - reward 0 coins to guarantee a fair launch for all miners, Blocks 200-43400 - reward 100 coins - approximately 30 days of mining, Blocks 43400-86600 - reward 50 coins - approximately 30 days of mining, Total POW coins: 6 480 000 , POW phase will end at block 86600 and POS will begin., POS, Blocks 86600-129800 - reward 100 coins - approximately 30 days, Blocks 129800-655400 - reward 0.1 coins - approximately 1 year, Total POW and POS coins combined: 10 852 560, Premine: 2 147 440 = ~16,5 % of the coinbase., 0,5% of the coinbase will used for promotions and rewards., 1% of the coinbase will be distributed for free to the community. 0.2% of the coins will be given out every, month through our website. You will need to register to our forums to participate. Everyone will be identified, with the registration, e-mail address, ip-address and finally in our chat in the wallet. This way we will ensure a fair distribution., The registration for the giveaway will start on the first day of the month (june) and coins will be distributed on the last day of the month., This process will be repeated during the next 5 months., 15% of the coinbase will be sold publicly to investors starting now and ending next thursday 18.00 GMT."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D8dff3988-babb-4969-a897-df7f0199f080 ; doacc:image "itcoin_xit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "16.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "XIT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "13000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ITcoin"@en . doacc:D053d1e93-8c33-43cd-bd3b-e6cff608c376 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitoncoin_biton.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BITON"@en ; doacc:total-coins "184000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Biton"@en . doacc:D0554afe7-9152-4b54-af19-a54f23e60b05 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 - POW, 180 secs x block, 30 coin x block, Retarget every block with KGW, 12,000,000 Total Supply, Premine 2%"@en ; doacc:block-reward "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:comment "premature"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sapientacoin_sap.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "SAP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sapienta"@en . doacc:D0556b05b-f6a0-4f7f-abf9-2b2391cef4eb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "algorithm: scrypt (community voting), blockreward: 99 ROOT, total coins: 3 million coins, blocktime: 5 minutes, PoS reward: 3%, rpcport: 27377, p2pport:28388, qrcode support, POW-CUTOFF: block 3700, , +100 blocks were instamined at the offical pool., about 380 blocks were instamined through solominers AFTER launch, and before the official pool started hashing. thats a total of 38k ROOT. , The codebase of ROOT was fork from another scrypt-coin, and the GetNextTargetRequired(), the function which settles the difficully,, reset the first 450 blocks with the starting diff. leading the first 450 blocks, to be mined superfast. - as this was topic for some FUD/troll posts, i just, added it to the OP to make it public."@en ; doacc:block-reward "99"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "rootcoin_root.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ROOT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Rootcoin"@en . doacc:D05576ccc-6976-4d8e-bcaa-8dfb39cbd6f2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Tickername: LEIA, PoW Algorithm: SHA2-384, Mining TX Reward: 20 LEIA, The first 10000 mining tx as a fee of 2 LEIA, miner gets only 18 LEIA, Fees: 0.1% transaction fee, min 0.00001 LEIA, Total coins: 20,000,000 LEIA, Private message system, BuildIn CPU miner"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pleiadescoin_leia.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LEIA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pleiadescoin"@en . doacc:D0557dc43-2bd1-4089-93d5-a3ce579e6c2a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Currency name: Smartchips, Currency symbol: SC, Algo: sha256d, Total coins in PoW: 130000 SC, Total coins in DPOS: 280000 SC circa, Coins for Initial Boost Crowdfunding: 1 Million, Total coins after IBC + PoW + PoS: 1826000 SC (circa), Confirmations for block maturity: 100, Block time: 60 seconds, Confirmations for TX: 4 , RPC port: 25391 , P2P port: 29398 , Minimum stake age: 4 hours, From old XTP thread."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "rebrand of IsotopeCoin"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "smartchipscoin_sc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1826000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Smartchips"@en . doacc:D0565c828-dbf2-4bd7-9cad-8d2e224f0cbb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt POW. 88,888,888 Total Coins. 88 second block targets, Re-targets every 888 seconds. Re-target calculated using a 40 block sample and .25 damping"@en ; doacc:image "octocoin_888.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "888 seconds"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "888"@en ; doacc:total-coins "88888888"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "OctoCoin"@en . doacc:D05969905-d805-47d3-b989-66f3a401b9ec a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHA256 algo 1,024,000,000 coins to be issued Halves every 120400 blocks INITIAL 1024 block reward RPC Port 10241 Port 10240 Block Explorer is UP - Check Forum!"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "imperialcoin_imp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "IMP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1020000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ImperialCoin"@en . doacc:D05a7311c-b1df-4a65-b8ea-b4fa6e215ace a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:comment "social comment"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "wearesatoshicoin_was.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "30 seconds / 2 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('r')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "WAS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "40000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Wearesatoshi"@en . doacc:D05abca52-16be-4168-becd-6f8581cd7b05 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Name: EUPHORIA, Coin Ticker: EUPH, Total Coins: 10 Mil, Algo: X13 POW / POS, Premine: 2%, Block Time: 1 min, POS 4%, Block Rewards, 0-100 -- Premine and 1 reward. , 101-3001 -- 500 EUPH, 3001 -- 6000 -- 1000 EUPH, 6001 -- 9000 -- 250 EUPH, 9001 -- 12000 -- 125 EUPH, 12001 -- 1500 -- 500 EUPH, Coin Maturity -- 100 Blocks"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "euphoriacoin_euph.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "EUPH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Euphoriacoin"@en . doacc:D05bf67ee-ca5f-4da4-b263-f606df31fecc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "TICKER: OMG, ALGO: X11 (enjoy low gpu temperatures), PoW+PoS, PoS interest: 55% (YES, 55% annual interest!), PoS will start at block 9560, 50 blocks before end of PoW to ensure smooth transaction, Coin Maturity: 90 blocks with 2 hours Min Age, MAX SUPPLY: 2.150.000 , Pre-mine: 30k OMG ( 1,4 % Of total supply), 10k of pre-mine will be distribuited as bounties ( see bounties section), Wanna instamine? Not really, first 60 blocks got ZERO rewards!, First 26 block are already mined,first 10 for pre-mine plus another 26 with ZERO reward to check networ stability., Block structure will change every 1k blocks after block 60: 400-300-200-150-120-100-80-100-150-250, PoW will end in about 2 weeks."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ohmygodcoin_omg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "90"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1.4%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "OMG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2150000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "OhMyGod"@en . doacc:D05bffbc2-79d1-40e7-aa41-204b48f6e425 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "RedOakCoin, Standard Scrypt Algorithm, 2.5 Min., Transaction Time, 1.5 Day(s) Re-Target Time, 72 Million Max Subsidy, 129.53 *ROC Reward (Initial Inflationary Term)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "129.53"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "redoakcoin_roc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1.5 days"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ROC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "72000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "RedOakCoin"@en . doacc:D05e398e2-663e-4074-b3ed-9c28affee229 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "NERDC] NERDYCOIN, Currency Specifications, Algorithm: X11 PoW, Target Block Time: 3 minutes, Block Reward: 0.6 NERDC, Difficulty Retargeting Algorithm: Safe Gravity Well, Genesis Block Premine: 0 Uro, Standard Mined Block Maturity: 40 Confirmations, Recommended Transaction Confirmations: 6, Default RPC Port: 36348, Release date from current UROCOIN Block 175000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:comment "clone of URO"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D432a137f-7181-40fa-939b-f2c32bb46464 ; doacc:image "nerdycoin_nerdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "SafeGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NERDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Nerdycoin"@en . doacc:D05f0d3f4-ae3e-4df2-aa2e-a82c1f263016 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "NVC-like, with messages. Multiple failed relaunches until finaly ok. Neo Coin - NeoCoin Abbreviation: NEC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 7/26/2013 Total Coins: 80 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 1.67 Minutes Block Reward: 21 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine:. 1% NVCS, SA 30/90, Coins 3.8"@en ; doacc:block-reward "21"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 100 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "neocoin_nec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "80000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "新币"@cn, "Neocoin"@en . doacc:D061c4be7-17b5-47a1-ad92-225ec704fce6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1 hour, 60 coins per block, and infinity total coins. Mixed hashing clone."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Dfd50a12b-940e-47f7-8815-9189a10af5f4 ; doacc:image "secondscoin_sec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SEC"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Secondscoin"@en . doacc:D0629c0a6-563f-4df6-946e-9345ab429065 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "3.5 coins per block and 2 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "mlkcoin_mlk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MLK"@en ; skos:prefLabel "MLKCoin"@en . doacc:D06337c47-cfc8-4cf5-add8-2496863b6658 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "12 coins per block and 96 million total coins. Baby Coin - BabyCoin Abbreviation: BBC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/20/2013 Total Coins: 96 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: Block Reward: Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "baobeicoin_bbc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BBC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "96000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Baobeicoin"@en . doacc:D0635de5a-5380-4fe7-907e-2d9022718d10 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 21 blocks and 49 coins per block. Premined LTC clone with random superblocks and constant base reward."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "nuggets_nug.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "yes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "NUG"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Nuggets"@en . doacc:D063d150d-9c9e-42f2-988c-0afc3e815a2f a doacc:PoWscheme ; dc:description "Folklore combiner: five rounds of BLAKE 512."@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:prefLabel "pentablake"@en . doacc:D065495d2-6b95-472e-b63d-cf6f8a18d91c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "File hosting and cloud platform. 100% PoS via Escrowed ICO, Total Coins: 2 Millions CloudTokens, Min Stake Age: 8 hours, Max Stake age: 12 hours, Variable PoS Stake interest:, First Year 15%, After first year 5.5%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "cloudtokenscoin_cloud.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CLOUD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Cloudtokens"@en . doacc:D066ece91-ffe7-4cb3-b3d2-000b1e88228d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every block, POW / POS, 1 coins per block, and 6 million total coins. Specifications:, POS+POW, Each normal block has 1 Basecoin, 1 minute block time, Daily generation is 1440 coins, basecoin is really a rare coin., Difficulty retargets every block, mining payout will be stable all over the lifecycle of Basecoin, Expected total mined coins will be 6000000 Basecoins, 4 confirmations for transaction, 50 confirmations for minted blocks, Support transaction message, Diff start at 0.01, The default ports are 21206(Connect) and 21207(RPC)."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D99e1c6f8-6944-4786-ae6f-1b32e61da00e ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "basecoin_bac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BAC"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Basecoin"@en . doacc:D067301db-4e48-47e0-93de-91a346eacdad a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 100 ; doacc:image "perfectcoin_perc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "3 days"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "PERC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Perfectcoin"@en . doacc:D0683c97b-99cf-4ea1-877a-090e13e6e61f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Momentum + SHA512 Block Time: 6 minutes Port: 1968 Codebase: ProtoShares 0.8.6 (Bitcoin 0.8.5) Block reward: 280 MMC, 5% reduction every 1680 blocks Total Coins: 10 Million coins in the first 2 years, 2% inflation thereafter Difficulty Retargeting: Every block with the Kimoto “Gravity Well”"@en ; doacc:block-reward "variable"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "memorycoin_mmc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MMC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "记忆币"@cn, "MemoryCoin"@en . doacc:D069ccda8-730d-49d0-bdd1-e8bf8f414efc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Premined LTC clone Xen Coin - XenCoin Abbreviation: XNC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 6/19/2013 Total Coins: 2.1 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: 6 Blocks Re-Target Time: 9 Hours Block Time: 20 Seconds Block Reward: First 10,000 blocks reward is 2000. After 10,001 block - 200 coins per block, halves every 3 years (4,665,600 blocks) Diff Adjustment: 9 Hours Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "(200, (10000, 10000, 2000))"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 20 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-06-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "xencoin_xnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "9 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 3, 'y', 4665600, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "XenCoin"@en . doacc:D06ac71c1-e066-4081-9b22-44a1675a4a66 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Uses coins as address mechanism"@en ; doacc:comment "experimental"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "talkcoin_tac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D532a50ff-94d9-4af3-b294-bc23eb726c8a ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TAC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Talkcoin"@en . doacc:D06c70156-329d-449b-b300-18ca18fa038a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "6.77 coins per block and 8 million total coins. LTC clone. 0 starting diff. NEW! - Chest Version 0.9.0 Out now! SOURCE : https://github.com/geocoin/doubloons.git Windows Binaries: https://github.com/geocoin/doubloons-qt/archive/master.zip WEBSITE: http://doubloons.net BLOCK EXPLORER: http://altcha.in/doubloons BLOCK CRAWLER: http://doubloons.kicks-ass.net/block_crawler.php CHAT: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#fridaynightunix GAMBLING: Blackjack! http://cryptoblackjack.kicks-ass.net/index.php?coin_type=2 FAUCET: http://doubloons.kicks-ass.net/ https://andarazoroflove.org/faucet/doubloons/ POOLS: http://dbl.coinmine.pl/index.php."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "doubloon_dbl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DBL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "8000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Doubloon"@en . doacc:D06ccebf9-1a45-4314-a16a-668512dd0c96 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "LGBTQoin [LGBTQ], SPECIFICATIONS, Algorithm: X11, Coin Type: Pure PoW, Total Coins: 50,000,000, Block Time: 5 mins, Block Reward: 50, Difficulty Retargeting Algorithm: KGW, Block Halving Rate: 500,000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "lgbtqoincoin_lgbtq.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "25000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 500000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LGBTQ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "LGBTQoin"@en . doacc:D06d6043a-54d3-49f8-8f4d-406e18980939 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "creditcoin2_ctc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D7be57c39-9dd2-4ea8-a16d-38d5d6cf5779 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "800000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.creditcoin.net"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "CreditCoin"@en . doacc:D06d968e1-00e7-4f62-8377-3a710c3452a8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pepecoin_pepe.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "160"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "Digishield"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source "https://gitlab.com/pepecoin/pepecoin"^^xsd:anyURI ; doacc:symbol "PEPE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "16000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pepecoin"@en . doacc:D06eebf70-9b1b-44fd-b053-04002e1c5d77 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block time: 60 seconds, Min transaction fee: 0.0001, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 20, Max Coins: 15,000,000, Premine: 1000 GEN , P2P port: 9341, RPC port: 9342, addnodes (hardcoded):, node1.genstake.com, node2.genstake.com, Proof-Of-Work, Algo: Scrypt, Block Reward: 1 GEN, Halves Annually, Max Height: None, Proof-Of-Stake, Block Reward: 20 GEN, Halves Annually, Min age: 1 hour, Max age: 30 days"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "genstakecoin_gen.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GEN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Genstake"@en . doacc:D06f4484f-a8fb-4898-acff-8049e13694d0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2011-11-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bitchips_chp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2011-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CHP"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BitChips"@en . doacc:D071f4329-cf59-454d-b2fe-a8875d6c27bd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Experimental precursor to DevCoin Groupcoin is the precursor to devcoin, in which we tested some ideas to fall back on in case we could not do what we wanted devcoin to do."@en ; doacc:comment "experimental "^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "groupcoin_grp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GRP"@en ; skos:prefLabel "GroupCoin"@en . doacc:D072917af-74cb-480a-b669-f0f2ff080cc5 a doacc:PoSscheme ; dc:description "Engagement"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:prefLabel "endorsement"@en . doacc:D074e871e-3f05-4344-af3e-03407f3b53ad a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "DaffyBucks is scrypt with a coin total of 4,171,937, 1,900,000 of which will be sold through an ICO to fund the project, and 2.2 million which will be rewarded to miners through a long Proof of Work (PoW) mining period. The ICO funds will be used to fund development on the project, and then also allow non-miners a way to join the community. To further secure the network and reward the community for their support, all mined and purchased coins will can be staked at a 20% annual rate. , Name: DaffyBucks, Ticker: DFY, Coin Type: PoW/PoS Hybrid, Algorithm: Scrypt, Block time: 600 seconds, Block Reward: 1000 DFY, Halving Rate: 1100 blocks, Premine Amount: 1951937, Total Coins: 4151937, ICO Total: 1900000, Reserved for giveaways and bounties:51937, Yearly Interest %: 20.00, Minimum Stake Age (in days): 15, Maximum Stake Age (in days): 90"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "daffybuckscoin_dfy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1951937"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "(h,1100,b)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "DFY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4151937"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DaffyBucks"@en . doacc:D078a2bfb-d380-4e64-9620-9d6f5cee0065 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: X13, Total coin: 40 Million , Block time: 120 seconds, Confirmations on Transactions: 10, Maturity: 80, 1% Premine, 3% IPO, POW REWARD, Block 1: Premine + IPO, Block 2-100: 1 NOAH, Block 101 - 10000: 100 NOAH, Block 10001 - 20000: 150 NOAH, Block 20001 - 30000: 200 NOAH, Block 30001 - 40000: 150 NOAH, Block 40001 - 50000: 100 NOAH, Block 50001 -100000: 200 NOAH, POS : 10% after block 100 000 POS"@en ; doacc:block-reward "varying"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "noahcoin_noah.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "NOAH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "40000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NOAHcoin"@en . doacc:D07c69d44-a0f9-49ac-99f2-b7a6dacc83f8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Joincoin, Exchange symbol: (J), Total coins: 2,800,000, Coin distribution: 1,400,000 through mining/ 1,400,000 through Pre-sale, Proof of Work, Block Time: 45 seconds , Difficulty Adjustment using: Digishield , Anonymous Blockchain: Provided by ToR (already implemented)"@en ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "joincoin_j.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:premine "1400000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block Digishield"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "J"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2800000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Joincoin"@en . doacc:D07c7f7c0-fd83-488c-9d49-ec5cd470152d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "goldbar_gdb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GDB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "400000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "GoldBars"@en . doacc:D07f4d2f2-34a5-4ee2-9353-0be5d11b4205 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "creativefundcoin_bcf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BCF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CreativeFund"@en . doacc:D080f5123-bb5d-4e64-b66b-687de7002678 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Racecoin is a PoW/PoS-based cryptocurrency, Algorithm: X11, PoW/PoS, Symbol: RACE, Total from POW Mining: 9 679 800, From To Reward, 1 100 200, 101 300 500, 301 1,000 800, 1,001 2,000 2,000, 2,001 3,000 3,500, 3,001 4,000 2,000, 4,001 5,000 1,500, Time per Block: 30 s, Proof-of-Stake interest will begin being generated after block 500., Premine: 1%, Stake interest: 5% per year, Proof-of-Stake Minimum Age: 2 hours, Proof-of-Stake Maximum Age: No Limit, Difficulty readjusts every 2 min, Confirmations on Transactions: 10, CoinBase Maturity: 30"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "racecoin_race.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RACE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "9679800"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Racecoin"@en . doacc:D082fdc42-32a6-4691-af62-541887c80eec a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 4 hours, 400 coins per block, and 891 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "sambacoin_smb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SMB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "892000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sambacoin"@en . doacc:D086f6f77-44a8-4f48-a852-65501cf7be13 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: NewbieCoin, Symbol: NEWB, Launched time : 2014-06-01 06:45:46 (UTC), Newbiecoin (NEWB) is a protocol, coin, and client used to run decentralized applications such as creating and backing decentralized crowdfunding projects , betting on dice rolls and other games in a decentralized casino, etc. The protocol is built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Coins were created by burning Bitcoins during a creative “Twin Proof of Burn” period., Newbiecoin is modified from ChanceCoin's open source with new features such as TWIN-POB,POS,new bet rule and new decentralized applications such as decentralized crowdfunding ."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D086d712b-2b86-4dfa-8043-f7fbd09f0c1a ; doacc:image "newbiecoin_newb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:D7525b320-969b-40cf-99db-c77838a1c464 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NEWB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Newbiecoin"@en . doacc:D08748a58-d0b3-48d4-a603-053a465a1ed7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "This is clearly the best coin of 2015! Let's keep it running for the lulz. Max Coins: 500, Specs: Same as BTC"@en ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pyongyangcoin_xpg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "XPG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "PyongyangCoin"@en . doacc:D088fd0ad-c347-47ac-89e7-2c38e98b81b3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "hamstercoin_ham.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "HAM"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Hamstercoin"@en . doacc:D08929a72-53e4-4025-9e04-4032e723a063 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Diode has a simple, effective, easy and fast distribution that spans over 3000 Blocks. Hashing will be done with the X13 Algorithm, and PoS will start at block 2800., Algorithm: X13, Block Reward: 1500 DIO, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Max Diode: 4,500,000 DIO, PoW Phase: 3000 Blocks, PoS Starts: Block 2800, PoS Interest: 5%, Pre-mine: 1% (45k DIO)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "diodecoin_dio.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DIO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Diode"@en . doacc:D08fcd574-460d-4961-97d3-2b3fecaffede a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt Algo, Total Coins: 20000000, Block Times: 30 Seconds, Confirmations Mined Blocks: 30, Transaction Conformations: 5, BLOCK REWARDS, 0-80640 100 Coins, 80641-161280 50, 161281-241920 25 Coins, 241921-322560 10 Coins, 322561-403200 5 Coins, 403201-483840 2 Coins, 483841-564480 1 Coins, 564481-645120 0.5 Coins, 645121- 725760 0.2 Coins, 725761+ 0.1 Coin,"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "alibacoin_abc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "reducing"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "ABC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Alibacoin"@en . doacc:D090d3709-22b5-4266-9331-fc6e943b87de a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "wanzhongcoin_wzc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "93%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "WZC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "www.wanzhongcoin.com"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "WanZhongcoin"@en . doacc:D0921cd4b-ff56-47a0-9a4b-803c4286b8e5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "a re-target every 5,472, 50 coins per block, and 77 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "chicoin_chi.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CHI"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Chicoin"@en . doacc:D092e498c-0d2b-405f-8934-b88135c9ac4a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "POS interest: 3.33% per year, PoSmin 8 hours, PoSmax 30 Days. Abandoned and re-announced as Xcurrency."@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "x11coin_xc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "33300000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "X11coin"@en . doacc:D099b47e5-b400-48d9-96aa-8ecf1dc6a097 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "AnaLCoin - The Coin for Analysts !, Algo: SHA256, Abbreviation: ANAL , Max number of coins ( Including POS phase) : 600,000, Timing of block (in seconds) : 40, Difficulty Retarget every block, Coins per Block (during pow phase) :6, Total POW: 300,000 coins, Block number when POW ends : 50000, POS interest per year : 2,25%, Min stake age : 24 hours, Max stake age : 30 days, In-Wallet Trading !"@en ; doacc:block-reward "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 40 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "analcoin_anal.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "ANAL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "600000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "AnaLCoin"@en . doacc:D09a83e8b-32a5-40f3-8aee-b29c74371b54 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Bitleu is intended to be ASIC and multipool resistant using a unique combination of hashing and mixing functions, Scrypt Jane. Low block rewards that slowly increase over the first year and an increasing of the N-factory will provide a more attractive mining environment for a wider variety of participants and discourage the larger farm operations to over mine and flood the exchanges with Bitleu. There will be 5,000,000,000 Bitleu created (5 billion). with 50% premined. The 50% of premined coins will be distributed as follows: 0.1% of total coins to the coin founder to offset expenses incurred and to pay for continued expenses including paymens for advertising, coding/application developement, consultations with lawyers and other related expenses. 4.9% of total coins to the Bitleu Foundation to cover operating expenses and used for investments and promoting the Bitleu ideals. A full transparency policy will ensure fair play and promote community participation. 45% of total coins will be distributed to Romanians as free grants to encourage their participation in the Bitleu community. Any of the remaining Bitleu will be surrendered to the Bitleu Foundation and used for operating expenses, investments and developing the Bitleu network. 5,000,000,000 Billion total coins 2.5 Billion coins Premined 2.5 Billion coins for mining in 16 years Block Time: 60 Seconds Confirmations Mined Blocks: 30 Transaction Confirmations: 5 Port: 22641 RPCPort: 22640 Block 2 - 100,000 = 125 coins Block 100,001 - 200,000 = 250 coins Block 200,001 - 300,000 = 500 coins Block 300,001 - 500,000 = 1000 coins Block 500,001 - 1 000,000 = 2000 coins Block 1,000,001 - 1,500,000 = 1000 coins Block 1,500,001 - 2,000,000 = 500 coins Block 2,000,001 - 2,500,000 = 250 coins Block 2,500,001 - 3,000,000 = 125 coins Block 3,000,001 - 8,500,000 = 50 coins"@en ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "bitleu_btl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:premine "30 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BTL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bitleu"@en . doacc:D09bd9823-65cb-4a09-b1f2-4aa3de25b1d3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt [POW/POS], Total initial supply: 33 Million, POS=25% Annually, Block time: 30 seconds, 10 Coins per block | **(100 Coins per Block for first 24 HRS for early adopter)**, Block Maturity: 60 blocks, Pre-mine= 1 Million with 300k going to Cryptex Exchange for having it listed at launch., POS INFORMATION, Network-Stake- 25% year, Min Coin Age: 1 day (24h)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitcoinfastcoin_bcf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BCF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "33000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BitCoinFast"@en . doacc:D09ce4820-2bd1-4629-80b9-0d82f2e46b65 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Type: Litecoin Scrypt, Halving: 350000 Blocks, Initial Coins Per Block: 30 Coins, Target Spacing: 3 Minutes, Target Timespan: 33 Hours, Coinbase Maturity: 3 Blocks, Pre-Mine: 3% = 649485 Coins, Max Coinbase: 21000000 + 649485 = 21649485 Coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "instaminenuggetscoin_mine.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "33 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 350000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MINE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21649485"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "InstaMineNuggets"@en . doacc:D09d1c4d9-ed31-4c4d-8bc5-5b2793c4ff1c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Prototanium (PR) Algorithm SHA-256. Prototanium is a main-net storage vault that is 100% compatible with the Un testnet chain. It is based entirely on the 0.10.x branch of Unobtanium but supports synching and using the testnet chain of Un instead of its own blockchain!"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-00"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "prototaniumcoin_pr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "250000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Prototanium"@en . doacc:D09e66113-0f97-4d15-ba7d-457515736c91 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "LAUNCHED 7/18/2014 12:00 UTC, CryptoNote-based digital currency, Infinium-8 (INF8) is a new privacy-centric coin using the CryptoNote protocol. , The open source reference implementation of CryptoNote was coded from scratch based on the CryptoNote reference implementation, and is not a fork of Bitcoin. , Infinium-8 aims to be a fungible and untraceable digital medium of exchange. It intrinsically has a higher degree of anonymity than Bitcoin or any of its various forks. , Features, Untraceable payments, Unlinkable transactions, Blockchain analysis resistance, Adaptive parameters, Details in the CryptoNote white paper, Specifications, PoW algorithm: CryptoNight [1], Max supply: Infinite, Block reward: increasing with difficulty growth [2], Block time: 90 seconds, Difficulty: Retargets at every block, [1] CPU + GPU mining (about 1:1 performance for now). Memory-bound by design using AES encryption and several SHA-3 candidates. , [2] Deflation is a very serious problem for all cryptocoins because it prevents them from being used as payment mean. For most coins block reward decreases in time and this increases deflation rate. For PPC- derived coins (PrimeCoin etc) the problem is even worse as soon as they offer difficulty-based block reward formula that makes block reward inversly proportional to difficulty (i.e. difficulty goes up and block reward goes down). Both practices are counterproductive. , Infinium-8 s the cryptocoin with blockreward increasing together with difficulty. , Block reward formula is a fixed point implementation of log2(difficulty). This means that block reward increases much slower than difficulty: for 1 coin to be added to block reward a difficulty must be increased twice. This rate looks to be reasonable, Block_reward = log2(difficulty) * 2^40(difficulty), Downloads , Win64:http://sourceforge.net/projects/infinium8/files/infinium-win64-2014-07-18_15-55-13.zip/download , Linux: http://sourceforge.net/projects/infinium8/files/infinium-linux-2014-07-18_15-52-38.tgz/download , MacOS: http://sourceforge.net/projects/infinium8/files/infinium-mac.zip/download , Source: https://github.com/converging/infinium , How to start mining, 1. Download or compile binaries, 2. Start infiniumd, 3. Wait until network is synchronized. You will be notified with “SYNCHRONIZED OK” message, 4. Run simplewallet, 5. Create a new wallet or open the existing one, 6. Type start_mining %number_of_threads%. , Example: start_mining 3, 6.* You can start mining from the daemon with start_mining %wallet_address% %number_of_threads% command. , Example: start_mining inf8U2kpouwiAr2cMLHsTqVijc 6, Pools , Xmining Mining Pool http://infinium.xminingpool.com , - Only 1% commission;, - Most stable and powerful servers;, - Fast and responsive support;, - Based on the updated node-cryptonote-pool, Extreme Pool http://inf8.extremepool.org, - Fast Payouts directly to your private wallet., - Address Validation, - Variable Difficulty based on your individual CPU performance, - Verified Secure, - Servers hosted in our own Data Center, not hosted by an online 3rd party provider, Hashhot Pool http://inf.hashhot.com"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "infinium8_inf8.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "INF8"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Infinium-8coin"@en . doacc:D09fe733c-bb49-4854-a6d2-0c9cf77fa545 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "ethereum_eth.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D195a7796-6815-48ac-b8f1-9d7e55a3ff5e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ETH"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Ethereum"@en . doacc:D0a05248d-6c79-4dd1-b2a3-d5cd32ef81ee a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "junnoncoin_jnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source "http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDj6OEl"^^xsd:anyURI ; doacc:symbol "JNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "800000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.jinnongbi.tk/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "JunnonCoin"@en . doacc:D0a084f2e-7570-4f0e-b9a8-1a6111cfe390 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "POW/POS Bitcoin12.5 (BTC12), Algo: QUARK, Reward: 12.5 Coins, Confirmations: 12 , maturity: 200, Diff algo: Digishield Retarget: Every block, Max amount: 12.500.000 BTC12.5, Premine for ICO 1250000 , Price Buy 0.000019 BTC 23,75 BTC, Unsold coin will be destroyed, Block time: 125 seconds, Last block PoW 15000, transaction fee: 0.0001, PoS Min. 7 Hour , Pos Max. Unlimited, Min stake confirmations: 450"@en ; doacc:block-reward "12.5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 125 ; doacc:confirmations "12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "bitcoin125coin_btc12.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:premine "1250000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BTC12"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitcoin12.5"@en . doacc:D0a0c991d-2f56-45ff-a9c1-ae00aa244a33 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Dd5bd8eaf-b432-440b-9502-3707aa57ff93 ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "nyancoin_nyan.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NYAN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "337000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NyanCoin"@en . doacc:D0a129770-d931-4d8d-8568-272d4ed854f2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11 POW+POS, Coin name:bitcoin Th/s(THcoin), Short name: TH, Total coin: 10,000,000, POW REWARD, 500 - 4000, 2000 - 2000, 5000 - 1000, 10000 - 500, POW LAST BLOCK: 10000, Block time: 30 seconds, POS Min age: 10 minute, POS Max age: unlimited, Confirmations: 10, Maturity: 30, Stake interest 10%, PORT 12233, RPC 22233, NO IPO, NO PREMINE"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "thcoin_th.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "THcoin"@en . doacc:D0a18adba-4692-4138-8dc7-62c6656ef447 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "friendshipcoin_fsc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FSC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "37400000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Friendshipcoin"@en . doacc:D0a2d5c0c-74e8-4ee9-9f21-781c081361b9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: Fresh, Block Time: 120 seconds, Block diff retarget: every block, Block reward: , 1st block premine of 14100 coins, block 2 - 100 : 0 UP for fair launch, blocks 101 - 7200 : 500 UP, blocks 7200 - 14000 : 250 UP, blocks 1400 - 28000: 125 UP, Total PoW coins 7'050'000 UP + premine, Stake interest: 15%, Min Stake Age: 4 hours, Max stake age 12 hours."@en ; doacc:block-reward "(0.1, 4.1)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "upcoin_up.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "300000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "UpCoin"@en . doacc:D0a33e089-7f2a-4f3a-aae8-0fb0b9531d23 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total Coins - 867530900 1 Minute Blocks Difficulty will change every block Algo - Scrypt Block Reward 867.5309 Blocks 1-10 1% Premine total of 8,675,309JNY Blocks 11-60 0 coins mined before launch to mature premine Blocks 61-100 10 coin block reward Blocks 101-500 50 coin block reward Blocks 501-1000 100 coin block reward Block 1001 867.5309 coin block reward"@en ; doacc:block-reward "867.5309"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "jennycoin_jny.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "yes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "JNY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "868000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "JennyCoin"@en . doacc:D0a4f3a62-f2b9-4786-aba7-6cea67cb67bc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target each block, POW / POS, and less then 1 coins per block. NVC scarce clone. 0 starting diff Novacoin-based. 3% NVCS (0.2%), SA 30/90, Coins 0.023"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitgem_btg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BTG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitgem"@en . doacc:D0a892b5f-ec39-4f9f-8846-d13a78c93286 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "QTM2, Specifications, Pure Proof-of-Stake (PoS), Max coins: 10 million QTM, Transaction fee: 0 QTM, Min stake age: 30 minutes, no maximum age, Stake interest: 0%, Confirmations: 10"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D432a137f-7181-40fa-939b-f2c32bb46464 ; doacc:image "quantum2_qtm2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "QTM2"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Quantum2"@en . doacc:D0a92c96c-a33d-4a4d-b589-f2049e0d61aa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:comment "CN-focused"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "worldtopcoin_wtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "WTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "WorldTopCoin"@en . doacc:D0ab8b5dd-f289-47e7-95db-9392dc872cbe a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 300 blocks, 144 coins per block, and 76 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "jerkycoin_jky.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "JKY"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Jerkycoin"@en . doacc:D0ac012a7-33ca-429b-af4b-59e36c670c86 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: x15, Block time: 60 seconds, Difficulty retargets each block, Block Reward: , Block 1-2800 = 10,000, 2800-5600 = 5,000, 5600-8400 = 2,500, 8400-10,200 = 1,250, PoS interest: 7%, minimum age 8 hours, max unlimited, One coin is divisible down to 8 decimal places, First 20 million coins are for ICO, first 2000 blocks, Total POW coins: 32,000,000 coins, 32.0 million, Total coins ICO and PoW: 53.0 million"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "thinkandgrowrichcoin_tagr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "20000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TAGR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "53000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Thinkandgrowrich"@en . doacc:D0ac1acd3-e877-4cff-bc19-53926ba0a553 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Pure PoS Coin. PoS Minimum Coin Age 1 day. Variable interest, stake (annualized rate) years: 1 - 30%, 2 - 20%, 3 - 10%, 4 - 5%, 5 - 2%, 6+- 1% annual stake"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "chakracoin_ckc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CKC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Chakracoin"@en . doacc:D0b20a29c-b972-4f15-aa91-ad50ed6fa9de a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2016 blocks, 25,000 coins per block, and 21 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "amerocoin_amx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "AMX"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Amerocoin"@en . doacc:D0b2e8919-e10d-423f-a81a-755dc64bbf25 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "leaguecoin_lol.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LOL"@en ; skos:prefLabel "LeagueCoin"@en . doacc:D0b2ec702-78c1-493a-a94d-849abb148f76 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "XFC: ForeverCoin was inspired by Blackcoin. and it shares much of the source code and technical implementation of Blackcoin. The ForeverCoin source code is distributed under the MIT/X11 software license., Amount: ForeverCoin has 105 million coins for initial distribution and a hard limit on the number of possible coins of 210 million., Award: ForeverCoin has an annual inflation rate of 28% initially and the inflation rate is designed to decrease by 37% annually and eventually attains an annual inflation rate of 0% when the number of coins reaches the maximum., Energy Efficiency: The proof-of-stake method of generating coins requires very minimal energy consumption; it only requires the energy to run the client software on a computer, as opposed to running resource-intensive cryptographic hashing functions., Transactions: A peer-to-peer network handles ForeverCoin's transactions, balances and issuance through SHA-256, the proof-of-stake scheme (ForeverCoins are issued when users stake their balances. This process is called “staking” or “minting”.) ForeverCoins are currently traded for fiat currencies, bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies mostly on online exchanges."@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "forevercoin_xfc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XFC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "210000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ForeverCoin"@en . doacc:D0b34d10e-4487-4472-a90e-55cdc7676c67 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "digieuroscryptcoin_deur.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "Digishield"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "DEUR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DigiEuro SCRYPT"@en . doacc:D0b484d6d-5d4c-434e-abef-4e660b6c465b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Total Money Supply: 10,000,000 Million LION, Block Time: 60 seconds, Block Reward: 15 LION ( 2-200 1 LION reward), Difficulty Retarget: DigiShield, Coin Maturity: 200 blocks, Confirms: 3, NO PRIMINE & NO IPO"@en ; doacc:block-reward "15"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "lioncoin_lion.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGS"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "LION"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "LionCoin"@en . doacc:D0b48c064-bc0a-4e6d-a04e-1225892f6b0f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "softwarecoin_soft.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SOFT"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Softwarecoin"@en . doacc:D0b4c87ae-0702-41ae-8b51-f2a35146fe5d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Type: PoS with PoW for initial network stabilization., Premine: 2014 Maieuticoin for coin swap., PoS Reward: 50% per year. 24 hours min stake, 30 days max., PoW Reward: 0, PoW no longer accepted past block 25,000."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "gorillateethcoin_teeth.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TEETH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Gorillateeth"@en . doacc:D0b674e5f-98d6-4dfa-8d07-dc5ab2fadf04 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:comment "sidechained"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "truthcoin_csh.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CSH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Truthcoin"@en . doacc:D0b6f63fc-9a0a-48fa-9402-0272447d9e0f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "simicoin_simi.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SIMI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Simicoin"@en . doacc:D0b71a6b1-7271-4e50-a557-24af2843a0a8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 100 blocks, 100 coins per block, and no maximum total coins."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "cnote_cnote.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CNOTE"@en ; skos:prefLabel "C-Note"@en . doacc:D0b725758-bae0-44b4-8e81-c2dc3d840674 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "chichicoin_uuc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "UUC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "83000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ChiChi Coin"@en . doacc:D0b7e79a4-6853-49a6-99d0-ecaefcae5dea a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "flexiblecoin_flex.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FLEX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Flexiblecoin"@en . doacc:D0b8faa64-72af-415d-a8f7-e77b35d46299 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 64 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "labocoin_lbc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 400000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source "http://labocoin.zapto.org/labocoin-source.tar.gz"^^xsd:anyURI ; doacc:symbol "LBC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4242424242"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://labocoin.zapto.org"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Labocoin"@en . doacc:D0b97b01e-17c1-406b-bb2c-8a56971373fa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "blackdragoncoin_bdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BDC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Blackdragoncoin"@en . doacc:D0bb2f2a2-d12c-4c35-9714-da851d0a1701 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "increasing"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "orlycoin_orly.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source "http://www.orlycoin.com/clients/win-qt/orlycoin-src.zip"^^xsd:anyURI ; doacc:symbol "ORLY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "74000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.orlycoin.com/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Orlycoin"@en . doacc:D0bba37a7-093e-4d9a-a60c-918a9e5036cc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Experiment on BTC algorithm, how fast can it go? just for science."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2011-09-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "geistgeld_gg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2011-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GG"@en ; skos:prefLabel "GeistGeld"@en . doacc:D0bf5ae76-8cb4-49a4-b6c8-475951714a54 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHA256D, 11000000000 GLC Total, 100 GLC/Block, Halving after 100000 Blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "glaricoin_glc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 100000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GLC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "11000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Glaricoin"@en . doacc:D0c43eb4b-5f3a-42df-a88f-2330ea6ca5b6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Auction currency, the English name PaiMaiBi, referred to PMB, Xi'an shares another company to build a network heavyweight virtual currency, coins and its users, C shares trading network go hand in hand. PMB total of 580 million, the official pre-dug 80 million for the subscription, the total output of the first year of mining in which the first month 11,040,000 2,760,000 1,380,000 rest of the second month after the 690,000 per month until 59 years later, exhausted . PMB using the now popular POS + POW mechanism, PMB generated every 30 seconds a confirmation block, mining 30 confirmed mature, trading three confirmed mature. 101-1000 blocks of ore pool test blocks, each containing two coins. 1001 After each containing 32 PMB, every 30 days production decreased 50%, each production was lower than 8 PMB, automatic correction for 8PMB, until all exhausted after 59 years"@en ; doacc:block-reward "32"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "paimaibicoin_pmb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "80000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('r', 0.5, '30d')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "PMB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "580000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "PaiMaiBi"@en . doacc:D0c55a7af-e689-481c-9244-19906923a186 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "All (HASH) tokens have already been produced in the genesis block and are secured using multiple rounds of 13 different hashes, making (HASH) one of the securest and most sophisticated crypto-currency equivalents available today. Cleverhash “CHASH” the X13 PoW/PoS Cryptocurrency., Algorithm: X13 POW/POS, Ticker: CHASH, Current Version “”, Max Coins: 123,995 CHASH, RPC Port: 28195, 30 Blocks to mature, Block Reward Schedule:, Block 1 is 123,995 CHASH, Block 2-500,000 are 0 CHASH"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "cleverhashcoin_chash.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D746c06c8-0f0b-4bae-89cf-4e81735da776 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CHASH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "123995"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CleverHash"@en . doacc:D0c65a856-a60b-405b-8b1d-bee518677de4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: TrickyCoin, Ticker: TRICK, Pow / Pos, x11, BlockTime: 60 Seconds, Retarget: Every Block, ICO: None, Pre-mine: 0%, Confirmations on Transactions: 10, CoinBase Maturity: 30"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "trickycoin_trick.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TRICK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "TrickyCoin"@en . doacc:D0ca23957-2c08-4e14-9c50-d9109fe8156e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Type: POW/POS, Algo: Sha256d, Pow Rewards:, Block 1 = 1000, Block 2 Onwards = 0.0001 Per Block, PosMin Stake = 1.5 hours, Max Stake = 7 Days, Pos Rewards:Block 1 - 10,000 = 1500%, Block 10k - 20k = 150%, block 20k onwards = 15%, every 50k blocks there will be a 50coin reward until block 1mil , Annual POS = 15%, Confirmations: 7"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.0001"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ledgercoin_ldr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LDR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Ledgercoin"@en . doacc:D0caa469e-ca69-4086-8006-03ddbe0bf5b2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt/SHA256D/Qubit/Skein/Groestl Algos"@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "givebackcoin_giv.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GIV"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Givebackcoin"@en . doacc:D0ce1afae-5d38-4768-9361-531dbda78705 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Forked from Namecoin the Bitcoin protocol is augmented with 611 operations, to reserve, register and update names. In addition to DNS like entries, arbitrary name/value pairs are allowed and multiple namespaces will be available. This will include a personal handle namespace mapping handles to public keys and personal address data., algo sha256, 0.611 coins per block; but with constant reduction: on average half the coin value every 2^18 blocks., re-target every 48 blocks, merged mined with Bitcoin, proof-of-work"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.611"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "611coin_sil.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "48 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 262144)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SIL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "611000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "611coin"@en . doacc:D0ce4da5c-076f-4b74-92ce-c2d6b751de1f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block Time: 30 Seconds Difficulty Retarget Time: 1 hour Premine: under 5% for Miley Cyrus Rewards Block 1 – 200,000 : 1-50,000 GIRL Reward Block 200,001 – 300,000 : 1-40,000 GIRL Reward Block 300,001 – 400,000 : 1-20,000 GIRL Reward Block 400,001 – 500,000 : 1-10,000 GIRL Reward Block 500,001 – 500,000 : 1-5,000 GIRL Reward Block 600,001 – 700,000 : 1-2,500 GIRL Reward Block 700,001 – 800,000 : 1-1,250 GIRL Reward Block 800,001+ : 500 GIRL Reward"@en ; doacc:image "girlcoin_girl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "<5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GIRL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GirlCoin"@en . doacc:D0d0d65f4-d2d8-44d2-83ea-f0cfdd376d69 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "eccoin_ecc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ECC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ECCoin"@en . doacc:D0d388d72-79dd-477f-840d-a3671a9e8c3b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: SHA256, Ticker: JOSH, Diff Retarget: Every Block, POW/POS 10k Blocks POW, then POS, Max number of Coins : 64,000,000, 30 Second Blocks, Coins per Block :400, Block number when PoW ends : 160,000, PoS Reward per year : 15%, Max stake age : No max, Min stake age : 24 hrs, 150 confirmations required for mined blocks, 16 confirmations required for transactions, No premine"@en ; doacc:block-reward "400"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "satire"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "16"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "praycoin_josh.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "150"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "JOSH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "64000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Praycoin"@en . doacc:D0d3ce48c-a8c9-4f08-9d6c-2abc9ef85da4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Mining will start July 1st 2015 at Noon 12:00 UTC, No premine, Based on Bitcoin 0.9.3 SHA256 source, Block target: 2 minutes, Difficulty retargets every 400 blocks, Block reward: 50 EUC, halving every 200,000 blocks, Total coin supply: 20,000,000 EUC, Coinbase maturity: 20 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "eurocoin_euc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "400 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 200000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EUC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Eurocoin"@en . doacc:D0d4d99fd-d96b-46d7-84e1-589c2df6892a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "42"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:confirmations "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitbronzecoin_bronz.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "14"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "18 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "3 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 53600, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BRONZ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4502400"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BitBronze"@en . doacc:D0d691ecf-603c-4c86-bb4b-ac46745b8b04 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "scrasic_scr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D9a083580-c5ee-46ba-b557-efcc098e99c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SCR"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Scrasic"@en . doacc:D0d7058db-27fe-464f-aca4-ffe30970cab6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "P7COIN P7C Algorithm: Scrypt, POW, Kimoto Gravity Well, Reward: 270 P7C, Block Time: 30 sec, Havling every : 500000 blocks, Total coins: 270000000 P7C, No pre/ipo/ico!"@en ; doacc:block-reward "270"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "p7coin_p7c.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 500000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "P7C"@en ; doacc:total-coins "270000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "P7Coin"@en . doacc:D0d7d6374-482d-4284-86b6-51fb98a1a0b2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "zgcoin_zgc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ZGC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "38000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ZGCoin"@en . doacc:D0d9177f6-7a83-438e-a215-dafc34cb3f5d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Startup Money Supply: ~ 1.6 Million CAIx, Stake Interest: 5% Annually, Confirmations: 10, Maturity: 500, Minimum Stake Age: 8 hours, Ports: RPC=1510 P2P=1511"@en ; doacc:block-time 15 ; doacc:comment "relaunch"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "caixcoin_caix.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CAIX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50400000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CAIx"@en . doacc:D0d94412d-27fd-4326-957e-a192e34254c0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Symbol: DBK, Algorithm: CryptoNight, Block time: 384 seconds. Difficulty retargets each block. Total coins 1. 04 Million"@en ; doacc:block-time 384 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "diamondbackcoin_dbk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DBK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1040000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DiamondBack"@en . doacc:D0dad144f-9fce-408e-ad49-45395dbe8a6d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Ticker: FCS, Block time: 60 sec, PoS Interest: 10%, min TX fee: 0.001, Tx confirmations:3, Confirmations:10, Total supply: XXX, Ico total: 1M"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "cryptofocuscoin_fcn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FCN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "220000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CryptoFocus"@en . doacc:D0dca08a2-a9e6-45f7-9b30-49aad9fd50a9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "a Merchant-based crypto-currency with a $1 Buy-Back-Guarantee & Internal Market-place in wallet."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "chingelingcoin_chl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW 1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CHL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Chingeling"@en . doacc:D0de227b6-87a0-4516-8a6f-48f3875d71b1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "RETROCOIN83 [SCRYPT] R83"@en ; doacc:block-reward "83"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "swindle, incomplete source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "retrocoin83_r83.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "8"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "25000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "R83"@en ; doacc:total-coins "83000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Retrocoin83"@en . doacc:D0dfc3b3e-28ec-47bb-ac52-38f233433299 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every hour, 32 coins per block, and 165.8 million total coins. LTC clone. 12 sec blocks. 0 starting diff. Fast Coin - FastCoin Abbreviation: FST Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 5/29/2013 Total Coins: 165.888 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: .2 Minutes Block Reward: 32 Coins Diff Adjustment."@en ; doacc:block-reward "32"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 12 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "fastcoin_fst.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FST"@en ; doacc:total-coins "165888000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Fastcoin"@en . doacc:D0e09a43a-f6d3-4342-91e5-57a386c39b61 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Sydpakcoin, SDP, Specifications, Algo : X13, Blocktime : 180 Seconds, Diff Adjust : every 2 Blocks, Proof of Stake : 2 % Per Year, Proof of Stake Min.Coin Age : 120 Minutes, Proof of Stake Max.Coin Age : Unlimited, Premine = 25000 Coins, Block 1 - 2400 = 50 Coins Reward , Block 2401 - 4800 = 25 Coins Reward , Block 4801 - 7200 = 12 Coins Reward , Block 7201 - 9600 = 6 Coins Reward , Block 9601 - 12000 = 3 Coins Reward , Last PoW Block : 12000, Total Block Reward during Proof of Work : 255400"@en ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sydpakcoin_sdp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "25000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SDP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Sydpakcoin"@en . doacc:D0e22617b-a847-4a8f-94df-fe056a3ad0ef a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "GotFomo? A Coin to Change The Universe Sick of giving your money away to people you don’t know? GET GOTFOMO?, SHA256 Algorithm, 60s block times, retarget every block, 100k Premine on block 2 (fair launch), 100-1000 blocks pays 100, 1000-2000 pays 50, 2k-3k pays 25, 3-4k pays 12, 4-5k pays 5, This will make ROUGHLY 200k , HIPOS will work like this:, It picks a random number 1-10, then between blocks, 0-1k it takes the random number x 100, 1-2k is random number x 25, 2-3k is random number x 12, 3-4k random number x 6 , 4-5k is random number x 3 , Then a variable rate based on the netweight after block 5k"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "gotfomocoin_gtfo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GTFO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Gotfomo?"@en . doacc:D0e2cc33a-f919-4306-b627-fabe9ecc2b8d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Skein algorithm that runs cooler on GPUs and is 30% more energy efficient compared to Scrypt. It also dodges the Scrypt ASICs coming out for fairer initial distribution 2 minute block target (because anything less will have too many orphan blocks) 41900 coins per block (as suggested. it's just too funny to pass up. thank you otila) 88 billion total coins (we Nigerian's love the Chinese and the Chinese love 8's) Difficulty retargets every block (looking at a modified KGW algo) 3% dev premine for IPO, bounties, giveaways, development, support and maintenance, new feature developments etc. 47% inflation adjustment premine (NEW CONCEPT, we will destroy this premine via Proof of Burn to adjust for inflation created by PoW mining)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "41900"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 ; doacc:comment "locality"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "nigeriacoin_ngc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dacc8b5c4-19d2-4897-94f6-29cb402f7faa ; doacc:premine "47% burn"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block Digishield"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "NGC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "88000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Nigeria Coin"@en . doacc:D0e575a21-c0d0-407e-9b73-4d92e39652cb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 240 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "linkcoin_lnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "84000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Linkcoin"@en . doacc:D0e6ba819-4636-4729-8271-88d183b2d1a4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "50 coins per block, and 21 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "orobit_oro.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ORO"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Orobit"@en . doacc:D0e76acae-0692-414c-8378-0cdcc826dcbf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Total Coins: 1,000,000,000 (2,550,000 until the end of PoW, the rest in PoW/PoS hybrid age), PoW until Block 50,000, PoW/PoS hybrid after Block 50,000, Block Time: 2 minutes, Difficulty Retarget: every block, Confirmations on Transactions: 7, Confirmations on Mined Blocks: 128, Secure and Open Source, QR code support, POS INFORMATION, Stake Interest: 5% annually, Minimum Stake Age: 2 days, BLOCK REWARDS, Blocks 1 - 1000 = 100 AMBER, Blocks 1001+ = 50 AMBER"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ambercoin_amber.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "128"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "AMBER"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Ambercoin"@en . doacc:D0e7ad861-7e2d-4e86-aa90-69238e3033e7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Quark-based cryptocoin with re-target every 20 blocks, block range coin rewards, and 1 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:image "minicoin_mini.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MINI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Minicoin"@en . doacc:D0e8117b5-c6fc-42d6-87c5-c250dfeeb7b9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "a linear block re-target, POW / POS, 64 coins per block, and 27 million total coins. http://cinnamoncoin.org/ SPECIFICATIONS Scrypt Proof of Stake 5 Minute Block Target Linear Diff Retarget Block reward < 300 = 1 Coin to mitigate premine/insta-mine 1% proof of stake after 60 days of coin age 64 Coins Per Block, Halving every 2 years ~27,000,000 Million Proof of Work Coins over 10 years .01 Set Tx Fee 40 Confirms for Minted Coins to be spendable POW mining for 14 years 3 block transaction confirmation Public Key Bit: 28 PORTS RPC PORT: 19125 (test net 29125) P2PPORT: 19126 (test net 29126) . 1% yearly, SA 30/90"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "cinnamoncoin_cin.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CIN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "27000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Cinnamoncoin"@en . doacc:D0e92be0b-24a7-405c-9d7d-838e8de54a10 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications:, SHA-256, Ticker - BIG, 36 coins per block, Halving: 147,000 blocks, 10 minutes block targets, Block Maturity - 15, Transaction Confirmation - 6, 10 million total coins, 1% DEV Private PREMINE! - will be used for Promotion, Developing Tools Services and more"@en ; doacc:block-reward "36"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bigbullioncoin_big.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "15"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 147000, 'b', )"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BIG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BigBullioncoin"@en . doacc:D0e990055-5dfb-4f64-8ef4-44db1ab2cf7a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "colbertcoin_clbc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D7be57c39-9dd2-4ea8-a16d-38d5d6cf5779 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D8d337d24-148d-4d2a-bd06-6d8561e98c28 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Colbertcoin"@en . doacc:D0e9c3820-c81a-4fb1-a23d-59a97abc9a29 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PREDATORCOIN is a rare, Scrypt Proof of Work only cryptocurrency. The maximum supply is 1.024.650.000 PRDT (coins) ever. Block target time is 1 minutes, which makes it very fast. PRDT uses KGW and a progressive difficulty adjustment to protect miners.Wallet Clone Scrypt code was used with the Litecoin., Coin specification :, Code clone from LitecoinD, PREDATORCOIN (PRDT) is only Scrypt, Max coin 1.024.650.000 PRDT , Halving 62100 blocks, reward block PRDT 8250 coins for Block, Target spacing 1 min, Target timespan 6 h, Diff retarget, Premine 1 %, Confirmation-maturity 5 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "8250"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "predatorcoin_prdt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "6 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 62100, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PRDT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1024650000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Predatorcoin"@en . doacc:D0eb54a6d-e9ef-49aa-a282-0feb1f73842f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Type: Litecoin Scrypt, Halving: 210000 blocks, Initial Coins Per Block: 1 Coins, Target Spacing: 10 Min, Target Timespan: 168 H, Coinbase Maturity: 10 Blocks, Pre-Mine: 10 % Pre-Mine Wallet, Max Coinbase: 420000 + 46666.7 (10% Pre-Mine)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D411fe918-40af-40bb-95de-417643c5da19 ; doacc:image "deafdollarscoin_deaf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "168 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 21000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DEAF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "466667"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DeafDollars"@en . doacc:D0ebe575f-6e6f-402a-a4b3-51ba2e8556dc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications: X11, POW TO POS, TOTAL POW: 10 000 Blocks, POW Reward: 100 ADM, POS Reward: 1 ADM, Block timing: 60 seconds, Difficulty retargeting: 20 Blocks, Stake age: 8 hours, BOOK ICO premine: 125k. ADM is a X11 POW to POS coin with a 1 week (10 000 x 60 second blocks) POW period of 100 coins per block. This gives a total of 1 million coins MAX since POS kicks in during the POW period and POS blocks are counted towards the POW period blocks. POS block reward is 1 ADM."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "product support"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "adamantiumcoin_adm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "20 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ADM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Adamantium"@en . doacc:D0ee05c64-287d-4a70-968a-0ff6711cd901 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Blocks: 11520 BLOCKS, Block Time: 60 sec, Rewards: Block 1 : 75,000 RISK ICO COINS, Rewards: Block 2 - 2880: 10 RISK, Rewards: Block 2881 - 5760: 20 RISK, Rewards: Block 5761 - 11520: 15 RISK, Rewards: POS: 50%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "riskcoin_risk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RISK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Riskcoin"@en . doacc:D0ee71c7f-3f67-4c9a-922b-5729f3158ab8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target based on a moving average over 80 blocks, 1024 coins per block, and 100 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Dfd50a12b-940e-47f7-8815-9189a10af5f4 ; doacc:image "atomcoin_ato.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ATO"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Atomcoin"@en . doacc:D0f16fefa-43ce-47e9-87f3-0737dd40668c a doacc:PoWscheme ; dc:description "Folklore combiner of 8 hashfns, one round each of (ECHO, Luffa, Fugue, Whirlpool, Shabal, Skein and Hamsi) including three random rounds plus an additional round of HEFTY-1."@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:prefLabel "bastion"@en . doacc:D0f61a91a-700e-4935-838e-a0952404b58c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total Coins:84 Million Coins, Super secure hashing algorithm: 13 rounds of scientific hashing functions (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo,hamsi,fugue), Block reward is controlled by: 2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2), CPU/GPU mining, Block generation: 2.5 minutes, Difficulty Retargets using Dark Gravity Wave, Premine:0.5%"@en ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "torrentcoin_tc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "8400000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Torrentcoin"@en . doacc:D0f786f50-7b2f-43b4-a12d-a687d4b0fdc3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt, re-target 1 block, 53000 block reward, 1000000000 total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "53000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "africanblackdiamond_abd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "ABD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "African Black Diamond"@en . doacc:D0f9ac842-74d0-4fc8-8398-ae1fc8d6c548 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "olympiccoin_oly.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "OLY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "323000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "OlympicCoin"@en . doacc:D0fac7efa-f1e2-4dae-8f49-b3f885e13769 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "lootcoin_loot.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source "https://gitlab.com/lootcoin/lootcoin"^^xsd:anyURI ; doacc:symbol "LOOT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "43157895"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://lootcoin.org/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Loot"@en . doacc:D0fb197ed-b0c2-4241-abc3-b1e448f82dbc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Brigadecoin is from a Team of Coin Developers which are Involved in the Development of lot of Cryptocoins.Brigadecoin is POW/POS Hybrid coin with X11 Algorithm and coin control feature, X11 Algo uses eleven hashing functions from the Blake algorithm to the Keccak algorithm making it very secure which really is needed for coins that do so well for CPU’s., Specifications:, Max Coins:2000000000 , Block time: 30sec, Block reward:1000 BRIG, Last POW block 500000 (300 Days of mining), Total POW coins: 500000000, Block retarget: every block, POS interest: 10% per year, Coins stake after 10 hours, Confirmations per transaction 4, Coins mature after 30 blocks, Premine: 0 (0%)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "brigadecoin_brig.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BRIG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Brigadecoin"@en . doacc:D0fb74fc9-f8a1-4184-bd94-eb711b833689 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2016 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 19.7 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "daycoin_dac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "DAC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Daycoin"@en . doacc:D0fc89956-af1a-4e00-8990-aab724cdb262 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "3 Minute Block Times, 1 Coin Per Block, 1,000,000 Coins Total"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "spacebucks_sbx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D61137b39-d1fa-4340-87e3-cc4e045dbf38 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SBX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Spacebucks"@en . doacc:D0ff8a8ff-e3d3-423c-8e73-987175159987 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X15COIN uses the latest X15 Algorithm. X15 is the latest algorithm ,15 ROUNDS OF SCIENTIFIC HASHING (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo, hamsi, fugue, shabal, whirlpool). CPU or GPU mine X15COIN., Algo: X15, Total coin: 10 Million , Block time: 60 seconds, Difficulty Retargets:DGW, Decentralized MasterNode Network, Confirmations on Transactions: 10, Maturity: 80, 1% Premine -- For bounties, development., POW REWARD, Total Block: 10 000, Block 1- 10 000: 1 000 X15Coin, After block 10 000 POS will start ., 1% Annual PoS."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "x15coin_x15coin.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "X15COIN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "X15Coin"@en . doacc:D100331f4-3238-4c1d-a681-512e02444071 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 6 hours, 7-10 coins per block + difficulty bonus rewards, and 3.8 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "bones_bones.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BONES"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3800000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bones"@en . doacc:D10420e74-0367-4b61-85d5-5de71fa04a36 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "99"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 99 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "buycoin_buy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.99%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BUY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "99000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Buycoin"@en . doacc:D10489fcf-5c8c-4f17-9ff0-e010687174c5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "26th July - First halving, PoW reward is now 42, 23th July - ESC launched successfully and smoothly, detailed developments time frame will be announced this weekend!, ESportsCoin, The ultimate solution of cryptocurrency for E-Sports industry, Fast Transactions & Secure & Anonymity & Dedicated & Rare, Website: http://esportscoin.info/, Follow us: https://twitter.com/ESportsCoinTeam, Chat: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net:6666/esportscoin, ESend beta Whitepaper, Coin Specs, Algo: X11, 7 days PoW, PoW height: 20160, Total coins after PoW: ~1.2M, Block time: 30 seconds, Block rewards: 84 initially, halving at block 6720, 13440, (1 reward for first 150 blocks), PoS starts block: 15000, PoS interest: 5.9%, PoS Min & Max ages: 24 hours & 30 days, No Premine except IPO, P2P: 14528 RPC: 14529"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "esportscoin_esc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ESC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ESportsCoin"@en . doacc:D10527130-4025-479c-b473-a41feb71ab18 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm:Scrypt, Coin Name: Yocoin, Coin Abbreviation:YOC, Address letter:Y, RPC Port:5526, P2P Port:5525, Block reward:50 coins, Block halving:672000 blocks, Total coin supply: 84000000 coins, Premine Percent 20%, Premine Amount 16800000 coins, Coinbase maturity:20 blocks, Number of confirmations:6 blocks, Target timespan in minutes:10 minutes, Target spacing in minutes:5 minutes"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "yocoin2_yoc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "20%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 672000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "YOC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "84000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Yocoin"@en . doacc:D105c9515-c0fe-43ae-9994-ba450f877b5d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description """World Football Coin is created for football fans around the world joining crypto currency miners together in football competition using there miner software to compete. Initial Public Coin Offering (IPCO) is 10% of total coins and will be sold to early investors from the World Football Coin store. No premine except 1 block reserved for IPCO as explained in block reward calculation table."""@en ; doacc:block-reward "39"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "worldfootballcoin_wfc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "Digishield(0)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "WFC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "World Football coin"@en . doacc:D106259f6-ea79-4ca3-97b5-c17742a0b0ae a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block Time: 30 Seconds Difficulty Retarget Time: 1 hour Premine: over 5% for Justin Bieber Rewards Block 1 – 200,000 : 1-50,000 BOY Reward Block 200,001 – 300,000 : 1-40,000 BOY Reward Block 300,001 – 400,000 : 1-20,000 BOY Reward Block 400,001 – 500,000 : 1-10,000 BOY Reward Block 500,001 – 500,000 : 1-5,000 BOY Reward Block 600,001 – 700,000 : 1-2,500 BOY Reward Block 700,001 – 800,000 : 1-1,250 BOY Reward Block 800,001+ : 500 BOY Reward"@en ; doacc:image "boycoin_boy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine ">5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BOY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BoyCoin"@en . doacc:D1063aabc-fb51-41bd-9241-61ad8d1a439d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "starkcoin_stk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Df3678a03-f4c5-488c-b314-c2dd797d89a2 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 40000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "STK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "80000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.starkcoin.org/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Starkcoin"@en . doacc:D10936051-a7a6-4352-bea5-6b64ce70bbf0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "TickerSymbol: QUIT, Algorithm:X13, Type:POW/POS, TotalCoins: 30,000,000, then 1-150 (1 Block ) , then 50 Coins per Block, BlockTime: 120, Difficulty Re-target: Every Block, Pre allocation:10%"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "quitdoughcoin_quit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "QUIT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "QuitDough"@en . doacc:D10a78e02-7d71-4e80-9c01-50c41341b47d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "diocoin_dio.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "DIO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Diocoin"@en . doacc:D10ad2dc9-7913-4faa-8a88-76f322c982da a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "fucoin_fuc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "198000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FUC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "FuCoin"@en . doacc:D10b4204f-8a4d-4fd9-a6f5-c24cfb08dfce a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description """IndoCoin is aimed towards Indonesians. Rewards are soft capped at 194,500,000,000. After that every block generate 5000 IDC. 1-500,000 = 200,000 IDC 500,001-1,000,000 = 100,000 IDC 1,000,001-1,500,000 = 50,000 IDC 1,500,001-2,000,000 = 25,000 IDC 2,000,001-2,500,000 = 14,000 IDC 2,500,000+ = 5000 IDC"""@en ; doacc:block-reward "200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "indocoin_idc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "60 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('c', 500000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "IDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "194500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "IndoCoin"@en . doacc:D10bf3240-7b71-4a61-9df8-249cacb47a5f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Symbol NAV, Algorithm X13 PoW/PoS (PoW ended, now PoS), Block Time 30 seconds, Coins swapped 25,232,976 (amount of coins on the SummerCoinV1 chain, swapped at 1:1 ratio), Coins not swapped 260,586.00121295 (donated to the foundation), RPC Port 33333, P2P Port 33330, Proof of Work (ended) , Total Coins (by PoW) 50,000,000 NAV, Difficulty Retarget Block 0 to 250: each 25 blocks, Block 251 and on: adjusted each block, PoW Max Block Height 14000 (in 7 days of PoW), Block Reward 1500, Block Halving Block 14,000 (150 NAV reward), Block 50,000 (15 NAV reward), Block 100,000 (end of PoW), Proof of Stake , Min Age 4 days, Max Age unlimited, Minted Blocks Maturity 60, Stake Interest 20% for the first year, 10% for the second year, 5% for every following year"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "rebrand of summercoin2"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D432a137f-7181-40fa-939b-f2c32bb46464 ; doacc:image "navajocoin_nav.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NAV"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "纳瓦霍币"@cn, "Navajocoin"@en . doacc:D10d302f6-a1c1-4a48-ad48-a5be69f8172e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11 Scrypt- CPU/GPU, ASIC Resistant, Max CLAMS: 100 Million, Block Rewards, month 1 - 3: 60.2 , month 4 - 6: 28.9 , month 7 - 12: 14.5 , month 12 - 36: 7, months 37+: 7, Block time: 90 seconds, Difficulty: Re-Targeting with Dark Gravity Wave DGW, 120 confirmations for blocks to mature, PREMINE: 4.9%"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:confirmations "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "clamscoin_gcs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "4.9%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "reducing"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GCS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CLAMScoin"@en . doacc:D10de5e52-b1ca-489d-97ca-d78207d565cb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "overseaschinesecoin_occ.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "OCC"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Overseas Chinese coin"@en . doacc:D10e39ce9-ede4-43f0-9ce2-72474a746041 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "fuckcoin_fuck.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FUCK"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Fuckcoin"@en . doacc:D1115b609-ae40-4865-8d4e-23b1ba2e8085 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: x15, PoW / PoS, TOTAL Coin Count: aprox 10,000,000 XWT, PoW Stage: 3 Days Mining (~90% of Total Supply), Main PoW phase ends with Block #2880, At Block #2881 PoW will continue with 1 XWT per block., PoS starts at Block #2881 with 1% Annual Interest, Block Time: 90 Seconds, Difficulty re-target every 60 blocks, Block Rewards:, Block 1 - 960: 5869 XWT, Block 961 - 1920: 2350 XWT, Block 1921 - 2880: 1180 XWT, Block 2881 - : 1 XWT, Block 70000 FULL POS, No IPO No Pre-mine"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:comment "rebrand of WTFcoin"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "worldtradefundcoin_xwt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "60 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XWT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "WorldTradeFund"@en . doacc:D1161a47e-d833-4201-bf79-adfcd9da0a11 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "x11, 1.2 million coins max, Hybrid PoW+PoS (PoW for 7 days), 5% Premine to cover cost bounties, operating cost, and getting coin added to exchanges., will release rest of the specs later."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "poopcoin_poo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "POO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1200000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Poopcoin"@en . doacc:D11792ac3-7b72-49f0-8168-c8b8338f822e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: GiftCardCoin , Symbol: GIFT , X13 PoW/PoS Hybrid, Block time: 60 secs , Total Coins: 7,750,000, Confirmations: 50 blocks , PoW Total Blocks: 3,500 , PoS Interest: 92% , Min Stake Age: 6 hrs , Max Stake Age : 12 hrs , RPC Port: 39887"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "giftcardcoin_gift.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GIFT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7750000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "GiftCardCoin"@en . doacc:D118ccb29-eaa0-4a42-bf8d-4a9637e3a620 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Proof of Work based. Mine using any of the 7 algorithms : sha256d(default), scrypt all the way through x11, x13, and x15., Difficulty is retargeted every block., 90 second block target per algorithm (30 second average across 7 algorithms)., 65.5 million total coins, 43+ coins per block. , Random superblock with reward., Up front super mining rewards., DarkGravityWave"@en ; doacc:block-reward "43"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "drachmacoin_drac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DRAC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "65500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DRACHMacoin"@en . doacc:D11b5138f-d81b-4604-9794-95fc96a41c37 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2106 blocks, 50 coin block reward, and 21 million total coins. Stock Coin."@en ; doacc:image "stackedcoin_stkc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "STKC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Stackedcoin"@en . doacc:D11c4ffd4-0189-4af4-9b96-bfea162681f4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "secure hashing algorithm X11 + KGW, making the coin 51% attack resistant and ASIC mining resistant., 99 second Block Targets, 9 Hour Difficulty Readjustments"@en ; doacc:block-time 99 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "watcoin_wat.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "reducing"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "WAT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "199997800002"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Watcoin"@en . doacc:D11c5277c-a0f6-472b-82c2-0661bcf61774 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "coinbuildercoin_build.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BUILD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Coinbuilder"@en . doacc:D11cff2eb-c926-4128-867b-70107fdc1843 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Dead and relaunched scrypt-based cryptocoin (Litecoin clone) with a dynamic re-target, variable then 10 coins per block, and 256 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "quantumcoin_qtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "QTC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Quantumcoin"@en . doacc:D11dedf52-7b8e-4408-9f7a-e9fa151483ed a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using DigiShield, 8000 coins per block, and 16.1 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "8000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "nautiluscoin_naut.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DS"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "NAUT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "16100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Nautiluscoin"@en . doacc:D11f11bd3-24ec-42f6-bc80-54fb6924b749 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "koalacoin_koala.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "KOALA"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Koalacoin"@en . doacc:D12105b1f-9910-47da-a508-7b7ca4cc43fa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "50 coins per block and 10 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "violetcoin_vlt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "VLT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Violetcoin"@en . doacc:D12232a25-ec5d-466e-a56b-3a4630646554 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description """pure PoS coin. After of 7 day as a PoW, the coin has been transfered to a pure PoS coin. POS generate after 8000 blck. Stake interest: 10%/year POS Min age: 3 day POS Max age: unlimited POW last: 10000 - 7 days"""@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "bankcoin_bank.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BANK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bankcoin"@en . doacc:D122cac1a-2976-4147-8aa0-a9bcdcf19e9c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 240 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "emperorcoin_epc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "EPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "58880000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Emperor coin"@en . doacc:D125dfe7d-a444-4ad5-8b48-a6fc4d844a00 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "kakacoin_kkc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "KKC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "KaKacoin"@en . doacc:D1282a669-f652-4895-98b5-0040f456d6a5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:comment "secondary"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "wcgcoin_wcg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D63aa1e55-d517-4da6-b399-1b117351f542 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:De200e646-03d6-4d2a-a51c-62d7aa2ed296 ; doacc:symbol "WCG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "WCG Coin"@en . doacc:D1294e223-4324-4f62-ac6e-3e8aeb87806e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "201"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "x13coin_x13c.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "110"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "X13C"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "X13Coin"@en . doacc:D12ab2b5f-d45c-4de3-9a5a-a34740f348d2 a doacc:DistributionScheme ; dc:description "Dissemination via proof of work and by purchase"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:prefLabel "pow-ico"@en . doacc:D12acd6f2-845f-4453-a133-a70d33fe7de3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ASIC resistant and multi-pool protected implementation of a blend of scrypt Adaptive-N and kimotos gravity well. The progressive designed rewards scheme will provide flat rewards for the duration of the mining process."@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "tenfivecoin_10-5.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "10-5"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "TenFive Coin"@en . doacc:D12dc051d-b880-42f9-85bc-9c2574c8a952 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "premined"@en ; doacc:image "cpu2coin_cp2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:premine "yes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CP2"@en ; skos:prefLabel "CPU2Coin"@en . doacc:D12e627e1-4dec-4974-bcd7-eef7aaff3415 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X13 PoW/PoS, Anonymous Wallet (to come), True random superblocks, PoW/PoS independent, thus very stable, Extreme fast transactions (average 45 seconds), Limited time PoW mining (about 2 months), then will be pure PoS, Coin required held only 1 day before PoS interests generated"@en ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "mammothcoin_mamm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MAMM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Mammothcoin"@en . doacc:D12f4e757-51db-4e4b-a465-4d4a462fe707 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "jfkcoin_jfk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "JFK"@en ; skos:prefLabel "JFKcoin"@en . doacc:D13244064-d2f4-4e2c-bcb4-f9783f90bac5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 6 hours, 10,000 coins per block, and 1 billion total coins. Coin details, SHA-256 algorithm (just like Bitcoin to mine with ASIC, GPU or CPU), Block Rate (in seconds) 180, Initial value per block 10,000 coins, Block halving rate 50,000 blocks (3 months or less), Maximum coins: 1,000,000,000 coins (1 billion coins), Target timespan (adjustment of difficulty) re-target every 120 blocks (6 hours approx.), Coinbase maturity 200 blocks (newly miined coins will not become spendable until 200 blocks found to avoid double spending), 1% pre-mined"@en ; doacc:image "ferengicoin_fer.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FER"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Ferengicoin"@en . doacc:D13388472-1dd5-47fc-a712-6acfb40d4deb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker Symbol: XTC, Initial Coins: 100,000,000 of Tilecoin @ 0.00000542 BTC/EACH, Percentage of TileCoin will be burned for transactions., Consensus Algorithm: Counterparty (BTC Blockchain/VIA Blockchain - future), Additional Algorithms: Ed25519 signatures, AES-128, TBA, Coin Distribution: All Coins will be sold via BTER.com @ 0.00000542 BTC/EACH TileCoin (XTC), Block Interval: 10 Minutes (Bitcoin)/24 Seconds (Viacoin - future)"@en ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "tilecoin_xtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Dafa6da19-d01f-470e-b021-07333cc66319 ; doacc:symbol "XTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "物联币"@cn, "TileCoin"@en . doacc:D134f203b-e4bd-4f75-8424-62f6fc51a686 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Galt Coin - GaltCoin Abbreviation: GLT Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/31/2014 Total Coins: 42 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 6 Blocks Re-Target Time: Block Time: Block Reward: 50 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine: 50,000 Coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "galtcoin_glt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GLT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Galtcoin"@en . doacc:D135045a6-6fbb-4b0c-afe1-fccca84f0b4b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: EnigmaCoin, Ticker: ENC, POW+POS (X13), Block reward: 100 ENC (Block 1-100 - reward 1 ENC), Distribution: POW+POS, Money Supply: 1,000,000 ENC , POS starts at 7,000 blocks, POW ends at block height: 10,000, Total POW coins ~ 850,000, Block time: 60 seconds, POS interest: 5% per year"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "enigmacoin_enc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ENC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "EnigmaCoin"@en . doacc:D13548000-5a38-41e2-9d11-492118efa8a8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: GAIA, Total coins: ~24 Million*, Algo: 100% POS, Annual Interest: 5%, Block time: 60 seconds, Min transaction fee: 0.0001 GAIA, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 240, Min stake age: 4 hours, no max age., Difficulty retarget: every block"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "node.js"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "gaiacoin_gaia.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "240"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GAIA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "24000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GAIAcoin"@en . doacc:D1355bd51-2257-4ff9-8568-929f43c24d12 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: EAGLE, Ticker: EA, Algorithm: SHA256 POW, Difficulty Retargetting Algorithm: D.G.W. , Time Between Blocks: 120 sec., Block Reward 200, Block Reward Halving Rate 100000, Total Coins: 40000000"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "eaglecoin_ea.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 100000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "40000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Eagle"@en . doacc:D1356f7e9-27e5-44ff-9e4c-0392e724db4a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHA256 based cryptocoin with 512 coins per block and 268 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "altcoin_atc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ATC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Altcoin"@en . doacc:D135e4e3a-7ff4-40d8-ab54-909b3f7e35cc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: BTI , Total Coins: 6,000,000 , Mining: 100% mined, Staking: 3% POS per year, This is not the traditional cryptocurrency model that is out there now. Our sole use for this crypto is to fund our development and provide people with a way to get our products at a discount. Our currency will be solely used to purchase physical hardware or software from our company at a discount than using fiat or BTC."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "product support vehicle"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dec39ae3f-159d-46b6-90e3-a7659e520ece ; doacc:image "bticoin_bti.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BTI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BTIcoin"@en . doacc:D136eb48c-dbed-4fa8-bc94-e02aed07e37e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "scrypt"@en ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "spaincoin_spa.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SPA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SpainCoin"@en . doacc:D1372e17a-b2ac-4043-8d44-daea72f95cb4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2016 blocks, 25 coins per block, and 21 million total coins. The 1:1 bitcoin copy. Relaunched. Bytecoin - Byte Coin Abbreviation: BTE Algorithm: SHA-256 Date Founded: 4/2/2013 Total Coins: 21 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 10 Minutes Block Reward: 50 Coins per block Diff Adjustment 2,016 Blocks."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-04-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bytecoin_bte.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 3153600, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BTE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bytecoin"@en . doacc:D13838188-f740-4260-8a38-a82e49eee239 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "GCR is the the first home-based business opportunity with its own cryptocurrency coin and immediate opportunities for wealth-building and personal success., Type: Proof of Stake (PoS), Block Time: 90 seconds, Stake Interest: 5%, Block Maturity: 50 blocks, Minimum Coin Age: 8 hours"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "globalcurrencyreservecoin_gcr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GCR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "99000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GlobalCurrencyReserve"@en . doacc:D1383a447-c5b2-400d-a0fe-ae5a1d1e1117 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "INTRO, SNCoin is the first crypto-currency based on Bitcoin Theory rewards social media popularity., Proof of Popularity(PoP) and Proof of Work(PoW) both works in SNC System., SNCoin is designed with energy conservation and fair distribution in mind., Shared Weight from Friends Later Mechanism(SWFLM) made possible to quantify the popularities of social media users., Avoiding Botnet Attack while being friendly to Key Opinions Leaders., Mining with SCRYPT algorithm., SPECIFICATIONS, Block time : 1 minute, Difficulty Retarget : every block, Nominal Stake Interest : 1% annually, Min Transaction Fee : 0.0001 SNC, Fees are paid to miners, Confirmations : 10, Maturity : 500, Min Stake Age : 8 hours, no max age, P2P Port : 15712, RPC Port : 15713, Proof of Work : 59940000000 SNC, Algorithm : SCRYPT, Block Reward : 6000000 SNC, no halving, Height : 11 - 10000, MECHANISM, Weight = Max(6, Friends * (1 + Min(3, Followers / Followings))), SharedWeight = Weight / Followings, PV = Sum(SharedWeight)/ 6 + Weight, DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULE, In total, the amount of SNCoin is 60,000,000,000 (60 billion)., 20 billion coins will be fairly distributed among users according to their individual Proof of Popularity(PoP) PVs calculated in according to SWFLM and SNCoin Distribution Mechanism., 20 billion coins will be mined by miners on the basis of Proof of Works(PoW) and Mining Mechanism., 6 billion coins are scheduled for First IPO of SNCoin., 12 billion coins are scheduled for Second IPO of SNCoin., 2 billion coins rest are reserved for R&D and Business Operation teams of SNCoin., 6 billion SNCoins will be distributed in First IPO, BTC Address 1NDZLAfndv5rMj2gbgysC9fZaPM2Ta8TDo, LTC Address LastFZppJJPyeZE2535hw7eAHuWrK578VZ, The volume of BTC approach in this stage of IPO is 3 billion SNCoins., The volume of LTC approach in this stage of IPO is 3 billion SNCoins., (more IPO details referencing the WHITE PAPER), [ First IPO Period ] 00:00:00 on July 17th, 2014 ~ 00:00:00 July 24rd, 2014, DISTRIBUTION START-TIME, Upon finishing the development of SNCoin QT Wallet, SNCoin Official Website and Official SNCoin Distribution Platform., APPROACH, See more informations in our WHITE PAPER : https://mega.co.nz/#!Md5TgCoS!K17COVm7hKQ4tCXGPytk4fRk9nUVfbMBRHKDdmdh1gs, CONTACT US, Email : contact@sncoin.org, PS: For better network promotion of SNCoin, we need AGENT TEAMS all over the world (for different social-medias) who could share specific quota of reserved coins. Just email us if you are interested in."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D86b9d2b5-efe0-4970-ac12-89176044763c ; doacc:image "socialnetworkcoin_snc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "60000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SocialNetworkcoin"@en . doacc:D138449af-1676-4d9b-a8da-57d07927150d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "variable re-target, variable block reward, and 47.4 million total coins. 10% yearly (0.6%), SA 30/90, Coins 2.26"@en ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "cashcoin_cash.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CASH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "47433600"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Cash coin"@en . doacc:D13c9ffe4-60fe-4c22-85a3-a84ab687ae24 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Fitcoin is the first digital currency that provides to its community the chance to have a healthier life."@en ; doacc:block-reward "{'gpu': '2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2)', 'cpu': '11111.0 / (pow((dDiff+51.0)/6.0,2.0))'}"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "fitcoin_fit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 minute"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FIT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "90000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Fitcoin"@en . doacc:D14130afd-eead-4c31-a85e-b327d78d7cf1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "solcoin_sol.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SOL"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Solcoin"@en . doacc:D1413fcc1-890b-4931-904f-cd63f3cca263 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "rabbitcoin_rbbt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RBBT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "RabbitCoin"@en . doacc:D141a66d0-8466-4822-80be-8be3148093d1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SuperNET There is no limit on the amount of TOKEN available overall, though there may be short-term restrictions on TOKEN available at a given price if volumes are very high. If a large number are sold, this does not dilute other buyers' holdings, since SuperNET is backed by the cryptocurrency paid: SuperNET is not a cryptocurrency and this is not like a typical coin offering. (SuperNET is a basket of cryptocurrencies and revenue-generating assets than can be considered more like a closed-ended mutual fund.) The fundraiser will start at 14:00 GMT Saturday 6 September. It will continue for 2-4 weeks in total, for as long as there is sufficient interest. At the end, all TOKEN will be converted to UNITY, which can be withdrawn to a NXT wallet or traded on the AE, BTER and other supporting exchanges."@en ; doacc:comment "asset:15641806960898178066"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "supernetasset_token.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D33583252-39e2-4b3b-a50a-deb84a7d77b0 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:D99826a21-6c51-48ae-a68a-c9603d90802a ; doacc:symbol "TOKEN"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "SuperNET"@en . doacc:D14253bd9-f52d-4a21-a0c8-975428fa6c53 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "128"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bancorcoin_bncr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BNCR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "281600000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bancorcoin"@en . doacc:D14897c05-a1de-4b81-a6de-34c0ce690fca a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Unite Coin - UniteCoin Abbreviation: UNI Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/1/2013 Total Coins: 100 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 1440 Blocks Block Time: Block Reward: 50 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "unitecoin_uni.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1440 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UNI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "UniteCoin"@en . doacc:D14a9d139-081c-41ce-b5c1-17b7b9e52c2e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "rastacoin_rtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "353000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Rastacoin"@en . doacc:D14af1c9c-7848-46ce-8b66-bba31406c006 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "This coin was brought to my attention by it's developer (civilization.team) sometime back when allegedly according to him his first launch failed due to the coder then mined the pre-mine and ran off leaving him without anything , I do not know how true this or cannot comment on the same , anyhow he wanted me to change the port and regenerate the genesis which I did and sent back the source and wallet but then never heard of him. I had this lying around for quite a while and thought I'd share with your for better or worse."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:comment "resuscitated"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "civilisationcoin_civ.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "20 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CIV"@en ; doacc:total-coins "14000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Civilisationcoin"@en . doacc:D14cd2388-e8a0-4e44-835e-96ef08ac5357 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Coin Suffix: TROLL, PoW Period: 7,777,777 Blocks, PoW Target Spacing: 60 Seconds, PoW Difficulty Retarget: 10 Blocks, PoW Initial Reward per Block: 125 TRL, Full Confirmation: 10 Blocks, Maturity: 77 Blocks, PoS Target Spacing: 64 Seconds, PoS Difficulty Retarget: 10 Blocks, PoS Reward: 7 TRL Static Reward, Min Confirms for Stake: 777 Blocks, PoS Min: 1 Hour, PoS Max: Unlimited, Total Max Coins: 900,000,000 TRL, Block Size: 7MB"@en ; doacc:block-reward "127"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-00"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "trollcoin2_troll.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "77"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TROLL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "900000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Trollcoin"@en . doacc:D14d14350-08d4-494e-9bf1-8758949f4c68 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "CyberCoin PoW/vPoS 2.0, Release date: 9 PM GMT Tuesday March 31st, 2015/ No premine No ICO, Ticker: CC, Hashing algorithm: Scrypt, Interest: vPos 2.0 variable, Block generation: 64 seconds, Transaction confirmations: 10, Min age: 1 hour, no max age, Maturity: 61 confirmations"@en ; doacc:block-time 64 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "cybercoin_cc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "61"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CyberCoin"@en . doacc:D14ef467a-2b83-46f0-99a4-c3572fd61e64 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "standardcoin_std.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "STD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "400000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "StandardCoin"@en . doacc:D15072491-c338-4b7d-a007-763eef5233cf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW/PoS-based cryptocurrency with NO IPO and NO Premine. The purpose of MugatuCoin is to take over the world, by any means necessary."@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "mugatucoin_muga.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MUGA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Mugatucoin"@en . doacc:D15747076-6a95-4971-97dd-76a3622d5c56 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1000 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 54 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "bellacoin_bela.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BELA"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Bellacoin"@en . doacc:D15933591-3299-4ef4-8eb7-f49afb225e38 a doacc:DistributionScheme ; dc:description "Dissemination to denizens"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:prefLabel "airdrop"@en . doacc:D15a598b7-e6e3-41c8-b270-f08007c5ea28 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Start difficulty : 0.00024414, Premine 0%, Initial public offering (IPO) 0%, http://LitecoinNEW.org, Coin properties, Coin type Litecoin (Scrypt), Halving 840.000 blocks, Initial coins per block 50 coins, Target spacing 1 min, Target timespan 6 h, Coinbase maturity 120 blocks, Max coinbase 84.000.000 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "litecoinnew_ltn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "6 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LTN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "84000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "LitecoinNEW"@en . doacc:D15acc869-2825-41fd-8c04-c8c818a168f6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "chaincoin_chain.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CHAIN"@en ; skos:prefLabel "ChainCoin"@en . doacc:D15bb859e-1976-4c96-9466-88317646ef8c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "69,000,000 Total PoW supply, 2,000 Coins per PoW block, PoW Algorithm: Scrypt, PoW + PoS Hybrid, PoS interest 69% Annually, PoS Min Stake Time: 8 hr, Pos Max Stake Time: Unlimited, 69 sec block target, 69 confirmations for blocks to mature, PoW End block: 33,186, transactions = 10 confirmations, rpcport=6969, port=6970, test ports = ( RPCport 7979 ) ( Port 7980 ), Blocks, 1 : 3.9% for Dev Fund ( 2,691,000 PIMP ), 2 - 30 : 1 PIMP (Anti Instamine), 31 - 33,186 : 2000 PIMP"@en ; doacc:block-reward "2000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 69 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pimpcashcoin_pimp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "69"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3.9%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PIMP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "69000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pimpcash"@en . doacc:D15c37c00-f858-4d67-8d18-692b45ccaf7d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Type: Pure POW, Algorithm: X11, Blocksize: 8 MB, Total Supply: 96,000,000, Blocktime: 60 Seconds, Block Reward: 50 QDOS"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "quedoscoin_qdos.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "38400000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 576000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "QDOS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "96000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Quedos"@en . doacc:D15cc1767-3cbb-45fb-b178-fe76c4971612 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Flirtcoin is the official digital currency of Flirt Life. Flirtcoin provides adults with a new and exciting way to show their interest in each other “Flirting”!, Flirtcoin Technical Specifications:, Algorithm: SHA-256, Block Reward (initial): 10,000 Flirtcoins, Block Time: 5 minutes (300 seconds), Difficulty Retarget: 1 second (each block), Halving Interval: 75,000 blocks, Maximum Supply: 1,800,000,000 Flirtcoins (1.8 Billion)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "flirtcoin_flirt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 second"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 75000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "FLIRT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1800000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Flirtcoin"@en . doacc:D15e17f44-fe8f-4a13-9a6c-929e6d978edb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X13 algorithm, 12 Million Coin Proof-of-Work (PoW) Maximum*, 0% Premine, 7 Day Maximum Proof-of-Work (PoW) Mining Phase*, Difficulty retargets every block - nothing silly to interfere with the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) implementation, Confirmations - 288, Maturity - 30, 12% Proof-of-Stake (PoS)*, Min stake age - 1 Hour, Max stake age - 1 Day, , BLOCK REWARDS, 1-100: 10 MACDCoins, 101-500: 1,250 MACDCoins, 501-1500: 1,500 MACDCoins, 1501-3000: 1,250 MACDCoins, 3001-7000: 1,000 MACDCoins, 7001-8500: 1,250 MACDCoins, 8501-10000: 1,500 MACDCoins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "variable"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "288"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "macdcoin_macd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MACD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "MACDcoin"@en . doacc:D16091b4e-1f63-46ee-bdd0-8ad622dbc3cf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "platoniccoin_xpl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XPL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://cryptocoderz.com/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Platonic"@en . doacc:D1628c4ff-6b6c-4bcb-a75a-aadac9518c08 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, 100 coins per block, and 50 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "dokdocoin_ddc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "DDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Dokdocoin"@en . doacc:D1638321c-4506-4d8f-9f56-b6d925761a91 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: X11 Pow/PoS hybrid, PoW has ended at block 100,000: ~ 2,000,000 coins, Time per block: ~ 1 minute (both PoW and PoS), Difficulty Re-target: 10-20 minutes, PoS 10% per year from block 0, As there will only be a finite amount of BITZ in existence the value will be determined by the demand for the currency. It has now been decided with consent in the community that the PoW phase will end at block 100,000 which is 2,000,000 BITZ. It will then be a pure PoS currency with an annual interest rate of 10%. This will keep BITZ in the realm of relatively rare when widely adopted but not deflationary like Bitcoin."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitzcoin_bitz.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 - 20 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BITZ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bitz"@en . doacc:D166e0735-7adc-4b4f-9fed-76e26c7d5115 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: Bamit, Ticker: BAM, Algo: X11, Block time: 60 seconds, Block reward: 101-116, PoW Supply: 947307 BAM, Last PoW block: 8640 6 Days PoW, PoS Interest: 23% per year, RPC Port: 9988, Coinbase Maturity: 80, 1% Premine (Block 1), Fair Start (No reward Blocks 2-10), Reward Blocks begin on block 11"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bamitcoin_bam.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BAM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bamit"@en . doacc:D1684a751-29bb-435e-bfde-2f4046ed94df a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW Algorithm: Scrypt Difficulty Re-target: KGW Block Time: 60 seconds Initial Block Reward: 50 Coins per block Max Supply: 50-Million Surge Coins"@en ; doacc:image "surgecoin_srg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SRG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Surge Coin"@en . doacc:D169c6108-fc35-4e2c-abae-9d8a589574bd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: HorsePower, Symbol: HSP, Algo: Scrypt, PoW, Block time: 1 min, Retargeting: 2 mins, Maturity: 120 blocks, Confirmations: 120, P2P Port: 32321, RPC Port: 32322, Premine: 6%, horsepowercoin.conf, Blocks 2 - 1000 = 100 Coins, Blocks 1001 - 3000 = 200 Coins, Blocks 3001 - 6000 = 300 Coins, Blocks 6001+ = 250 Coins"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "horsepowercoin_hsp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "6%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 mins"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HSP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "HorsePowerCoin"@en . doacc:D16a350aa-e405-4091-8c1f-027d85362d0c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Sha256D, Dynamic rewards , Block Spacing: 60 Seconds , Stake Minimum Age: 5 Hours, POS 2.0, Port: 56631 RPC Port: 57631 , Max POW blocks: 5000, Anti-instamine of 30 blocks., 100 coins per block from block 31-5000, 50 coins per block from block 5001-10000, 25 coins per block from block 10001-15000, 12.5 coins per block from block 15001-20000, 10 coins per block from block 20001 and beyond., Our Arpanodes will get 60% of pos rewards"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "arpacoin_arp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ARP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "400000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ArpaCoin"@en . doacc:D16ad2bd5-48bc-4b59-ab37-33bd05dfbefe a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "imscoin_ims.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "212121"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "IMS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21212121"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://independentmoneysystem.com/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "IMScoin"@en . doacc:D16ca7ab8-a396-409d-906b-858b8a42d5b6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Welcome to eTRUST, the only coin with a system designed to give a guaranteed 10% return every day. The blocks will pay out as follows: 10 Total, 2 eTrust Coins rewarded to a miner and 8 eTrust Coins deposited into the eTrust payout address (publicly listed) If you send money in to the address, your payout will be 110% with the funds accumulated from miners within a particular duration. Everyone will be able to receive the 110% without ever having to lose due to the skimmed funds always being vested into the fund account.By utilizing this particular 4:1 ratio we will be able to pay back EVERYONE. Premine will be used for giveaways and promotions and future developments., Ticker: eTRUST, Distribution: PoW - Fountain/Investing System, Algorithm: Scrypt, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Premine: 20,000 eTRUST, Maturity: 125 Confirmations, Block Reward 10, 8 to eTRUST funds account, 2 to the miner"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "experimental"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "entrustcoin_etrust.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "125"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "20000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ETRUST"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Entrustcoin"@en . doacc:D16caa409-5842-4375-a243-b7ac65f0d3e9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Quark-based cryptocoin with re-target every 20 blocks and 5 coins per block. Cthulhu Coin - Cthulhucoin Abbreviation: OFF Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 9/14/2013 Total Coins: Confirm Per Transaction: 30 Blocks Re-Target Time: 20 Blocks Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 5 Coins Per Block, halving after 6 months Diff Adjustment: 20 Blocks Premine: 10k."@en ; doacc:block-reward "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Dfd50a12b-940e-47f7-8815-9189a10af5f4 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-09-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "cthulhucoin_off.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "20 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 6, 'm')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "OFF"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Cthulhu"@en . doacc:D16f4cc9d-a7c7-4925-89aa-879543e25ab3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Name : Evil coin, Ticker : EVIL, Algo : x11, POS or POW : Both, PoS Min Age : 1 Hour, PoS Max Age : 720 Hours, Mature : 5 Blocks, Max Coin Supply : 21024000, PoS : 2 %, Block Time : 60 seconds, Last PoW Block : 525600, PoS Start after : 525000, Premine : 0"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "evilcoin_evil.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "EVIL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21024000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Evilcoin"@en . doacc:D16f5de36-ffdc-4810-9e62-8aafcad2212e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "25mil total coins (10 mil pre mined) 100% pos Last pow block 5000 (all blocks of 0 reward)"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "libertyreservecoin_lr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "LibertyReserve"@en . doacc:D17074ced-fec5-48d6-a082-58f46729a7dc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "450"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "nonamecoin_nonc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "NONC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NoNameCoin"@en . doacc:D170bd59c-a929-40bc-9ccf-c48b0740c8aa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Opal – X13 CryptoCurrency, Algorithm: X13 POW/POS starts on block 15,000, Ticker: OPAL, Max PoW Coins: Approximately 15 million, 5% PoS Annual Interest, Block Reward Schedule, 90 second blocks, No Pre-Mine, Block 0-50 are low reward (15), Block 50-15,000 are 1,000, PoW Ends on Block 15,000 (approx. 15 days), MinStakeAge: 24 hours, Max: Unlimited, Opal is a re-brand, and entire re-release of OnyxCoin V2. The first OnyxCoin (V1) was, unfortunately, a scam. The original developer had coded a hidden premine and sold these coins when Onyx initially hit an exchange – the coin effectively died at this point. Shortly after this another developer decided to try and resurrect OnyxCoin by launching a new version of the coin (named OnyxCoin V2, surprisingly!) after making some changes to the PoW schedule, and removing the hidden premine. OnyxCoin V2 was a completely new coin – 100% detached from the original OnyxCoin – in everything except the name. The launch was successful, as was the mining period – and also the transition to PoS. Sadly, the Onyx name was too far tarnished by the original scam, and interest in the coin has faded. It is at this point that Opal was born. Opal uses the OnyxCoin V2 blockchain, which has always been a fresh new chain, but has been completely re-branded and is now backed by a team of committed members who wish to see the coin succeed. We liked what we saw in the codebase, and the wallet, and felt this was a great foundation from which we could build on - the first task being to detach it completely from the original name., RPC Port: 51990, P2P Port: 50990"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:comment "relaunch"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "opalcoin_opal.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "OPAL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Opalcoin"@en . doacc:D172b0d36-235b-4bb7-9df0-e7ee497a6bf3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1 block, 0 coins per block (POS only), and 70 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "informationcoin_itc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "ITC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "70000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Informationcoin"@en . doacc:D1735ea63-bd4a-458f-8240-fda6337adc9e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Genesis: 28292000 VERSA, Stake: 60 % annually, Confirmations per transaction: 3, Minimum staking age: 5 hours, Maximum staking age: 144 hours, Block time: 25 seconds"@en ; doacc:block-time 25 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "versacoin_versa.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "13"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VERSA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "28292000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Versa"@en . doacc:D17383cfd-266f-49e8-8ab0-e9d3430de79a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Solace has a very low emission rate that will produce no more than 8.8m coins [no premine]. Solace algorithm is proof-of-work forked from cryptonote. Block reward is <5 coins, where as other coins block rewards are 25+ coins. Solace overall goal is to build curiosity within the crypto world and challenge the potential users of Solace to understand how cryptonote algo works and what minor changes were made to Solace."@en ; doacc:block-reward "<5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "solacecoin_solis.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SOLIS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "8800000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Solace"@en . doacc:D17497cd6-cccb-4cb2-a7e0-43affc93e6c0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "POW LAST BLOCK: 10000, Block time: 30 seconds, POS Min age: 15 minute, POS Max age: unlimited, Confirmations: 10, Maturity: 400, Stake interest 5%, PREMINE: 0%"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "blackcatcoin_bcat.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BCAT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Blackcatcoin"@en . doacc:D1756fadd-078d-4bb5-a442-33ef86c0a39e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Intial coins: 8.191.132, total coins: 16.382.264, BlockTime: 60 sec, Stake: 5% anual, Minimum Stake time: 7 days, Coin Maturity: 30 days"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dd1ad9434-0bc7-4101-80be-8a4853df416b ; doacc:image "chavezcoin_chvz.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30 days"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CHVZ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "16382264"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Chavezcoin"@en . doacc:D17619507-f0da-4497-af85-e57da0503aaa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Encrypted Messaging, Stealth Addressing, POW MAX Height: 50 million (Roughly 15 years), Block Times 24s, Premine 4%, MAX COIN: 300 Million, Est Supply: 250M, 160 confirms for maturity, 2% Interest, Staking starts 1hr after mining begins, Payout initially is 10 SKS, Every block, payouts are reduced by 20 satoshis"@en ; doacc:block-time 24 ; doacc:confirmations "160"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sheckelcoin_sks.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "4%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SKS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "300000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Sheckel"@en . doacc:D17640026-d8f5-4708-b037-05678b6022e4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Stats, name - StrongHands, PoW Algo - Sha256D, PoS - min stake age - 30 days, PoS - Reward 100%, Blocktime - 2.5 mins"@en ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "stronghandscoin_shnd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SHND"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "StrongHands"@en . doacc:D177df41a-1f9a-4144-afe4-c2b982639d56 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-based Eco Coin - EcoCoin Abbreviation: EGC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 8/26/2013 Total Coins: 10.2 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 5 for tx 20 for mint Re-Target Time: 2.25 Minutes Block Time: 45 Seconds Block Reward: 7 Coins - Varies Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D07bec9ad-9a9b-48c4-9d51-9443cf3ebc13 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-08-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "ecocoin_eco.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2.25 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "(7, 'v')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ECO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Ecocoin"@en . doacc:D178cf5d6-18d8-4655-b977-abe7f86230ce a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "0.01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 40 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "stresscoin_sts.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0.05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "STS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.stresscoin.com/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Stress"@en . doacc:D178e361e-d896-4e0a-ab50-30e72ba3d14b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt"@en ; doacc:image "indexcoin_idc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "IDC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Indexcoin"@en . doacc:D1794e3d8-5dc2-4e2f-bd57-dcd07fcc459c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "This token will serve as a means of exchange for cloud storage space and bandwidth across the Storj network. Users will obtain SJCX by renting out their resources to the network via DriveMiner when it is released in the near future, and they’ll be able to rent space from other users using Metadisk. Participants in the crowdsale, which went live at the same time, will also receive SJCX according to how much they contribute."@en ; doacc:comment "asset:"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "storjcoinx_sjcx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Dafa6da19-d01f-470e-b021-07333cc66319 ; doacc:symbol "SJCX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Storjcoin X"@en . doacc:D17a5702c-ef22-4c66-b26a-c9405fd7b101 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "fruitcoin_fruit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FRUIT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Fruitcoin"@en . doacc:D17b1993f-05ee-4313-b4c8-3de23f42f3dc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "retarget every 2016 blocks, 200 coins per block, and 336 million total coins."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "firecoin2_fc2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FC2"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Firecoin2"@en . doacc:D17d9589c-ee3b-4d2a-b953-656db001a496 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Unfinished FTC clone , killed on launch. Failed to revive once, now finally revived. Game Coins - GameCoins Abbreviation: GME Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 5/12/2013 Total Coins: 1.67 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 30 Minutes Block Time: 2.5 Minutes Block Reward: 1000 Coins Diff Adjustment: 12 Blocks Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "gamecoin_gme.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "30 minutes / 12 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GME"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1670000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GameCoin"@en . doacc:D17de830d-9b7e-4505-8278-ef1c37977d7d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "MasterTrader Coin is new cryptocurrency aimed at developing social connections with avid Crypto enthusiasts seeking professional insight, analysis, and ideologies revealing the art of trading."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "trading system"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "mastertradercoin_mtr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MTR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10110000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "MasterTradercoin"@en . doacc:D17e875de-7ac1-4634-8277-d929206d29bf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "50000 POW blocks Ascentcoin is deisgned by using X11 Algorith , this will lower your heat and power usage while mining so it will cost you less and damage your hardware less and you can hold more! PoW Max coins: 75,000,00 PoS interest 15%, Minimum Coin Age: 8 Hours PoW Algorithm: X11, PoW + PoS, Symbol: ASCE, PoS interest 15%, , Minimum Coin Age: 8 Hours, 30 second block target, 30 confirmations for blocks to mature!, Retarget difficulty each block, PoW Total blocks: 50,000 POW blocks, PoW Payout: 150 per block, PoW Max coins: 7.5 Million, PoW Confirmations: 4, NO IPO, 2% Premine,"@en ; doacc:block-reward "150"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ascentcoin_asc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ASCE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Ascentcoin"@en . doacc:D17f4244f-d512-4713-85af-8483a8129ad4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Edward Snowden Coin 0.0.1 [ESC] Node Hardcoded, Proof of Work SHA256D Cryptocurrency based on Unobtanium 0.9.x (Bitcoin 0.8.99), Kimoto's Gravity Well, EventHorizonDeviation = 1 + (0.7084 * pow((double(PastBlocksMass)/double(28.2)), -1.228)), BlocksTargetSpacing = 1 * 60, PastSecondsMin = TimeDaySeconds * 0.23, PastSecondsMax = TimeDaySeconds * 1, Block Reward Halving = Every Day, Blockchain, Constant block reward: 10000, Maximum coins: Much More, 200 blocks to mature, 6 transactions to confirm, Minimum subsidy of 0.00000010 for all transactions, Estimated PoW lifespan: 5 years"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "edwardsnowdencoin_esc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1, 'd')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ESC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2628000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "EdwardSnowdenCoin"@en . doacc:D17f95384-03ac-4bf8-b449-298eee6b9438 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "roseonlycoin_rsc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RSC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Roseonlycoin"@en . doacc:D17feb22c-36d2-4ea7-8604-54a6af9af51f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: SHA-256, Reward: 0.16 UNAT, Spacing: 8 seconds, Retarget: Every 4 blocks, Target block time will be 8 seconds after block 52, down from 2.5 hours, Block Reward has been decreased to 0.16 UNAT per block, down from 200, Difficulty will readjust every 4 block, up from 2, The daily mining yield remains unchanged. Roughly 1920 UNAT is the target mining reward across the entire network, both pre and post fork, The ratio of networkseconds:UNAT per day remains unchanged, Updated seednodes, New icons and logos, 6 confirmations will now take only 48 seconds, down from 128 days, Network hashrate now available in Windows and OSX via getnetworkhashps, Network hashrate based on the last 5 blocks, down from 120, The only thing that changed was rewards, as well as a few technical improvements to both the network and handling of calculations, Block Reward is now RANDOM, The range is 0.1 to 0.001 UNAT per block, Median of 0.0505, Daily mining yield is 640 per day before standard deviation, Improved the handling of floating points for decimals, Rewards are now calculated as ((1 to 100) * COIN / 1000) to properly handle floating points (decimals) on all operating systems"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.16"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 8 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "unattaniumcoin_unat.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "UNAT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Unattaniumcoin"@en . doacc:D1800dc45-01f1-4a16-ab02-8a457e281242 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X-11 algo 20259990 coins, POS 13% starts at Block 500, 60 Sec Block Time, 10 Confirms on TXs, 10 Confirms on mined blocks, Stake Age Min=1hr, Max=10days, Premine - ~10%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "nopecoin_nope.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NOPE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20259990"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NopeCoin"@en . doacc:D18351452-20b0-446d-bc50-80b1708e0d97 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Lepro Coin - LeproCoin Abbreviation: LPC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/5/2014 Total Coins: 42.1 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Kimoto Gravity Well Block Time: 15 Seconds Block Reward: 4 Coins Diff Adjustment: Kimoto Gravity Well Premine: None."@en ; doacc:block-reward "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 15 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "leprocoin_lpc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Leprocoin"@en . doacc:D184633f7-6a36-4deb-a15f-6ff0ae1b1435 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "16"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "relaunch"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "volumecoin2_vol.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1600"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VOL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Volume"@en . doacc:D184bae4e-e75c-46b2-b3a2-dfd22cb0d269 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Merge-mineable SHA256 / scrypt cryptocoin with re-target every block, 1 coins per block, and 42 total coins. Coin that you can aquire by playing simple game. Hunter Coin - HunterCoin Abbreviation: HUC Algorithm: SHA256 + Scrypt Date Founded: 1/27/2014 Total Coins: 42 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Every Block Based On Last 2016 Blocks Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 10 Coins per block Diff Adjustment: Every Block Based On Last 2016 Blocks Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:comment "entertainment"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "huntercoin_huc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block 2016 lookback"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HUC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "HunterCoin"@en . doacc:D1875a83e-e897-4d1d-bba7-442675632ab2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Lite Bar - Litebar Abbreviation: LTB Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 2/12/2014 Total Coins: 1.35 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 4 Per TX Re-Target Time: 24 Hours Block Time: 3 Minutes Block Reward: 1-5 Bars Diff Adjustment: Premine: None."@en ; doacc:block-reward "(1, 5)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "litebar_ltb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "24 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LTB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1350000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "LiteBar"@en . doacc:D187913d3-f426-4951-8175-62ba16413082 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Raven [RVN], Algorithm: Scrypt, Block Time: 60 seconds 6% POS, Supply: 760,000 RVN, Stake Min Age: 1 Hours, ABOUT RAVEN Raven is an entirely proof of stake cryptocurrency, to be distributed through a sale of the total pre-stake supply at a price of 0.00002500 BTC per RVN. To prevent a staking monopoly, the maximum puchase of RVN will be 0.5 BTC per user. The minimum purchase is 0.001 BTC. To prevent sockpuppet accounts, buyers must provide a platform to show their active participation in the cryptocurrency community (Reddit, Twitter, Bitcointalk, etc). The supply sale will last for 14 days and any unsold RVN will be burned., We, as the development team, will retain 0.25% of the supply to stake until the network is stable, at which point these coins will then be burned also., Proof-of-work is about securing the network, but mining costs on alternative cryptocurrencies are so small that this proof-of-work system only gives the illusion of security. We have decided to distribute through a small premine sale in order to raise funds for the core developer to be able to dedicate himself to securing the network on an ongoing basis, run full nodes and provide core services for the Raven network., Raven currently includes stealth addressing and encrypted messaging, with a primary goal to implement a modified version of DarkSend and MeshNodes. To purchase RVN in the supply sale, you must send between 0.001 BTC and 0.5 BTC to the following development address: 1Cw8kuwcNFgejkdY93nJmNgq6gRC5AEnrv. Then, please message this account with your transaction ID, corresponding RVN address, and active cryptocurrency community account (if it is not your Bitcointalk account), your Raven will be delivered to the RVN address after you have passed the sockpuppet checklist. Otherwise, your BTC will be refunded."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "ravencoin_rvn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RVN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "760000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Raven"@en . doacc:D188ea2d0-dada-4606-8d4a-cea23a0fc4bf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "TURRON, TUR, POS, 8% A Year, Min Stake Age is 2 hours, Max Stake Age is 7 days, Minting is 50 blocks, Tx Confs is 2, TX Fee is 0.0001 TUR, 100,000 POW Supply in block 1 for the TIO"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "turroncoin_tur.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TUR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Turroncoin"@en . doacc:D1894522b-ba9a-4ea3-b0a4-b13f8be41e3d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Name: ServX, Symbol: XSX, Algorithm: Scrypt Pure PoW, Total Coins: 12 Million, Block time: 60 Seconds, Block Reward: 12 Coins (No halving), Premine: 75,000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "servxcoin_xsx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "75000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XSX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ServX"@en . doacc:D1899a27e-6320-4302-943a-a50356eeb305 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every block, 88 coins per block, and 462.5 million total coins. LTC clone, announced on chinese forum first.0 starting diff Chinacoin - China Coin Abbreviation: CNC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 11/3/2013 Total Coins: 462.5 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 88 Coins Diff Adjustment."@en ; doacc:block-reward "88"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-11-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "chncoin_cnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "462500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "中国币"@cn, "CHNcoin"@en . doacc:D18a45166-e0cd-4c6d-a20c-fe609c1fb678 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "We have developed a new wallet with a new Graphic User Interface with many additional built-in functions: real-time price of major exchanges, webchat, etc."@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.0035"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "bitburst_btb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "2.6%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BTB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bitburst"@en . doacc:D18b7e5d4-7385-4c15-9123-5270f1d861f9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total supply: ~3,000,000 (3MM), Premine: 100% Premine, Devs Premine: 1%, Algorithm: x11 (POS), PoS: 2% a year"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "mapcoin_mapc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MAPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Mapcoin"@en . doacc:D18e068f1-b7e7-4f69-9f02-75dcc8cf01c6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "latium_lat.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LAT"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Latium"@en . doacc:D19079176-54ad-46a1-8b29-5f749bc24381 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, random block reward, and 741,776 total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "swansoncoin_ron.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RON"@en ; doacc:total-coins "742000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SwansonCoin"@en . doacc:D19263719-095f-4d65-934c-aba418b42b86 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "- scrypt-based cryptocurrency - 6 confirmations for transactions - 50 coins per block - 899999900 total coins - 2016 blocks for changing difficulty"@en ; doacc:image "fakecoin_fkc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FKC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "900000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FakeCoin"@en . doacc:D19284e1d-5c12-420f-ae6f-f1c5b1911f4d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pepecoin2_pepe.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "3.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "Digishield"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PEPE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pepecoin"@en . doacc:D192b9365-691b-4a7b-a146-88458e766f7c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitdolarcoin_bd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "2000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000012382.2"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BitDolar"@en . doacc:D1959c659-dfc1-4234-ad8b-41b14e869d79 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Reward: 250 FGC, Block Time: 25 sec, Maturity: 30 blocks, Havling every : 400000 blocks, Total coins: 200000000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "250"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 25 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "frogcoin_fgc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 400000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "FGC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Frogcoin"@en . doacc:D196326e1-85bd-4fbe-b61a-c4b3687c28c2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1560 coins per block and 15.6 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "gaycoin_gay.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GAY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15600000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Gaycoin"@en . doacc:D1978638e-4e68-40fa-89be-fd256a133117 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9, doacc:Dd5bd8eaf-b432-440b-9502-3707aa57ff93 ; doacc:image "pandacoin_pnd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PND"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pandacoin"@en . doacc:D197fdf71-8b27-4a4d-8473-0473e7ac75c7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block time: 2 Min Retarget up: Every 5 blocks (max 100%) Retarget down: Every block (max 200%) Block reward: 0.1 OSM Total supply: 15,482,880 + 1% PA Premine: 100%"@en ; doacc:image "osmosiscoin_osmo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "OSMO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Osmosis"@en . doacc:D198d0d68-80fb-443d-bae0-fab9b7bd0f00 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "monkeycoin_mky.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MKY"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Monkeycoin"@en . doacc:D198e710c-b096-4714-baeb-b16f1630388e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "((1, 250), 1000)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:confirmations "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "antarctic_acc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ACC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "120000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Antarctic"@en . doacc:D19ab37cc-3bad-469b-aee7-bd24ab9c3098 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "500 coins per block and 890 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "kimdotcoin_dot.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "DOT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "890000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Kimdotcoin"@en . doacc:D19e1c0d4-b41c-4ec9-a242-ff2a2b909ac8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Digital currency for hardware, Internet of Things and M2M. Written from scratch in C, C++ and NodeJs. Instant transactions, transaction time is under 1 second. Smart Contracts. 10 million coins. No mining. Proof of Consensus algorithm (check out our white paper). 20% yearly interest rate. Open source. We propose full community support over the lifespan of the coin. We can't make this coin a success without your help, and therefore we wish to transfer control to the community. The GDC Foundation will organize the software development, marketing, public relations and all relevant aspects of the project. The community members, supporters, and investors will have their say on key matters regarding the coin. You will be able to vote on all important agendas via the wallet using the aforementioned smart contract technology. The GDC Foundation will sell GadgetCoin to fund development and marketing. The expenditure of the GDC Foundation will be visible in the blockchain and can be viewed by anyone. We aim to implement a fully transparent operation."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D6db3e95f-8874-45b0-9636-846de2333853 ; doacc:image "gadgetcoin_gdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D7be57c39-9dd2-4ea8-a16d-38d5d6cf5779 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D067a0029-f4c3-4070-b162-c8f95dc9257c ; doacc:protocol doacc:D4cecfc4d-8b8c-42de-a78d-36ec4458a193 ; doacc:symbol "GDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GadgetCoin"@en . doacc:D1a243e91-bc8d-4f12-865f-dbf1deb488af a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: Quantradilbry, Ticker: Q1, Algo: Srypt, Block Time: 1min"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "quantradilbrycoin_q1.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "Q1"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Quantradilbry"@en . doacc:D1abdbd31-e741-4a17-91fc-9b4b2fcf0577 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algoritm Hashing: Scrypt POW , Max Coin: 600 Millones, Block Reward: The reward of waccoin was specially designed to guarantee the value of the coin. The system was designed under the advice of experts in macro and micro economy to be a stable and profitable coin in short and long therm. When the difficulty grows the reward grows as well following the function described in the graphic: , Excel Block Reward and profit calculator: http://waccoin.com/downloads/reward.rar, Block time: 60 segundos , Dificulty retarget: Kimoto Gravity Well (KGW = 1 + (0,7084 * (PastBlocksMass/144)^(-1,228)), Cloud Seed Nodes (Faster conections) , Built-in DNS Seed"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "waccoingold_wacg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "WACG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "600000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "WaccoinGold"@en . doacc:D1b303b4b-a3c8-4306-859d-2e9683e5d047 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Computercoin., Computercoin is a cryptocurrency with X13 built in., Exchange:, Coin-ga: http://www.coin-ga.me/exchange/coin/CMPT, Vote:, Vote on Cryptoine!https://cryptoine.com/voting#CMPT, Vote on Bter! http://cn.bter.com/voting#CMPT, Logo desgin:, First:, Shareholder list:, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nh8YvfsjVtpgWvo-u1NegWlyH6bDREvwKcndc8M9cOI/edit?usp=sharing, About:, The computer is a great initiative, it changed the human world, changed people's lives. Wherever you are, whatever you do, you must use it. This is a miracle., Computer linked to the people around the world, whether rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, we can equal exchange., n this world, no computer can not do a thing. Shopping, travel, cooking, live, learn, work, any industry, any corner will have his presence. Computercoin will achieve all of the above functions. Do not believe? Let us take a closer look at it. , Specifications:, Algorithm: X13 + POS, Total: 14,580,000, Difficulty retarget : every block, Mined Block Confirmation: 120, Transaction Confirmation: 6, Block Rewards:, 0: (4million for IPO), Block 1-200: 0.1 block rewards, After 201 block there will be 2000 rewards, until 7 days later.(8200 block), Pow:14,580,000, PORT:, Port: 9461, rpcport=9462, Wallet:, Windows:, V1.0.0.1 https://mega.co.nz/#!zEIXgb4K!lWxEvHNaqtyggOcgOayDa0IElqVXuo_-b8EBV-i61rc, Mac: https://mega.co.nz/#!XNRWWBzC!Q-qt0asWM0NHHfZIjmOfPOlnezXXug_TZuBYC91PEvU, Source:https://github.com/computercoin/CMPT, POS Interest:, Min stake age: 1 day, Max stake age: 1000 days, 18% in the first year, 15% the second year, 13% in the third year, 10% in the fourth year, Stay at 5% final, IPO:, IPO is necessary to run the project. Part of the funds will be used to stabilize the market., IPO will last 10 days, do not miss a chance, otherwise you will regret., IPO total coins: 4 million(20%).Total shares:100, Up Investment: 10 shares,every share contains 40000 CMPT., Each stage ended, Then go to the next stage., New shares:, Stage 1: 0.05 BTC (25/25 shares) supply 1,000,000CMPT, Stage 2: 0.08 BTC (7/35 shares) supply 1,600,000CMPT, Stage 3: 0.14 BTC (0/20 shares) supply 1,000,000CMPT, Bounties and Giveaways: 20 shares supply 800,000CMPT, My BTC address:1awRRT56LyLpdHtBzj5owqNXpFfndNWjq, Escrow by cooldgamer https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=79720, Fee:1%. It is paid by buyer,it means if you join 0.05BTC,you need paid 0.05*0.01+0.05=0.0505BTC., Round 1:1Ggy8KkkMq3pohBpLYqGWfhh2Jp9zRv1FT, Round 2:12ibX1dMf8BUxTi4izDEc5pPFtb7Q5kcp7, Don't forget send me and escrow a private message:, 1) The amount you're investing., 2) Txid, Pool:, Hashharder: http://www.hashharder.com/x13/computercoin, 0% fee, http://pool.manhattanmine.com/getting_started, IRC: , http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#computercoin, Block Explorer:, First: http://cryptobe.com/chain/ComputerCoin, Second: http://cmpt.coinzone.info/, Faucet:, http://cryptoarrow.com/faucets/computercoin/ , Game: , http://cryptoarrow.com/games/computercoin// , Translation: , Chinese: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=685562. by Ribuce.J 10000CMPT, German: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=700044.0 by DrMotz 10000CMPT, Portuguese: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=701787.0 by Mxrider420z, Spanish: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=701526 by alexvillas, Romanian: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=701432 by kencoles, Italian: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=701274 by Anon39, Bouties:: , Multipool: 2 shares., Mac wallet:2 share., Logo design:1 share., Android wallet:1 share., Translation:10,000CMPT, First Block Explorer:1 share, Second Block Explorer:0.8 share, Faucet:1share., Game: 1 share., FAQ: , 1,Why IPO? , Some people have not hash to mine, but they want join in. Do you agree?, 2,How much will pre-mine coins?, 3,000,000 CMPT(20%) will pre-mine for IPO. Do you agree?, 3,When the pre-mine coins distribution? , Within one hour after launch wallet, download it and PM me ,or you can send mail to me Do you agree?, Have any questions? PM me or send e-mail to me., E-mail:computercoindev@gmail.com, Twitter: https://twitter.com/computercoin"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "computercoin_cmpt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "3,000,000 CMPT(20%) will pre-mine for IPO"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CMPT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "14580000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Computercoin"@en . doacc:D1b353e62-1f7c-4ee8-b861-c57ad62d8dd2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "polishcoin_pcc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PCC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "150000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "PolishCoin"@en . doacc:D1b3bfab3-ee79-4532-a5bb-1299f33b9308 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total Number of POW coins : 10,000,000, Block rewards : 500, Number of blocks : 20000, Block Time : 120 sec, Confirmation : 20, POS : 1% yearly, Premine : 1% = 100,000 V8, IPO : 3%= 300,000 V8, First 50 blocks reward will be 1 V8"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:confirmations "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "v8coin_v8.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "V8"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "V8coin"@en . doacc:D1b4258f4-b570-4a04-852e-ee6574cd7a84 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X13 -(blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo, hamsi, fugue), Ticker: KING, Total supply: 2.417.600 KING , Max POW Height: 20160 ( 14 days in total ), Block Time: 60s, PoS Interest: 2.5% per year, Min stake Age: 2.5 hours, ICO premine is 30%, 750000 coins will be up for sale., Diff retarget every block (it’s the safest and best option for smooth mining), Premine will be located in the first block and we will set a 0 block reward for the initial 100 blocks. Hope this is fair for everyone."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "kingdomcoin_king.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "30%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "KING"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2417600"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Kingdomcoin"@en . doacc:D1b606e11-c5cf-4ef4-9765-c9fa48a2a57f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications:, Max total coins: 239234, Block time: 12 hrs, Coins per block: 1, Maturity after: 1 block, Premine: 5% (11961 coins), Points of note 1) Insanely difficult to mine and very scarce 2) May or may not be a joke (depends on how I feel and whether people want this to continue) 3) MASSIVE PREMINE - this will take 16.4 years to be matched by mining!!! 4) Novelty 5) Fun (for me) 6) THIS WILL MAKE YOU RICH (warning: for legal reasons this will probably not make you rich), About the premine - a tribute to Nakamoto's huge instamine of Bitcoin and the massive instamine of Darkcoin - although I probably won't dump this early (it's insane not stupid) I like the power of having it as a kill switch in case of establishment takeover - the government/NSA/CIA/Walmart/the guy who owns the shop down the street are not going to get anything useful - if it ever has any value I will auction limited quantities (to reduce the risk of devaluation) in order to fund further (real) technical development - may be used to build a giant golden goose and buy the Spruce Moose"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 43200 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "insanitycoin2_ins.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "INS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Insanitycoin"@en . doacc:D1b7287b4-528f-4f9a-9d3e-144583c7bcf1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "English name:Flower Coin, DEV team:a team with worldwide teamers, Our team have 16 workers., Born Time:2014.7.30, Total amount:500000, Premine:ofc no, Flower coin is a X11 coin Roll Eyes Roll Eyes, Wallet:https://mega.co.nz/#!QIwxDQRT!7OOVB2QBW1cDoIzprUfY5NwqYWXLLZ2Z67V-vLKNTao, Sourcecode:https://github.com/flowerdeep/flowercoin, :::::::::: Features :::::::::::, - 60 seconds block time, Which means Fast confirming transactions, - 20000 Blocks, 1-5000 50, 5000-10000 25, 10000-15000 15, 15000-20000 10, - Every trade needs 6 confirminations., :::::::::: MINING POOLS ::::::::::, http://flower.powpool.com, http://flower.poolcake.com, https://www.minep.it, http://flower.coin-miners.info/ , we want to make a honest and successful altcoin,and we promise TLC is what we want to make!, :::::::::: BLOCK EXPLORERS :::::::::::, http://www.blockto.com/chain/Flowercoin, :::::::::: Something we prefer to do :::::::::::, Flower coin not only represents trend of the future, and is the pioneer of techniques, ideas, and vision., one of Altcoin's first vision is “to remove the concentration”,so with the increasing of altcoins' price,ASIC was borned., ASIC has changed the original beauty, resulting in the altcoin can only be hold in a few people, including the development of ASIC vendors, or early buyers of the ASIC,and “decentralization” disappear since then., so Flower coin to be a poineer to realize 'fairness' and fight against ASIC., we make it impossible to mine Flower coin by ASIC with Adaptive N-Factor, and other Technology:Kimotos Gravity Well,will also be used in Flower coin to ensure the investors' interest., We take new technology to ensure announce the wallet and source code.And the wallet can be used automatically after the end of countdown, so that we can promise nobody can premine."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "flowercoin_flow.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FLOW"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "FlowerCoin"@en . doacc:D1b7c498c-e05e-4df5-b6f6-27c98485082c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Bitcoin (SHA256) , Halving: 840,000 blocks , Initial coins per block: 32 coins , Target block spacing: 3 min , Diff retarg: 8hrs, Premine: 0, Max ACP minted: 53,760,000 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "32"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "anarchistprimecoin_acp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "8 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ACP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "53760000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "AnarchistPrime"@en . doacc:D1b9d76e1-bb5f-467c-96ab-4afedd7f8517 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorythm - SCRYPT, Type - Proof of Work/Proof of Stake(6% Annually), PoW Phase - 20,000 blocks, Block Reward - 0.0001 - 1.000(reward raises with difficulty), Time Per Block - 45 seconds, Max Coins - 303,720,000, Pre-Mine - None(Unless IPO then only IPO amount), IPO - TBD(We probably wont be aren't fully decided)"@en ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "coloradocoin_colc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "COLC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "303720000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Coloradocoin"@en . doacc:D1baf02b9-8c6b-4a10-81df-1d438d8c24fd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Gcoin is a Philanthropy based cryptocoin developed by Freemasons for the \"love of humanity\" Please note: This is not the official cryptocoin of any recognized Masonic body in the world at this time. This coin has been developed by Freemasons, It was developed for charitable purposes only. Scrypt, Kimoto Gravity Well, 2 minute blocks, 150,000 reward per block, Subsidy halves every 533333 blocks, Total Coins: 200 billion., Pre Mine: 40 billion."@en ; doacc:block-time 81 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "gcoin_gcn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D8d337d24-148d-4d2a-bd06-6d8561e98c28 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GCN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "33000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Gcoin"@en . doacc:D1bb10acd-f93f-459b-ae20-9a5d5cf8ebd2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "trashburncoin_txb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TXB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "9000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Trash&Burn"@en . doacc:D1bb8a5f9-5cc1-470e-98da-c64b755be52d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: SPKTR, Algorithm: SHA256, RPC Port: 24511, P2P Port: 24514, 60 Seconds Per Block, 60 Blocks to Confirm, 20MB Blocksize, POW/POS, Min. Staking Age: 3 Hours, Est. Total Supply:1,370,000 POW, 900,000 POS"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "spktrcoin_spktr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SPKTR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "22700000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Spktr"@en . doacc:D1bcdb1a7-69ec-4c05-9dfb-2561fa5f13d8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Swagbucks is intended for use on swagsociety.me. I intend to integrate a torrent tracker with swagsociety.me for different altcoins bootstrap files. Where members are being paid for seeding them., Proof of work, Algorithm: scrypt, Block reward: 1 BUCKS, no halving, Max height: 493,077 (after this network will not accept PoW), Proof of Stake, PoS without coin age, Max reorganization depth: 500 blocks, Block time: 64 seconds, Difficulty retarget: every block, PoS Reward: 1 BUCKS, Min transaction fee: 0.0001 BUCKS, Fees are paid to miners, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 50, Min stake confirmations: 50"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 64 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "swagbuckscoin_bucks.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BUCKS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Swagbucks"@en . doacc:D1bf1333e-f18d-47b2-baa9-faedd71ce92f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2016 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 84 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "magicoin_magic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MAGIC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Magicoin"@en . doacc:D1bf749dd-cb1a-4d12-a08d-c57af4bea34d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ScarceCoin specs., mining algo: scrypt, 1 minute block targets, 0.1 coins per block, subsidy halves in 131400blocks (~3 Month), First year mined 24647,5 SEC, 26289,99843358 total coins after 5 years and 9 month, 1 blocks to retarget difficulty, Lowered fee: 0.00001000 SEC minimum"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "scarcecoin_sec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 131400, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "SEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "26289.99843358"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ScarceCoin"@en . doacc:D1c0339b9-49da-4943-b59f-8a2670f8a986 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "0.00000700"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 77 ; doacc:image "7coin_7.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "7"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "7coin"@en . doacc:D1c257518-ffe0-408d-986f-7bfc4057bbe7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: BCSH, Distribution: PoW/PoS, Algorithm: x14, Total coins: 5'000'000 in POW, Block Reward:, (first 14400 blocks during ICO phase has 0.01 BCSH reward to mantain the blockchain working and test it safely. 144 BCSH will be produced within this ICO period and will be free distributed to users with giveaways and promotions!), 1-7 Block Days : 100 BCSH, 7 - 14 Block Days: 50 BCSH, 14 - 21 Block Days: 25 BCSH, 21 - 28 Block Days: 12,5 BCSH, 28 - 42 Block Days: 6 BCSH, 42 - 733 Block Days: 3 BCSH, After a total of 733 days of PoW mining BitCash will switch to pure PoS., Total coins to be mined in PoW mining 5 Millions, Block Time: 60 Seconds, TX Confirmation: 4 blocks, Annual interest: 5%, 120 minted block confirmations"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8d7ad0a3-ad16-4b3b-bbfc-e968f03a5d59 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitcashcoin_bcsh.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:De50372a5-3d3c-4408-ad0e-532a4258c328 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BCSH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitcash"@en . doacc:D1c318840-ac00-4895-aa0e-42f2679b2741 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "As the name signifies, it the nicest crypto currency to provide essential elements to grow the crypto ecosystem with its path breaking strategies., This is the first Coin to promote a new concept called “POHE (TM) - Proof Of Human Effort” instead of machine efforts. You get paid for using NiceCoin in transactions & services related to it., The Coin is a 100% POS and will be distributed very fairly using Marketing Bounty Programs and POHE. The users of Nice Coin will receive coins on engaging with the services using nicecoin, both free and paid services. That means more the engagement, more the earnings!!!,, The coins are called “NIC” and NICs for more than 1 coin. For Decimal places upto 8, we have given name as Nickels., Due to our team marketing efforts, the NiceCoin will open ample new business verticals for accepting crypto currency as an important mode of transacting. We will keep sharing some good news in coming days., Welcome to Nice Days!, Coin Specifications are as follows:, - Total coins: 6.5 Billion NIC, - Algorithm: Scrypt, - 100% PoS, - Symbol: NIC, - PoS interest 5%, - Minimum Coin Age: 1day, - 60 second block target, - 30 confirmations for blocks to mature!, - Retarget difficulty each block, - Coin Confirmations: 4, - NO IPO, - 100% Premine"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D69c60ef1-ed66-4562-bd83-9620f8c34e74 ; doacc:image "nicecoin_nic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NIC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "65000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Nicecoin"@en . doacc:D1c40f334-20e3-4b25-902f-babb37fd2232 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Abrv: BSs, Algo: Sha256d, Type: Proof Of Work, Coins Per Block: 25, Halving: 105,000 blocks roughly 2 years, Block Time: 10 minutes, Max Coins: 28,000,000, Coinbase Maturity: 250, Confirmations 2, TXFee = 0.01, Expceted Blocks Per Day: 144 Blocks, Expected coins per day: 3600 (BSs), Expected year mining ends: Year 2036, Premine: 0.0018%"@en ; doacc:block-reward "25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:confirmations "2"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitsiscoin_bss.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "250"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0.0018%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 105000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BSS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "28000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitsis"@en . doacc:D1c438f58-7841-4d4b-8a6f-86af31e11e90 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specs SOLOCOIN -SCRYPT-POW Abbreviation -SOLO- Max Money 312500 Total coin POW 300000 Premine 4 % 0-10 Genesis Block BOUNTY,EXCHANGE,DEVELOPMENT,ETC difficulty Launch : 0.00131203 0-150000 1 Coins 150000-300000 0.5 Coins 300000-450000 0.25 Coins 450000-600000 0.125 Coins Block Time 120 Seconds maturity 9 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:comment "closed source, revoked ico"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "solocoin_solo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "9"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "4%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SOLO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "312500"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Solocoin"@en . doacc:D1c4884e0-90ef-4439-bd06-4e16497aa5e8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Grow KushCoins Solo or start a Grow-Op!!, 4,200 coins per crop, 420 seconds to grow each crop, 420,000,000 total coins, SCRYPT growing."@en ; doacc:block-reward "4200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 420 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "kushcoin_khc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "KHC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "KushCoin"@en . doacc:D1c56158a-99a4-4655-b524-1e342e263a40 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "POW / POS and 3.5 coins per block. StarTrek-insipred coin."@en ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "klingondarsek_ked.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "KED"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Klingon Empire Darsek"@en . doacc:D1c682c49-62e9-4bb6-8293-f5ecd756ef0e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "10,000 coins per block and 16.8 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:image "californiacoin_cac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CAC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "CaliforniaCoin"@en . doacc:D1c71138a-b318-4f34-9d88-bc3b3c0245a4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Node.js cryptocurrency implementation"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:comment "infrastructure, hybrid coin and payment system"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "node_node.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dc8cecbd1-03ec-48d1-a687-5966753d6f50 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:D6aa11385-b0d9-4593-815b-776e7f63199c ; doacc:symbol "NODE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "600000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "节点币"@cn, "NodeCoin"@en . doacc:D1c7275f0-e9b5-4f3f-ac5a-e3d3baebab9a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Neucoin (abbreviated NEU) aims to be the leading cryptocurrency focused on using a proof-of-stake consensus (first introduced by Peercoin) as a security model, with a combined proof-of-stake/proof-of-work minting system. Neucoin is based on Peercoin, itself based on Bitcoin, while introducing many important innovations to cryptocurrency field including new security model, energy efficiency, better minting model and more adaptive response to rapid change in network computation power."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "neucoin_neu.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "2500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NEU"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Neucoin"@en . doacc:D1c72a310-b4c2-44f9-ac8f-c67bffe92164 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ExaByte is mineable with three algorithms and random rewards., Specifications: Proof of Work based. Mine using any of the 3 algorithms : sha256, scrypt or groestl., Default algorithm is sha256, Difficulty is retargeted every block. (4% up ,2 % down), 30 seconds, Max coin will be 500,000,000 coin ever, Random Coins per Block Based on Probability, 48% 5, 25% 10, 15% 25, 11% 50, 1% 100, After block 1,000,000 reward remand at 1 coin.~ ( 1 year ), Confirmations: Confirmations for mined blocks are 120, Transactions require 6 confirmations to become valid."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "exabytecoin_exb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:premine "non"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "random rewards"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EXB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ExaByte"@en . doacc:D1c97a04a-97cf-40cd-8e3c-27da734f4372 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The abbreviation is XNC, Proof of Work, 10 XNC of reward each block, Halving every 210000 blocks, Small premine of around 600 XNC, No blockchain, nobody can see your transactions, Coinbase maturity: 21 blocks, Number of confirmations: 6"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source, no blockchain"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "norrencoin_xnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "21"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "600"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "XNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Norrencoin"@en . doacc:D1ccaa2be-fdfe-4a67-a891-a6fa444833e4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block Reward: 1 SCQ, Block Time: 42 sec, Difficulty Re-target: every block w/ KGW, Confirmations: 3, Mined Block Maturity: 50 blocks, Block Halving Rate: Approx. every 4 years, Total Coins: 7,000,000 SCQ. Scrolls is a new, rare, fast cryptocurrency that utilizes the popular Scrypt algorithm. Scrolls also includes Kimoto's Gravity Well (KGW) for efficient difficulty re-targeting after every block making multipool issues a thing of the past. The Scrolls Foundation, which will be implemented shortly, will rely only on donations to support the YAC, Young Archaeologist Club http://www.yac-uk.org/."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 42 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "scrolls_scq.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "SCQ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Scrolls"@en . doacc:D1cd8d067-5622-47b0-863c-7c5e1648c52c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "folkartcoin_folk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FOLK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Folkart"@en . doacc:D1d0580b6-7ab5-4ea8-9742-dd719fd6eab5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "skynetcoin_snet.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "45"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "2000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SNET"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Skynetcoin"@en . doacc:D1d0e52cb-e643-4eb8-89cd-53ab5b52e53a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 10 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 50 total coins."@en ; doacc:image "netcoin2_net2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "NET2"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Netcoin2"@en . doacc:D1d16832b-d719-468a-8fd1-12d89a61e0a4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1 block, 1,000,000 - 250,000 coins per block, and 99 billion total coins. Zeit Coin - ZeitCoin Abbreviation: ZEIT Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 2/14/2014 Total Coins: 99 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: 4 For TX and 50 For Confirms Re-Target Time: Every Block Block Time: 30 Seconds Block Reward: 10k Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "zeitcoin_zeit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ZEIT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "99000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Zeitcoin"@en . doacc:D1d24e775-a010-4c55-87e7-58d32f9fbb53 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt, POS/POW Hybrid, POW ~102,000,000 QTC, Premine: 91,800,000, 100 Qcoin per block, 1% per year, Block time? 64 seconds, Ports: 19784 for P2P, 19785 for RPC"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 64 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "qcoincoin2_qtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "91800000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "QRT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "102000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Qcoin"@en . doacc:D1d490b9a-4ba7-40c7-a5bd-d972c4dcffd6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin BITOK: This POS / POW coin. The number of coins already generated 100 million BITOK Growth of 1% per year growth will continue for about 50 years for the promotion of this coin was collected cash pool of $ 120,000 ue in October 2014, ie 2 months ago. One of the goals of the company - is to bring this to the forefront of a coin, for use in international money transfers, as well as to pay for online stores."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "RU-focused"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D69c60ef1-ed66-4562-bd83-9620f8c34e74 ; doacc:image "bitokcoin_bok.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BOK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BITOK"@en . doacc:D1d4f48f6-6004-449b-9067-bf60d68c929e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SilverBullet: algo X13, premine: none, ico: none, mining will stop after 13000 blocks. Block time 60s. PoS 6%, Minimum age 1 hour, maximum age 8 hours"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "silverbulletcoin_svb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SVB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "569400"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SilverBullet"@en . doacc:D1d5dfafe-dd04-48c9-b699-550fcb9f1343 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ISO 4217 Trading Symbol : XDQ, Monetary Symbol :, Target block time : 180 seconds, Difficulty retarget : 20 blocks (every hour), Maximum Coins: 2,272,800, Starting block reward : 8, First reward reduction @ 43201 : 1.25, Second reward reduction @ 744001 : 0.75, Third reward reduction @ 1448001) : 0.5, Fourth reward reduction @ 2145601 : 0.25, Fifth reward reduction (inflation mode) @ 2846401 : 0.01,"@en ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:comment "multimining"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "diraccoin_xdq.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D61137b39-d1fa-4340-87e3-cc4e045dbf38 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "20 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XDQ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2272800"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Diraccoin"@en . doacc:D1d5f8b7e-3668-405b-9e7d-03c335dae426 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "a PoW cryptocurrency with a low inflation rate"@en ; doacc:block-reward "(1000, 1)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "yolocoin_yolo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "YOLO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7775000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Yolocoin"@en . doacc:D1d7ce1aa-f211-48a4-9622-12b1f7c13301 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Moon Coin - MoonCoin Abbreviation: MOON Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/28/2013 Total Coins: 384.4 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 8 Hours Block Time: 90 Seconds Block Reward: 29531 MOON Diff Adjustment: 8 Hours Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "29531"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "mooncoin_moon.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "8 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MOON"@en ; doacc:total-coins "384400000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "MoonCoin"@en . doacc:D1da4d663-d677-4c65-9527-2768a350eb0b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHAvite-3 based cryptocoin with re-target every 7 days, 50 coins per block, and 11 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "inkcoin_ink.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D9a083580-c5ee-46ba-b557-efcc098e99c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "INK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "11000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "INKcoin"@en . doacc:D1dcf8ccb-e81d-4e9d-ad3c-339eecb8ab46 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: Qubit, Ticker: SMSR, Total supply: 60 million, POW/POS, block time: 75 seconds , minimum stake age: 6 hours , maximum: unlimited , 40m coins will be sold at 150 sats each. POW ends 16100. POS will start on block 16000 so we have smooth transition from pow to pos"@en ; doacc:block-time 75 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "samsaracoin_smsr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db435df5d-bc7e-4794-b7db-e83980b4f97d ; doacc:premine "66%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SMSR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "60000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Samsaracoin"@en . doacc:D1ddd92e9-7f33-4b3a-9597-8b74e05c3cbf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "InstaMineNuggetsCLASSA $MINEW, Coin Type: Litecoin Scrypt, Halving: 7500 Blocks, Initial Coins Per Block: 50 Coins, Target Spacing: 3 Minutes, Target Timespan: 33 Hours, Coinbase Maturity: 3 Blocks, Pre-Mine: 50%=750000 Coins, Max Coinbase: 750000 + 750000=1500000 Coins. $MINE has launched 1.5 million ($MINEW) (CLASS A CRYPTO COIN CONTRACTS) on 02-27-15. $MINEW will be convertible into $MINE at 2.00 $USD per coin with a 2 year Expiration Date from purchase or can be bought/sold freely like $MINE once exchange listed. $MINEW is a seperate 1.5 million capped “Crypto Coin Contract” blockchain based cryptocurrency that will trade freely alongside $MINE once listed. $MINEW can be bought and sold with “no lockup period”."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "instaminenuggetsacoin_minew.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "750000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "3 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 7500, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MINEW"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "InstaMineNuggetsA"@en . doacc:D1ddea35b-0bd5-4dd2-8dbb-6395697533cb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "charonscoin_chc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CHC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "https://sites.google.com/site/charonscoins/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "CharonsCoin"@en . doacc:D1de1c2df-7fe3-4ab1-8e0b-99996afbef4e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "opescoin_opes.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D7a192d46-bd43-4061-92aa-5c5e3f8c5df3 ; doacc:premine "5200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('rp3', 86400, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "OPES"@en ; doacc:total-coins "52000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Opescoin"@en . doacc:D1e143860-ec0b-4722-a18f-46e085197eea a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "AeroME (AM), X13, 60 second block time, PoW + PoS Hybrid, 12 Million coins Premine in first few blocks, 100% Premine Block 1 = Premine (12 million coins for ICO), Block 2 > 100,000 = 0 coin rewards, in-case PoW mining is required to keep the chain moving, 12 hours min coin stake age, Unlimited max stake age, DGW re-targeting starts at block 20"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "asset issuance instrument, ipo cancelled"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "aeromecoin_am.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Daa295390-4216-4139-8f05-efa86e0f0216 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW 1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "AM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "AeroME"@en . doacc:D1e34d964-bb30-4647-9956-02be95a150f4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin name: French Genius (Angel), Coin ticker: GENIUS, Max mint: 100 000, Virtual coin true value: 1:1 with one physical Genius gold coin, Transaction fee: 0.0001 GENIUS (around 2 cents), PoS ~0.00001, Algo: SCRYPT"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "physical coin backed"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "frenchgeniuscoin_genius.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GENIUS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FrenchGenius"@en . doacc:D1e3764d4-8398-4677-8e85-28a2541af128 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total supply: ~91315000 Metal (will be less, PoS will kick in on block 22501), Algorithm: x11 (POW), POW Blocks: 50000 (will be less, PoS will kick in on block 22501), Difficulty retarget: every block, PoS: 5% a year, PoS start: block 22501, Premine: 1000000 METAL, Block time: 90 seconds, Block 1: premine"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "metalcoin_metal.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "METAL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "91315000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Metalcoin"@en . doacc:D1e520a09-8d44-4d10-ae9f-b1aeec5b2f45 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "NAME: MONETA, Short Name: [MONET], algorythm: Scrypt, coin supply: 184 000 000, ColdBlackBox safe: 84 000 000, coin mining available: 100 000 000, block generation time: 30 seconds, block max size: 8 Mb, block reward: 1 MONET, start difficulty: 0.00024414, change difficulty: 10 blocks, coinbase maturity: 120 blocks, market available: 80 000 in 1 day, start price: 0.00050001 BTC 1 kw/h in the world, FIRST 5 000 blocks - reward 10 MONET, <10 000 blocks - reward 5 MONET, >10 000 blocks - reward 1 MONET"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "monetacoin_monet.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "84000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MONET"@en ; doacc:total-coins "184000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Moneta"@en . doacc:D1e67a147-4bcf-4595-ad77-d6d839bcd305 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Symbol ZNY, Algorithm Yescrypt(GlobalBoost-Yとは少し異なるため注意), Max Coins 250,000,000(2億5000万), Premine 0, Block time 90 秒, Difficulty DarkGravityWave3, Block reward 250, Halving every 500,000 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "250"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitzenycoin_zny.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D211d6200-8c02-4219-9e3f-a65d406dafb5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 500000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ZNY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "250000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BitZeny"@en . doacc:D1e8fdc03-e9a1-42ee-bc3c-fb299725d60a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "snakecoin_snake.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SNAKE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Snakecoin"@en . doacc:D1ed060f1-bfc8-44d4-8374-9eeec6e9c970 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bananacoin_banc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "NGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1, 'm')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BANC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bananacoin"@en . doacc:D1edd900c-399e-471c-87a3-c214ce3c969d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Protocol, PoS"@en ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "ripple_xrp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D63aa1e55-d517-4da6-b399-1b117351f542 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:De200e646-03d6-4d2a-a51c-62d7aa2ed296 ; doacc:symbol "XRP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Ripple"@en . doacc:D1ef50b93-bbb0-406f-b9cb-b30767c35990 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block time: 1 minute Difficulty Adjustment: Each block Standard Dividends: 1% / year The minimum transaction fee: 0.0001WNC Transaction fees paid to miners Trade confirmations: 10, mature confirm: 500 Coin maturity: 8 hours p2p port: 9411,, pc port: 9412 Algorithm: scrypt Block Awards: 10000WNC, no halving POW phase 10000 blocks, after that switching to pure POS. Hybrid POW/POS WineCoin utilizes a hybrid POW / POS system. This allows for a fair distribution during the POW phase, and then switched to an energy efficient POS system."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "winecoin_wnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "WNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Winecoin"@en . doacc:D1f144d51-012c-433e-b683-638ae0d0eb6d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: FULL INTEGRITY COIN, Abr. : FIC, Coins per Block: 1000, Block per day: 1440, Total coin in 1 day: 1440 * 1000 = 1,440,000 Coins, Total Block in 4 years= 2,102,400, Total Coins to generate: 4,204,800,000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "product range support"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "fullintegritycoin_fic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FIC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4204800000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FullIntegritycoin"@en . doacc:D1f18a21c-6277-42a2-9271-e9ddb81bd17e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "relaunch"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "360"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "echocoin_echo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.4%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 43000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "ECHO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "EchoCoin"@en . doacc:D1f3c3c50-26cb-4f81-a93c-ef3d13f65e1a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: YOVI, Algorithm: SHA256, Est 120-180 Seconds Per Block, Est Money Supply: 22.83m , POS: 5% / year"@en ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "yovivirtualcoin_yovi.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "YOVI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "22830000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Yovivirtualcoin"@en . doacc:D1f5bdd83-b1a3-4e52-b9cf-7ade5e9e6118 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "scrypt"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "wampumcoin_wam.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "100 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('r')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "WAM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Wampumcoin"@en . doacc:D1f6a7c31-b063-4024-b9ec-98bcf2a17598 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: StarCoin, Short name: STC ★, Algorithm: X11, Total Coins: 2,420,000, Block Halving: 11000, Block Reward : 110 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "110"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "starcoin_stc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 11000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "STC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2420000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "StarCoin"@en . doacc:D1f85ec6f-ee6b-49c8-8c72-c2317b6ad174 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Multigateway (MGW) is a third party service developed on top of the NXT network that allows you to move cryptocurrencies in and out of the NXT Asset Exchange, the peer-to-peer exchange that offers decentralized trading with no trading fees."@en ; doacc:comment "asset:4551058913252105307"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "multigateway_mgw.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D33583252-39e2-4b3b-a50a-deb84a7d77b0 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:D99826a21-6c51-48ae-a68a-c9603d90802a ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MGW"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "NxtMultigateway"@en . doacc:D1f875065-bcbd-4fd0-88de-f4ec7cd035ae a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, block range coin rewards, and 1.2 billion total coins. 5 minute transaction time 288 blocks per day 120 blocks to mature Blocks 105,120 per year SHA-256D Kimoto's Gravity Well"@en ; doacc:image "petrodollar_xpd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XPD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1220000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "PetroDollar"@en . doacc:D1f926a4e-4847-4d45-8262-2506bbb61e9f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Block Time: 1 Minute, Block Reward;, 1 - 500 = 400 XNAN, 500 - 1500 = 350 XNAN, 1500 - 3000 = 150 XNAN, 3000 - 4001 = 225 XNAN, PoW Ends: Block 4001, PoS Starts: Block 3800, PoS Interest: 200%, Pre-mine: 1% (10,000 XNAN)"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "nanitecoin_xnan.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XNAN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Nanite"@en . doacc:D1fc9afc1-15a5-4214-9d6d-f3f04e13cd63 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: CraigsCoin (CRAIG), 100% POS, Presale coins: 30000000 CRAIG, POS annual interest: 2%, Block time: 30 sec, The main idea of CraigsCoin is to provide the world with trustless, decentralized classified ads listing. Since everything is stored in the blockchain no entity will be able to delete or somehow edit an ad once it is posted., All 30000000 CraigsCoins are going to be sold via Bittrex ICO. Coin price will be determined at the end of the ICO (if there will be 10 BTC raised during the ICO it will mean that one CRAIG is worth 0.00000033 BTC)"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "craigscoin_craig.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CRAIG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Craigscoin"@en . doacc:D2007930c-3ec6-486b-9c89-bca71832a155 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-00"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "origincoin_ogc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "OGC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "630000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.ogcoinworld.com"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Origincoin"@en . doacc:D2015cd25-186b-4e89-a414-c0e85246a805 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "testcoin_tc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Testcoin"@en . doacc:D20211c1a-bba3-47d6-9b55-65d4d2231e57 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "random"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "paypeercoin_payp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0.1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PAYP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://paypeer.pw/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "PayPeer"@en . doacc:D204d31fd-5d7a-41c3-9670-ab4624fa6229 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:image "jesuscoin_god.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GOD"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Jesuscoin"@en . doacc:D2082f9ba-5531-42b4-8526-94a2b1ed3b84 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt [POW/POS], Total initial supply: 33 Million, Block time: 60 seconds, 10 Coins per block, Block Maturity: 50 blocks, Premine=1 Million MDC in order to pay for costs, updates including the Exchange implementation & those involved) , POS INFORMATION, Network-Stake- 50% year, Min Coin Age: 1 day (24h)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "mediccoin_mdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "33000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Mediccoin"@en . doacc:D209045c2-4221-4fb4-9b5e-56d97e4047d9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-based cryptocoin. Yacoin clone. Ferret Coin - FerretCoin Abbreviation: FEC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 7/1/2103 Total Coins: 123 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 960 Blocks Block Time: 1.5 Minutes Block Reward: 23 Coins Diff Adjustment: maximum difficulty retarget 123/55 (~+123%) and 55/123 (~-55%) respectively Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "23"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ferretcoin_fec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "960 blocks / maximum difficulty retarget 123/55 (~+123%) and 55/123 (~-55%) respectively"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "123000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Ferretcoin"@en . doacc:D20af98f8-9e1d-442c-b485-f7078aa2c221 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "FREE DISTRIBUTION - 1,000,000 COINS (or 5%) will be given away to supporters of the coin for free!!!, Coin structure:, Block 1 - 20,000,000 ICO, Block 2 - 1,000,000 for free distribution, Block 2 - 1000 - 1 just to get the block chain working.OPTION is a PoS-based cryptocurrency., SLING is dependent upon libsecp256k1., Total POW: Blocks POW Reward: 137 SLING per Block POS Reward: 1.337 SLING Block Spacing: 60 Seconds Diff Retarget: 2 Blocks Maturity: 37 Blocks Stake Minimum Age: 8 Hours, Port: 30137 RPC Port: 30138"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dacedec21-6abc-425f-9352-12f65d7913c7 ; doacc:image "optioncoin_option.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "37"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "21000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "OPTION"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21001000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Optioncoin"@en . doacc:D20cdde2a-2a2a-4f9b-bf86-9acd9265b979 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW Algorithm: Scrypt Difficulty Re-target : KGW Block Time: 60 seconds Initial Block Reward: 65000+ Coins per block Max Supply: Coins"@en ; doacc:comment "celebration"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "ircoin_irc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "IRC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "55000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "IRCoin"@en . doacc:D20fd5148-9fd0-4151-939c-bc80c2e2f0b9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Minimum Reward: 0.00000000000025 BTCRY, You can solo mining this coin and you can using this Coin in minecraft with my plugin!, You can use this plugin for all Cryptocoins and its integrated with shopsystem. , The configs should be self explained., Improved Design,Changed Retarget time and changed icons., 1 block is easy to get due to the weak level of difficulty., blocks halving after every 80640 blocks (14 days), The reward is halving every 14 days you get after 1 month the reward (500000000) divided through 4, after 2 month reward (500000000) divided through 8 and so on., When you reach the minimum of 25 coins then divided the minimum value of 25 coins / 100000000000000 so that the maximum minimum reward is 0.00000000000025 BTCRY pro Block."@en ; doacc:block-reward "500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 15 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitcrystalcoin_btcry.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "90 days"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 14, 'd')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BTCRY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "9999999999999"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BitCrystal"@en . doacc:D2161b68b-aeb5-4d6a-83de-eda6fc3a6574 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "chikun_kun.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "KUN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Chikun"@en . doacc:D21627779-b459-4c04-b4f8-1c0b6b55befe a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Exchange, C-CEX Soon, Bittrex Soon, Poloniex Soon, Social networking sites, Website:Announced later, Twitter:https://twitter/GoddessCoin, Email:GoddessCoins@gmail.com, Download, Wallet password:&#%@RFSD, Windows:https://mega.co.nz/#!fNlR3SgL!qFdo7URlamE--U9taGNLb1FT8jq-BfAE7vc-cem7AWs, Mac:Reward 500 GODD, Linux:Reward 500 GODD, GitHub:https://github.com/GoddessCoin/GoddessCoin, Specification, Total: 3.2 million, Coin Name: Goddess Coin [GODD], PoW Algorithm: X13, PoW + PoS hybrid, Confirmations for blocks to mature: 60, PoW Total Blocks: 10800 PoW blocks [7 days mining], 60 second block time, PoW block reward: 153 GODD, 60 confirmations for block to mature, POS starts at 10080 block, PoS Interest: 9%, Pre-mining:1.5% [high-quality Exchange and reward ], It is the first block, No IPO, RPC:19611, p2p:19612, Block Explorer, Awards 2000 GODD, Mining pool, We will select some to join the pool of high-quality, http://godd.coin-miners.info/, http://godd.pool.mn/, Faucet, Awards 2000 GODD, Paper Wallet, Later released, Reward, Translate: 100 GODD, propaganda: 100 GODD, Game: 1000 GODD, Business: 1000 GODD, For more information about GoddessCoin will be announced in the future"@en ; doacc:block-reward "153"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "goddesscoin_godd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GODD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3200000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Goddesscoin"@en . doacc:D21717e51-6ecd-4cc3-9934-f1b5ac7a80f8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Coin Name: WalletCoin, Coin Abbreviation: WTC, Address letter: W, RPC Port: 5354, P2P Port: 5353, Block reward: 10000 coins, Block halving: 210000 blocks, Total coin supply: 420000 coins, Coinbase maturity: 5 blocks, Number of confirmations: 3 blocks, Target timespan in minutes: 5 minutes, Target spacing in minutes: 5 minutes"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "walletcoin_wtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "WTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "420000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "WalletCoin"@en . doacc:D2183cb04-bf16-4b3d-8987-fcb355557830 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Retarget: Kimoto Gravity Well Block Time: 60 seconds Transaction: 3 confirmations Maturity: 30 confirmations Block Reward: 10,000 BLTZ Max Supply: 100,000,000 BLTZ Premine: 1% (1,000,000 BLTZ for IPO Hybrid)"@en ; doacc:image "blitzcoin_bltz.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BLTZ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BlitzCoin"@en . doacc:D2197ee50-34b4-40e7-91fc-4ac4abf9cb76 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "50 coins per block and 21 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "tattoocoin_ink.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "INK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Tattoocoin"@en . doacc:D21b7bb77-f20c-431e-bf1b-f5e5c226773d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Initial block reward: 10000 SMLY., The coin is based on litecoin source. The source code is freely available., A total of 50*10^9 (50 billion) coins will eventually be generated, half during the pre-mine phase., Difficulty will be adjusted approximately every 5 days so as to obtain a new block every 3 minutes on average. This difficulty schedule aims to reduce the non-premined coins by 50% over 7 years."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D0b00b4aa-41a7-4bc3-a3b3-a2400d606d3a ; doacc:image "smileycoin_smly.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "25000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 days"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SMLY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Smileycoin"@en . doacc:D21ba11fc-2296-4c67-8fb4-0ece8328146a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "We define the cryto-currency with 3 stage: The first stage is the POW(proof of work). Bitcoin The second stage is the POS (proof of stake). PPC The third stage is POB(proof of burn) reference (Slimcoin Whitepaper PDF),thanks for their great work.But we find some drawback with distribution model of slimcoin.So we try to improve this model.Make it more profit for the holders. 1. We reduce the amount to 21 Million 2. Make the mint confirm faster and less block confirm. 3. Improve the distribution model. 4. Make burn Coins more profit. Proof-of-work is used as a mean for generating the initial money supply.But if someone doesn’t have any rig, can not take part in the distribution. Specifications Uses Dcrypt algorithm, an algorithm made to be difficult to implement on an ASIC. Tri-Hybrid Blocks: Proof-of-Burn blocks, Proof-of-Stake blocks, Proof-of-Work blocks Block time is 3 minutes (180 seconds) Difficulty re-targets continuously Block Rewards: Proof-of-Burn blocks: max 200 coins Proof-of-Work blocks: max 20 coins Pos:7 days Block rewards decrease in value as the difficulty increases Total 21 million coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "vardiff"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "thirdgenerationcoin_tgc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D28483031-b854-4853-9a35-e1daf97e4c59 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D493eab2e-eeba-496d-afca-c9372c6efe9a ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TGC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ThirdGenerationCoin"@en . doacc:D21c89c23-10e7-4cd5-9749-fbb093967706 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm - SHA256, Premine 1% Of Total PoW Blocks (40k Coins, approx 1% due to POS) Escrow Needed, POS Maturity - 24 hours, Block Target - 1 minute, 120 Blocks for Maturity"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "emoneycoin_ecash.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ECASH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "EMoney"@en . doacc:D21d181bc-99df-453e-81c3-c84582780d52 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: NUKE, Full-POS No-Mining, 50% yearly interest, minimum stake age: 1 hour, max supply 6,031,900, 100% ICO: Duration 3 days"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "nukecoin_nuke.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db435df5d-bc7e-4794-b7db-e83980b4f97d ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NUKE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2778196"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Nukecoin"@en . doacc:D2205ef1e-95cb-4f22-a501-c69bd0cac354 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "BREAK COIN [BRE] | 760.000 coins | 50% POS | MASTERNODE | Only POS, Only 760, 000 COINS, 50% POS, 10,000 per masternode, Min. Staking age : 8 hours, Bonus blocks 5, 10 , 25, 100, 500, You need 10,000 to make any chance to get bonus blocks"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "breakcoin_bre.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BRE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "760000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Breakcoin"@en . doacc:D220f55bf-b915-4ecc-940e-f6359d744392 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "NAME: Peppsycoin, ALGO: Scrypt, SUFIX: PSY, Coin Target: 30s, Block reward: 95 PSY, Block Halfing: 788400 blocks, 273.75 days, Retarget: 9.5 blocks, Total: 159595959"@en ; doacc:block-reward "9.5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "block 0 at 2015-05-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "peppsycoin_psy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "9.5 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 788400, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PSY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "159595959"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Peppsycoin"@en . doacc:D221a6e77-25c6-4ff5-bf97-b7ec4b3cf48b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "NeoCortex - Coins for the Mind, Introducing the latest mining algorithm - NeoScrypt - with thanks to GhostLander for the creation of the algorithm., Algo: NeoScrypt (profile 0x3), Ticker Code: NEOC, Coin Name: neocortex (neocortexd and neocortex.exe), Config Location: neocortex.conf, Block Rewards, 10K NEOC Premine (Originally For Bounties - see below) in Block 1 - But Unintentionally discarded due to blockchain fork., Blocks 2 - 99 - 2 NEOC, Blocks 100 - 499 - 20 NEOC, Blocks 500 - 20000 - 250 NEOC, Blocks 20000+ - 50 NEOC + Transaction Fees, The shorter plan for the block reward system, is to allow for an easy inclusion of PoS at some point after block 20,000 if the coin's value is sufficient to warrant it., Use the following nodes to help connect if you are having issues: (add to bottom of neocortex.conf and remove your peers.dat file), Code:, rpcport=25555, rpcuser=rpcuser, rpcpassword=rpcpass, addnode=, addnode=, addnode=, addnode=, Difficulty Algorithm, The same difficulty algorithm as in Monocle has been used for this coin., Mining, As this coin NeoScrypt - no current GPU miner will work for this coin. The CPU miner from GhostLander is also untested with this coin's exact workings. Bounties (see below) will be provided., Github Source: - https://github.com/neocortex-project/neocortex, Windows Wallet: - https://mega.co.nz/#!XMFQzDCJ!PBTwMc66MLJL1_MIBoJm9y77jsdEc1Haz7xrm0CPXnE, MAC Wallet: - http://www.mediafire.com/download/nddygw0dk72h3za, CPU Miner, https://github.com/ghostlander/cpuminer/, Code:, solo mine using -a altscrypt -o http://localhost:rpcport -u rpcuser -p rpcpass, GPU Miners - Required - See Bounty Section Below, Pool Python-Hash - Required - See Bounty Section Below, Pool - Required - See Bounty Section Below, NEOC to BTC on “FobCoin” - http://www.fobcoin.com/index.php/Home/Trade/index/convertId/16?l=en-us, Windows Wallet - 'ascii' - 1000 NEOC, MAC Wallet - Donations to 'w8' - 9i4QFZe4tvyFTcs1xna6Cky7YYk2SK1NcA, Working Tested CPU Miner, Working Tested GPU Miner AMD - 1000 NEOC Bounty, Working Tested GPU Miner nVidia - 1000 NEOC Bounty, Working Tested Rental Rigs Site - 500 NEOC Bounty, Python Hash For Pools - 500 NEOC Bounty, First 5 Pools - 500 NEOC Bounty"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "neocortexcoin_neoc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D8a193ca2-120a-49ec-aaba-3186b0990920 ; doacc:premine "20000 NEOC"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NEOC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4893200"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NeoCortexCcoin"@en . doacc:D22265788-700c-4e7e-940c-e7fd2cd3b026 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11 POW/POS Short: NEB, Total coin: ~1,450,000 with PoW, Block reward: Random Super Block, Reward Blocks, 50 NEB Up to 200 (Low Reward while mining pools gets setup and users discover Nebulacoin to create a fair launch), 100 NEB Up to 1000 , 300 NEB Up to 2500 , 150 NEB Up to 6000, PoS starts on block 6500, PoW last: 6500 ~approx 5 days, PoS generate after block 6400, Block time: 60 seconds, PoS Min age: 8 hours, PoS Max age: Unlimited, 20K NEB Premine for Bounties/Dev, Difficulty Readjusts every block, Confirmations on Transactions: 10, CoinBase Maturity: 50, Stake interest: 3% per year"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "nebulacoin_neb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "20000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NEB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1450000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Nebulacoin"@en . doacc:D222c81d3-9598-4b4b-8015-6a8c372694a8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ratcoin_ratc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RATC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Ratcoin 大鼠币"@en . doacc:D2236b94f-0f13-47b7-bf90-7c8715598809 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name JewelCoin, Coin Abbrevation JEWEL, POW/POS, POS 7%, Hash type x13 no ASIC, Premine 1%, Coins per block 1, Target spacing 1 min, Halving 50000 blocks, Target timespan 4 h, Coinbase maturity 8 blocks, Max coinbase 350.000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "jewelcoin_jewel.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "8"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "JEWEL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "350000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "JewelCoin"@en . doacc:D2266153b-e021-4b8f-bd84-e45f67ebc014 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "100% PoS, 3% annual interest, 4 hour stake. 100% presale"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "noocoin_noo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "NOO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Noocoin"@en . doacc:D227042e3-5e93-491e-89bc-ae7d0ea4c8be a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1 hour, 33.7 coins per block, and 337.3 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "33.7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "credits_crd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "70"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "60 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CRD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "337337337"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Credits"@en . doacc:D2286269f-8a18-4ecf-b30c-99900e8b7994 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "dvorakoin_dvk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "DVK"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Dvorakoin"@en . doacc:D229356f0-37cf-476e-87d1-102d02885dfc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitaltcoin_bai.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:retarget-time "600 seconds"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BAI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "184500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BitAltcoin"@en . doacc:D229ac3b2-0364-4caa-a7e2-b871091e4728 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SPEC is a lite version of Bitcoin using scrypt as a proof-of-work algorithm., Coin Name: SPEC, Algorithm: Scrypt, Coin Abbreviation: SPEC, Block Time: 5 minutes, Block Reward: 1250 SPEC, Retarget: 4 Blocks, Minted Coin Maturity: 44 blocks, Block Halving: 840000 blocks (~8 years), Total Coin Supply: 3,000,000,000 coins, Premine:, We the DEV Team have agreed to accept SPEC as payment for the foreseeable future., 10% To Private Round 1 Funders of CryptoWatcher and SPEC, 10% to Devs for work to date and next 2 months, 10% to Devs for future work/services Foundations/Giveaways/Faucets etc"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1250"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "speccoin_spec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "44"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "30%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SPEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Spec"@en . doacc:D229bcb8e-82c0-4bc5-b518-cfe943aafc36 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "liteshares_lts.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LTS"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Liteshares"@en . doacc:D22a457f5-b096-414e-abfd-263735e23d64 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "NEW FuelCoin - FC2 Re-Distribution x11/pos 2% interest 2014-04-30, 03:15:32, Fully Mined for re-distribution, Ticker: FC2, Total Coins: 100 Million, Algo: x11, Interest Stake: 2%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "premined, revamp of fuelcoin"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "fuelcoin2_fc2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FC2"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FuelCoin"@en . doacc:D230fb8fd-004f-450c-bca8-c0af4c69c96d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description """Pure POS. Block Rewards: 1st year nominal stake interest : 50% 2nd year nominal stake interest : 30% 3rd year nominal stake interest : 20% 4th year nominal stake interest : 15% 5-10 year nominal stake interest : 5% pa 10 years onward nominal stake interest: 3% pa"""@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "a3coin_a3c.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "A3C"@en ; doacc:total-coins "110000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "A3 coin"@en . doacc:D23206730-6f75-41f0-88c3-e5830f27a51d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: scrypt PoW KGW Transaction confirmations: 6 Total coins: 1700M Premine: 170M (+/- 10%) Starting diff: 0.00244 Block reward: 1000 NLG Block time: 150 seconds Retarget: 1440 blocks Reward halving interval: 840.000 blocks"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "guldencoin_nlg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NLG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1700000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Guldencoin"@en . doacc:D2330e5cd-946a-45d1-a17b-9a152558b5a9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Anybody with siacoins can rent storage from hosts on Sia. This is accomplish via ”smart” storage contracts stored on the Sia blockchain. The smart contract provides a payment to the host only after the host has kept the file for a predetermined amount of time. If the host loses the file, the host does not get paid."@en ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:comment "storage-contract"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "siacoin_sia.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D3f57e33a-2f73-4f63-9a5f-7455cd22a6cf ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Da693fc97-0b03-4102-a7af-cb9e3001fed4 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SIA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Siacoin"@en . doacc:D234f99b4-5e8e-445e-8e1b-d936566b8786 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "WWW.PRISMACOIN.COM COUNTDOWN TIMER, PrismaCoin was created by three people (web developer, designer and c++ programmer)., We are now just a small group but we have lot of projects and plans for the future so stay here and keep updated., With a short POW we give less time for the miners to dump their coins during the POW phase. The 10% interest on POS means more incentive for you to hold your coins. With this we can avoid a big dump., You will able to buy Web-designs, Logos, Banners, Pictures, directly from the owners with PrismaCoin., And you will able to hire web developers and designers with PrismaCoin too., We are now negotiating with some online stores in Europe about accepting PrismaCoin as payment method to buy electronic devices such as Personal Computer, Hardware, Television, Mobile Phone., PrismaCoin will be accepted by this store in at the end of August., 2014.07.28, PrismaCoin has good news! , From August 17th a newly created company based in Hungary will accept PrismaCoin., The Company's main profile is ASIC miners. We spent a lot of time with the owners and finally they will make business with us., They will open an Online Store on August 17th., You will able to pay with Bitcoin or with PrismaCoin!, If you decide to pay in Prisma we have a good news for you! Because the prices in PRISMA will be lower than in BTC. , They will announce a giveaway where somebody can win 2 Antminer S3s or 1 Dragon T1. We don't have more information about it. If we will have any information from the webshop we will announce it!, You will able to buy ASIC miners:, Antminer S3, Rockminer 32Gh/s, KNC Jupiter, TerraMiner II, Dragon T1, Butterfly Labs Jalapeno, And many others!, algorithm: x13, supply: 6.000.000 (6million) PRISMAcoin, reward: 1000 PRISMAcoin, blocktime: 60s, last POW block: 6011, min height: 3 hours, max height: 10 days, stake: 10%, Premine: 1.5% (90000) For development, giveaway, bounty, Blocks:, 1: premine, 1-100: 1 PRISMA, 101-6011: 1000 PRISMA"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "prismacoin_prisma.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PRISMA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Prismacoin"@en . doacc:D2352bc82-0317-4122-8d65-119a991c2212 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 60 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 500 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D78624b3b-41c0-4f5e-ad41-0c2296a60922 ; doacc:image "internetcoin_www.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "WWW"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Internetcoin"@en . doacc:D239d8e4d-36d8-4135-9418-90dfb11c3649 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 10 seconds, POW / POS, 1 coins per block, and 100 trillion total coins. Just a PPC clone. Naanayam - Naanayam Abbreviation: NYM Algorithm: SHA-256 Date Founded: 11/7/2013 Total Coins: Unlimited Confirm Per Transaction: 100 For mint Re-Target Time: linear (per-block) Block Time: 10 seconds Block Reward: 1 Coin Diff Adjustment: linear (per-block) Premine:. Novacoin-based."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 10 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-11-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "naanayamcoin_nym.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block linear"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NYM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NaanaYaM"@en . doacc:D23a331f7-39f7-4fcc-9247-3ea8de1824da a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "vaultcoin_vlt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "VLT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "66000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Vaultcoin"@en . doacc:D23bcd839-7546-4f41-90d6-17821961587f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: STEPS, ICO/FREE GIVEAWAY/POS, Initial Supply: 16 MILLION, 100% Proof of Stake, POS: See Reward System Below, Minimum Staking Age: 24 hours, Total Supply: ~25 MILLION, THE ICO WILL RUN IN 3 STAGES BY A TRUSTED ESCROW SERVICE FOLLOWED BY POS AND LISTINGS ON MAJOR EXCHANGES"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D46e50290-1c89-4ecf-b248-38b35e0eb6ce ; doacc:image "stepscoin_steps.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "STEPS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Steps"@en . doacc:D23d41363-2c3c-4fff-9d3f-7a79b6cf7229 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "pkrcoin_pkr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PKR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "69000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "PKRCoin"@en . doacc:D23f3b75a-01cb-40a9-b20f-4c9707b5dea6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Block Reward: 500 (decreasing by 0.0002 per block), Block Time: 30 seconds, Maximum Coins: 625 Million"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "potatocoin_spud.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('r', 0.0002, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "SPUD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "625000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Potatocoin"@en . doacc:D23fcf6ac-88e5-4155-acdb-a15f9f9037a5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "nofiatcoin_xnf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D63aa1e55-d517-4da6-b399-1b117351f542 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:De200e646-03d6-4d2a-a51c-62d7aa2ed296 ; doacc:symbol "XNF"@en ; skos:prefLabel "NoFiatcoin"@en . doacc:D2414103d-c3a3-49e6-a136-0b64b9268235 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Multi-hash algo based cryptocoin with re-target every 500 blocks, CPU only mining, 100 coins per block, and 210 million total coins."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "kimcoin_kmc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "KMC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Kimcoin"@en . doacc:D24204952-b71b-414e-9728-014258fb916a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Fantomcoin is the first CryptoNote currency to support merged mining of different CryptoNote-based coins, allowing to receive not only the FCNs but also any other CryptoNote-based currency without extra mining effort. As a result, the cryptographic security of the coins is increased. This also allows fair resource distribution and stabilizes the cryptocurrency market through diversification."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "fantomcoin_fcn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:symbol "FCN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Fantomcoin"@en . doacc:D2432d6f3-35ea-4e96-a577-da39780b8432 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 4 blocks, 25 coins per block, and 10 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "siriuscoin_ssc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SSC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Siriuscoin"@en . doacc:D244c2821-fd29-4b93-85b3-f89a2791dd0f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "33"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "teslax3coin_tesla.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "TESLA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "17500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Teslax3coin"@en . doacc:D244c3581-fd85-4aaa-9644-ec9201db5c20 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ALGO: SHA256, P2P port: 56631, RPC port: 57631, POW: 4000 blocks, POW rewards: , Block 1-1000 = 843 coins/block, Block 1001-2000 = 621 coins/block, Block 2001-3000 = 437 coins/block, Block 3001-4000 = 271 coins/block, POS: DPOS, Block 1-30000 = 14 coins/block, Block 30001-10000 = 7 coins/block, Block > 100001 = 3.5 coins/block"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "vaporcoin_vprc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "150"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "30 min"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VPRC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "VaporCoin"@en . doacc:D24593078-921b-41f6-9917-2ba0c25914ba a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Currency name: ELEKTRON, Currency symbol: EKN, Total coins after PoW: 3 Millions circa , Coins available to mine: 1 Million in 15 Days after ICO ends, Coins available for pre-sale: 2 Millions , Confirmations for block maturity: 30, Block time: 60 seconds, Confirmations for transactions: 5 (really fast tx), Annual stake interest rate: 1,5%, RPC port: 23123, P2P port: 23121, Minimum stake age: 12 hours, No max stake age., Auto checkpoint Masternode system., Block reward scheme:, 1st Block: 2 Millions premine for pre-sale, 2nd to 149th Block: 0 block reward for testing and premine move to escrow, 150th to 1560th Block: 150 EKN per block, 1561th to 5881th Block: 30 EKN per block, 5882th to 21880th Block: 50 EKN per block, After block 21880 Elektron network will switch to full PoS. , No more PoW blocks will be accepted after block 21880., A dedicated EKN multipool will be released to coincide with the end of PoW phase."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "elektroncoin_ekn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "2000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EKN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Elektron"@en . doacc:D245eea8b-0cd6-4282-9db5-5691ada7768d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: SHA-256d, SCRYPT, SKEIN, QUBIT, GROESTL, Reward: 0.25 UNAT, Spacing: 30 seconds across all algorithms, Retarget: Every block, Diff algo: Digishield multi-algo"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "multi-algo, reconfig"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "unattainiumv2coin_unat.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "8"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UNAT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "UnattainiumV2"@en . doacc:D246fbee6-4ef6-4579-a2e9-cdffd7f625a9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin properties Coin typeBitcoin (SHA256) Halving 50000 blocks Initial coins per block 500 coins Target spacing 1 min Target timespan 5 h Coinbase maturity 5 blocks Max coinbase 50.000.000 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "ignored"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "fiftyshadesofcoin_fifty.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FIFTY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "FiftyShadesofCoin"@en . doacc:D247150f5-6483-4bd6-926e-481c328895c9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 15 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "mycoin_myc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MYC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "880000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Mycoin"@en . doacc:D2483e5dd-c109-4587-ad80-dd59725aab86 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ƊαякƇσяgι, Ƈσιη Aввяєνιαтιση: ƊƇORƓ, Aℓgσяιтнм: Scяуρт, Ɓℓσcк Ƭιмє: 2 мιηυтєѕ, Ɗ郃ιcυℓту Rєтαяgєт: 20 мιηυтєѕ, Ɓℓσcк яєωαя∂: 10,000 cσιηѕ, Ɓℓσcк нαℓνιηg: 10,000 вℓσcкѕ, Ƭσтαℓ cσιη ѕυρρℓу: 200,000,000 cσιηѕ (200 Mιℓℓιση), Mιηιηg Mαтυяιту: 10 cσηƒιямαтισηѕ, Ƭχ Mαтυяιту: 5 Ƈσηƒιямαтισηѕ, RƤƇ Ƥσят: 4790, Ƥ2Ƥ Ƥσят: 4789"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkcorgicoin_dcorg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "20 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 10000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "DCORG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DarkCorgi"@en . doacc:D24cab385-c82e-4d81-8fef-b5997f54c18c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Blockchain Security: POW/POS, Total Coins: 100Million, Block Reward: 100XFB, Block Time: 15 Seconds, Interest: 10% Annually, Min stake age: 3days, Max age: 100days"@en ; doacc:block-time 15 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "fbcoin_xfb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "XFB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "FBcoin"@en . doacc:D24d3f414-6bc9-4a89-a1a0-724122c08e26 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Quazarcoin is the CryptoNote currency launched as a result of community discussions. It has a flatter emission curve and a clear launch for the wider community. QCN's developers focus on usability aspects of the currency. Its main contribution is the popularization of CryptoNote."@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:confirmations "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "quazarcoin_qcn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:symbol "QCN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "18446744"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "QuazarCoin"@en . doacc:D24e60328-697c-413e-b692-b524b498ce1a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Launch date: August 3rd, 2014 9:00 UTC, News, Aug 3rd, 2014 - Launch delay, There is a delay with the launch. We need to setup the pool and block explorer. The launch has been rescheduled to 23:00 UTC (12 hours delay), July 26th, 2014 - Presale started, You can now buy Longcoins before the launch date: http://www.longcoin.org/?q=presale, Wallets, Windows Wallet: http://www.longcoin.org/longcoin-qt.zip , Source: https://github.com/longcoindev/longcoin , longcoin.conf, Code:, rpcuser=youruser, rpcpassword=yourpassword, listen=1, daemon=1, server=1, rpcallowip=, addnode=, Specifications, Symbol: LNG, Algo: X11 PoW, Block time: 60 sec, Difficulty retarget: every block, Total coins: 2,000,000, Premine: 100,000 - 5% of total supply (80,000 presale, 20,000 bounties, faucets, etc), Website, http://www.longcoin.org/, Block rewards, Block 0 - 0 : 0 LNG, Block 1 - 1 : 100,000 LNG (presale, promotion), Blocks 2 - 360 : 0 LNG (6 hours), Blocks 361 - 43200 : 0.5 LNG (1 month), Blocks 43201 - 525600 : 0.25 LNG (1 year), Blocks 525601 - 2628000 : 0.125 LNG (5 years), Blocks 2628001 - 24763840: 0.0625 LNG (47 years), Bounties, First exchange - 5000 LNG, Dice Game - 1000 LNG, Faucet - 1000 LNG, New logo - 1000 LNG unlock.mk, Block explorer, http://explorer.longcoin.org/, Pools, http://pool.longcoin.org/ 1% fee, Exchanges, TBA"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "longcoin_lng.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LNG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "LongCoin"@en . doacc:D24efa8b5-00fc-4674-a09e-35b3949fed3b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "mandarincoin_mac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MAC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Mandarincoin"@en . doacc:D24fae944-1807-4180-9f07-6edc66a6970f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "russiacoin_rc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "144000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Russiacoin"@en . doacc:D25038573-9dd7-4847-833d-35f608868325 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Songcoin - Altcoin Designed for Investing In Music, Algorithm : Scrypt - Litecoin Descendant, Number of Coin : 200 Million, Premine : 2%, Difficulty : 3.5 days, Coins on each block : 100 coins, Time between blocks : 2 min, blocks per day : 720 blocks, Total blocks in 4 years : 1.051.200 blocks, Total all coins : 210.240.000 coins, Maturity Coinbase : 100+20"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "songcoin_sng.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SNG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "210240000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "SongCoin"@en . doacc:D25281a76-367f-4841-9b03-1386a0820b91 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "FistBump : Algo X13 -PeerCoinFork, Proof of Work 24 Hours - 1440 Block, Proof of Stake; Min Age 60 Minutes, Proof of Stake Reward; 20%, Increasing Block Reward:, 0 - 480 each Block 20000[FIST] ~ 8 Hours, 481 - 960 each Block 40000[FIST] ~ 8 Hours, 961 - 1440 each Block 80000[FIST] ~ 8 Hours, After Block 1440 Full Proof of Stake, PoW Phase : 67 Million [FIST]"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "fistbumpcoin_fist.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FIST"@en ; doacc:total-coins "67000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "FistBumpcoin"@en . doacc:D2529bf3e-03ba-4734-ab6c-4f11cccf6bca a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: X11 PoW/PoS, Total coins: 15 000 000, Block time: 1 minute, Block reward: 750, Block maturity: 510, POW Blocks: 10 000, FAST STAKE INTEREST after 8 hours but no more than 365 days., NO Premine"@en ; doacc:block-reward "750"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:comment "fast staking"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "guerillacoin_gue.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "510"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GUE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Guerillacoin"@en . doacc:D25497664-38d6-4096-a9f1-17d4ed87be22 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total coins : 4.5 million, PoW timespan : 7 days, Algo : x13, Anon : PoSA in beta now., Pre-mine : none, IPO : none, PoW block reward: 496, Mining will stop after 10080 blocks (7 days), Block time: 60 seconds, PoS 6%, Minimum age 1 hour, Max age 8 hours"@en ; doacc:block-reward "496"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "virused"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "cooperationandsolidaritycoin_cas.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CAS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CooperationAndSolidarityCoin"@en . doacc:D2557efeb-7f69-405e-bf7f-8bd3c81fbbdd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Ticker: MDOGE, Supply: 100 Million, PoW blocks: 20050, Reward: 5000 MDOGE, Block Target: 60 sec, PoS: 10%, Stake Min age: 6 hrs, Masternode Cost: 20000 MDOGE, Masternode reward: 1000 MDOGE + 5% of PoS, Premine: 1 Million (check Bounty list below)"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "masterdogecoin_mdoge.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MDOGE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Masterdoge"@en . doacc:D2563db9b-820d-4a57-ae99-bb4b4878d106 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo X11, POW/POS, POS interest 2%, Block 1 - premine 0.5%, Block Rewards 2- 7199 - 2764, Block Rewards 7200 - 4728, POS Starts at Block 6000, 60 Second Blocks, Confirms 70 for mined, Confirms 10 for Transactions, 20 Mil Coins in POW, Min Stake Age 2hrs, Max Stake Age 8hrs"@en ; doacc:block-reward "4728"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "whistlecoin_wstl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "70"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "WSTL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Whistlecoin"@en . doacc:D2574a76b-e925-457a-81cd-fdf3cf0043ea a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, 1024 coins per block, and 299.7 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "einsteinium_emc2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EMC2"@en ; doacc:total-coins "300000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Einsteinium"@en . doacc:D25796c1b-bd2e-4e8b-8b48-396ef365078e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "auto re-target and 20 coins per block."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "sphere_sph.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SPH"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Sphere"@en . doacc:D25adcdf5-353a-441b-8103-2f2c8e12e715 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Whirlpool Algorithm, WhirlCoin uses the Whirlpool algorithm, and is the first to do so. This algorithm utilises the Merkle–Damgård construction based on AES, created by one of AES' creators .It has remained open cource and without patents since its release., The Wirlpool algorithm is fast and efficient. It has an average speed of 57 Mib/s, almost as fast as SHA-256 and much quicker than most algorithms used by cryptocurrencies. Whirlpool is also energy efficient, allowing both miners and clients to work to a higher capacity., WhirlCoin implements SHA-256 alongside Whirlpool for added security; Each hash has one round of Whirlpool and one of SHA-256., Specification:, Algorithm: WhirlPool, Money Supply: 168,000,000, Block Target: 45 Seconds, Rewards: WhirlCoin's rewards follow -sqrt(0.0026x)+100, a negative square root function starting at 100 and ending at 10, 4 years later., Why does WhirlCoin not have Pos?, PoS is a dying concept. It allows those the rich to easily amass more wealth, and it inspires people to dump the coin after the PoW phase., This view is becoming more and more popular, and a more in-depth look at the issue is avaliable here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=667594.0 Below is a plot of the first million or so block rewards for WhirlCoin."@en ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "whirlcoin_whrl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f87232-5767-41b5-b678-99f987bb3886 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "WHRL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "168000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Whirlcoin"@en . doacc:D25c7b1de-3910-4dec-9509-35cc90956e75 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "36,000,000 Total Coin Supply Max 1,000,000 available for .0001 each week of competition scrypt - 0 block reward, 0 mining fees"@en ; doacc:image "yinyangcoin_yinyang.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "YINYANG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "36000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "YinYangCoin"@en . doacc:D25c97ffe-7669-4538-a304-d3db37a3ab97 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Fox Coin - FoxCoin Abbreviation: FOX Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/17/2014 Total Coins: 1 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: 2 Confirms per TX Re-Target Time: 60 Seconds Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 250 FOX decreases by 0.000125 FOX every block Diff Adjustment: Premine: 25k Coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "250"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "2"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "foxcoin_fox.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "60 seconds"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('ra', 0.000125, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FOX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FoxCoin"@en . doacc:D25f17188-e487-4bc7-ae0d-50c6c10d5d08 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Nightmare 'NM', POW/POS, Algorithm - FRESH (Shavite, Simd, Echo, in 5 rounds of hashing), Total Coins - ~7.14 Million NM, 60 second block time, 11% POS Interest for the first 1 year then drops to 5.5%, 1% developer premine and 1% premine for bounties, NightSend addresses start with a lowercase 'n', Nightmare addresses start with a capital 'N', , BLOCK REWARDS, Block 1 is 1% NM developer premine & 1% premine for bounties, Block 2-160 are 0 NM for fair start, Block 161-14000 are 500 NM (~10 days POW), POS with 11% annual interest and then 5.5% annual interest after 1 year."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "nightmarecoin_nm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D6199a4b5-dba5-44bf-8f27-85566596c6b3 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "NM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7140000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Nightmarecoin"@en . doacc:D26096416-1331-4f31-946a-9f37cea85764 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Transaction fees are 0,010 Faucets: Available at launch Faucets limit: about 180 000 coins a day total 100 000 000 coins total Algo: scrypt Block reward: 1000 FEC Block time: 60 seconds Retarget: every 10 minutes Transaction: 3 confirmations RPC port 9939 P2P port 9949"@en ; doacc:image "faucetcoin_fec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Faucetcoin"@en . doacc:D260c9676-353f-403d-87a8-c4aae412cdf8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "a re-target every 9 blocks and 10 coins per block. Globe Coin - GlobeCoin Abbreviation: GLB Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/6/2013 Total Coins: Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 10 coins per block for first two months, 5 coins thereafter + 4% increase in block size annually -adjusted every day (every 1440 blocks) 20% tax on coins Diff Adjustment: 9 Blocks Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "((0, 2months, 10), 5)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "globecoin_glb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "9 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('ip', 4, 'y', 'd', 1, 'd', 1440, 'b', ('tax', 20))"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GLB"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Globe"@en . doacc:D262368c2-d8c9-4665-97da-7a745294a4a2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coolingcoin coin has been created with the Algo NIST5 which uses, GRoSL, JH, BLAKE, KECCAK & SKEIN. These five Algos together make the best cooling rate for miners and is also energy efficiant. Hyperboria is a global decentralized network of “nodes” running cjdns software. The goal of Hyperboria is to provide an alternative to the internet with the principles of security, scalability and decentralization at the core. Anyone can participate in the network by locating a peer that is already connected. Total coin: 10 Million Block time: 60 seconds Difficulty Retargets:DGW Decentralized MasterNode Network Confirmations on Transactions: 10 1.5% Premine -- For IPO & bounties, development. POW REWARD Total Block: 10 000 Block 1- 10 000: 1 000 After block 10 000 POS will start . 10% Annual PoS."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "coolingcoin_clc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D532a50ff-94d9-4af3-b294-bc23eb726c8a ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "CLC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Coolingcoin"@en . doacc:D2649ee20-ae1f-4c48-8a06-fe3635293f72 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Ticker: ETD, Est Supply: 1.4 mill, Max POW Height: 14k, Block Time: 60s, POS Interest: 100%, Min stake Age: 1h, POS Starts at block 8200, POS % interest will half every 30 days, Future Features:, Stealth Addressing, Mixing with Nodes, In wallet Chat and more!"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ethereumdarkcoin_etd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ETD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1400000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "EthereumDark"@en . doacc:D264aa2b6-3582-4321-87a2-64f8942e0f5b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "2048 coins per block and 248 million total coins."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "qubitcoin_q2c.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db435df5d-bc7e-4794-b7db-e83980b4f97d ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "Q2C"@en ; doacc:total-coins "248000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "QubitCoin"@en . doacc:D2662d9ab-54c3-4210-a365-d3924f920e40 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 - 5 Days POW / POS , 864,000,000 max coins , 120,000 coins per block , 60 sec block time , 7,200 blocks , 10 confirmations for blocks to mature , Re-target difficulty 1 block. , PoS 8.88% interest , PoS Min age: 8 hour , PoS Max age: unlimited , 1% premine for development"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "whalecoin_whale.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "WHALE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "864000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Whalecoin"@en . doacc:D2667bddb-edab-4c0f-bba2-3f2ae3fab6df a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "0.14"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sync_sync.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SYNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sync"@en . doacc:D266c1300-5946-4eda-ac2b-f45743406345 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Kate currency, KateCoin 2015/8/5 release, Total: 42 million, Symbol: KTC, RPC port 19765, P2P port 19766, sha256 algorithm, 60 seconds a block, the first 200 blocks each block reward a currency for testing the block chain. After each block award four coins, halving every 60 days, until the last 0.06 coin reward exhausted. Kate currency KTC official total population 481,484,329 official website http://katecoin.com"@en ; doacc:block-reward "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "katecoin_ktc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 60, 'd')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "KTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "KateCoin"@en . doacc:D266d9bc2-22fb-4501-9fd7-7e2e8a237a91 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: X13, Symbol: PLEB, Block Time: 67 Seconds, Block Award: 4,200 PLEB, PoW Period: ~4.2 Days, Total Mineable PoW Money Supply*: 22,666,730 PLEB, Total Money Supply incl. Premine*: 23,129,316 PLEB, Last PoW Block: 5400, PoS Interest: 20% Annually, Coin PoS Age: Min. 1 day / Max. 7 days, Premine: 2% = 462,586 PLEB (1% for dev team fund, 1% for community bounties)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "4200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 67 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "plebeiancoin_pleb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PLEB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "23129316"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Plebeiancoin"@en . doacc:D2682994a-b2fa-4f2f-94f5-d1e143284a0d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Hamburger Coin - HamburgerCoin Abbreviation: HAC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/25/2014 Total Coins: 500 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 3 for tx 30 for mint Re-Target Time: 60 Blocks Block Time: 20 seconds Block Reward: Random Diff Adjustment: Premine: 55%."@en ; doacc:block-time 20 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D78624b3b-41c0-4f5e-ad41-0c2296a60922 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "hamburgercoin_hac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "60 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HAC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Hamburgercoin"@en . doacc:D2687a73e-bebd-4c23-83f7-43f8c75eaa99 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total coins: About 11,450,000+ (After PoW ended), 500 Coins per PoW block (Ended), PoW Algorithm: X13 , PoW + PoS Hybrid , PoW Blocks: 38,640, Stake 6% Annually , 24hr Minimum coin age , 60 second block target , 110 confirmations for blocks to mature"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "judgecoin_judge.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "110"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "JUDGE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "11450000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Judgecoin"@en . doacc:D26b06942-0911-4a41-8bf3-fbe4854153f6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target each block, 60 coins per block, and 525 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "clockcoin_ckc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CKC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Clockcoin"@en . doacc:D26f0ec25-f246-48b5-ae8a-5bae90f53629 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Symbol MINE, Pure scrypt Proof of Work coin, 84 Million coins available, Block reward 100 MINE halving every 210000 blocks, 30 seconds block time"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "unmentioned premine"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "minecoin_xmine.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "8400000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XMINE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "84000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Minecoin"@en . doacc:D2760302e-caa1-49b3-9362-08075f24e59a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "TWERK = HIGH REWARD = SHA256 = 现在挖 TWERK, Hashing Algorithm: SHA256, Total POW: 4000 Blocks, POW Reward: , 1-10 = 100 TWERK (for anti-instamine), 10-499 = 4000000 TWERK, 500-999 = 2000000 TWERK, 1000-1499 = 1000000 TWERK, 1500-1999 = 500000 TWERK, 2000-2499 = 250000 TWERK, 2500-2999 = 125000 TWERK, 3000-3499 = 62500 TWERK, 3500-4000 = 31250 TWERK, POS Reward:, 1-19999 = 10000 TWERK, 20000-99999 = 25000 TWERK, 100000-199999 = 20000 TWERK, 200000-399999 = 15000 TWERK, 400000-infinity = 10000 TWERK, Block space: 2 Minutes, Maturity: 750 Blocks, Stake Min Age: 7 Hours, Stake Max Age: 24 Hours, Port: 32101, RPC Port: 32100, 20 MB maximum block size Can handle 100x more transactions per second than bitcoin ((20,000,000/1,000,000)*((10*60)/(2*60)), Magic Bytes: 0xa3 0xb2 0xf9 0xc7"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "twerkcoin_twerk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "750"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TWERK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Twerk"@en . doacc:D276060f4-c9dd-4915-9966-2a5ff257374b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "vergecoin_verge.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VERGE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://vergecurrency.com"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Verge"@en . doacc:D27902bfd-b3b4-40b6-9cce-ec0093935711 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "greenshillingcoin_grs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GRS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.greenshilling.org"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Greenshilling"@en . doacc:D27903c17-d69a-43d6-b9ea-429ff831e587 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "lemoncoin_lmc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LMC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Lemoncoin"@en . doacc:D27989858-1c1a-4a47-adac-911983fba706 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHA-3 based cryptocoin with re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, 151 coins per block, and 120 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "helixcoin_hxc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D9a083580-c5ee-46ba-b557-efcc098e99c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "HXC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "120000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Helixcoin"@en . doacc:D27abde69-1c95-42be-9ca5-0d880af82cc7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Currency name: public coin English gongyicoin abbreviated GYC public money was born on 7 July 2015, x13 algorithm based on and improved unique algorithms and professional mining machine graphics are not were mining, computer CPU can mining, fairer public coin issued a total of 42 million , without robbing and no pre dug. The overall interface of the wallet is updated (public money is committed to the development of social welfare)., R & D Author: GYc team, Core algorithm: Quark, Algorithm: x13 algorithm based on improved specific anti budget wallet algorithm, graphics and professional mining machine are not mining, computer CPU can mining, Total amount: 42000000 without pre excavation, Out of block speed: 60 seconds a block, an annual output of 5, Block Awards: the first annual output of second 10000000 third fourth 5000000 fifth 2000000, Block browser:, Official website: http://www.gycoin.net/"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "gongyicoin_gyc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "GYC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Gongyicoin"@en . doacc:D27db97be-5f61-4ed7-9ffd-917828f9e2c3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "algorithm = Scrypt block time = 60 seconds. Block 1 - 1,000,000 UROD, sold in ICO on Allcoin (20 BTC at ICO, 2000 satoshi per coin). Yearly POS reward will be 100%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "urodarkcoin_urod.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UROD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "UROdarkcoin"@en . doacc:D27e11309-554f-4d5d-95c3-948944950aa1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "RedKoin is planned to be a 100% proof of stake coin, except for the premine. The premine will be transparently distributed and monitored using an official faucet and block explorer. The public address of the faucet's wallet will be publicly available on launch. The faucet will follow a exponential decay model, paying out highly at launch and then tapering off quickly within a week. The exact amount of the premine is still up for debate. The initial planned amount was to be 50% but we decided that it was best left up to the community."@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D5d7db8ed-24ac-45f9-8d80-19a993aa2265 ; doacc:image "redkoin_rkn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D7be57c39-9dd2-4ea8-a16d-38d5d6cf5779 ; doacc:premine "yes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RKN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Redkoin"@en . doacc:D27f57d27-5c42-4e84-a7c6-5ebe5ec357f7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 10 minutes or 2 blocks, 1 coins per block, and 1 million total coins. Abbreviation: BEST Algorithm: Date Founded: 7/1/2013 Total Coins: 1 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 6 Re-Target Time: 60 minutes Block Time: 5 Minutes Block Reward: 1 Coin Diff Adjustment 12 Blocks."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bestcoin_best.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BEST"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Bestcoin"@en . doacc:D28097f94-d2e3-49d3-9553-374b7df02503 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1000 coins per block and 600 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "sovereigncoin_svc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SVC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "600000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sovereigncoin"@en . doacc:D280f3416-0e3f-4959-9201-f5214000a00c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Cryptocoin Inc. is a registered Canadian company based in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. CCI is in the process of building out a medium-scale Bitcoin mining operation and offering its services as a virtual provider of cloud-based Bitcoin mining contracts in the near future. CCI Shares are a direct stake in ownership and profit sharing for Cryptocoin Inc. CCI Shares are Proof of Stake with null (0 coin) Proof of Work mining for transactional movements prior to full distribution. Total Shares: 100,000. Null/Zero-Coin blocks for Proof of Work to keep TX moving before staking period. 1% Per-Annum Stake with 15 Day Maturity and 30 Day Full Weight. Transactional Messaging, In-Client Extras"@en ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:comment "clone of bottlecaps"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "cryptocoininccoin_cci.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CCI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Cryptocoin Inc Shares"@en . doacc:D2825d181-7b1c-42f2-83ec-1f8918e9289a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1 block, 512 coins per block, and 70 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "zimstake_zs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ZS"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Zimstake"@en . doacc:D2837a808-5cba-44f3-89e2-b24a74cfef5c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block time : 120 seconds, Mined: 2,100,000 ( for rain drop since day one ), 7,000 coin drop each hour for online wallet., Supply will be dry about 12.5 days., 10% POS yearly, Coin base Maturity : 20"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D52bb501a-d12a-44b9-b839-77f8cb850cc3 ; doacc:image "raincoin_rain.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RAIN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Raincoin"@en . doacc:D283b20a4-9167-45ce-935b-06041198baa4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:comment "experimental"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "fuguecoin_fc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbb0805c4-d10b-432b-9934-031970cbd581 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "84000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Fuguecoin"@en . doacc:D28e75976-9b95-4fe9-8562-2fce632515b8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "spliffcoin_spl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "75000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SPL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2475000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Spliffcoin"@en . doacc:D28f52afa-ad53-4684-b751-d30cefd8cc8f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 based cryptocoin with re-target every 5 hours, 10,000 random coins per block, and 43 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "cryptopowerscoin_cps.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CPS"@en ; skos:prefLabel "CryptoPowers"@en . doacc:D29013f48-ea41-4dc7-8e6d-79841de62bb2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total coins = 81,454,545, 2bacco coin premine of 12% = 9,774,545.4 was needed to pay for current and ongoing costs for 2bacco coin, 2bacco coin specifications:, total coins = 81,454,545, Block Time = 2 minutes, Coins mature after 2 blocks, Target timespan = 33 hours, 512 coins mined per block to start, block size/amount halves each 70,000 blocks or approximately each 6 months,"@en ; doacc:block-reward "512"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "2baccocoin_bacco.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "2"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "12%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "33"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 70000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BACCO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "81454545"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "2bacco"@en . doacc:D29019616-111f-4fc2-a79f-504e84fd82a9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1337"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "artifactcoin_art.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ART"@en ; doacc:total-coins "210000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Artifact"@en . doacc:D2917fbe6-3f4d-4155-b450-6e375b0e98e9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: Scrypt, Max coins: 100k, 100% POW, Difficulty halving: 20,000, Block reward: 0.5, TX fee: 0.00001, Coinbase Maturity: 170, 50% of the coin supply will be offered in an ICO format"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "empyreancoin_epy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "170"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "50%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 20000)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EPY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Empyrean"@en . doacc:D2938024b-3ff3-40b1-ac1a-b31fff3e80dd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "4900 coins per block and 6 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "ulicoin_uli.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ULI"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Ulicoin"@en . doacc:D29387a4a-b467-43ad-af78-0381fdb67fb7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bluntcoin_blunt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0.75%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 5000 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BLUNT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bluntcoin"@en . doacc:D293bfbdd-a8ba-4756-8505-0c838ff196ff a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "5000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "ufocoin_ufo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 hour"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 400000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UFO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "UFO Coin"@en . doacc:D294c1604-57a8-403d-bbff-a804d85449b3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name Paycoin™, Symbol/Tag XPY, Website https://paycoin.com/, Github / Source Code https://github.com/GAWMiners/paycoin, Forum https://hashtalk.org/, Hash Algorithm SHA-256, Proof-of-Work Scheme Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake, Coins to be Issued 12,500,000, Block Time 1.00 minute(s), Block Reward 49.00 coins, Difficulty Retarget 1 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "49"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "gawpaycointm_xpy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "96%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XPY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Paycoin"@en . doacc:D29570754-973f-4af6-8025-48c5f1aefb72 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "swap coin"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "greedevolvedcoin_ge.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "30m"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GreedEvolved"@en . doacc:D2985f352-f9ec-4c31-8d97-fa3fffc0736f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "HazMat Coin is a virtual currency based on the Scrypt algorithm. A PoW / PoS hybrid, HazMat coin is designed to be an extremely reliable virtual currency with a total supply of 100,000,000 coins. HazMatCoin was created with the intentions of providing the mining community with a quality coin to mine. Ticker is HTZ Scrypt algorithm 100,000,000 total coins 100 Coin block reward 180 second target spacing 10% Yearly Interest No pre-mine No ICO or IPO"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "hazmatcoin_hzt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HZT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "HazMatCoin"@en . doacc:D29a7d8be-0778-4588-afd2-9e531bf64767 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 11 minutes, 0.00006600 coins per block, and 66 total coins. 66 Coin - 66Coin Abbreviation: 66 Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/25/2014 Total Coins: 66 Coins Confirm Per Transaction: Tx fees are 0.0000000066 Re-Target Time: 11 Minutes Block Time: 66 Seconds Block Reward: 0.00006600 Diff Adjustment: Premine: 4.54%."@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.000066"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 66 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "66coin_66.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "11 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "66"@en ; doacc:total-coins "66"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "66Coin"@en . doacc:D29bcf3ec-4609-42e6-8b5d-486771e67f35 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Litecoin/Scrypt Based Kimoto Gravity Well Pre-mining - 1 x Genesis Block, 2 x Checkpoint Blocks Limited supply, a tight fisted 2,100,000 coins only Symbol: BAW Reward: 2 BAWs / Block Block generation: 2 minutes Halves: Every 2 years"@en ; doacc:image "bawbee_baw.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BAW"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bawbee"@en . doacc:D29d68d1e-3013-451d-8f49-8f2e41630d11 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: Rebirth [REB], Algo: SHA-256, Block time: 1MIN, Shares: (750,000) ICO + (401,339.2) Free Distribution 350,000 + Bounties 51,339 , ICO = Will be Host on C-Cex.com (Total 22.5 BTC (750,000 X 0.00003000 ) ), Free Distribution = (1 share = 100 REB ) (1 Per Person ), Bounties = ( 1 share = 100 REB ), Blocks, Blocks( 1):ICO+Distribution = 1,151,399.2 REB , Blocks(2-14401) = 0 REB (10 Days ) Total: 0 REB , Blocks(14402 to 172800) = 15 REB (110 Days ) Total: 2,375,970 REB, Blocks(172800-X) = 0.01 REB, Small inflation is to keep the network hashing, (120 days until reaching block 172800), Block Retarget: every Block, Total coin supply :3,527,369 REB + yearly inflation, Coins mature after 50 blocks, Bitcoin 0.9.2 Based , Fast Transactions"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dacedec21-6abc-425f-9352-12f65d7913c7 ; doacc:image "rebirthcoin_reb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "REB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3527369"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Rebirthcoin"@en . doacc:D29db08ed-3b88-42e1-9cc1-c630115a3786 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total supply: 20 million Coinbase maturity: 50 blocks Target spacing: 60 seconds Premine: 3% Algorithm: Scrypt (Hybrid PoW/PoS) Stealth: All-time, impossible to trace transactions through the block chain. Proof of Work Last POW block: 97,000 Block reward: 200 VTR Proof of Stake PoS interest: 5% per year Min stake age: 6 hours Max stake age: 6 days"@en ; doacc:block-reward "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "vtorrentcoin_vtr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VTR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "vTorrent"@en . doacc:D29fb9843-4284-4fbf-965e-ead25631ad33 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Darkblock Coin Built up by the community. Specifications:, X11, 5,000,000 PoW coins, 5,000 coin reward per block, 1,000 total PoW blocks, 45 second block time, No Premine, No IPO, No hidden premine (we will ask for code review from anyone)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "5000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkblockcoin_dblo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DBLO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Darkblock"@en . doacc:D2a24f015-be8d-4219-a1fc-e0d085045686 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "20 BTCH per block for 1st month. Then drops to 10 BTCH, Every 10K blocks, there is a bitch block with no reward, no premine, X11 because it's the one people bitch the least about and I already had a coin with X11 so it was easy, First “fair ninja”, No addnode shit needed, 720 block maturation time. (3 days), to ensure people bitch about not being able to dump"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitchcoin_btch.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "720"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BTCH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitchcoin"@en . doacc:D2a3636aa-d17a-4f6e-904c-d0f3257ee67c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:image "granite_grn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GRN"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Granite"@en . doacc:D2a4c88ea-f4d2-4dca-b439-fc7269fdd217 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "heelcoin_heel.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "5000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HEEL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Heelcoin"@en . doacc:D2a531e5a-abd9-417a-af31-3e0981c6e3b7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SignatureCoin is unique, in that it will have an anonymous wallet ready by launch time. There will not be “plans” to do so in the future, as with many other coins. The anonymous wallet features are freshly implemented by the development team from scratch according to the principles of Coinjoin, SignatureCoin comes with an innovative distribution model. Of the total PoW coins, 75% will be distributed *freely* to community members that meet certain criteria, on a daily basis and over a period of 90 days. The number of coins distributed depends on qualified people; for example, if 300 members qualify, they will each receive a daily distribution about 300 coins. (Actual values may change), The rest of the coins will be (1) mineable through PoW Mining (2) be used in mixers for anonymous transfers. The coins used in mixers are considered as “service” coins and will not be in circulation. These coins are required by mixers as “buffers” to encrypt the transfers with dynamic addresses. We will provide detailed percentages at launch time., The distribution will be sent to qualified members who actively keep their signature updated according to that given in OP and SignatureCoin website., The details of distribution will be posted at launch time. Distribution will be done through the script in an automatic fashion., SignatureCoin uses many other advanced features, such as separation of PoW and PoS. This leads to a super fast transaction time, usually less than 1 min in a PoS-established network (usually after 2-3 days of the launch). It also uses true randomness for superblocks, offering pleasant surprises to miners., Though with great features, we don't do IPOs to get money. Nor do devs reserve any pre-mines for them. Devs will, like many other people, receive the coins according to the standard distribution method., This is a community coin - the community is the true owner of the coin. All community members are expected to have creative ways to support, promote, help, and enhance the coin. We hope that this set-up will serve all in an exciting yet harmonious way., SignatureCoin (SIGN), X11, Anonymous wallet using CoinJoin technology (fresh implementation from scratch) - ** available at launch time ** !, Will have 3-5 dedicated mixers., PoW/PoS separate, 3 transaction confirmations (< 1min on average), 50 minted block confirmations, Total PoW coins will be about 13 millions and total coins including PoS will be about 18 millions., No IPO, No premine for devs."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D6db3e95f-8874-45b0-9636-846de2333853 ; doacc:image "signaturecoin_sign.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SIGN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "18000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Signaturecoin"@en . doacc:D2a536637-b237-4764-b366-6a363def15bd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "GameCrypto peer-to-peer currency launched for use as payments processing system in games where some economic components can be added., It can be resource extraction, item crafting, hunting or in-game trading. Both online games can be a good candidate to integrate cryptocurrency donate/withdrawal., Algo: X11 PoW/PoS | Last PoW block: 40320 | Block time: 60 sec | Block reward: 250 Cryptos, no halves, Maturity: 240 blocks | Retarget: 12 minutes | PoW stage: 4 weeks, PoS starts 7 days after launch, Total emission: 80.000.000 Cryptos | Transaction confirm after: 10 blocks, Stake interest: 10% | PoS start block: 10240 | Min/max stake: 24 hour / 30 days, PREMINE 12.5% for IPO & BOUNTIES"@en ; doacc:block-reward "250"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "gamecryptocoin_gec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "240"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "12.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "80000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "GameCryptocoin"@en . doacc:D2a5c6992-3098-41e8-9a93-ff271dfc2df9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "2nd gen developed from bitcoin and NXT protocols NEM Coin."@en ; doacc:comment "infrastructure"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "nemcoin_nem.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Dc8cecbd1-03ec-48d1-a687-5966753d6f50 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D409e606e-4987-446b-9d77-82d6552c7b59 ; doacc:symbol "NEM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "新经币"@cn, "NEM"@en . doacc:D2a694b0b-3dda-4f24-80e3-0fcb21369fa6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The coin with real use., Ticker: PZR, Algorithm : scrypt, Premine : 3% (to cover costs of development and bounties), Block time : 80 seconds, PoS: 8% per year, Block reward: 50, PoW Time: 10 days, Max coins: 1,5 million, Twitter: http://twitter.com/payzorcoin, Website: http://payzorcoin.com, IRC freenode: #payzor, Spanish version: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=698530, Chinese version: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=707194.0, Italian version: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=707642, Polish version: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=707587, Russian version: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=707841, WHATS NEW THAT PayzorCoin BRINGS ?, Lamassu has put up their code as open source, we decided to fork it so the ATM machines will be able to trade BTC/currency + PZR/currency + PZR/BTC., This way our coin will have use as a real cash exchangable currency, not just other altocoin that changes few things in the code., We`ve already contacted Lamassu to speak with them about implementation of code without giving it away as Open Source - we do not want other altocoins to just copy what we prepared., Currently we have place in one of biggest malls to put our ATM at in Berlin/Germany and after launching it, we already have 2 other places that already own Lamassu confirmed they will implement code if it works - 1 in USA and 1 in Asia., After sucessfuly launching code for Lamassu we plan to add our currency to other Bitcoin ATMs. This way we can became real force in decentralised world of cryptocurrency., Proof of ATM:, Proof of Lamassu accepting forking the code:, WALLETS, https://github.com/payzorcoin/payzorcoinofficial source and windows qt., https://mega.co.nz/#!0o0iXYQL!fxKqpR97Me34OVES-UQItXI_Fs4PUHToXittdrzfCCw - win wallet in /resources/, sources in proper folders - bundle of sources & qts., http://www.mediafire.com/download/tpet9b2btppafya - MAC OSX wallet, Code:, [2014/07/22 20:38:51]server=1, listen=1, rpcuser=user, rpcpassword=pass, rpcport=14621, addnode=, addnode=, addnode=, addnode=, POOLS, http://payzor.chickenstrips.net/, http://pzr.pool.pe/, http://pzr.pool.mn/, http://payzor.cryptoday.info/index.php?page=register, http://www.flash-mine.com/, http://pzr.hashlink.eu/, https://www.ipominer.com multipool, http://lightninghash.com, http://coinking.io - multipool and own port, EXCHANGES, https://www.atomic-trade.com/trade?c=PZR&p=BTC, https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-PZR, http://pzr.explorer.ssdpool.com:9063/ block explorer, ARTICLES/MERCHANTS/GAMES, https://www.altcoincalendar.info/coins/690-PZR article, http://altcoinherald.com/altcoin-launch-calendar/ article, http://cryptoarrow.com/games/payzorcoin/ GAME, http://cryptoarrow.com/faucets/payzorcoin/ FAUCET, PAYZOR COIN BOUNTIES, Logo, Reddit Tipbot 200 PZR, Twitter Tipbot 200 PZR, Explorer claimed, Pools, P2p-pool - 100 PZR, Games - 20 PZR each, Faucet - 50 PZR, Video - claimed, Articles on Blogs - 10 PZR each, Translations - Russian, Chinesse, Spanish, Polish, French, Andoir Wallet 500 PZR, OSX Qt, Lamassu GUI Translations - Chinesse, French, Polish, Spanish, Russian - all claimed"@en ; doacc:block-time 80 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "payzorcoin_pzr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PZR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Payzorcoin"@en . doacc:D2a7da7ac-46b7-4018-8bf9-b6f516978611 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "12.5 million ico coins, POS framework that will include new POP* (Proof of Promotion) adoption incentive system that rewards users for sending coins to a new zero-balance address distant from their own source address. Tx fees: market-based. Block generation: 1 minute. Stake minimum age: to be determined. Variable Network-Stake-Dependent Interest: up to 30% a year. Proof of Promotion: Award of a set amount of coins for each send to a new zero-balance address to which the coin holder is not historically, closely associated"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "nectarcoin_sweet.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D7be57c39-9dd2-4ea8-a16d-38d5d6cf5779 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SWEET"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Nectarcoin"@en . doacc:D2a84b935-0480-4417-a661-fc159b6cf44a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin type Bitcoin (SHA256), Halving 150000 blocks, Initial coins per block 1 coins, Target spacing 1 min, Target timespan 5 h, Coinbase maturity 2 blocks, Premine 0.9 % For Exchange,pool,advertisement, Max coinbase 300000 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "aurumcoin_au.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "2"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0.9%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 150000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "AU"@en ; doacc:total-coins "300000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "AurumCoin"@en . doacc:D2a895b6d-5379-4298-8601-5f0e5794782d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "We present BitTor (BT), this is a project we've been working on for quite a while now. The objective is to have the ultimate Tor based privacy coin. This coin will feature Tor technology at launch and there a lot more privacy enhancement features being cooked behind the scenes. Visit this thread or our Twitter regularly for more info., 2 minute blocks, 1M total BitTors, 1 coin per generated block for the first 600k blocks, 0,5 between blocks 600k and 1.2M, 0.25 between blocks 1.2M and 1.6M., Difficulty retargets after every block, Algorithm: X13, 720 blocks per day, 0.3% Premine (With a value equal to the first 3000 blocks), Launching 28/07/2014, 7pm GMT"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bittorcoin_bt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0.3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BitToCcoin"@en . doacc:D2ac94941-956e-4ccf-8b38-a519cba70428 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "No IPO, No POS, < 0.001% Premine, No worries!, POW Algorithm: X11, Total Coins: 25,025,025 Coins, Block Time: 5 Minutes, Confirmations: 10, Block Maturity: 80, Difficulty Re-target Time: Every Block (KimotoGravityWell), Halving Rate: Decreases 0.00005 Coins every block, Mining Window: ~9.51 years"@en ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "linearcoin_lnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "<0.001%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "reducinglin"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "LNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25025025"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Linearcoin"@en . doacc:D2add6228-28e3-4fcb-b151-0ac90b36e191 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 60 blocks, 5000 coins per block, and 50 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "furrycoin_fur.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FUR"@en ; skos:prefLabel "FurryCoin"@en . doacc:D2b00481d-85ca-491e-b115-9a4083418156 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "9% POS Interest per Year, Min Stake Age 12 Hours, Max Stake Age 30 Days, Total coins: 2294000 - Will Be Closer To 2m With POS, POS Begin At Block 2000"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "halcyoncoin_hal.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "HAL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2294000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Halcyoncoin"@en . doacc:D2b006324-f4d4-4360-8b4e-d4322636c2d9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: CarbonCredit , Symbol: UNIT, Algorithm: Scrypt (POS), Interest: 2% / year, Total supply: ~16,800,000,000 UNIT, First Block: 1,000,000,000 UNIT, 100,000,000 UNIT for “Hidden” Company (don't sell before have debit card), 10,000,000 UNIT for ICO @ 100 satoshi, 290,000,000 UNIT for ICO @ 200 satoshi (Bittrex), 600,000,000 UNIT for Bounty/Activity"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D46e50290-1c89-4ecf-b248-38b35e0eb6ce ; doacc:image "carboncreditcoin_unit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UNIT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CarbonCredit"@en . doacc:D2b1e7529-51cc-432e-aebe-3ffd0ad8c976 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, 50 coins per block, and 17 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "gollumcoin_glm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "GLM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "17000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Gollumcoin"@en . doacc:D2b3c4c34-a55d-499c-ab72-0c30048f3105 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-jane based cryptocoin with re-target every week, block range coin rewards, and 21 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "vendettacoin_vac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "VAC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Vendettacoin"@en . doacc:D2b6a2820-5d7e-497b-907b-738143ae2a82 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "50 coins per block and 21 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "autocoin_aut.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "AUT"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Autocoin"@en . doacc:D2bb75d7b-e49b-496e-9f85-8e2cfffa45a3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PREMINE: 0% (No Premine), NAME: EAGS Currency, TICKER: EAGS, ALGO: SHA256, TOTAL COINS: 20,445,500, POW COINS: 10,445,500, Miners: 40% of the 10 millions + the 445,500, XDE ICO INVETORS AND OTHERS: 60% of the 10 millions, MINING PHASE: 5 to 10 days (May change), FAIR LAUNCH: 0 Block Reward after 1st Block - Up to 400 blocks, BLOCK REWARD: none yet (Will be updated), POS COINS: 10 millions, POS INTEREST: 5%, MIN AGE: 24HRs, MAX AGE: 90 days (Can be changed)"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D0b00b4aa-41a7-4bc3-a3b3-a2400d606d3a ; doacc:image "eagscurrencycoin_eags.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "6000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "EAGS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20445500"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "EAGScurrency"@en . doacc:D2bb812c5-6fd7-47a7-a06a-d05468c6ea5f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1000 coins per block and 200 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bitpeso_btp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BTP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BitPeso"@en . doacc:D2bd9781e-0fe8-4190-a0e6-e0478bc18bbd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The difficulty of adjustment: 1440 adjust again. First pieces of 25000000 coins. Second the beginning of each block of 400 dollars until the end of 225000000 coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "400"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "knightcoin_kgc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1440, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "KGC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "250000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Knightcoin"@en . doacc:D2bdf4fde-4e6b-493e-900f-88b712008512 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ipo, anon Algorithm: X13, 7,032,000 Total Coins , POW/POS & Anon, 6% Annual Interest once coin becomes Pure POS, Block Height: 60 Seconds, Confirmations: 6 , POW blocks: 10080, Block Reward: 400 coins per block, .5% of every POW block will go to a charity fund"@en ; doacc:block-reward "400"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "harmonycoin_hmy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HMY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7032000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Harmonycoin"@en . doacc:D2c07eb3e-8efe-4244-ba30-6d7bf37a20fd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "sauroncoin_sau.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SAU"@en ; skos:prefLabel "SauronRings"@en . doacc:D2c0ca765-5a65-47a9-98f7-c1ad5ff33845 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Today is a great day, we proudly announce to you all the birth of TDFB coin - a decentralized web infrastructure. TDFB Foundation is made up of a group of people. TDFB is not the same promise-full cryptocoin, we might bring many of the coolest features and functionalities, such as POW-POS phase (stake multiplier! WoW!) and possibly a web wallet. The TDFB coin is just another example of the versatility of altcoins. Ticker: TDFB No Premine, No IPO/ICO. Block time: 60 seconds Coinbase maturity: 200 blocks min stake age: 8hrs max stake age: 36hrs Algo: SHA256d"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "trickydickyfunbillcoin_tdfb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TDFB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "TrickyDickyFunBill"@en . doacc:D2c175e23-768e-4d77-beb7-deb9c3e391d9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "recyclingcoin_rex.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "REX"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Recyclingcoin"@en . doacc:D2c3b19f7-8e57-4fe1-a138-cab937415cc0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, time based coin rewards, and 50 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "cypherfunk_funk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FUNK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "49300000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Cypherfunks"@en . doacc:D2c4a7d5d-7a5e-418c-9b21-b4a89551ffec a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "MCOIN SPECIFICATIONS, X15 Algorithm, Block discovery: every 2.5 minutes, 80 coins per block reward, Total amount 2 Billion coins, Block retarget time on every block, Proof of Work, Proof of Stake reward 8%, (and decreasing every year by 1% until reaching 1% yearly)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "mcoin_m.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "M"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Mcoin"@en . doacc:D2c4d5cfa-ae77-4fb9-99d7-8d1cad3026c5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-based fully mined cryptocoin with 147 million total coins. 100% premine LTC clone experiment. Dying."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-06-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "tradecoin_tdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TDC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "TradeCoin"@en . doacc:D2c52ecdf-1535-4ad7-a304-a938ae045cc5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: WOOLFCOIN, Symbol: WOO, Algorithm: SCRYPT,POW, Block Reward: 50, Block Reward Halving Rate: 21000, Block time: 120 sec, Premine: 0% !!!!, Total supply: 2 100 000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "woolfcoin_woo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 21000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "WOO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Woolfcoin"@en . doacc:D2c53d313-44d1-4bcd-8af8-49d791c24136 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-jane based cryptocoin with re-target max 200% per 30 minutes, 50 coins per block, and 100 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ultracoin_utc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 4000000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "UltraCoin"@en . doacc:D2c8e3e23-9157-4ed8-9ec8-4c961ce2b572 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The specs of the coin are the following: Scrypt -N Adaptive KGW ( Kimoto's Gravity Well ) Total coin supply: 2 billions First month blocks will give per 2000 H2O Drops (Coins) so we attract miners. While, after 1 month, it will go to 1600 coins."@en ; doacc:image "h2ocoin_h2o.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "H2O"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "H2Ocoin"@en . doacc:D2cc0b833-f76a-4a8d-8661-646ac04eb9f9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "50 coins per block and 50 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:image "hispacoin_hpc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "HPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Hispacoin"@en . doacc:D2cef411e-03a8-414b-800d-c8c86a5a6651 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "templecoin_tpc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "99.81%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2718281828.45904523"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Templecoin"@en . doacc:D2d0840d3-cecf-4902-8ab0-81612bf11d39 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2016 blocks, POW, 50 coins per block, and 21 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2013-11-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "shekelcoin_she.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SHE"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Shekelcoin"@en . doacc:D2d1c6150-3ec7-44a0-a0c3-b4cbb4d99ea0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "A new precious gem of X13 cryptocurrency, ONYX., RPC Port: 51996, P2P Port: 50995, Algorithm: X13 POW/POS starts on block 1,500,000 (2.8 years approx.), Ticker: ONYX, Max Proof-of-Work Coins: Approximately ~15,000,248 ONYX, 5% Proof-of-Stake Yearly Interest, 1% Premine, Block 1 is 1% Premine; Block 2-250 are 1 ONYX #low reward to prevent an instamine; Block 251-1500000 are 10 ONYX; PoW Ends on Block 1,500,000 (approx. ~2.8 years), 60 Second Blocks, Difficulty adjusts per block, Block Explorer: http://cryptobe.com/chain/Onyxcoin, Block Explorer with Richlist Coming Soon, DOWNLOAD ONYX, GitHub Source Code: https://github.com/onyxcoin/Onyxcoin, Windows onyxcoin-qt: https://mega.co.nz/#!uYAS1SDB!SVCMWTm-aGyebugewJGnGe3vZhR9EUlmgY2nF55IqPY, Mirror #1: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3d34db5fy0m1bn4/onyxcoin-qt.zip, Mac onyxcoin-qt: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2091fepkm22qpj8/onyxcoin-Qt.zip, Linux onyxcoin-qt: https://mega.co.nz/#!1pczDKRA!Q9TQXUWkaZzkwfsXA6NAwgVfpJI3OkzQ6tcpSsfE1S4, Mining Pools, We need pool operators to add us!, http://suchpool.pw/onyx, http://www.hashharder.com/x13/onyxcoin, https://www.minep.it/pool/onyx/, https://www.ipominer.com/stats?curr=onyx, http://onyx.minerpools.com/, http://onyx.altmine.net/, http://pools.cryptoskills.com/, http://onyx.altpooler.com/, http://onyx.hashhot.com/, http://onyx.v2.dedicatedpool.com/, Exchanges, We will be working to get Onyxcoin on exchanges!, Block Explorer available in wallet, online version needed!, Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnyxcoinX13, IRC Chat Channel is #onyxcoin, ONYX Game: http://cryptoarrow.com/games/onyxcoin/, ONYX Faucet: http://cryptoarrow.com/faucets/onyxcoin/, Roadmap, Where is Onyxcoin going?, We are a group of anonymous developers that want to better cryptocurrency, with Onyxcoin we bring to you fixed block rewards, X13 proof-of-work mining, and proof-of-stake interest after 2.8 years. Onyxcoin features many of the latest features found in many other popular coins, we will strive as developers to create a very stable, fully functional, feature packed cryptocurrency. We do have plans to add anonymous features in the future for users to have the option to create anonymous transactions in the blockchain. A date and whitepaper will be available in time. Want to join us? PM onyxdev on bitcointalk. This thread and graphics will be updated soon., 7/30/2014 - ninja launch, Next date/timeline to be announced., The premine address is: oMpC9Y6ZQpMJ18aoTPFq1G3yNaSqrrQjKZ, For transparency and monitoring. It will not be dumped, we will be using the premine for future bounties and contests."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "onyxcoin_onyx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ONYX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000248"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "OnyxCoin"@en . doacc:D2d365b22-d94a-4f59-a40c-743eb9599634 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Bitcoin fork using prime constellations as PoW with re-target every 288 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 84 million total coins. Riecoin Foundation is online: http://riecoinfoundation.org/"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "riecoin_ric.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Df0bce76f-f04e-4eda-8d20-461edf794e89 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "12 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RIC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "84000000.0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Riecoin"@en . doacc:D2d540b94-1fe2-45df-a6f4-04d013b7b065 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The Coin For Fighters! Remix Version"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "hongketocoin_hkc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HKC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "600000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Hongketocoin"@en . doacc:D2d5732d9-0c9d-493c-835e-bd9849f6da04 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X15, Block time: 60 seconds, Block reward: 1 - ICO, 2-99 = 0, 100-1100 = 10, 1101-1500 = 20, 1501-2000 = 25, 2001-2500 = 20, 2501-3000 = 15, PoW Supply: ~100K, Last PoW block: 3000, Maturity: 200 Blocks, PoS Reward: 1, PoS Min Stake Age: 6 hours, PoS Starts: after POW"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "blackmarketcoin_blm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BLM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BlackMarket"@en . doacc:D2d5f698a-7772-45d7-b928-4265e8874c97 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "incrementumcoin_inc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "INC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1300000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.incrementum.tech"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Incrementum"@en . doacc:D2d6bb4c8-dbb2-4c7a-b3ad-708373cb9eb2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Ticker: SEN, PoW blocks: 10000, Reward: 100 SEN ( starting from block 100 ), Block Target: 60 sec, PoS: 1%, Stake Min age: 6 hrs, Masternode: 5000 SEN , Masternode reward: 1 SEN + 10% of PoS, Anti-instamine: 0 reward first 100 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sentarocoin_sen.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SEN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "990000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sentaro"@en . doacc:D2d6fcf93-5c8c-44e5-bbf6-0b59f87dc8fb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "stalwartbucks_sbx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SBX"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Stalwartbucks"@en . doacc:D2d820cb8-4655-407c-a580-f3262a25521f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Name: ParkByte, Algo: SHA256, Ticket: PKB, POW Timeframe: ~60days, Premine: 2,000,000, Total POW Coins 10,000,000 (8m+2m), Block Reward: 90PKB, Block Time: 60seconds, POS Min Stake time: 1hour, Year 1 - 5%, Year 2 - 4%, Year 3 and onwards 3%, 25m Total Coin"@en ; doacc:block-reward "90"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "parkbytecoin_pkb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "2000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PKB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ParkByte"@en . doacc:D2db78a02-783e-427f-ab46-a1ee5c7461cb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Initial Coin per Block: 40, Halving Rate: 525600 blocks (about every 4 years), Block Generation: 2 minutes, Readjust Difficulty: 2 days, Maximum Coins: 42,000,000, Algorithm: Scrypt, If you are a fan of Red vs Blue on Roosterteeth, then this cryptocurrency is for you! Based on a character known as Grif, Grifcoin is a new altcoin for the true RvB fans. If you haven't seen RvB, check it out on Roosterteeth (http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?sid=rvb&v=more). Remember to start on Season 1! This is still very early in development. I am just releasing to those who want to get started early. In order to establish some sort of value, I am going to back Grifcoin: 0.01 BTC for every 5,000 GFC. Being that the average subpar laptop can (as of now) mine Grifcoin about 1,500 per night, I think this is pretty generous. Basically, if you donate some of your computing power to the network and manage to mine 5,000 Grifcoins, I will send you 0.01 Bitcoins."@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "grifcoin_gfc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 days"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "GFC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Grifcoin"@en . doacc:D2dcf88b3-ff62-4fd6-8d5e-2a005965e08f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: x13, Block Time: 2 Minutes, Diff retarget: every block, Block reward: , First block mined for ICO funds: 2'500'000 SOKRY (Unsold coins will be destroyed), 2 - 3600 blocks = 0 SOKRY for ICO duration and fair start., 3601 - 7200 blocks = 100 SOKRY per block for a total of 360'000 SOKRY (ca.), 7201 - 10080 blocks = 50 SOKRY per block for a total of 143950 SOKRY, Total coins if ICO will be sold entirely: 3'040'000 SOKRY, Pos Interest: 5%"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "socialkryptcoin_sokry.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "SOKRY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3040000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "SocialKrypt"@en . doacc:D2dd2ee26-ff8f-44fb-b82f-fb44305ae51b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Crypti is a 2nd generation crypto-currency designed from the ground up. It's built to solve the biggest problem with current crypto-currencies, a lack of purchase motivation. Crypti is being built from scratch, complete with a new Elliptic curve algorithm, relying on No previous crypto-currencies code. It uses a combination of 3 radically new proof-of-stake algorithms making it a first of it's kind. It's being developed in lightweight Node.js, and can be ran on any device out there, including mobile devices."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:comment "infrastructure"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "crypticoin_xcr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dc8cecbd1-03ec-48d1-a687-5966753d6f50 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:D6aa11385-b0d9-4593-815b-776e7f63199c ; doacc:symbol "XCR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "和氏币"@cn, "Crypti"@en . doacc:D2ddbddf5-dff2-4470-9bc6-87957c961c1f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: VastCoin, Symbol: VAST, Algo: X11, POW/POS hybrid, POW: 25 hours of mining, Block time: 30sec, Block reward: 4000 VAST, halving every 500 blocks, Last POW block: 3000, POS starts at block 1500, Block retarget: every block, POS interest: 5% per year, Coins stake after 15 hours, Confirmations per transaction 7, Coins mature after 70 blocks, Premine: 0 (0%)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "4000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "vastcoin_vast.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "70"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 500, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VAST"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3937500"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Vastcoin"@en . doacc:D2e043de8-2b46-421b-83da-340dc39d15ef a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin name: ClusterCoin Symbol: CLSTR Algorithm: SHA-256 ICO coins: 7,000,000 Block rewards: 1st block: 7,000,000 CLSTR (ICO coins) 2 - 13,000 blocks: 0 CLSTR (no mining reward during ICO) 13,001 - 10,000,000 blocks: 30 3 CLSTR Confirmations for blocks to mature: 100 Re-target difficulty each block Total CLSTR coins generated during pow: 36,610,000 CLSTR Block time: 60 seconds Transaction confirmations: 5"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "clustercoin_clstr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "7000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CLSTR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "36610000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Clustercoin"@en . doacc:D2e440b31-c716-4ddf-b72b-e79780291c7b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "legendarycoin_lgd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 64800, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LGD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Legendary Coin"@en . doacc:D2e473f28-c30c-40fe-9947-7471152f1e30 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "dynamic retarget, POW, and dynamic block reward."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "gascoin_gas.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GAS"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Gascoin"@en . doacc:D2e48828c-2615-42dc-b831-d587109a49e1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Distribution: POW/POS, Algorithm: x13, Total Coins: Approx 1,000,000 in POW., No premine., Fair blocks for Community Bonus, Blocks 1601-2000 Larger Rewards Than First., Block Reward: Block 1 - 400: 500 KEY, Block 401 - 700: 450 KEY, Block 701 - 1000: 350 KEY, Block 1001 - 1300: 300 KEY, Block 1301 - 1600: 250 KEY, Block 1601 - 2000: 550 KEY, Block 2001 - 2100: 150 KEY, Block 2101 - 3000: 100 KEY, Block 3001 - 4000: 50 KEY, Block 4001 - 4500: 1 KEY, POS Only After Block 4500, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Yearly POS Interest: 20%, 50 Minted Block Confirmations, p2p port: 37941, rpc port: 37942, Website: Coming Soon, Downloads: Source: https://bitbucket.org/keycoin/keycoin, Windows Wallet: Mega https://mega.co.nz/#!JMMAxQ7I!evtw_VQE_WtOiVjFWfiiEpb3pr7vpR0pjyYnIuoU-qE, Nodes: addnode=, addnode=, addnode=, addnode=, addnode=, Exchanges: Bittrex, Cryptsy, Pools: SuchPool, MineP.it, P2PoolCoin.com - EU Server | Canada Server, POOL.MN, dedicatedpool, suprnova.cc, Chainz: Now on CoinMarketCap also. www.coinmarketcap.com"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "keycoin_key.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "KEY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Keycoin"@en . doacc:D2e4c2e40-1260-4131-b741-ecf303ec6bfb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-jane based cryptocoin with POW / POS, 50 coins per block, and 1 billion total coins. Yacoin clone. ZC Coin - ZCCoin Abbreviation: ZCC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 8/5/3012 Total Coins: 1 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: Block Reward: 50 Per block/Varies Diff Adjustment: Premine:. Novacoin-based."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D07bec9ad-9a9b-48c4-9d51-9443cf3ebc13 ; doacc:date-founded "2012-08-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "zhaocaibicoin_zcc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2012-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "(50, 'v')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ZCC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "招财币"@cn, "ZcCoin"@en . doacc:D2e54dc33-3605-4311-a285-1860cb0aeb29 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: GRAMCOIN, Symbol: GRAM, Algorithm: SHA256,POW, Block Reward: 220, Block Reward Halving Rate: 144000, Block time: 120 sec, Difficulty retarget: Dark Gravity Wave, Premine: 3% (only for coin development), Total supply: 65360000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "220"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "gramcoin_gram.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 144000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GRAM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "65360000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Gramcoin"@en . doacc:D2e605080-a1d7-40dc-a2fa-372505fcda36 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "topcoin_top.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TOP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "11520000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "TopCoin"@en . doacc:D2e6a5c81-1dd6-461c-afe4-654c740a2e5e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: TRIP, FullName: TRIPCoin, Total coins: 100 000 000, Algo: 100% POS - scrypt, Annual Interest: 5%, Block time: 60 seconds, Min. transaction fee: 0.0001 TRIP, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 240, Min stake age: 4 hours, no max age * Difficulty retarget: every block, Blocks: 1 - 40mln TRIP, 2-2880 - 0.1mln TRAVEL. The value of a coin is fixed in relation to the US dollar. 1 TRIP = 1$"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "tripcoin_trip.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "240"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TRIP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "TripCoin"@en . doacc:D2e98ffdc-1c9f-4ab0-a898-67817f5b27d5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "There will be initially 28 million vocal coins to be used on the entire platform., 100% Proof of Stake, Initial Coin Supply: 28 Million coins, Stake Interest: 4%, Minimum Stake: 6 hours"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "vocalcoin_vocal.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "VOCAL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "28000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Vocal"@en . doacc:D2ea66d7f-2e88-4e08-a6cf-9b31e3c8a478 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Free IPO"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D52bb501a-d12a-44b9-b839-77f8cb850cc3 ; doacc:image "energycoin_enrg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ENRG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "110000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Energycoin"@en . doacc:D2ea9cd47-719c-4765-b047-8ddc71732d3d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "LAUNCH : June 27, TICKER: EXT, Algo: QUBIT, Max Supply: 5 Millions, FULL PoS: 1% yearly, Minimun Stake Age: 1 hour, IDO: 100% (5 Millions)"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "lifeextensioncoin_ext.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db435df5d-bc7e-4794-b7db-e83980b4f97d ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EXT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Life Extension"@en . doacc:D2eb4a472-0a41-4254-a722-0bd5179e42ed a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "XAGON [~SLATE~] Distributed Identity, T2 Alpha, Abstract Commerce"@en ; doacc:block-reward "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "xagoncoin_xagon.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "40000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 day"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1333334 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XAGON"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Xagon"@en . doacc:D2ed9a64d-5bcc-445e-a802-99cf14d904a1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2011-10-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "solidcoin2_sc2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2011-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SC2"@en ; skos:prefLabel "SolidCoin2"@en . doacc:D2f1d879a-a192-4547-98dd-f105736d1b7e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "retarget every 690 blocks, 420 coins per block, and 69 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "vaginacoin_vag.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "VAG"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Vaginacoin"@en . doacc:D2f303622-3e37-4ebe-b077-767708a756b7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "MasterMint, Features, 1500000000 Total supply, 50 % PoS annual, Masternodes 50% of PoS reward, 60 seconds block time, 1 hour minimum stake, 50 confirms to mature"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "mastermintcoin_mm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "150000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "MasterMint"@en . doacc:D2f304fe9-ec74-494f-9664-fa984006e0f9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 - POW/POS coin, Number of coins: 100,000,000, POW blocks : 10,000, POS : 5% yearly, Block Time : 30 sec, Confirmation : 6, Pre-mine:1%"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "greekcoin_grk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GRK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Greekcoin"@en . doacc:D2f5b084e-d9f8-4b2d-8236-bfe5310f22f0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Taxi Tokens ($HACK) is a new decentralized cryptocurrency that will be used “exclusively” by NYC for-hire vehicles. EX: Medallion Drivers, FHV Drivers and Others. The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission currently is nation’s “largest” and most active taxi and for-hire vehicle regulator with a current Driver License count of 179,873 qualified drivers servicing an average of 241 million passengers a year generating over $11 billion annually. ($HACK) was designed by a thriving New York City taxi cab owner/operator who is dedicated “initially” on attracting NYC merchant/user adoption through many industry contacts and peers developed over a 20 year period of employment in the transportation industry. In 2013, the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) realized a number of achievements in keeping with its mission of ensuring that New Yorkers and visitors to the city have access to taxicabs and other for-hire ground transportation that are safe, efficient, sufficiently plentiful, and provide a good passenger experience. However, NYC for-hire drivers and transportation owner/operators are always looking for new ways to generate income with the rising operating costs incurred to remain afloat in this competitive industry. ($HACK) was created to encourage the adoption of cryptocurrency into this sector while creating a new and innovative payment platform and revenue stream that affords both driver(s) and passenger(s) the opportunity of utilizing our secure network as a preferred method of payment. ($HACK) eliminates typical merchant provider transactions fees allowing users to save money while increasing their overall bottom line profits., Algorithm: Scrypt Nr. Coins: 21 Million Coins., Coin Type Litecoin (Scrypt), Halving 210000 Blocks, Initial Coins Per Block 50 Coins, Target Spacing 10 min, Target Timespan 168 h, Coinbase Maturity 10 Blocks, Premine 210,000 Coins, Max Coinbase 21000000 + 0 = 21000000 Coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "taxitokenscoin_hack.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "168 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "HACK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "TaxiTokens"@en . doacc:D2f5dff0a-0d12-4c84-9352-40723cbf1c29 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Sky Coin - Skycoin Abbreviation: SKY Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/22/2013 Total Coins: 4 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 2 Minutes Block Reward: 15 Coins Diff Adjustment: 700 Blocks Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "15"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "skycoin_sky.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D8cac5ac6-c2cb-4e77-a233-8c04a3d5b0a5 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D619dc313-b545-4914-9640-04ff462cd3c5 ; doacc:retarget-time "700 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SKY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Skycoin"@en . doacc:D2f6c9667-798d-4b7c-bffc-60824a4353c2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "austrocoin_atc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ATC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "8500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "AustroCoin"@en . doacc:D2f891779-2447-432d-8f56-dfc0defc67c9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Dubeucoin is a lite version of Bitcoin using scrypt as a proof-of-work algorithm., 30 second block targets, subsidy halves in 840k blocks (~4 years), ~2 billion total coins, The rest is the same as Bitcoin., 500 coins per block, 10 blocks to retarget difficulty"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "dubeucoin_dbu.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DBU"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Dubeucoin"@en . doacc:D2f93f522-2f81-43ac-b9a7-d53a75e39365 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "footycashcoin_foot.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FOOT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Footy Cash"@en . doacc:D2fb45e69-a04f-4322-b2e8-fb25736c61a3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every .2 days, 20 coins per block, and 84 million total coins. BINARYCOIN BIC Website https://blackbinary.nl/ SPECIFICATIONS Algorithm: Scrypt Max Coins: 84,096,000 Block Time: 15 Seconds Difficulty Retarget Time: 0.2 days Premine: 9 blocks as test Starting difficulty: 0.00024414 20 coins per block DOWNLOADS Windows Linux MacOS Source Code https://github.com/BlackBinary/biccoin Sample binarycoin.conf server=1 rpcuser=%USER% rpcpassword=%RPCPASS% addnode= PORTS Unknown. POOLS Cryptopools http://www.cryptpools.com/ EXCHANGES None Available. SOCIAL None Available. SERVICES / OTHER None Available. Launch thread: https://cryptocointa...n-announcement/ Abbreviation: BIC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/23/2013 Total Coins: 84.09 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 15 Seconds Block Reward: 20 Coins Diff Adjustment."@en ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "binarycoin_bic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "9 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BIC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Binarycoin"@en . doacc:D2fbc5a07-3fff-4475-ba2a-05e7741a4719 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: 100% Proof-of-Stake, Block Time: 20 Seconds, Difficulty Re-target: Every block, Total Coins: Starting at 100,000,000, Mined Block Confirmation: 40, Transaction Confirmation: 4, Minimum Stake Age: 24 Hours, Maximum Stake Age: 90 Days"@en ; doacc:block-time 20 ; doacc:comment "relaunch"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D432a137f-7181-40fa-939b-f2c32bb46464 ; doacc:image "coffeecoin2_cfc2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CFC2"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CoffeeCoin"@en . doacc:D2fc86c57-c3b6-4265-bb77-bc08262f2ecb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "meme"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bumbacoin_clot.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 10080, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CLOT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "201600000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bumbacoin"@en . doacc:D2fca0772-366a-4376-a103-d3357791efb4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "No Premine, Based on Bitcoin 0.9.3 SHA256 source, Block target: 2 minutes, Difficulty retargets every 360 blocks, Block reward: 120 YYZ, halving every 88,000 blocks, Total coin supply: 21,120,000 YYZ, Coinbase maturity: 21 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "2112coin_yyz.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "21"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "360 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 88000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "YYZ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21120000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "2112coin"@en . doacc:D2fe464ab-706c-4bbf-9e2b-767673a30481 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "total volume of coins released: 1,000,000 coins, volume of ICO: 250,000 coins, block time: 60 seconds‏, rewards:, first 2 days = 25 coins, another 2 days = 50, another 2 days = 75, after that, mining ends and coin is fully POS‏, yearly POS reward: 15%‏, algorythm: Scrypt‏"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "pencoin_pen.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PEN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "543732"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "PENCoin"@en . doacc:D2feb39cb-428a-41f4-ba61-8b0b9b0d1ee8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "900"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "darkmooncoin_moond.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "14"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "42000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 mins"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MOOND"@en ; doacc:total-coins "420000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Dark Moon"@en . doacc:D2febb4e9-beeb-4396-9ccd-9b1268617281 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHA-1 based cryptocoin with re-target every 2016 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 83.55 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "sha1coin_sha.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dafa61bb2-1f76-4158-ada5-0720148f6b11 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "3.5 days"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SHA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "83550000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Sha1coin"@en . doacc:D2ff74155-3438-47a3-84b9-6850e831dd50 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Premine: 0% - No Premine!, Coin type: Scrypt, Halving: 210000 blocks, Initial coins per block: 122 coins, Target spacing: 10 min, Target timespan: 168 h, Coinbase maturity: 10 blocks, Max coinbase= 51240000 coins, Confirmation : 6"@en ; doacc:block-reward "122"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "imperiumcoin_impc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "168 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "IMPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "51240000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ImperiumCoin"@en . doacc:D301d0c7c-e987-4f24-9e40-2e9661f95af1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "From the international enterprise team who bring you GoldBar, Silverbar and PlatinumBar is the new BitCredits (Credits)."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "repertoire"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bitcredits_credits.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "60 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "CREDITS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitcredits"@en . doacc:D303a7e8a-aaeb-4286-92f4-4fb53a4b562e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Clone of NVC. Maples - Maples Abbreviation: MPL Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 9/6/2013 Total Coins: 50 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 40 Re-Target Time: Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 0-3000 50 Maples 3000-5000 30 Maples 5000-7500 20 Maples 7500+ 8 Maples per block halving every 3 years Diff Adjustment: Premine: 50K."@en ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "maples_map.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MAP"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Maples"@en . doacc:D30417820-de6a-4e73-a06c-4d661a307984 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "wpcoin_wpc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "WPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "320000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "WPcoin"@en . doacc:D3070de1c-5a6f-42a0-934e-7de780d118d8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Sha256, Total coins : 15,000,000, Coin maturity: 100 blocks, Transaction confirmation: 6, Last pow block: 7200 , Block reward: 95, Block time: 60 sec, Pow total coins 759,000 , Pos interest 9 %, Premine 0.5 %, Stake min age 12h, No max age."@en ; doacc:block-reward "95"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkfoxcoin_drx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "DRX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DarkFoxcoin"@en . doacc:D30a30609-a0cc-4e3b-b703-254681c19f61 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 60 blocks, 1 coins per block, and 10 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-06-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "flashcoin_flc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FLC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Flashcoin"@en . doacc:D30b7f0b6-d110-461e-9cd8-7fe704c2c0d1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bmwcoin_bmc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BMC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BMWcoin"@en . doacc:D30d3219a-a7e5-4cb4-8367-3bc800afefe8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The Gold Rush Coin is part of The Gold Rush Project. The overall project is taking the global gold rush research of Sam Sewell III and creating a full series of Books, Merchandising, and 2D and 3D animated versions of multiple games. Each step along the way and each game provides the player the ability to create and store wealth via gold backed crypto coin, Hybrid POW/POS, BlockTime 60 seconds, Block 1 - 500 = 1 GRCX, Block 501 - 720 = 5 GRCX, Block > 720 = 20 GRCX, 3 confirms per transaction., Total 25,000,000 GRCX, Scrypt POW, POS staking 24 hours - 42 days for max stake"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "goldrushcoin_grc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GRC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GoldRushcoin"@en . doacc:D31186793-1f65-40bb-b41a-faa9db7d3f06 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "livecoin_lvc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LVC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Livecoin"@en . doacc:D3121c394-4cab-4910-985f-edf61702bde6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "20 Million Initial Coins:, *Max of 10% additional coins created each year, dependent upon number of coins in staking, 100% Proof of Stake: , *10% Staking Interest – 8 Hours for coin maturity to begin staking, 30 Second Block Time & 6 block confirmations required:, *Transactions will be 25x faster than Bitcoin"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:comment "infrastructure"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "greenbackscoin_gb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D532a50ff-94d9-4af3-b294-bc23eb726c8a ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GreenBacks"@en . doacc:D31386a5a-7c32-4118-9b4c-5eab196664ba a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "MaidSafecoin is an intermediary token residing on the Bitcoin blockchain that will be exchanged on a 1:1 basis with safecoin the native currency of SAFE Network a P2P Internet platform. Safecoin is required to pay for services on the SAFE decentralized internet."@en ; doacc:block-time 1 ; doacc:comment "intermediary token BTC-SAFE"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "maidsafecoin_maid.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Dc5b7eb77-f806-46a1-9c8c-f5c0a62ff08d ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MAID"@en ; doacc:total-coins "430000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Maidsafecoin"@en . doacc:D3139c8b8-2336-41a3-9a73-72310c8cdce2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bestericoin_bic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BIC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "23000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.besteri.ru"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Bestericoin"@en . doacc:D31407cd1-c173-4e07-a502-d45426b6ab08 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The perfect micropayment solution. Money over IP X11, PoW/Pos separate technologies with no effect on PoW mining, Advanced asic proof PoW/PoS coin, Random SuperBlock, True random, so no cheating by big hashpowers, 4 transaction confirmations (Very fast), 50 minted block confirmations, Short poS block time (less than 1 minute), 90 sec PoW block time, diff retarget each block for PoW, Daily random superblock payout 10X, Weekly random superblock payout 100X, block payout reduced 20% every 20 days, Initial payout: 1k, 15 sec PoS block time, PoS diff retarget each block , Block minted: 14 Total: 2005000 (1.7%), Min: 1 day / Max 100 days, Variable PoS payout: 60% first year / 20 % second year, Max suppli: 120 millions approx"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "litestarcoin_lts.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1.7%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('rp', 20, 20, 'd')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LTS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "120000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Litestarcoin"@en . doacc:D314eb599-a14b-4bef-927b-f3b4001337bc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "100% of FIND will be distributed via in-wallet faucet. All you have to do is just keep your wallet running to receive the funds. By doing so you will also be supporting the FIND network, FindYou Coin Specs, Name: FindYou Coin, Thicker: FIND, Initial coin supply: 100,000,000 FIND (will be distributed via faucet), Distribution period: 21 days (200,000 coins per hour), POS annual interest: 1%, No POW rewards. Algo is X13 (if that makes any difference - FIND will be 100% distributed via in-wallet faucet), Same distribution model as miraclecoin?, Faucet distributes 200 000 coins/hour."@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcc0b9aea-8de3-4b18-b898-be9329c022d2 ; doacc:image "findyoucoin_find.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FIND"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Findcoin"@en . doacc:D31691117-fe4d-44f9-af80-7e945eb50c26 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt-Jane Proof-Of-Work with modified nFactor Block Time: 32 seconds No Premine"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D07bec9ad-9a9b-48c4-9d51-9443cf3ebc13 ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "microcoin_mrc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MRC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "microCoin"@en . doacc:D318cca24-9f6e-43ff-af43-72599a955d2f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X15, 4 Million SWIFT Total Supply, 3% PoS Annually, Minimum 4 Hour Minimum Stake Age, No SWIFT Transfer Fees!, 30 Second Blocks"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "blocknet"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "bitswiftcoin_swift.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SWIFT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "飞速币"@cn, "BitSwift"@en . doacc:D319865ec-8119-4815-9f23-93ce8ab266b2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: XANAXCOIN, Symbol: XNX, Algorithm: SCRYPT(POW), Block Reward: 210, Block Reward Halving Rate: 100000, Block time: 120 sec, Difficulty retarget: D.G.W., Premine: NO!, Total supply: 42 000 000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "210"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "xanaxcoin_xnx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 100000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XNX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Xanaxcoin"@en . doacc:D31b2cf02-ab92-4e4d-bf95-1b29458b4380 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "lycancoin_lyc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LYC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4950000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Lycancoin"@en . doacc:D31b6de08-5177-4f97-80d3-25f87ec6a709 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "770"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "iridiumcoin_iri.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.7%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "IRI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "77000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "IridiumCoin"@en . doacc:D31b9ded7-15b3-4ec6-96ab-7ebd2d029c6e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm : Scrypt Pow + PoS Symbol : EON Block target : 30 seconds Block reward : 5000 EON Retarget Every block Max PoW coins : 1 Billions EON P2P port : 7201 RPC port : 7200"@en ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "eoncoin_eon.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "EON"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "EonCoin"@en . doacc:D31bfbfac-778e-4fa8-9b09-b2df65e34360 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-00"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "asiacoin15_asc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "20%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ASC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "26250000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Asiacoin"@en . doacc:D320a6a5c-ec94-4f85-bdb0-f1767afc83d8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X13 + POS, Total coin: 20,000,000, Block time: 60 seconds, PoS block generation after 1 day of holding, The biggest holding: 365 days, Annual POS rate:, Year-1: 20%, Year-2: 15%, Year-3: 10%, Year-4: 8%, There will be total 20 million Teddycoin., • 75% (15million)will be distributed through this IPO only 7 days., • 15% (3million)will be distributed through giveaways for 500 share, • 8% (1.6million)will be distributed through bounties, • 2% (0.4million)will be left as developers reserve"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "teddycoin_tdy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TDY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Teddycoin"@en . doacc:D320b43f8-0ecd-404a-9f81-61728affa5f6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Full-PoS coin, Ticker PHR, Max Supply 30.000.000, PoS 10% Annually, Maturity 40 Confirmations, Min Stake Age 6 Hours, direct YouTube video playing from day one, audio and video codec with settings, watch phreaking tutorials , follow our channel directly in wallet, learn phreaking techniques while staking"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "phreakcoin_phr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PHR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Phreakcoin"@en . doacc:D320b5ec5-8eb0-4034-b2ae-449c3f24fbc0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "goodbyecoin_bye.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BYE"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Goodbye coin"@en . doacc:D320f2b76-3aea-4d9c-9ff3-a6ce8ddff4b7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1 day, TX fees block rewards, and 20 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "dinarcoin_iqd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "IQD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Dinarcoin"@en . doacc:D32396702-0d26-40b5-aa03-237f4976021d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X15 + POS, Total coin: 500,000,000, Block time: 60 seconds, PoS block generation after 1 day of holding, The biggest holding: 365 days, Annual POS rate:, Year-1: 35%, Year-2: 25%, Year-3: 15%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "toothfairycoin_tfc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TFC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Toothfairycoin"@en . doacc:D324fff4a-c492-4e8b-94f4-2f599efd7ba1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Gapcoin: prime gap based hashing PoW: custom, prime gaps Block target time 2.5 minutes Block reward proportional to the current difficulty Block reward halving every 420000 (about 2 years) Cap: about 10 - 30 million GAP Difficulty adjusts every block and increases logarithmic (it will probably take years to get to 50)"@en ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "gapcoin_gap.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D2e786dc0-a5b6-4441-8d0f-7fa6722bb568 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "GAP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Gapcoin"@en . doacc:D3263425d-ce79-4222-87dd-b31d45d89d71 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "flavorcoin_flav.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FLAV"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://cryptoscene.com/threads/ann-flavorcoin.463/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "FlavorCoin"@en . doacc:D32933034-a459-4c79-a344-b0c7ff23cdb9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: NIST5, Total Coins:: 6,250,000, Total coins[PoW]: 5,000,000, PoW Blocks: 10,098, Reward in Blocks 1-100: 10 ( to avoid instamine!), Reward in blocks 100-10,098: 500, Block time: 60 seconds, PoW timespan: 7 days, Confirmations on mined blocks: 50 blocks, PoS Interest: 3.77% annually, Free Distribution & Bounties (0,8%): 50,000, ICO : Hosted by BITTREX (Available on 07/07/2014)"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "icebergcoin_icb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D532a50ff-94d9-4af3-b294-bc23eb726c8a ; doacc:premine "0.8%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ICB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6250000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Iceberg"@en . doacc:D329c3caf-5feb-4ea8-a128-95d4b819dca4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "9999"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "xquadroncoin_quad.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "99"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "QUAD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4199580000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "https://github.com/Frankywill/Xquadron"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Xquadron"@en . doacc:D32dbdca0-386f-4418-bdef-b7c9a98d2ec8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Cycling coin is a 30,000,000 coin that will be listed on Yobit at a price of 40 sats. The 12 BTC will be used to create our own cycling team with sponsoring of cycling coin, additional names will be added so that it allow us to grow further. Cycling coin will be a group of real professional cycling people that will do races all over the world. 15,000,000 CYC were sold at buy wall and will be destroyed! Total CYC coins will be 15,000,000 CYC. ICO money left is 6 BTC - cost for Yobit. Cycling coin is a new digital crypto currency that will allow you to buy cycling clothes, designing your own cycling clothes. Cycling coin is a masternode coin (10,000 CYC per MN) with all the latest innovation and will protect his ICO investors by reducing the number of coins being mined. POS is currently set at 50%. Node to use is"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "cyclingcoin_cyc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CYC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Cyclingcoin"@en . doacc:D32ebbe8d-b0e7-4b0e-b469-c23c6db97ee6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Groestl based cryptocoin with re-target using Dark Gravity Wave, 512 coins per block, and 105 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "groestlcoin_grs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D52a83fcf-495f-4ffc-b33f-c9c6e2ea8f77 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GRS"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GroestlCoin"@en . doacc:D32ee8e0a-a7af-47fd-8984-3cdf7a901cb9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications :, SHA-256 coin, Total coins:500, Premine: 200 in first 4 blocks of test, Block reward: 50 in first block, 25 in the next 5 blocks, Halving rate: 5 blocks, Transaction fee: 0.0001, Total ICO coins: 50% of premine (100YYL), Price: First 10% of ICO coins: 0.01BTC each, Next 10% of ICO coins: 0.011BTC each, Last 10% of ICO coins: 0.019BTC each, Unsold ICO coins and 25% of premine coins (50YYL) will go to the giveaways & bounties fund."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "yatyatlingcoin_yyl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "40%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 5 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "YYL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "YatYatLingcoin"@en . doacc:D32ef428c-8410-4575-bbc5-ddead2f8bf0d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "100 coins per block, and 12.8 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "benjamins_ben.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BEN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12800000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Benjamins"@en . doacc:D330b4070-be37-472f-abdf-23926f1f79aa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: AureusCoin, Ticker: ARE, Algo: X11, Block Time: 60 seconds, PoW reward schedule:, Block 20-499,999: 400 AureusCoin, Block 500,000-999,999: 200 AureusCoin , Block 1,000,000-1,499,999: 100 AureusCoin, Block 1,500,000: 50 AureusCoin, PoS Interest: 100% first year, 10% after, PoS start: Block 50,000, PoS Interest Schedule, up to block 500,000: 100%, after block 499,999: 10%, Premine : 200,000,000, Start Blocks-(no reward up to block 20 to help start) This coin is designed to be used in conjunction with the video game Rome2030(www.rome2030.com) that is currently under development and will be funded by a Kickstarter Campaign. The game will be designed around the use of the coin where goods and items in the game can bought and sold. The coin will use the GPU friendly x11 algorithm for general mining at the start and throughout the game and followup games lifecycle. The game is under development, so mining for the first year will be rewarded more heavily to encourage mining and staking. Also during the first year there will be frequent giveaways to allow many users to get some coins. Since it will be used as the game coin, It has a large premine for use in typical things like contests, giveaways, contributors as well as the initial in-game universe inventory allotments."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "product support device"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "aureuscoin_are.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "200000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ARE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "AureusCoin"@en . doacc:D330ced53-503c-4a37-bb36-db907ce3c8b1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "goldpressedlatinumcoin_gpl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 840000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "GPL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "336000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "GoldPressedLatinum"@en . doacc:D3315106b-a3f2-4a6d-9fa0-4524c8e20930 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "February 28, 2014 Snapshot date for BitShares XT. PTS and AGS holders on this date will be given a stake in BitShares XT: for each PTS or AGS held, the holder will be awarded a certain number of BTSX. This number was approximately 644 BTSX per PTS, and approximately 1667 BTSX per AGS"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "asset issuance instrument"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D432a137f-7181-40fa-939b-f2c32bb46464 ; doacc:image "bitsharesx_btsx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D30314216-b9da-46c5-ab67-a16ccd0118ae ; doacc:protocol doacc:D80e38727-4d19-42ca-a44f-7e7829d5bd74 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BTSX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "比特股"@cn, "BitsharesX"@en . doacc:D333b2605-f29c-4f05-97c5-762fac8024e1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "FlexCoin. Free Coins. SHA256d Mining. SuperNET. Swap AXIOM/SLING, Name: FlexCoin, Ticker: FCX, RPC Port: 35532, P2P Port: 23553, Block Reward: 100 FCX, Total Max. PoW Blocks: 10000 Blocks, Retarget Algo: DGW v3.0, Block Time: 30 Seconds, Premine: 250,000 FCX, Masternode Reward: 30% of Stake, Stake Reward: 0.5 FCX, Required Coins: 1270 FCX, Algorithm: SHA256d"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "flexcoin_fcx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "250000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FCX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "FlexCoin"@en . doacc:D337d0c86-b064-40ea-aad8-2b036c81e81f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: oo, Algorithm: X11, Total PoW coins: 3,600,000, Block spacing: 60 seconds, Block reward: 500, Total PoW blocks: 7200, PoS starts block: 6500, PoS rate: 5% yearly"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "oocoin_oo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "OO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3600000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "O_Ocoin"@en . doacc:D33886b4d-30d9-4734-8083-0114577e80af a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SDCoin is pure Proof of Stake coin, except stage of initial distribution, which will be PoW and PoS., Web site: http://www.sdcoin.co/, IRC: freenode.net ##sdcoin, Launch Date: 19 July 2014 12:00 EST - Smooth launch, thanks to all pools and miners for participating in the launch, No premine. No IPO., Specifications, Block time: 60 seconds, Difficulty retarget: every block, Nominal stake interest: 2% annually, Min transaction fee: 0.0001 SDC, Fees are paid to miners, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 500, Min stake age: 8 hours, no max age, P2P port: 51737, RPC port: 51736, Proof of work, Algo: scrypt, Block reward:, 1-120: 1 SDC (Fair launch), 120-50000: 400 SDC, no halving, Max height: 50000 (after this network will not accept PoW), PoW supply: ~20 million SDC after 1 Month, Downloads, Windows - : http://sdcoin.co/downloads/sdcoin_0.9.0.0_win32.zip, Mac - : http://sdcoin.co/downloads/sdcoin_0.9.0.0_MacOSX.zip, Github Source : https://github.com/SDCDev/sdcoin - rebranded as ShadowCash"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sdcoin_sdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ShadowCash"@en . doacc:D33ad58a2-7936-47df-acd0-ee325448e140 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pyramidscoin_pyra.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0.7%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block DGWv3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "PYRA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "95000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pyramids"@en . doacc:D33ba393d-8f0a-4e44-bc78-0683966d0bb1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Firecoin is the first coin in its class of coin algorithms to use Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake. X15 is the latest algorithm used in cryptocurrency; building on-top of previous algorithms (e.g. X11, X13). You may CPU or GPU mine Firecoin X15., X15 Algo, Firecoin Ticker: FIRE, Max PoW Coins: 100,000 FIRE, Fast 60 Second Block Generation, , POS INFORMATION, 1% Annual PoS Interest, PoS Minimal Stake Age: 24 hours, PoS Starts on Block 4000, , BLOCK REWARDS, 2 FIRE per block for 200 blocks, 17 FIRE per block for the next 800 blocks, 50 FIRE per block for the next 1500 blocks, 5 FIRE per block for the next 2500 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "variable"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D4a219271-1609-401e-b5f9-cc923594b355 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "firecoin_fire.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FIRE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Firecoin"@en . doacc:D33ff1adb-b6d7-4ae1-b82b-7034a09c8187 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1 coin per block and 92 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:image "1credit_1cr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "1CR"@en ; skos:prefLabel "1Credit"@en . doacc:D34050ca5-8c40-4a3a-940d-3e28296655de a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "TheoremCoin - THEO, Algo - X11, POW/POS, Total Coins - About 5.7 Million in POW, 60 Second Block Time, 20% Annual Interest / Minimum - 1 Hour / Max - Unlimited, 3% Premine = 171,900 - 1% (57,300) For Bounties - 2% (114,600) For Development, Block 2-99: 0 Coins (Fair Launch), Block 100-1440: 1000 Coins (Day 1), Block 1441-2880: 750 Coins (Day 2), Block 2881-4320: 500 Coins (Day 3), Block 4321-5760: 750 Coins (Day 4), Block 5761-7200: 1000 Coins (Day 5)"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "theoremcoin_theo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "THEO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "57000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Theoremcoin"@en . doacc:D340f7bd0-c696-42d8-96aa-ec1636b2741f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "x11bitcoin_xbtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "XBTC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "X11Bitcoin"@en . doacc:D3412ed1a-fef4-457f-b773-fd8b40db7f37 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Given as images on the Bitcointalk thread."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "8"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "revocoin_rvc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "2500000 coins for pre-sale"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RVC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "27000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "RevoCoin"@en . doacc:D34348188-4c47-4187-a5f3-30f8181b00e0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Shift is a cryptocurrency based upon ethereum. We (the team) do not expect this currency to be anything big and will not in any way be able to compete with ethereum. That being said, we still have great plans for Shift. Since this will be a small crypto currency we picture Shift not being subject to major bureaucracy and therefore able to do fast and exciting changes to the source code without weeks of planning. Except for working on changes within the Shift codebase we are currently developing a decentralized and distributed network monitoring system that will be pushed onto the blockchain. Since we want the Shift network to grow we will give out bountys for every application that gets pushed onto the blockchain. The amount of bounty (in sht) will be decided by users voting on the blockchain. This announcement aims to give a “heads up” for the potential miners of Shift, there will be PoW. We would also like to give the community an opportunity to come up with suggestions regarding both technical and economical issues. We must be able to pay for servers hosting nodes and hiring developers and designers (as you see, we are no designers), therefore some form of funds must be established for the team."@en ; doacc:block-time 20 ; doacc:comment "clone of ETH"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "shiftcoin_sht.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D195a7796-6815-48ac-b8f1-9d7e55a3ff5e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D4b9b4d1e-f378-4bf7-be0d-cfb9b3e492ce ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SHF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Shift"@en . doacc:D347224ca-2935-44a8-a277-fd5cbb903957 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW Time: 5 days, max height 14500, PoW minable coins: ~4 Million, Block Time: 30 sec, Difficulty retargeting: 20 blocks, Block reward: 280 CSO, no halving(0 reward for the first 100 blocks), PoS starts block: 9700, PoS age: Min 24 hours, Max 60 days, PoS interest: 9%, Max supply: 10 Million,"@en ; doacc:block-reward "280"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "cscoin_cso.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "20 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CSO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CScoin"@en . doacc:D347e861a-3926-4294-8883-0857514cf69e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Charity-focused"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bcttalkcoin_bct.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D9a083580-c5ee-46ba-b557-efcc098e99c5 ; doacc:premine "49%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BCT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "512000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bcttalkcoin"@en . doacc:D348a2308-572f-4f69-b496-c3bbf165e16b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: Scrypt PoW/PoS Hybrid, Difficulty Retarget: Every Block, POS Reward: 1 XMT / block, Block Maturity: 100 Blocks, RPC Port: 29028, Total Coin Supply: 70,000,000 XMT, Premine: (ICO*) - Block 1: 55,000,000 XMT, Week 1: (ICO Period) - Block 2-11,000: 1 XMT/block - (10999 XMT), Month 1: Block 11,001 - Block 54200: 115 XMT/block - (4,967,885 XMT), Year 1: Block 54201 - Block 579801: 9.5 XMT/block - (4,993,200 XMT), Year 2-5: Block 579801 - End of Life: 2 XMT/block - (4,000,000 XMT), Unsold ICO coins will be burned. 5,000,000 XMT of the premine will go to the development fund as incentive to keep the devs active and engaged, as well as to be used for incentives and marketing, ICO Information, ICO Offering: 50,000,000* XMT, ICO Price: 0.00000200 BTC / XMT, ICO Period: 7 Days, Buy Wall: 100%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "summitcoin_xmt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "5000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XMT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "70000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Summitcoin"@en . doacc:D34db0056-7264-4a2e-910a-d8ecc263de9c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "twittercoin_twit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D7be57c39-9dd2-4ea8-a16d-38d5d6cf5779 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D8d337d24-148d-4d2a-bd06-6d8561e98c28 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TWIT"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Twittercoin"@en . doacc:D34f11725-39d6-477c-a46f-be0722db7b0d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1.The HXC adoptes SCRYPT algorithm, using AMD graphics mining; , 2. the total number of HXC is 56 million, HXC will be finished digging in 13 and a half years ; , 3. every minute generates one block;; , 4. the earlist 56 blocks (0.178% / block ); , 5. after the 56 block return is 56; , 6. once a month to adjust he difficulty, , 7. halve 56,28,14,7; , 8. finally stabilized at 7 each block until generate 56 million HXC; , 9. the mining needs 30 confirmation in the whole network, and the transaction require 3 confirmation in the whole network."@en ; doacc:block-reward "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "CN-focused"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "huaxiabicoin_hxc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 month"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HXC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "56000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Huaxiabicoin"@en . doacc:D35011394-3f5d-4a86-9ec2-75f4b3367d91 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-jane based cryptocoin with block range coin rewards and 10 million total coins. Hero Coin - HRC - HeroCoin Abbreviation: HRC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 2/15/2014 Total Coins: 10 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 120 For TX Re-Target Time: Block Time: 2 minutes Block Reward: 60 to 3.75 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine: None."@en ; doacc:block-reward "(3.75, 60)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:confirmations "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "herocoin_hro.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HRO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Herocoin"@en . doacc:D3502998a-546f-4c11-b13a-75dd4294c651 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt Algo, 99000000 total coins, 5 min block time, 60 Blocks Retarget, 50 coins per block, Confirmation for transaction: 3, Confirmation for minted: 30, Random reward:YES"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "zestcoin_zest.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "60 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ZEST"@en ; doacc:total-coins "99000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Zestcoin"@en . doacc:D351598b6-335e-4b74-9c49-5ac3326a30a1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Block Time: 60 Seconds, PoW Reward: 200 SPARK reducing to 100 SPARK at block 7200, PoW Timeframe: 14400 Blocks (~10 Days), Total PoW: ~2,160,000 SPARK, PoS Start: Block 14000, PoS Interest: 17.5%, Premine: 1% (21,600 SPARK)"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sparkcoin_spark.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SPARK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2160000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "火花币"@cn, "Spark"@en . doacc:D35343678-ea55-4b66-9298-d6a814a0c3d0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "domecoin_dome.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "DOME"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Domecoin"@en . doacc:D354188c0-2925-437c-ad9f-0a0bd2182ed6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Sonacoin was made by onokatio Sonacoin was made in http://askmona.org/ Sonacoin was made of litecoin"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sonacoin_ltc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1056 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "168000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Sonacoin"@en . doacc:D35493fce-5677-483b-a1a6-ff3aef24d71f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "RedDragonCoin is a PoW/PoS-based cryptocurrency., Algorithm: X11, Block Time: 60 Seconds, PoW Reward: 30 RDDC reducing to 15 RDDC at block 14400, , and reducing to 7 RDDC at block 28800 , and reducing to 3 RDDC at block 43200 , PoW Timeframe: 144000 Blocks (~100 Days), Total PoW: ~1062170 , PoS Start: Block 140000 RDDC, PoS Interest: 5%, Confirmations: 10, Maturity: 100, Minimum stake age: 12 Hours - Unlimited Max, Planned launch: 13.11.2014 at 7:00 PM UTC (20:00 CET)."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "reddragoncoin_rddc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RDDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1062170"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "RedDragonCoin"@en . doacc:D35c0f360-db26-450e-add3-2cf4fc563afb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Abbreviation: Pos, Algorithm: X15, Difficulty retargets each block, Total coins: 10 Million (PoW 2 Million + PoS 8 Million), 60 seconds block target, Confirmations: 60, PoW Block Reward - 200, PoW Block - 10 000, PosCoin uses the latest X15 Algorithm, PoW phase generate 2 Million coins (20%), PoS phase generate 8 Million coins (80%) in first year , next year 1% PoS., After PoW end , you will get 80% coins from PoS phase., No premine"@en ; doacc:block-reward "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D4a219271-1609-401e-b5f9-cc923594b355 ; doacc:confirmations "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "poscoin_pos.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "POS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "POScoin"@en . doacc:D35dfab3e-420f-4297-a4ca-58784d63932b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Minimum transaction fee: 0.0001 Primio"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "primiocoin_primio.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D278ffa1d-aab4-4bbb-8d43-dddb6b719703 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "12 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 100000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PRIMIO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "9843750"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Primio"@en . doacc:D35e595c8-2cfb-469a-9ecf-eb2583de1338 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "name: Leverage, ticker: LVG, 25,000 premine of coins,, 1000 POW blocks with 1 LVG reward (to help chain move at the start), blocktime 2 minutes, 1% annual POS, 50 blocks maturity"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "leveragecoin_lvg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "25000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LVG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Leverage"@en . doacc:D361433e8-02f8-4a4f-8a69-dc999392f2ff a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "25000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "randomcoin_rnd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RND"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Randomcoin"@en . doacc:D363af6ae-4090-4751-8462-bb1d091ddb23 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: GSM, Algorithm: X11, Total POW coins: 3M, Premine: 0.8%, Block time: 60 seconds, PoS Interest: 10%, min TX fee: 0.001, Tx confirmations:10, Block confirmations:100"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "gsmcoin_gsm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0.8%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GSM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GSMcoin"@en . doacc:D364a5ee5-569d-48dc-8d2f-43553f5fe5e0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Full PoS, 20-60% Variable annual staking, Min Stake age 4 hrs, No Max age, 3 Dedicated Nodes"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "battlestakecoin_bstk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BSTK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Battlestake"@en . doacc:D365b7d0d-7ea9-47c7-a4f4-403519b044e1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW Specifications:, Algorithm : Scrypt, Name: DarkPeer, Ticker: DPC, Total coins: 20000000, Presale: 15% (3000000), Max PoW Height: 420000, Block Time: 60 seconds, Coinbase Maturity: 50 blocks, Difficulty Retarget: Every block, Block Rewards Schedule:, Block 1 = 3,000,000 DPC, Block 2 - 420000 = 40 DPC, PoS Specifications:, PoS Interest: 15%, PoS starting at block: 5000, Minimum Age: 6 hours, Max Age: 15 days"@en ; doacc:block-reward "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkpeercoin_dpc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "15%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DarkPeer"@en . doacc:D36743adb-390b-4969-b505-98c64b1f74c8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-08-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "magcoin_mag.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MAG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Magcoin"@en . doacc:D368cd90b-5423-4091-9fb4-97401f0e0f81 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "FBIT: Welcome to the generation of alternative, free and innovative exchange., Launch Timer Release: http://itsalmo.st/#fbitlaunchtime , http://filebit.me, Latest Client Stable: v1.1 – Re: Downloads, EXCHANGE | FBIT, Whitepaper: TBA, FileBit is a community driven value-transfer & storage based currency. As a community the aim of FileBit is to work towards the creation of innovative applications that will improve the benefits, accessibility and usability of crypto as it adapts to the current world., What to expect from FileBit?, FileBit is to become an exchange commodity that explores all types of mobile integration where applications and ideas can be developed on multiple platforms to provide optimum ease of access & ease of use for alternative value exchange in the emerging tech age., Through innovation, we hope to showcase a different point of view in regards to value exchange as well as value itself., FileBit FBIT, PoW Algorithm: X15, Anonymous protocol (zerocoin), PoW + PoS hybrid, Confirmations for blocks to mature: 60, Re-target difficulty each block, PoW Total Blocks: 9400 PoW blocks, Total coins: 8,800,000 FBIT, 60 second block time, PoW block reward: 936.17 FBIT, Block Fees: 0.8% per 10 (FBIT Reserve), Transaction confirmations: 3, 60 confirmations for block to mature, POS starts at 1000 block, PoS Interest: 2%, Transaction Confirmations: 10, No IPO, No Premine, Filebit – Web Applications -, Filebit - Online Wallet -, Filebit – Block Explorer -, Filebit – Wallet v2 + Donations -, Filebit - Mobile App -, Filebit - Staking Wallet Implementation - , Filebit - Betting variants introduced - , Translation Bounties:, Chinese: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=722692.new#new - thanks baby222!, German: dadingsda, Portuguese: taken, Russian:, French:, Greek:, Dutch:, Italian:, Korean:, Contact: filebitenq@hotmail.com, Bounty Allocation, Maintenance, Charity & Cross-application – Coming Soon, ATWN Project – Coming Soon, Data Transmit – Coming Soon, All donations accepted., Donate FBIT: FA758S6v6a4EkENhW7NSawfyJpVnqxmG84, In the future, we plan to collaborate and expand ideas with teams involved in:, Real world application, Fully decentralized exchanges, Ease of use within Android, IOS and Windows mobile applications, Download:, LINUX, OSX, WINDOWS, ANDROID, Launch Timer: http://itsalmo.st/#fbitlaunchtime, POOL OWNERS Contact: filebitenq@hotmail.com (Bounty: 5000 FBIT + Free Advertising)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "936.17"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D4a219271-1609-401e-b5f9-cc923594b355 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "filebitcoin_fbit.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FBIT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "8800000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FileBitcoin"@en . doacc:D368e8e22-f7ef-4a58-9815-5a8a40181cbc a doacc:PoWscheme ; dc:description "SHA3-320 variable output, configurable to require large amount of memory, thus increasing the cost of ASIC implementations."@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:prefLabel "kshake320"@en . doacc:D36937bda-d5ca-46e0-9045-27f6ff9305b8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Dagger, Block Reward: 8, Gas Limit: 31415926, Block Target: 60 seconds, Listen Port: 60606, RPC Port: 9659, Reserve: 11 Million (Community Managed)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "8"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "soilcoin_soil.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D195a7796-6815-48ac-b8f1-9d7e55a3ff5e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D4b9b4d1e-f378-4bf7-be0d-cfb9b3e492ce ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SOIL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "31415926"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Soilcoin"@en . doacc:D36f61bb4-ad81-40be-be2c-086600a8d5d7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW Algorithm: X11, Max Supply: 25,000,000, Block time: 180 seconds, Block Reward: 100 greedcoin, Kimoto Gravity Well, Pre-mine: 0.77% (For bounties/give aways/IPO)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "greedcoin_gdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Greedcoin"@en . doacc:D37114f78-c6a2-467c-b8a8-87c6fd756198 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "MOUSE, MOC, Hybrid, POW/POS, Algo x11, 4 min. block time, 5% yearly interest, 24 hours minimum stake age, Reward halve every 2 years , Block reward 300, Approx 80m moc from mining plus pos interest, No premine,no ipo/ico"@en ; doacc:block-reward "300"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 240 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "mousecoin_moc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MOC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "80000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Mouse"@en . doacc:D372b685e-f868-4556-86a6-4d5426ca0c0d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SweetStake | 100% PoS interest | Sweet staking | ICO start, Today at 20:51:43, Ticker: SWEET, Total coin supply: 1000000000, 100% Proof of Stake interest, 30 seconds block time, Minimum staking age: 2 hours, Maximum staking age: 256 days, ICO Coins: 400000000, ICO BTC Amount: 20BTC, ICO Price: 0.00000005, ICO hosted by Yobit"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "sweetstakecoin_sweet.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "400000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SWEET"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SweetStake"@en . doacc:D3738e0a9-35e3-447b-8b13-ae97226b9765 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "tacocoin_tco.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TCO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "TacoCoin"@en . doacc:D376845fa-a4d2-4390-8be6-f38ab2c12c6f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "HyperStake Technical Details:, X11 PoW blocks already phased out, Proof of Stake Blocks Only, 90 Second Block Time, Minimum Age ~ 8 days, Maximum Age - 30 days, Annual Interest Rate - 750%, Maximum Stake Subsidy - 1,000 HYP, Recommended Block Size - 1,600 HYP"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:comment "clone of HYP"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D432a137f-7181-40fa-939b-f2c32bb46464 ; doacc:image "hyperstakecoin_hyp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HYP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Hyperstakecoin"@en . doacc:D37a0f9f4-b407-44cc-9010-efe3a4e41aff a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin type: Scrypt, Coin Prefix: W2C, Halving: 2,100,000 blocks, Initial coins per block: 500 coins, Target spacing: 1 Minute, Transaction Confirmations: 30, Coinbase maturity: 10 blocks, Premine: 0 %, Max Coinbase: 2,100,000,000, Seed Node:, Seed Node:, KGW Implemented"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "w2coin_w2c.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "W2C"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "W2Coin"@en . doacc:D37a64ceb-d4a9-414f-8c61-4bcca61d32c9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "DOGEGORECOIN [DGORE], Release: February 3 , X11, EASYMINING, DIFF RETARGET EVERYBLOCK, NO PRE-MINE, NO INSTAMINE, MAX SUPPLY: 500 millions"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "dogegorecoin_dgore.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DGORE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DogeGorecoin"@en . doacc:D37a6786e-c514-4aaa-815b-9490351f0ac0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt Algo 500 Millions total coins Block time: 20 Seconds Difficulty retarget: 60 Blocks with instamining prevention Transacion confirmations: 3 confirmations that means 1 minute transaction duration (20+20+20=60) Minted block confirmations: 30 confirmations Reward halving: 2 Years"@en ; doacc:block-time 20 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D78624b3b-41c0-4f5e-ad41-0c2296a60922 ; doacc:image "musiccoin_mic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MIC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "MusicCoin"@en . doacc:D37abf7b8-ac8d-463c-b116-0332bb478322 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "hawaiicoin_hic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "HIC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Hawaiicoin"@en . doacc:D37c0ac44-8712-4b73-92b1-94db31fabb52 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Symbol: SBK. Algorithm: CryptoNight. Block time: 192 seconds. Difficulty retargets each block. Total coins 1.07 Billion"@en ; doacc:block-time 192 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "silverbackcoin_sbk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "SBK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1070000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SilverBack"@en . doacc:D37d13382-3374-4559-9dde-cfa36306a6ba a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitcoin21coin_xbtc21.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "XBTC21"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bitcoin21"@en . doacc:D37d62b1d-2c2e-4fe9-ba38-37363b60b86b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 55 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pixxcoin_pixx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PIXX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "55000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pixxcoin"@en . doacc:D37f72f04-ab46-463b-9d36-0a481bf14bb2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "55% PoS"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "ghoulcoin_ghoul.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GHOUL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Ghoul"@en . doacc:D381b9231-1120-4e42-85c1-c5443a2f05bd a doacc:DistributionScheme ; dc:description "Distribution via ICO, airdrop and Proof of Work."@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:prefLabel "ico-airdrop-pow"@en . doacc:D382538e1-1d87-47a9-8c9b-1efd233cbc3f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11 + PoW + PoS, Total Coin: 1 Billion (1,000,000,000), Block rewards: 300 FACC, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Block Halving: 300000 Blocks, Pre-Mine: 0.50%, Block Maturity: 50 Blocks, Difficulty Retarget: Every 20 Blocks, Transaction confirmation: 4 blocks, PoS :, Minimum stake age for PoS: 6 hours, Max stake age: 30 days, Stake rate: 10% per year, PoS: After 3600000 Blocks of POW"@en ; doacc:block-reward "300"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "firstafricancoin_facc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "20 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "FACC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "FirstAfricanCoin"@en . doacc:D382fd27b-9c76-4dbb-8db5-72224fd872d8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "wecoin_wc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D9a083580-c5ee-46ba-b557-efcc098e99c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "WC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Wecoin"@en . doacc:D3841e3d9-053a-43c8-812b-3f331800b358 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: DANK, Distribution: PoW/PoS, Algorithm: X13, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Interest: 8% Annually, Min Coin Age: 4 Hours, Max 30 Days, Total Coins: Approx 4.5m"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkkush_dank.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DANK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DarkKush"@en . doacc:D3844d376-ace4-45b4-aef7-89ff40c008ba a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Syn Coin - SynCoin - SYN Abbreviation: SYN Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 2/5/2014 Total Coins: 250 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Kimoto Gravity Well Block Time: 4 Minutes Block Reward: Variable Diff Adjustment: Kimoto Gravity Well Premine: None."@en ; doacc:block-reward "variable"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 240 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "syncoin_syn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SYN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "250000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "SynCoin"@en . doacc:D384b91ad-0ed4-49b5-8cd9-eea2c11b1fca a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Shell Coin X11/Stealth/MasterNodes/DPOS 2.0, Ticker: Shell, Algo: X11, Block time: 64 seconds, Coinbase maturity: 50 blocks, PoS Minimum Age: 2 hours, POW Reward Schedule, Block 0 - 250 = 2000 Coins, Block 251 - 500 = 1000 Coins, Block 501 - 1000 = 350 Coins, Block 1001 - 1500 = 250 Coins, Block 1501 - 2000 = 100 Coins, DPOS 2.0 Reward Schedule, Block 0 - 2000 = 100 Coins, Block 2001 - 2500 = 1000 Coins, Block 2501 - 4000 = 500 Coins, Block 4001 - UP = 100 Coins"@en ; doacc:block-time 64 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "shellcoin_shell.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SHELL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "小贝壳"@cn, "ShellCoin"@en . doacc:D384ca56a-c7f1-4eb0-bafe-1497a61d5911 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin type x11, Halving 210000 blocks, Initial coins per block 50 coins, Target spacing 10 min, Target timespan 168 h, Coinbase maturity 10 blocks, Premine0 %, Max coinbase 21000000 + 0 = 21000000 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "meatballcoin_mbc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "168 hrs"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MBC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "MeatBallCoin"@en . doacc:D38674dd4-503a-4e0e-b8b2-81e2213d57f1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "DUBSTEP / Ticker: DUB / Full Pos, FULL POS COIN, NO POOL, NO MINERS DUMP, NO NINJA, NO INSTAMINED BLOCKS, FULL TRADING COIN, 100% PoS (Bass), 1% PoS interest (Middle), Block confirmations: 30 (High), Supply: Mined 40 Millions (Remain unsold coin will be burned from YOBIT), MAX AMOUNT variable (Depending on sold coin amount), INITIAL COIN OFFER HOSTED ON YOBIT (5 days hosting), 40 Millions coin at 150 satoshi each, Virtual market cap: 60 BTC"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "dubstepcoin_dub.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db435df5d-bc7e-4794-b7db-e83980b4f97d ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DUB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7254616"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Dubstep"@en . doacc:D386f9325-58af-4bc7-ad29-4a37a3839e1c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt [Latest POS 2.0], Block time: 64 seconds, PoW Blocks/Reward: 115920 / 2.5, Coins create through PoW: 289,000, PoS Reward: 2.5 [Static], Diff retarget: Every Block , Total Supply after Pow: 989,800, Coinbase Maturity: 101 Blocks , PoS stake age: 7 days, Mining will last approximately 2.5 months."@en ; doacc:block-reward "2.5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 64 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "007coin_007.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "101"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "700000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "007"@en ; doacc:total-coins "989800"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "007Coin"@en . doacc:D38726953-6575-4dd9-8709-c6a744377e05 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Russian copy of bitcoin. Dead, then revived as both scrypt and sha256."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "rucoin_ruc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2011-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RUC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "RuCoin"@en . doacc:D3872be90-f8c0-4bba-b4ed-e64fa9ee8d7e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: TOKYOCOIN, Symbol: TC, Algorithm: X11, POW, Time Between Blocks: 120 sec, Block Reward: 150, Block Reward Halving Rate: 210000, Total Coins: 63000000 , Mined blocks:2859,428850 TC [0,68%]"@en ; doacc:block-reward "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "tokyocoin_tc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0.68%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "63000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Tokyocoin"@en . doacc:D38ad3f95-ba46-46af-beb5-108ef98163b3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "EuropeCoin ERC SPECS, Hashing Algorythm: X11, 60 seconds block target, Difficulty retargets every block, PoW Block Reward:, 100, 1000, 10000 ERC ascending in the first week;, 5000 ERC stable the second week., PoS variable interests: 1st week: 2,5%, 2nd week: 10%, 3rd week: 15%, 4th week and the rest of the 1st year: 5%, Total coins will be 384'000'000 ERC (384M), Total coins available in the PoW phase: 137'632'000 ERC, PREMINE 1% premine for IPO bounties, giveaways, development, support and maintenance, new feature developments etc. for a total of 3'840'000 ERC of which, 75% Used for IPO quotes, 25% used half and half for airdrop and bounties., Specs POW/POS & BLOCK REWARD, -First Two Weeks of PoW with quick halving ascending/descending reward. This means that EuropeCoin could be mined directly only in the first two weeks since launch. 20160 Blocks est.., Block Reward: Ascending from 100 to 10000 in the first week than halves to 5000 for the second week! , After block 20160 PURE PoS Phase will start."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "europecoin_erc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ERC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "384000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Europecoin"@en . doacc:D38e2e80c-3586-4752-a988-35c54ba439ec a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHIRECOIN SCN This coin has been create purely for the fun aspect of crypto currency, its loosely based around middle earth and I am hope you all get in on the action and mine some ShireCoin [SCN] We do have some serious aspect to this though, after the first block halving we plan to move over to X11, we though other doing it the other way round but we know scrypt best so we stuck with that!, Algo: Scrypt, Block Rate: 120 Seconds, Block Reward: 5000, Block Halving: 15000, Maximum Coins: 150000000, Retarget every 2016 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "5000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "shirecoin_scn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 15000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SCN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "150000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Shirecoin"@en . doacc:D38e5d7e9-7ea3-4644-8a7b-dc0055959c0e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "0.25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 15 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "kryptoncoin_kr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D195a7796-6815-48ac-b8f1-9d7e55a3ff5e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D4b9b4d1e-f378-4bf7-be0d-cfb9b3e492ce ; doacc:source "https://bitbucket.org/gkrypto/krypton-qt"^^xsd:anyURI ; doacc:symbol "KR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Krypton"@en . doacc:D38ed201e-b7ab-461f-8f86-583eeb9a043d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt Adaptive-N based cryptocoin with re-target every 12 block, 25 coins per block, and 8.4 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "monocle_mon.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MON"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Monocle"@en . doacc:D38efbd0f-4e48-466a-b78e-f9174002ac75 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "algo: X11, Max. coins: 40.000.000, Block time: 110 sec, Coin maturity 30 blocks, difficulty retarget: after 10 blocks, min coin age 24 hrs, Coin age maturity 10 days, block rewards: , till block 100: 100 coins, till block 500: 300 coins, till block 10,000: 600 coins, till block 50,000: 300 coins, till block 100,000: 100 coins, POW phase till block 100,000, POS interest 10% annually. POS starts at first block!, Premine: 10% (4million), IPO 1: 500,000 coins, IPO 2: 100,000 coins, IPO 3: 100,000 coins, Developer funds: 100,000 coins, IPO should not be sold within 5 days or till daily volume of the exchange is more then that!"@en ; doacc:block-time 110 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "goldreservecoin_xgr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XGR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "40000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GoldReserve"@en . doacc:D390d8056-e957-4c98-b326-12b69c66c08d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X15 algo PoW/PoS. Abbr - OT, 60 seconds block target., Difficulty adjusts every block., Total coins - 2 Million., 5% POS Annual , 0.5% Premine - For my OverTime Smiley , POW Block 4 000, POW Block Reward - 500 ., 6 confirmations for transactions., 60 confirmations for mined blocks."@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D4a219271-1609-401e-b5f9-cc923594b355 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "overtimecoin_ot.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "0.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "OT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "OverTimecoin"@en . doacc:D390d9edc-392d-497d-91a6-7bb776fd1b20 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Difficulty retarget: See above., Block interval: 30 second block interval ensures this coin is fast enough for most applications and can replace the likes of Visa, Mastercard and other payment gateways., Algorithm: Blake is a GPU friendly algorithm which provides maximum protection, cause GPU power is the most expensive to lend., Block rewards: Constant 237 coins per block till all of 500 million coins have been mined. After this, 5% inflation will be enforced the first year (decreasing subsequently) which is the average inflation of top 10 economies excluding outlying data (eurozone is taken as a single economy). This will take approximately 2 years. 2 years is good enough to distribute the coin evenly to the public, and 2 years is the maximum you can do with high inflation rate of mining before it takes a serous toll on the prices., Premine: 0.25% premine."@en ; doacc:block-reward "237"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "rebrand to hardforkcoin"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bigcoin_huge.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D61137b39-d1fa-4340-87e3-cc4e045dbf38 ; doacc:premine "0.25%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "dynamic"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HUGE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bigcoin"@en . doacc:D391dea51-e519-4d4a-bef6-52cbf8b090be a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 Alogorithm, Hybrid PoS / PoW, Coin Supply: 22 Million + PoW and PoS inflation, PoW 25 WSX Block Reward, halving every 200,000 blocks (never dropping below 1), PoS Schedule = 5% interest for first 3 months, 1% for each month for the next year, followed by 3% annually., 60 Second Block Target, Fast Difficulty Adjustments"@en ; doacc:block-reward "25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "wearesatoshicoin_wsx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 200000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "WSX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "22000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "WeAreSatoshi"@en . doacc:D391e74ba-2589-40db-86f7-f52c870795b0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "gambling-specialised secondary protocol"@en ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "qixcoin_xqc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D7be57c39-9dd2-4ea8-a16d-38d5d6cf5779 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Dd830da5a-7e1e-4340-94fb-302377a977d6 ; doacc:symbol "XQC"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "QixCoin"@en . doacc:D39231207-63f7-429c-bde5-855af9865d36 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "worldwidecoin_wwc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 hour"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "WWC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://worldwidecoin.tk/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Worldwidecoin"@en . doacc:D392bb864-88a7-4ab7-8dcf-25a08f2681c4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PC binaries only"@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "wolfcoin_wlf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D9a083580-c5ee-46ba-b557-efcc098e99c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "WLF"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Wolfcoin"@en . doacc:D393170e4-fc79-4d7d-bb9c-a3127cde8e78 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 4 hours, 500 million coins per block, and 100 trillion total coins. Clone combining all bad things on purpose."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "shitcoin_sht.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SHT"@en ; skos:prefLabel "SHITCoin"@en . doacc:D39323c28-9824-4e27-9325-df37e3fed32f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "BlackfridayCoin is a peer-2-peer cryptocurrency which uses Scrypt algo with 100% proof of stake., We want to make this coin to represent blackfriday and to attract online merchants that offer the best sales on all kinds of goods, apperel, toys etc. , Our aim is to make this currency is to try save everybody some money when ordering anything online. We will be contacting multiple merchants who hold big sales to accept us as a form of a payment for you to buy what you wish always at a discount!!, We will be hosting an ICO for this project and since its BlackFriday we say why not hold a discounted ICO & not only that there will be a huge POS rate of %2000 so you will be saving when buying and gaining when staking your coins in your wallet., Algo: Scrypt, MAX COINS: 3M, POS STAKE: 2000% PER YEAR, There is only 2.7m coins available through ICO which will be sold at just 100sat per coin with max investment of .01btc per user. Your account must be at least 1 week old to prevent whales from buying up all the coins. This is a BlackFriday ICO!!! = 2.7BTC The remainding 300k coins will be used as bounties for the communities help. ALGO:SCRYPT, BLOCK TIME:60S, DIFFICUTTY :60S, TRA FREE:0.0001 BFC, MIN STAKE AGE:48 HOURS, MAX STAKE AGE:NO, P2P PORT:40626, RPC PORT:40625, BLOCK CONFIRMED: 10 BLOCK, STAKE INTEREST:2%, POW 1 :0~25012=628 COIN, POW 2 :25012~65032=314 COIN, FIRST POSV2 STAR:65000BLOCK, POW STOP:17 DAYS, BLOCK MATURITY: 500 BLOCK., ICO ~~100BTC, 1BTC~30000coins, Statement, 300BTC approaching 100BTC. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QVn9Y-EgVxD0BCy8a_YvuKeSh1z67R5JKiKFzGBaX_o/edit?usp=sharing ICO wallet windows download, when you send BTC for our team, please message for our team, Aug 31 will be replaced by a new wallet, if you have the BFC, or you are a user ICO, contact us, you will get the equivalent of BFC as proof. This is a legitimate and effective. e.g. you have 100000 coins in 31 AUG please contact us, we will send a new wallet, the same BFC to your account."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "blackfridaycoin_bfc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "90%/10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BFC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BlackfridayCoin"@en . doacc:D39575f3b-9507-4f8c-ac2a-1fc76306c496 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: Transformers Coin, Ticker: TRANSF , Algo: QUBIT, Max Supply: 200 Millions , ICO: 175 Millions, POW: 10 Millions, POS: 10 Millions, Block Time: 120 seconds , Maturity: 100 Blocks, Proof of Work, Block 0-10: 17.500.000 TRANSF (17.500.000 * 10 = 175.000.000 - ICO - 87.5% TRANSF supply), Block 10-15: 1.000.000 TRANSF (1.000.000 * 5 = 5.000.000 - premine adv/bounties), Block 15-200: 0 TRANSF (ANTI-INSTAMINE), Block 200-20200: 500 (20000 * 500 = 10.000.000 - POW), Proof of Stake, Block 20000-40000: 500 TRANSF (20000 * 500 = 10.000.000 POS), Block > 40000: 9% yr, Yobit ICO, Buy coins: https://yobit.net/ru/trade/TRANSF/BTC, ICO coins: 175,000,000, ICO price: 0.00000040 (40 sats), Total ICO amount: 70 btc, Yobit ICO rules:, 40% buy wall, 10% buy wall with 110% ico price, 10% buy wall with 200% ico price (special Transformers wall)"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "transformerscoin_transf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Db435df5d-bc7e-4794-b7db-e83980b4f97d ; doacc:premine "180000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TRANSF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Transformerscoin"@en . doacc:D39836045-e128-4191-93de-04edd18bc7fd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt Algo 500 Millions total coins Block time: 20 Seconds Difficulty retarget: 60 Blocks with instamining prevention Transacion confirmations: 3 confirmations that means 1 minute transaction duration (20+20+20=60) Minted block confirmations: 30 confirmations Reward halving: 2 Years"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D78624b3b-41c0-4f5e-ad41-0c2296a60922 ; doacc:image "ladycoin_lady.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LADY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "LadyCoin"@en . doacc:D398b1856-a926-4aec-8b81-8c9be86cff1a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Name : LTCGearCoin, Coin Ticker : XLTCG, Algo : X13, PoW & PoS : Hybrid, Block Time : 60 Seconds, PoS per Year : 10 %, PoS Min. Age : 1 Hour, PoS Max. Age : Unlimited, Block Reward : 10, Total Coin Supply During PoW : 2 500 000, Last PoW Block : 250000, Premine : 1,56 %, Premine Ammount : 39000, CoinMature : 15, Coin Transaction : 10, RPCPort : 48522, P2PPort : 48521, Difficulty retarget: every 1 block"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ltcgearcoin_xltcg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "15"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1.56%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XLTCG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "LTCGearCoin"@en . doacc:D39a521b9-6dad-4149-81cd-8338c522350e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "hongxingcreditscoin_hxc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "HXC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://new.hongxingcoin.com/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "HongxingCredits"@en . doacc:D39ab18ba-02a4-4af2-a29a-619530edea84 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The currency component of a network with two types of units which are not fungible: shares and currency."@en ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "nubitscoin_nbt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Debb612c7-9195-400a-8953-bc713e1bc6f0 ; doacc:symbol "NBT"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "NuBits"@en . doacc:D39aeec11-c1b4-4a4d-b299-ed2c7c9a1ec3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Multi Algo based cryptocoin with re-target every 1440 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 52.56 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "roulettecoin_rlt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D37606e95-3d60-41be-ac92-188f6e5f17bd ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RLT"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Roulettecoin"@en . doacc:D39b955b9-a3f3-4253-9c50-546417fde3ac a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Chinese application developers strive to develop and launch applications; persistent maintenance team; the block time of 20 seconds, the fastest of the current transaction confirmation algorithm, foreign teams are not active enough, not enough promotion."@en ; doacc:comment "quark copy"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "sharkcoin_sak.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SAK"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Sharkcoin"@en . doacc:D39d791a1-c405-49f9-a0aa-05facf9babc7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker : μg/CF, Algo: SHA256 , Proof of Work only., Block time : 90 seconds, KGW difficulty adjustment ( Up 10% , down 20 % ), 100 first block is 1 CF ( testing about 20 first block ) , Block reward is 10 μ/CF a block , Halving each 126,000 blocks, Mininum coin is 0.005"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "californiumcoin_cf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "KGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 126000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2520000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Californium"@en . doacc:D39fbb339-dffd-428d-8ee5-aebbe8c20abb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 PoW/PoS, 90s block time, PoW 9000 blocks (a bit more than 9 days), Halving, about 25% every 20 hours (800 blocks), PoW supply 433800, 9.99% annual PoS, PoS starts in block 7200"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitluxcoin_lux.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('q', 800, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LUx"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitlux"@en . doacc:D39fbd0a5-c836-4829-9b59-60a69e15fe39 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Name : Bitstake, Ticker: XBS, Total coins : 2.2 million, PoW timespan : 10 days, No Pre-mine /IPO, Block time: 60 secs, Difficulty retarget: every block, Nominal stake interest: 5% annually, Min transaction fee: 0.0001 XBS, Confirmations: 10, Min stake age: 6 hours, no max age"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitstakecoin_xbs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XBS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "22000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitstake"@en . doacc:D3a18876d-6853-4287-a153-5de9233380b3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt, KGW, 1024 block reward, 268800000 coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1024"^^xsd:string ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "syscoin_sys.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SYS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "268800000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SysCoin"@en . doacc:D3a2092e2-9938-49b2-8b6d-902f43594c3c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 3 hours, 30 coins per block, and 30 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "baconbits_yum.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "YUM"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Baconbits"@en . doacc:D3a28c872-d9eb-4973-8e96-242bf71df9f3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Multi-algo based cryptocoin with re-target every 20 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 7.7 million total coins. A quark clone Frozen Coin - Frozencoin Abbreviation: FZ Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/11/2013 Total Coins: 7,777,777 Coins Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 20 Blocks Block Time: 30 Seconds Block Reward: 1 Coin Diff Adjustment: 20 Blocks max 10% up or 50% down Premine: None."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Dfd50a12b-940e-47f7-8815-9189a10af5f4 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "frozen_fz.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "20 blocks / max 10% up or 50% down"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FZ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7777777"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FrozenCoin"@en . doacc:D3a37a77b-7360-4fa8-8ca0-8cfd2e040996 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Money Supply in the first 3 days: 36,360,000, Total Supply ever: 50,000,000, Block Target: 30 seconds, Block Reward: 4000 XXX (NO HALVING!), Maturity: 50, Confirmations: 3, PoS interest: 5% annually, Min stake age: 3 day, PREMINE 1,800,000 (4.95%)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "4000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "xxxcoin_xxx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "4.95%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XXX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "XXXcoin"@en . doacc:D3a471354-de25-4c28-9eab-3028fdf7887b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt POW, Coin: Guccione Crypto Moneta (GCMA), Address letter: G, RPC Port: 4316, P2P Port: 4315, Block reward: 69 coins, Halving: 25000 blocks, Coin Cap: 6.9 Million GCMA , Premine: 50 %, Pre-mine: 3450000 coins (To be given away as rewards as part of a non equity rewards based CrowdFund on PayServices.comstarting 7/1/2015 | Proceeds to be used to build a Guccione Multimedia eZine Platform Online in the Spirit of PENTHOUSE but named something else yet to be determined[/i], Coinbase maturity: 50 blocks, Comfirmations: 2 blocks, Block Times: 2 minutes, Difficulty Retargets: every Block, Website: Soon"@en ; doacc:block-reward "69"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 1260 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "guccionecryptomonedacoin_gcma.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "3450000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 25000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GCMA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6900000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Guccione Crypto Moneta"@en . doacc:D3a75d829-8247-4961-97cd-cf2e01535d8a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm : X13 / possible NIST5(if enough people vote), POS with POW and pre-sale distribution, Total Coins : 12 Million, Block Reward: 1 in early blocks 400 after the early blocks, POS Interest : 4%, Minimum Stake Age: 12 hours, Block Time: 60 seconds"@en ; doacc:block-reward "400"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "intellicoin_int.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "INT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Intellicoin"@en . doacc:D3a918886-2971-42b6-86c2-22f541039b4a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: Scrypt, Work: POW/POS, POS: 50% annual, paid daily, commencing after 1 week., POW: 5 per block, halving each 3 years, Retargeting every block"@en ; doacc:block-reward "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "topcoin2_top.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 3, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TOP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "23000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Topcoin2"@en . doacc:D3aa83a78-586c-461b-af84-cc83e1830e1f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 79 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-08-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "cryptoxtccoin_xtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "XTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CryptoXTC"@en . doacc:D3ac05ab5-7588-49e8-aefe-dd23d957ab4d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitaltcoin2_xba.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "12 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XBA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2007680"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BitAltcoin2"@en . doacc:D3ad01bd2-f9d5-457a-aa0c-00466ffc5778 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11 PoW, Target Block Time: 2 minutes, Block Reward: 24 Coin, Difficulty Retargeting Algorithm: Safe Gravity Well, Genesis Block Premine: 0 Coin, Total Coin: 518,400 Coin for first 30 days, then 10,800 coin per month with 0.5 coin block reward etc., Standard Mined Block Maturity: 50 Confirmations, Recommended Transaction Confirmations: 5"@en ; doacc:block-reward "24"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "metalcoin_mtt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "SGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "MTT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "48000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Metalcoin"@en . doacc:D3aeb2051-5be0-4444-903b-b31ead4cd081 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitcoinclassic_btc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BTC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "https://bitcoinclassic.com/"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "BitcoinClassic"@en . doacc:D3aececb5-78cd-45a9-8947-c857cb047566 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1 - 300K coins per block and 16 billion total coins. Carbon Coin - CarbonCoin Abbreviation: CBC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/14/2014 Total Coins: 16 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 100 Seconds Block Reward: 1-300k Diff Adjustment: Premine: 0.9%."@en ; doacc:block-reward "(1, 300000)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 100 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "carboncoin_carb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CARB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "16000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Carboncoin"@en . doacc:D3affa08b-0fa7-48d3-99a5-25f8128cbcae a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "DecryptRcoin [DECR], Algorithm: SHA-256, Block Reward: 100, Halving: 40,000 Blocks, Target Spacing: 2 Minutes, Target Timespan: 5 hours, Block Maturity: 30 blocks, Maximum Coins: 8,000,000 (8Million), No IPO"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "decryptrcoin_decr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 40000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "DECR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "8000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DecryptRcoin"@en . doacc:D3b081f41-0591-4211-ba10-f48a8793e471 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "block reward starts at 20 and halfs every 1k blocks. 10k pow blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "crycoin_cry.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "188"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 day"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CRY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "CRYcoin"@en . doacc:D3b0ad4a1-c68a-4d7c-b665-bc75f35f2b24 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-jane based cryptocoin with 25 Coin block."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9, doacc:De4f2cd18-4f4d-4c75-b039-01d7c39d338e ; doacc:image "pingas_pingas.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PINGAS"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Pingas"@en . doacc:D3b124742-d0d4-4869-895a-a98d3c2d7209 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 5 blocks, 1000 coins per block, and 7.5 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:image "takeicoin_tak.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TAK"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Takeicoin"@en . doacc:D3b20c915-b09a-45c3-b873-f20f7434a059 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "scrypt"@en ; doacc:image "mtgoxcoin_gox.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GOX"@en ; skos:prefLabel "MtGoxCoin"@en . doacc:D3b343062-7257-408c-b0a7-76d30405f37b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "INTRODUCTION, Equalicoin is a new cryptographic currency with the goal of drawing attention to and raising awareness of human rights, while raising money for charitable donations to human rights foundations. We would also love to build a community focusing around the fair and equal treatment of all people., “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” - Nelson Mandela, SPECIFICATIONS, Scrypt alt-coin, 42,000,000 total coins, 25 coin block reward, 7 minute block time, PoW , Node:, “Human rights are womens rights, and womens rights are human rights.” -Hillary Clinton, CHARITY, A bounty of 1500 Equalicoins is set for someone to create a basic online gambling site which utilizes equalicoin 10% of proceeds from this site will go to UNICEF., BOUNTIES, P2P pool: 1000, Gambling site utilizing EqualiCoin: 1500, Faucet: 500, Windows Wallet: 1000, OSX Wallet: 750, WALLETS, Compile from: Github: https://github.com/Equalicoin/Equalicoin"@en ; doacc:block-reward "25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 7 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "equalicoin_eqc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.33%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EQC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Equalicoin"@en . doacc:D3b432d0b-c415-4e57-a9a0-2e4bda78c50d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Max Money 5 Billion, Block time 1 minute, Nominal stake interest 1% annually, Min stake age 4 hours, Max stake age 30 days, Confirmation 6, maturity: 100, P2P Port: 9924, RPC Port: 9925"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "2ndeurcoin_2ndeur.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "80000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "2NDEUR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "2ndEur"@en . doacc:D3b496bbc-3ecd-48e4-a6c6-13b54033d1d1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: XTR, Algorithm: Scrypt, Block Time: 45 Seconds, Difficulty Retarget: Dark Gravity Wave, Max Supply: 12,000,000 XTR, Block Reward: , Block 1 - 25,200 = 50 XTR, Block 25,200 - 50,400 = 25 XTR, Block 50,400 - 75,600 = 15 XTR, Block 75,600 - 100,800 = 10 XTR, Block 100,800 + = 5 XTR, Merge Mining: Yes, Block Maturity: 100 Blocks, Premine: 0.42%"@en ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "extractcoin_xtr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.42%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XTR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Extractcoin"@en . doacc:D3b4996b4-7ecc-4cf6-b28d-9a10b43626b9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "95 coins per block and 1 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "globalboost_bst.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BST"@en ; skos:prefLabel "GlobalBoost"@en . doacc:D3b538d6c-726c-45d7-b612-a2f9bf5e590e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Φ FAI Free Anonymous Internet, www.f-a-i.net, p2p content sharing system based on blockchain technology., Application functions: Browse (Browser): Contents published on Φ system can be browsed in ΦBrowser page. You may follow anyone and review his/her latest publications. Personal blog page is also supported., Publish (Publisher): If you want to have your own footprint on the Φ system, use the “Publish” function on ΦBrowser or ΦPublisher. It is possible to publish text, file, link or even an app. Sharing links and commenting on contents are also supported., Chat (Messenger): If you want to communicate with others privately on Φ system, please use the ΦMessenger. All messages are encrypted and only can be viewed by sender and receiver., Get Φcoins (Miner) : Publication and chat on Φ system needs Φcoins to pay network fee. Simplest and cheapest way to get Φcoins is to mine some Φcoins by ΦMiner., Manage Φcoins (Wallet) : In ΦWallet you can view balance, transaction history and send Φcoins., Sell and purchase products (Shop) : ΦShop allows you to publish products for selling or to buy products using Φcoin., Account management (Account menu) : Publishing contents, chatting, sending and receiving Φcoins, are all based on a Φaccount (ΦID) owned by user. To create, encrypt and export your account, please go to “Account” menu., Domain management : Domain will make your blog/shop/ID more distinguishable. Domain management button is under “Account” menu., Apps management : ΦApps page is designed for you to download and upgrade apps., Hashing algorithm: unique mixed-hash algorithm which is incompatible with Bitcoin and Litecoin ASICs., Block interval: 3 mins, Max block size: 1200000 bytes, Max tx size: 1050000 bytes, Max mempool size: 960 * block size, φ1=1000000 Satoshis, Fee rate: φ0.001/byte , Will open source code after user number reaches 1000. , Send your Φ ID to fai03a6@gmx.com and get 10 free Φ coins , which can publish 10000 bytes of content"@en ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "faicoin_fai.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Dc54d1e50-d5cb-41ca-a5a9-ce81a52eb401 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "240 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "FAI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "210000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "FreeAnonymousInternet"@en . doacc:D3b6ed1ab-08c7-4c5d-8c0c-76b25b1d0214 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Web site: http://www.mayacoin.org/, Specifications, Open source, no pre-dug POW POS, Block time: 1 minute, Difficulty Adjustment: Each block, Standard Dividends: 1% / year, The minimum transaction fee: 0.0001MYC, Transaction fees paid to the miners, Trade Confirmation: 6, mature confirmed: 60, The minimum share of construction: 24 hours, maximum unlimited number of non-, Proof of work, Algorithm: script, Block Awards: 84000MYNC, no halved, Max height: 10000 (after the block, will not accept POW, dividends generated only accept POS)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "84000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "mayancoin_mync.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MYNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "840000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Mayancoin"@en . doacc:D3b72340d-6632-4e29-9b23-b063c11df859 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Multiple Algorithms: SHA256D, BLAKE, X11, Total Coins: 550,000,000 NVCD (550 million), Block Time: 4 minutes, Block 1: 5,500,000 NVCD (Premine), Block 2 - 1001: 5000 NVCD , Block 1002 - 5001: 500 NVCD, Block 5002 + normal block reward 50 NVCD, Halving every 105,000 blocks, TX Fee: 1 satoshi (0.00000001), Block confirmations: 80, Transaction confirmations: 6, Premine: 1 Block"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 240 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "novacoindark_nvcd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dbf37e4ce-3717-4011-abf5-354e475e117e ; doacc:premine "5500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "NVCD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "550000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NovaCoinDark"@en . doacc:D3baaf792-bb0f-4a5e-85cd-d718d679b507 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "partycoin_party.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PARTY"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Partycoin"@en . doacc:D3bacc096-ed43-45a3-a605-e8b30caeab94 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Generation: Pure Proof of Stake with Proof of Work period upon release, Proof of Work Algorithm: SHA-256, Total Number of Coins: 100 million, Target Blocktime: 1 minute, Time to Maturity: 100 Confirmations, Proof of Stake Reward: 6% per year, Minimum Coin Stake Age: 8 hours"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "discountcoin_dct.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DCT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Discountcoin"@en . doacc:D3bca49f4-5a94-44c1-a08b-f0468d9a0e18 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ringo_rin.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RIN"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Ringo"@en . doacc:D3bcea83b-9457-4ffc-a8c1-5b5d3ee48e2e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "urocoin_uro.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "SGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "URO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Uro coin"@en . doacc:D3bcecf7c-09d8-4e28-998c-a48bdc685db6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Symbol: IC, Algorithm: X13 PoW/PoSI - Proof of Stake Investment (PoW / PoSI), Total Coins: 128000000, Pre Mined Coins: 64000000, Proof of Stake Investment, Min Age: 3 days, Max Age: unlimited, Stake Interest: 10% per year"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "investcoin_ic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "50%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "IC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "128000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Investcoin"@en . doacc:D3bf83456-333c-4667-a556-d824874dae6e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 Proof-of-Work/Proof-of-Stake​, JadeSend Anonymity Implemented​, End-to-End Anonymity with Tor​, Annual Interest: 10%​, 1 Minute Block Time​, 7 Day Proof-of-Work Period​, Insta-mine Buffer​, Consistent 586 Coins Per Block​, 6 Million Total Proof-of-Work Coins​, No initial public offering (IPO), 1.5% Pre-Mine​"@en ; doacc:block-reward "580"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "jadecoin_jade.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "JADE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Jadecoin"@en . doacc:D3c107eae-46f0-4385-afe7-3cddfccb7ca0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "50 coins per block and 50 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Dfd50a12b-940e-47f7-8815-9189a10af5f4 ; doacc:image "somacoin_soma.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SOMA"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Somacoin"@en . doacc:D3c1d76b3-67b5-4f91-9f98-e0df455b7d4b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Symbol: LTR (LiterCoin - Li-ght-er-Coin), Total supply: 42,000,000 (42 Million), Algorithm: X13 (PURE POW), Premine: 0.5% (210,000 LTR Coins), Coins Allocated for Testing and Developments: 10,000 LTR, Coins Allocated to the ICIO: 200,000 LTR Coins), Block reward: 25 (Default - Refer Below for Variations), Block reward Algorithm:, Blocks 10,001 - 30,000 will have 1 Coin, Blocks 30,001 - 40,000 will have 4 Coin, Blocks 40,001 - 50,000 will have 8 Coin, Blocks 50,001 - 60,000 will have 12 Coin, Blocks 60,001 - 70,000 will have 16 Coin, Blocks 70,001 - 80,000 will have 20 Coin, Blocks 80,001 - 90,000 will have 24 Coin, Blocks 90,001 - 210,000 will have 25 Coin, Block time: 1.25 Minutes (75 Seconds), Difficulty re-target: 1000 blocks, Reduction/Block Halving: 25% every 210,000 blocks, Fees: 0.01 LTC, Blocks 2-10,000 will have 0 coins., Total Supply = 42,000,000 (42 Million) LTR, 0.5% Premine for ICIO = 210,000 LTR, Developments And Testing = 10,000 LTR"@en ; doacc:block-reward "25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 75 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "litercoin_ltr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1000 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('r25%', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "LTR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Litercoin"@en . doacc:D3c1ea068-8a2d-4183-96cd-e8c7afddbc8b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "dynamic block re-target, block range coin rewards, and 32 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D07bec9ad-9a9b-48c4-9d51-9443cf3ebc13 ; doacc:image "qqcoin_qqc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "QQC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "32000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "QQCoin"@en . doacc:D3c2f33e7-eba2-46fe-8a92-c3e8a90a5c38 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "a linear block re-target, 4 coins per block, and 20 million total coins. Just a clone."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "beaocoin_bec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BEC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "BeaoCoin"@en . doacc:D3c344401-3090-4fd5-be43-3f5b4a2481a5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specification, Name: SailboatCoin [SBC], Total: 4,700,000, Algo: x15, Block time: 60sec, Coins mature after 120 blocks, Block reward:, Blocks 1-200: 320 SBC, Blocks 221-500: 220 SBC, Blocks 501-1440: 200 SBC, Blocks 1440-2880: 180 SBC, Blocks 2880-8640: 160 SBC, Blocks 86400-14400: 140 SBC, POW total blocks 14400 (10 days of mining), POS interest: 20% per year, Premine: 1% [Bounty, promotions, listed], Port, Rpc:27778, P2p:27779, Download, GitHub:https://github.com/SailboatCoin/SBC , Windows:https://mega.co.nz/#!mENCHCqJ!kh1mfPzpkBniuPS1_FJvW9Xe_OZEsIk8ZmQhmUqn4i8 , Mac:Bounty 500 SBC"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sailboatcoin_sbc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SBC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4700000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sailboatcoin"@en . doacc:D3c356353-75b1-4c57-922f-e42676d6bb83 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "slothcoin_sloth.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D9a083580-c5ee-46ba-b557-efcc098e99c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SLOTH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Slothcoin"@en . doacc:D3c4f422a-e6e0-4b8c-8aaa-5c44ff9bf774 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 5 blocks, 100,000 - 5 Coins per block linear falling, and 67 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:image "credit_crde.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CRDE"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Credit"@en . doacc:D3c688753-46f3-4d51-9b8f-f0d6a4b5e615 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "escudopt_esc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ESC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "210000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "EscudoPt"@en . doacc:D3c6abe3a-e686-4618-a1f0-616951db8c7c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "NOVELTY altcoin to commemorate F.A. Hayek an economist who wrote about free markets for currencies."@en ; doacc:comment "unfinished"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "hayekcoin_hkc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "HKC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Hayekcoin"@en . doacc:D3c844f6a-04ec-4eb0-a1df-8a096b8c76f2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 1 block, 30,000 coins per block, and 300 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "30000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "whitecoin_wc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "WC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "300000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Whitecoin"@en . doacc:D3c89f800-4f1d-4e6a-8979-a730be8e52dc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 75 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "axroncoin_axr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D6199a4b5-dba5-44bf-8f27-85566596c6b3 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "AXR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Axroncoin"@en . doacc:D3cab8f5b-8d8b-47eb-97c2-6863da6da1fe a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Confess your secrets on http://confessioncoin.com. After entering a sin, you are issued a random penance / penalty that must be paid in ConfessionCoin (between 1 - 5 CFN). When that penance has been detected on the blockchain, our system will issue a new transaction that stores your confession in the Blockchain, and it will appear on confessioncoin.com openly for all to read, like, or tip. Others can search or browse all confessions and choose to reward forgiveness in the form of ConfessionCoin tips, or just lurk from the shadows."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "confessioncoin_cfn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DS"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "CFN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "70008000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Confessioncoin"@en . doacc:D3cf3f8ef-e190-4350-b16f-da90babf916a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Price pump device. 20m coins to be sold, 20% for marketing, 79% to pump 1% to dev any unsold coins will be destroyed. HODL challenge"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "pump vehicle"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "waterpumpcoin_pump.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "21%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PUMP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Waterpumpcoin"@en . doacc:D3d044df7-64a2-497a-b538-dc55f2e819da a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X13 - Total POW: ~3.6m - POW time: 5 days block reward: 500 PORT - block time: 60 sec - block maturity: 50 POS: block 7200 - POS interest: 20% yearly - POS min age: 4hrs"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "portcoin_port.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PORT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3600000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Portcoin"@en . doacc:D3d37427a-dee0-4c11-82ea-d19bbad7e329 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "twecoin_twe.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Ddf437316-7af3-4190-a4dc-b23566f6a354 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "240 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 240000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TWE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "24000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Twecoin"@en . doacc:D3d401f30-3eba-4e7e-b0ff-e88b4a1fb683 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Super secure hashing algorithm X13, CPU/GPU mining, Total Coins 10,000,000, PoW block reward 200, 60 confirmations for blocks to mature, Confirmations transaction 7, Block generation: 60 seconds, PoS min. stake age: 3 hours, PoS Interest 10%, Premine 2% (reward developers, pools, services)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "volcanocoin_volc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VOLC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Volcanocoin"@en . doacc:D3d80b5f4-1f52-4749-aed3-63f6e69be1bd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "英文全名 Starlightcoin, abbreviations: SLT, Algorithm: quark, A piece of the highest reward: 8192 , A piece of time: 20 seconds , Can Mining amount to 400 million , http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWOI0ry, release time:2015.6.22, http://8btc.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=19970, http://8btc.com/thread-20029-1-1.html"@en ; doacc:block-reward "8192"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 20 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-08"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "starlightcoin_slt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SLT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "400000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "英文全名"@cn, "Starlightcoin"@en . doacc:D3d8361f6-a3a8-498d-8017-b5102510504f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, Max money in The Pow period 2,700,000, Money Supply (Pow and Pos) : 5,000,000, Block Target: 60 seconds, Block Reward: , Block 1 -32 0 vvv ---> To prevent instamining 30 minutes is enough to set up everything, Block 33-5000 500 vvv ---> 3,5 days of pow , Block 5001-7500 100 vvv ---> 1,5 days to reduce miners or multipools dumping , PoS interest: 20% annually, Min stake age: 12 hours, Premine: 1% 50,000 vvv"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "venividivicicoin_vvv.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VVV"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "VeniVidiVicicoin"@en . doacc:D3d8e6d9f-1b77-4bda-a1e1-4116792175aa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "http://parallelcoin.info/, MULTI-ALGO | PROOF OF WORK | NO PREMINE | NO IPO | FAIR RELEASE, SPECIFICATIONS, Algorithms: SHA256D & SCRYPT, Abbreviation: DUO, Total Coins: 1,000,000, Block Reward: Blocks 1-998 = 0.02 DUO (Fair Release) | Blocks > 998 = 2 DUO, Block Time: 5 minutes, Halving Interval: 250,000 blocks, P2P Port: 11047 (21047 Testnet), RPC Port: 11048 (21048 Testnet), Block Explorer: http://explorer.parallelcoin.info/, DOWNLOADS, Source: https://github.com/parallelcoin/parallelcoin, Windows Wallet,, https://mega.co.nz/#!HkpGiKqL!cbH-w6A6EQv1K6V97OwdQ7J3EKv1wvX4DQo9zM-ycHQ, MAC Wallet,, https://mega.co.nz/#!D8xEAJZA!PcwmDYbIKG2ypIPjharAabQLYuoSRr_EOSSVVVKjcA8, POOLS, SHA256D, duo.broketech.net:13040 (P2P), duo.kickasspools.net (MPOS), par.minerspools.com (MPOS), lightninghash.com (NOMP/multipool), SCRYPT, duo.broketech.net:13050 (P2P), duo.altpooler.com (MPOS), duo.coin-miners.info (MPOS), www.ipominer.com/stats?curr=duo (Custom), duo.hashlink.eu (MPOS), Exchanges: TBA"@en ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "parallelcoin_duo.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DUO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Parallelcoin"@en . doacc:D3d90fa36-cef9-49b0-91c8-d14fd5fbb429 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "DESIGNED DIRECTLY OF BITCOIN BULLET PROOF SHA256 UNBREAKABLE CODE THIS IS A BLAZING FAST CRYPTO CURRENCY CONFIRMATIONS 3.5x TIMES FASTER THEN BITCOIN! NEARLY 4 TIMES AS MANY COINS AS BITCOIN 80 MILLION TOTAL COINS TO EXISTS – ALL UP FOR GRABS IN THE BLOCK CHAIN BLOCK PAYOUTS = 50 COINS ! AFTER BLOCK 800,000 COIN BLOCK PAYOUTS = 25 COINS ZERO % PRE-MINED !! GIVING AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO EVERY PC USER IN THE WORLD SHA-256 based cryptocoin with 50 coins per block and 80 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "unbreakablecoin_unb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UNB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "80000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "UnbreakableCoin"@en . doacc:D3d911267-c985-48c5-9287-10a2320ed9d3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt, 1 Minute Blocks, 86,400,000 Total coins (<4% inflation may occur later), Initial block reward 1000 halving every 30 days, 5 hour difficulty reset target, <2% premine used for faucets, giveaways and infrastructure rewards, P2P port 11085 | RPC port 21085"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "footballcoin2_fbc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "<2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 30,'d')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FBC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "86400000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Footballcoin"@en . doacc:D3da4b7b8-2f71-41d6-b917-a0495a4ec945 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "dying (10-20% fee), designed to improve IxCoin"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2011-08-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "solidcoin_sc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2011-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "SolidCoin"@en . doacc:D3da51cd9-0ac0-4623-8d95-ab5811259a5c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "9500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "logoscoin_logos.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 32500, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "LOGOS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "6175000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Logoscoin"@en . doacc:D3db3d840-6dee-443b-a3e1-0fbadbcca202 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 50 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "crankcoin_crnk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "25000+36 coins"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CRNK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Crankcoin"@en . doacc:D3dba7cc3-6d91-4b6d-b340-b1d92600ae4e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SHA-256, re-target 1 block, block range rewards, 24000000 coins."@en ; doacc:image "worldpeacecoin_wpc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "WPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "24000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "WorldPeaceCoin"@en . doacc:D3dcd0b14-9c21-41b0-9cbb-1eb19097ec96 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "- Scrypt Algo - Difficulty Adjustment - Prosper coin implements Kimoto's Gravity Well - re-target every hour - Reward is 10 COINs per block - 120 seconds block time - 1 Prosper Day per month - Full 24 hours nonstop bonus, it happens on a random day each month - Bonus Coins on Prosper day! - (Prospercoin is giving an additional 20 coins to 39 coins, increasing by 1 coin upto 39 after this it then reset to 20 again) - Payout will be halved every 2 years - Every 100 blocks pay in full (no half rule applied)"@en ; doacc:image "yangcoin_yang.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "YANG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "18000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "YangCoin"@en . doacc:D3e0c3958-2a92-4cc0-a299-0c921e8f0488 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "HEMP Farming of hemp coins began on March 9th., Algorithm: Scrypt (POW+POS), Premine: 0% Pre-mined., Block Time: 60 seconds., Block Reward: 125 coins, Reward Halving: Next halving at block 500,000., Coin Age Requirement: 45 days for 5% stake., Total Supply: 250,000,000 Hempcoins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "125"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "hempfarmcoin_thc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "THC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "250000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "HempFarmcoin"@en . doacc:D3e15023a-8b72-4b2d-8dfd-7952dfcb757e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Lunarcoin [LUN] POW/POS | X11 | 0 Premine | Ninja Launch, Specifications:, Ticker : LUN, Algo : X11, PoW & PoS : Hybrid, Block Time : 60 Seconds, PoS per Year : 10 %, PoS Min. Age : 4 Hour, PoS Max. Age : Unlimited, Block Reward : 1000, Total Coin Supply During PoW : 10,000,000, Last PoW Block : 10,000, Premine : 0 %, Maturity : 60"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "lunarcoin_lun.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "LUN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Lunarcoin"@en . doacc:D3e5830d4-fdb7-4aaa-abba-d72d1fc78263 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Premined LTC clone Real Coin - RealCoin Abbreviation: REC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 6/6/2013 Total Coins: 2 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: 3 for TX Re-Target Time: 6 Hours Block Time: 30 Seconds Block Reward: 200 Coins Diff Adjustment: 6 Hours Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "realcoin_rec.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "6 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "REC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "RealCoin"@en . doacc:D3e70bbff-82b7-47c9-adc5-95afad897009 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: NOSFERATU, Symbol: NOS, Algorithm: SCRYPT(POW), Block Reward: 200, Block Reward Halving Rate: 10000, Block time: 120 sec, Premine: NO!, Total supply: 4 000 000"@en ; doacc:block-reward "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:comment "binary exploit"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "nosferatucoin_nos.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 10000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NOS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Nosferatu"@en . doacc:D3e994326-ca8d-4bce-8923-4765cae4d883 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, 25 coins per block, and 42 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "germanycoin_ger.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GER"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Germanycoin"@en . doacc:D3eb63436-d07a-40f6-8eb7-fa8329d07452 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 30 minutes, 40 coins per block, and 200 million total coins. Alien Coin - AlienCoin Abbreviation: ALN Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/9/2014 Total Coins: 200 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 2 Blocks per transaction Re-Target Time: 30 Minutes Block Time: 30 Seconds Block Reward: 40 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine: 20 Million."@en ; doacc:block-reward "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "2"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "aliencoin_aln.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "30 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ALN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Aliencoin"@en . doacc:D3ebf0a2a-ee56-46eb-9861-549c35e6334f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total Coins: 53 Million Grams of MaryJ, 50M ICO will be distributed through an escrow exchange., 3M through PoW (3 days), PoW Specifications, Algorithm: x15 anti ASICs, Total PoW coins: 3 million, PoW blocks: 4320 (3 days timespan), PoW reward: 700, PoS Specifications, PoS Interest: 2% per year, Minimum stake age: 3 hours, Maximum stake age: Unlimited"@en ; doacc:block-reward "700"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "maryjanecoin_maryj.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "30 seconds"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MARYJ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "53000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "MaryJanecoin"@en . doacc:D3ebf3e95-da30-4500-ad79-aec9ad1ea5a3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Faucet coin (DROP) Was released on October 29, 2015 03:50 X13 Nr. Coins: 500 Thousand Coins Distribution: PoS Min Stake Age: 4 hours Max Stake Age: 4 Days Minting Maturity: 40 Stake Interest: 100 - 5,000 = 10,000% per year 5,001 - 10,000 = 5,000% per year 10,001 and after is 2% Confirmations: 3 Tx Fee: 0.0001"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D5d7db8ed-24ac-45f9-8d80-19a993aa2265 ; doacc:image "faucetcoin_drop.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DROP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Faucetcoin"@en . doacc:D3ecf5155-7763-40d5-b645-81e07f29f0d5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Proof-of-Work: Scrypt, Total coins available:, Premine: 1% , (0.5% as bounties for supporting the coin / 0.5% as Share), Block reward < 2002: 10 (Preventing instamine), Block reward => 2003: 100, Block reward halves: 500000, Kimoto's Gravity Well [KWG]"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "orioncoin_orion.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ORION"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Orioncoin"@en . doacc:D3ed777ae-9b72-4ee9-b3a2-eecb01a8b61d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "240 second block targets 20,000 coins per generated block Kimoto Gravity Well algorythm"@en ; doacc:image "ultimatecoin_ult.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "ULT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7770000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "UltimateCoin"@en . doacc:D3ee80933-bbec-4b79-8986-8f8fefccef9c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "activecoin_active.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.103%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 105120, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "ACTIVE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2102400000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Activecoin"@en . doacc:D3f6116ba-b956-4eb6-adab-c8fc71305aa3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bluecoin_blu.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BLU"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BlueCoin"@en . doacc:D3f69a97e-9001-4709-b448-b5ae0ebec9e0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Block time: 120 seconds, Block reward: 1-720-> 150 TB / 721-1440-> 60 TB / 1441-2160-> 25 TB / 2161-2880 -> 10 TB, PoW Supply: 176400 TB, Last PoW block: 2880, PoS Min Stake Age: 2 hours, PoS Max Stake Age: Unlimited, PoS Interest: 8 days of 10 TB per block, then 1 TB per block"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "telebetcoin_tb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "TeleBET"@en . doacc:D3f75d70a-b41a-4f37-b974-f926adc45ad5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications - BC clone to add another layer of resistance against inflation and PnD. , Total coin supply - 45 million coins - 8% Premine > distribution will be as following - 5% IPO 2% Promotion bounties & giveaways 1% dev team. Any remaining IPO coins publicly destroyed at launch., Proof of work stage, Algo: scrypt, Block reward: 10000 TXC, no halving, Max height: 10000 (after this network will not accept PoW and transition purely to PoS), Proof of Stake stage, Block time: 1 minute, Difficulty retarget: every block, Nominal stake interest: 1% annually, Min transaction fee: 0.0001 TXC, Fees are paid to miners, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 500, Min stake age: 8 hours, no max age"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "taxcoin_txc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "8%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TXC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "45000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Taxcoin"@en . doacc:D3f9a5e1f-2b74-4c95-8166-ff782f21b544 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every block, block range coin rewards, and 62 million total coins. Velocity Coin - VelocityCoin Abbreviation: VEL Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/29/2013 Total Coins: 62 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 5 For TX 30 For Mint Re-Target Time: Block Time: 30 Seconds Block Reward: 10k to 2 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "(2, 10000)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "velocitycoin_vel.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VEL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "62000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "VelocityCoin"@en . doacc:D3f9bc436-4051-430c-88ee-0e1cc605a5d5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block Reward: 500 Brightcoins Block Target: 1 minute Difficulty Retarget: Every 30 blocks Reward Halving: Every 525600 blocks (About one year) Max Coins: 530,855,493 over a period of 20 years P2P Port: 6532 RPC Port: 6531 Premine: 0.9% for bounties/giveaways Mined blocks mature in 45 confirmation"@en ; doacc:image "brightcoin_bri.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.9%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BRI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "531000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Brightcoin"@en . doacc:D3faa3e22-4db0-44c9-b326-bd45016c7b11 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "600"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-03-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "unfedcurrencycoin_unf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "2.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "halving"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "UNF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "67000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://www.unfedcurrency.byethost9.com"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "UnfedCurrency"@en . doacc:D3fcb0521-ecc6-4525-8795-19a813a691f6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Premine: 0%, IPO/ICO: 0%, Confirmations: 110, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Ticker: WINT, Total Coins: about 10,000,000 WINT after POW and POS, Block Reward 1-500: 5000 WINT, Block Reward 501-2000: 2500 WINT, Block Reward 2001-5000: 1250 WINT, Block Reward 5001-10000: 750 WINT, Algorithm: X11 Proof of Work, Difficulty Retarget: Every block, POW Blocks: 10,000, Min Stake Age: 2 h, Max Stake Age: Unlimited, Stake Interest: 10 % Annually"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "wintercoin_wint.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "110"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "WINT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "WinterCoin"@en . doacc:D3fcbbea0-c22a-4504-ada9-17681d8c6509 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 64 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "destinycoin_d.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 5, 'd')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "D"@en ; doacc:total-coins "212625"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Destiny"@en . doacc:D3fd67804-83af-4a93-acaf-656db6ba80bb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: Leetcoin, Symbol: LEET, Total supply: 30,000,000 (30M), Algorithm: Proof of Stake (PoS), Block time: 60 seconds, Nominal stake interest: 2% annually, Min transaction fee: 0.0001 LEET, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 500, Min stake age: 8 hours, no max age, Instant P2P Encrypted Messaging, Dual-Key Stealth Addresses"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "leetcoin_leet.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LEET"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Leetcoin"@en . doacc:D3fdbecb4-03d2-41e9-a31b-279524dbddbf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: DeOxyRibose Coin, Marker: XNA, Algo: ThiaMine PoW/PoS, Premine: 2 Million 75 Thousand, Total Circulation: 1 Quadrillion, PoS Reward: 901% Interest Per Year!, Retargeting: Dark Gravity Wave v3.0"@en ; doacc:block-reward "75000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "deoxyribosecoin_xna.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D33cc65eb-4991-4f27-b67e-a712548a059e ; doacc:premine "2075000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGWv3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XNA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DeOxyRiboseCoin"@en . doacc:D3fee3b54-8396-44a0-9765-d774e571c7ba a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X13 Algorithm Total Coins: 30 000 000 PENCL Block Reward: 70 PENCL Total Blocks: 428,142 Fees: Minimum transaction fee of ß0.00001 Stake Interest: 25% Confirmations on Mined Blocks: 60 Confirmations on Transactions: 7 Block time: 60 seconds Minimum age 1 hour Max age 8 hours Premine 0.1% for bounties"@en ; doacc:block-reward "70"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "7"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pencilcoin_pencl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0.1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PENCL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pencilcoin"@en . doacc:D400da55a-3093-4d3e-aeb4-cab5393b6860 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Total PoW: 2,160,000, Reward: 500 SLFI, PoS interest: 2015% Annually, PoS Min Stake Time: 1 hr, Pos Max Stake Time: Unlimited, Block Time: 60 sec, maturity: 30 blocks, PoW blocks: 4320, Premine: 20,000 SLFI, Anti Instamine Blocks: 2 to 50 “10 SLFI” , Full Reward blocks: 51 to 4320 “500 SLFI”"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "selfiecoin_slfi.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "20000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SLFI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2160000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Selfiecoin"@en . doacc:D4018c122-781b-4a3c-a3d2-abec278c52a7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block Time: 2 minutes, Max Money: 33,000,000, Proof of Stake (PoS) Reward: 3% yearly [min age: 33 hours, max age: 33 days], Proof of Work: 15,000 blocks with 0 reward to kickstart chain until PoS kicks in, Premine: 16,654,605 for Romancoin coin swap"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:comment "rebrand of carpe diem"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D432a137f-7181-40fa-939b-f2c32bb46464 ; doacc:image "monetacoin_mnta.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "16654605"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MNTA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "33000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Monetacoin"@en . doacc:D4037473d-06ee-4d3c-9f1f-fc266ef1491e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "500 total coins SHA256 50 coins pr block"@en ; doacc:image "vikingcoin_vik.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VIK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "VikingCoin"@en . doacc:D40543a3c-e63c-42b0-8656-c25e106bcc80 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Hundredcoin is a POW Scrypt Coin paying 100 HUN every 100 seconds."@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 100 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "hundredcoin_hun.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1000 seconds"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HUN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Hundredcoin"@en . doacc:D406b3c04-a1d7-40e7-859a-7162d55dd074 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Vector POW/POS Hybrid, Ticker: VC, Algo: Scrypt, maturity: 45 blocks, confirmations: 10, Block Spacing: 90 seconds, A Hybrid coin with a Scrypt POW/POS 3.0 combination that insures network stability and security. A short Dpos period followed by a fixed block reward, gives both miners and holders an equal opportunity at growth."@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "vectorcoin_vc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "45"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "VEC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Vector"@en . doacc:D406fc6be-3907-47e4-b01a-a49af22599bd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block time: 60 seconds, Difficulty retarget: every block, Min transaction fee: 0.01 XCO, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 100, Proof of stake, Min stake age: 8 hours, Max age 24 hours, Block reward: 3% interest per year + 10 coins + transaction fees paid out every time you find a block, Your reward before the fees is averaged up to the nearest 0.999, Max reward 20 coins per block before the fees, To maximize staking yield, combine your inputs after receiving a stake for 0.01 +fees, 0.01+fee reward means your inputs have split too much (or your input is too small). Send your coins back to your self to combine your inputs so you can have a bigger input. If you are staking a small amount of coins you will get this low reward too because the input is too small., Transaction fees are earned by block finders, Proof of work, Algo: SHA256, Block reward: 500 XCO, no halving, Max height: 30000 (after this network will not accept PoW), Transaction fees are paid to miners"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "xcoin2_xco.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XCO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "X-Coin"@en . doacc:D4071c603-d132-4c97-a662-58c5ca71ac7f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X13 POW phase: 24 hours (2800 POW blocks), POS: 18%, P2P Port: 4437, Total POW Coins: ~1.1 Million"@en ; doacc:block-reward "variable"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "blacktokencoin_blkt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BLKT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BlackTokencoin"@en . doacc:D4071cedf-fcb5-4d81-91fb-8006faba61d1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: CAPT, Proof-of-stake, 100% distributed (see “Distribution”), Total coins: 20,000,000, Stake: 30% per year, until 100,000,000 are created, Recommended confirmations: 4, Maturity: 50 confirmations, Minimum age: 8 hours, Maximum age: 50 days, P2P port: 26651, RPC port: 26652, The objectives of CAPTcoin distribution are:, To be as fair as possible., To allow everybody to participate. No need to have miners, no need to be tech-savvy., As far as possible, to prevent the same people from claiming several times, unless they spend more time., To have stake holders appreciate their coins, therefore they need to make some effort., CAPTcoin will be distributed during 50 days. Anybody will be able to grab their share of CAPTcoins., When?, CAPTCoin distribution will start on Friday, July the 25th 2014 at 5PM UTC., It will last 50 days, until Saturday, September the 13th 2014 at 5PM UTC., However, if all 20,000.000 are distributed before that date, then the distribution is over., How?, To claim CAPTcoin, you need to go to http://get.CAPTcoin.com, There, you'll need to enter your own CAPTcoin address and complete 3 CAPT-chas for every claim., There will be 3 CAPT-chas for every claim for two reasons:, Every CAPT-cha will be from separate providers, making even more difficult for bots to hack the system., Because everyone will be investing a considerable amount of time for every claim, coins will be valuable., How many coins?, Every time a claim is made, user will be rewarded either 1, 0.5 or 0.25 CAPTcoins (see “Schedule”)., Log, The log of addresses that have claimed coins will be available here after the launch:, http://CAPTcoin.com/list/, You can read more information below, or here:, https://forum.captcoin.com/index.php/topic,6.0.html, Wednesday, July the 9th 2014: Pre-announcement, Friday, July the 25th 2014 at 5PM UTC: CAPTcoin launch., Everybody will be able to claim 1 for every CAPT-cha form completion, during 10 days., Monday, August the 4th 2014 at 5PM UTC: Reward halving., Everybody will be able to claim 0.5 for every CAPT-cha form completion, during 20 days., Sunday, August the 24th 2014 at 5PM UTC: Reward halving., Everybody will be able to claim 0.25 for every CAPT-cha form completion, during 20 days., Saturday, September the 13th 2014 at 5PM UTC: Destruction of the remaining coins., After the 50-day distribution is over, all remaining coins will be destroy., This destruction will be made by sending them to this address:, CaptCoinDoNotSendCoinsHereXXJmVg2R, Note: If all 20,000,000 are claimed before September the 13th, the distribution process would finish earlier., You can read more information here:, https://forum.captcoin.com/index.php/topic,6.0.html"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D69c60ef1-ed66-4562-bd83-9620f8c34e74 ; doacc:image "captcoin_capt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Ddcfbf087-8443-4fc2-8cf1-a2112cfbedd8 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CAPT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CAPTcoin"@en . doacc:D408c3bca-4002-411f-8bfe-2c193a7c8c96 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "No Premine. No IPO.No Instamine., PoW Algorithm: X13, PoW/PoS, 60 second block time, 30 confirmations for blocks to mature, Re-target difficulty each block, PoW Total Blocks: 5000 PoW blocks, PoW Max Coins: ~884,000, Transaction Confirmations: 4, PoS Interest: 19.99%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "buylatercoin_bltr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BLTR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "884000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BuyLatercoin"@en . doacc:D40c5fd3e-6a3e-4ba2-8d36-f29fc37bc0ac a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW Algorithm: Scrypt Re-target: Every block with KGW Block Time: 300 Seconds Initial Block Reward: 50 Block halving: 10,00,000 Max Supply: 100,000,000"@en ; doacc:image "thebotcoin_tbn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TBN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Thebotcoin"@en . doacc:D40d113d0-e504-4d74-9f87-e7bc658ac785 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "acoin_acoin.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ACOIN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1600000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Acoin"@en . doacc:D40d7713f-5558-4cbb-9aac-6ccce41d43ed a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Trading bot and coin. Failed ICO."@en ; doacc:block-time 39 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "cleverbotcoin_clt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CLT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5900000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Cleverbot"@en . doacc:D4109e0fe-e1eb-48c2-a392-5f933d5a084b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Release date: 03PM GMT, 21th February 2015 / No premine, X11 hashing algorithm: 11 rounds of scientific hashing functions (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo), Block reward is controlled by: 2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2), CPU/GPU mining, Block generation: 2.5 minutes, Difficulty Retargets using Dark Gravity Wave, 7% decrease in the number of coins generated per year, Est. ~220M Max Coins, Decentralized Masternode Network, Superior Transaction Anonymity using Darksend"@en ; doacc:block-reward "2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ecashcoin2_cash.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('rp', 7, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CASH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "220000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ECash"@en . doacc:D4114145a-cd54-45cf-88bd-5b31bf26f8be a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "We launched USD-tied asset on NXT Asset Exchange, which can also be traded at Poloniex.com for BTC/NXT/XMR. NXT AE link: http://nxtreporting.com/?as=12982485703607823902 What is CoinoUSD? CoinoUSD (ticker XUSD) is an asset tied to USD, it can be called USD on NXT blockchain. Deposit and withdrawal to/from CoinoUSD are carried out at Coinomat.com for a range of e-currencies. It can also be withdrawn to any VISA/MASTER card. We are an instant cryptocurrency exchange Coinomat.com, our asset Coinomat is traded at NXT AE and Poloniex (CNMT). Coinmarketcap.com listing: http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/coinomat/"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "asset:12982485703607823902"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "coinousd_xusd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D33583252-39e2-4b3b-a50a-deb84a7d77b0 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:D99826a21-6c51-48ae-a68a-c9603d90802a ; doacc:symbol "XUSD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CoinoUSD"@en . doacc:D412680a7-23aa-444f-9323-ed2dee763a9d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Saint PatrickCoin : STP, Algorithm: Scrypt, Reward: 200 STP, Block Time: 30 sec, maturity: 30 blocks, Havling every : 200.000 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "saintpatrickcoin_stp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 200000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "STP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SaintPatrickCoin"@en . doacc:D412856a8-f20f-4c96-b75a-aab6e6babc83 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Smallchange clone, 0 starting diff. Spots Coin - SpotsCoin Abbreviation: SPT Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 7/21/2013 Total Coins: Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 1.17 Minutes Block Reward: 49 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "49"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 70 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "spots_spt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SPT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Spots"@en . doacc:D412b0b61-a0ac-456b-96cd-65ac55a85591 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt based (Salsa) cryptocoin with 21,000,004 coins total. 2 1/2 minute blocks, ascending reward system. 639,555 total blocks, 2016 block difficulty retarget. 18/05/2013 Nybble - Nybble Abbreviation: NBL Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 5/18/2013 Total Coins: 21 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 2016 Blocks Block Time: 2.5 Minutes Block Reward: Varies Diff Adjustment: 2016 BLocks Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "nibble_nbl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2016 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "variable"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NBL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000004"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Nibble"@en . doacc:D412e2779-f7ab-4977-9378-e074b644bb1f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: SCRYPT, Total Coins: 100,000, Coins per block: 1 (halving after 50000 blocks), Difficulty readjustment: 168hrs"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "experimental"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "overunitycoin_ovu.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "168 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "OVU"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "OverUnitycoin"@en . doacc:D416c2bb4-43b7-48bf-b8ac-f058831c138d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Each purchased sharkfund0 asset represents a proportional share of the fund's crypto holdings. NXTsharks will actively manage sharkfund0 to maximize its market value. 25% of profits are assetized by the NXTsharks assets, the rest compounds in sharkfund0. The sharkfund0 assets held by NXTsharks are unpurchased assets and are not bound to anything, NXTsharks will never sell unpurchased assets via AE. Initially, the value is set to 10000 NXT per asset. After the initial funding, additions are made at the marked to the market value of all previously purchased sharkfund0 assets. Purchases using non-NXT crypto is done manually on a case by case basis, minimum 10 BTC. It is preferred to make withdrawals simply by selling the asset using AE, but NXTsharks can accomodate requests of larger cashouts manually. Sharkfund0 is a trading fund that targets high-performing assets. Sharkfund0 owns 11 percent of all BTCD and 10 percent of BBR. It also has 20 percent of NXTprivacy, 10 percent of InstantDEX, 12 percent of jl777hodl (JLH), and around 10 percent of the Coinomat asset. To date it has returned 300 percent in three months."@en ; doacc:comment "asset:3006420581923704757"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "sharkfund0asset_sf0.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D33583252-39e2-4b3b-a50a-deb84a7d77b0 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:D99826a21-6c51-48ae-a68a-c9603d90802a ; doacc:symbol "SF0"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "sharkfund0"@en . doacc:D418d34be-9447-4908-9b63-a6a92cf02d29 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkcoin_drk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DRK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "23000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://darkcoin.io"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "Darkcoin"@en . doacc:D418de080-b681-4d64-91f6-9e67248a56d6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 8 hours, 500,000 coins per block, and 20 billion total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "billaume_bll.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BLL"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Billaume"@en . doacc:D41b09d48-3c6d-4fc7-9744-aeb6f4fce2a7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin and P2P Marketplace, Anon, Escrows, Reputation and More https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cooperative-marketplace-built-for-cryptocurrency - $1,346 USD RAISED OF $50,000 goal. Campaign started on Oct 16 and will close on November 30, 2014"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "Bitshares X copy"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "omnicoin2_xom.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Df9a5ca0a-18ff-4274-a14f-f7b8097ea851 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2336835c-6298-400f-8412-cac3315bd502 ; doacc:symbol "XOM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Omnicoin"@en . doacc:D41d2aa58-9fcc-4f92-b6e2-2f6b6ae80117 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "landcoin_lnd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D61137b39-d1fa-4340-87e3-cc4e045dbf38 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "LND"@en ; doacc:total-coins "11000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Landcoin"@en . doacc:D41dcd4e7-2c7a-4f82-ad52-ee0f087b3b77 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The total amount of coins mining: 3200000 TRFC , Coin algorithm: X15 , Maturation time: Block 360 , Block Time: 1 minute , The coin rule: Block 0 (pre-mining 200000 TRFC) , Block 1 - block 1000 = 1500 coins , Block 1001 - block 2000 = 500 coins , Block 2001 - block 3000 = 1500 coins , Block 3001 - block 4000 = 500 coins , Mining is expected to complete three days"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "trafficcoin_trfc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "360"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Db77be7da-20ea-46ef-b93d-8cc5bcf30804 ; doacc:premine "200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TRFC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Trafficcoin"@en . doacc:D41f7e8bd-f4ba-423e-9a01-f838cd68e5ad a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "THIS IS A POS (Proof-Of-Stake) COIN! 100% PREMINE - 99% IPCO, , Total Coins: 10.000.000 (10 Million), Algo.: X11, Confirmations: 6, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Diff. Retarget: Every Block, POS Interest first 10 years: 3.5 %, POS Interest after 10 years: 1%, MIN Stake time: 24 Hours, MAX Stake time: 30 Days, POS Maturity: 100 Confirmations"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "bizcoin_biz.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BIZ"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bizcoin"@en . doacc:D42184fa8-283e-41f4-91bd-e9f85f93fc82 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "A new dawn era has arrived in the world of cryptocurrency. There are perhaps thousands of cryptocurrency coins on the Crypto Market today. Each coin delivers differences in specifications and for funding projects. I created PennyPincher for one reason and that is “For a Good Cause” its the motto and richness of the coin. In this Economic downturn we've all experienced losses. Loss of jobs, homes, retirement and especially families because of financial difficulties. XPP is to help people and in return those people help others going through hardships. XPP will help poor families trying to make 'ends meet' who strive each day to put food on the table. Daily there are people around the world struggling to eat only beans and rice. And worse don't eat at all but starve to death while the rich have luxurious abundant banquets in their mansions and tall ivory towers. XPP will help those families put food on the table who will exchange XPP for BTC into the currency of their country to buy groceries and other necessities. Every time I turn on the TV I hear another commercial of a children dying of cancer. It breaks my heart it really does and that's the reason for XPP. To help find a cure for those children on hospital beds suffering and fight this terrible fungi disease. Not only cancer but other viruses and diseases. XPP will be for charity groups. Do you have your favorite list of charity groups and organizations? With XPP you can make that possible and no longer use paper currency, credit cards and checks. With just one scan of your XPP wallet bar code on a charity website that supports XPP will fund your charity organization. Is that easy! XPP also supports war veterans who fought for their country and now crippled on street asking for money. What kind of treatment of a solider is that? I've met so many war vets and shared their stories with me how they survived on battlefield. Then come back home wounded or worse got his limbs blown off by an IED in Iraq. It brings me in tears because its because of them we enjoy freedom. Freedom isn't free and it comes with a price. The price of many lives lost in war. There are many programs that fund those returning from combat and XPP will partner with them to SUPPORT THE TROOPS. My motto says “For a Good Cause” and stand by every word of that statement. And to get through this economic crises and calamities as we all stand together as brothers and sisters. Algorithm: Scrypt Nr. Coins: 16.8 Billion Coins Coin type Scrypt Halving 840000 blocks Initial coins per block 10000 coins Target spacing 1 min Target timespan 180 h(will be lowered) Coinbase maturity 15 blocks Premine 0 % Working on Proof of Stake(perhaps 50% for entire year then 4% annually) Giveways Charities Pools(at launch) Much more in store for the future Built-in-Wallet-Mining(Help--> Debug Window--> type 'setgenerate true' to begin mining the first person that mines Genesis Block wins first 10,000 XPP) Max coinbase 16800000000 + 0 = 16800000000 coins(maybe up to 50 billion depends on demand)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pennypinchercoin_xpp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "15"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "180 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "XPP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "16800000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "PennyPincher"@en . doacc:D42280703-7a1d-4690-9943-40f4c311d75f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "scrypt (USC codebase for merged mining support), 100,000,000 eCoins, 30 second block times, 100 confirmations per block, staggered block rewards: blocks 0-500:25 eCoins, 501-1000: 50 eCoins, 1001-2000:75 eCoins, 2001+:100 eCoins (resuming normal halving schedule after reaching 100 eCoin block rewards, block halving interval: every 500,000 blocks (or about every 173.6 days), diff re-target: once per day"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "canadaecoin_cdn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 day"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 500000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CDN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CanadaEcoin"@en . doacc:D422817f1-8f4a-4a9b-b4d4-80e3ced9bd1a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D78624b3b-41c0-4f5e-ad41-0c2296a60922 ; doacc:image "oilcoin_oil.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "OIL"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Oilcoin"@en . doacc:D42304936-18fa-4aee-a596-cedc6fed3716 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "200 MILLION COINS, 5% Crowd Fund campaign, X11 Algorithm, Dark gravity wave 3 (dgw3), 25 coins per block, Block every 2.5mins, No difficulty halving ever, Only cpu/gpu mining , Gethash fixed allows third party software such as online wallets to be easily implemented into x11."@en ; doacc:block-reward "25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dacba1b52-5f99-4f27-85ec-0c23a3e36b8f ; doacc:image "bollywoodcoin_bdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGWv3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "BDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bollywoodcoin"@en . doacc:D4239c35c-b392-4de1-8beb-58c3521a53df a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Release date: 2015, Mining algorithm: Sign to Mine, Block reward: 2,793 coins per block for 2.5 years. After that there is a linear decline in the block reward until we hit the minimum block reward of roughly 190 ziftrCOINs per block., CPU/GPU mining, Block generation: 1 minute, Difficulty Retargets using: Digishield, Volume: 10 Billion ziftrCOINs over 10 years, Pre-mine: 4.5%*(We know, please read http://www.ziftrcoin.com/what-is-ziftrcoin/faq/ > Section: About ziftrCOIN > Question 2: Holy Pre-mine!….), Proof: PoW, Tiebreaker: Coin age destroyed, Whitepaper - http://www.ziftrcoin.com/docs/ziftrcoin-whitepaper.pdf"@en ; doacc:block-reward "2793"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "sign2mine"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "ziftrcoin_zrc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:Dc3d162f1-13de-45c3-9dda-c525e927cdd5 ; doacc:premine "4.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DS 1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ZRC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ziftrCOIN"@en . doacc:D42670ba8-038a-435f-8aca-2f9e8eed7bc6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Retarget: Every 3 hours for the first 48 hours (thanks early adopters!), then a switch to KGW Block Time: 60 seconds Block Reward: 404 (or 0, or 808) Max Coins: 1,000,404,000 FOF Matures After: 88 Blocks"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "fourohfourcoin_fof.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FOF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "FourOhFourCoin"@en . doacc:D428c354a-2b14-447e-9ce3-9cc16289a67b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2016 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 84 million total coins. Online Gaming Coin - OnlineGamingCoin Abbreviation: OGC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 1/1/2014 Total Coins: 150 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 6 Re-Target Time: each 60 blocks (each hour) Block Time: 1 minute Block Reward: 500 OGC for first 1440 blocks, then 100 OGC Diff Adjustment."@en ; doacc:block-reward "((0, 1449, 500), 100)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "oilgascoin_ogc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "60 blocks / 1 hour"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "OGC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "150000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "OilGasCoin"@en . doacc:D428f7671-501e-48ff-a44e-d23e2f23589b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 70 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-02-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D1a1ad9b8-8e5f-4e80-8b39-7b9ed7c9c461 ; doacc:image "npccoin_npc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website "http://npccoin.com"^^xsd:anyURI ; skos:prefLabel "NPCCoin"@en . doacc:D42ba9e74-292c-4dea-bb18-e500feeab370 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "dopecoin_dope.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DOPE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "575000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DopeCoin"@en . doacc:D42d8a5c0-f549-4c89-9fa5-9b4b7e793fc7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "SWARM http://www.swarmcorp.com/ is an open source project to build a “distributed incubator to help people fund their ideas” by issuing digitial tokens on top of protocols such as Counter Party and the Master Protocol (potentially more in the future, SWARM is platform agnostic). The current project client is built on top of Counter Party, however SWARM have announced plans to also integrate Master Protocol in the coming months. Their crowdsale starts June 17th at 12:00 a.m. midnight U.S. central time. The team is has the full technical stack covered. This will be one of the first front end interfaces to create digital tokens (though it does have competition in Coin Powers and other efforts) and relies on the Bitcoin Protocol and Counter Party to function. The price of the tokens will rise during the period of the crowdsale based on the volume of SWARM coins that are purchased with bitcoins. See http://www.swarmcorp.com/ for details. BTC is the only currency accepted during the crowdsale."@en ; doacc:comment "token"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "swarmasset_swarm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Dafa6da19-d01f-470e-b021-07333cc66319 ; doacc:symbol "SWARM"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Swarm"@en . doacc:D4300560a-c987-4488-91f9-3a7f24c9a4fb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1 Million POW Coins, 0% Premine, No Instamine, No IPO, Aprox. 3 Days Proof-of-Work (PoW), 5% Proof-of-Stake (PoS), Block time: 60 seconds, Min stake age - 2 Hours, Max stake age - 1 Day, Confirmations - 288, Maturity - 30, TOR Implemented"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "288"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "arcoin_ar.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "AR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Arcoin"@en . doacc:D4316f2b1-0f1e-4beb-b7fe-af4517919aae a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total EQI: 1,560,000,000, ICO Limit: 128,000,000, Crypto Scheme: Proof-of-work, Hash Algorithm: Keccak (SHA-3), Hashes Per Work Unit: 32 to 256, Hash Time (CPU): 15 Minutes, Hash Time (GPU): 1 Minute 30 Seconds, Work Unit Time (CPU): 8 to 64 Hours, Work Unit Time (GPU): 1 to 6 Hours, Transaction Processing: Every Hash"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "equilibriacoin_eqi.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D9a083580-c5ee-46ba-b557-efcc098e99c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "EQI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1560000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Equilibria"@en . doacc:D431d583e-4a1c-4ae8-8d5d-9642edbc60f0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Maximum Supply: 1,000,000 SRC ~ 10% per year , POS Inflation: 10% / Year ~ 1 to 30 days, Pre-Mine: 99.0X%, Algorithm: Proof of Work (POW) / Proof of Stake (POS) Hybird Scrypt, Mining: CPU | GPU, Block Reward: 5 SRC / Transactions, Difficulty Target-Time: 2.5 Minutes"@en ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "sourcecoin_src.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SRC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sourcecoin"@en . doacc:D4377f2f6-6a4b-40c0-9893-6a46a8497e75 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Down coin is the latest cryptocurrency developed by a team of hardcore miners, traders, developers and social media managers. Upcoin will reward all traders and miners that hold their coins by increasing it’s (sic) value over time. We solved this problem by making unique algorithms that change over time, instead of having fixed time and block rewards with the same difficulty overall. The algorithm changes happen from every few hours till one week time. There will be no more than 7 days without the code adjusting itself."@en ; doacc:block-reward "(0.1, 4.1)"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "downcoin_down.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DOWN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "300000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Down coin"@en . doacc:D43b800c4-36d8-4094-8e81-d428bd2fbc4f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications, NO Premine/No ICO, Ticker: DCC, Algo: SHA256, Block time: 60 seconds, Coinbase maturity: 40 blocks, hiPoS Minimum Age: 6 hours, POW Reward Schedule, Block 0 - 100 = 100 Coins, Block 101 - 1000 = 75 Coins, Block 1001 - 2000 = 50 Coins, Block 2001 - 3000 = 25 Coins, DPOS 2.0 Reward Schedule, Block 0 - 100 = 100 Coins, Block 101 - 1000 = 75 Coins, Block 1001 - 2000 = 50 Coins, Block 2001 - 3000 = 25 Coins, Block 3001 - 4000 = 50 Coins, Block 4001 - 5000 = 75 Coins, After Block 5000 = 10 Coins, Coin Supply, Total Coins: 277,500, POW: 152,500, POS: 125,000"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkcravecoin_dcc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DCC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "277500"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DarkCrave"@en . doacc:D43c2fba0-64fd-4342-8544-9972516886e6 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Our new debt (DBT) currency is going to be used very differently from all others coins out there. Over the next month services such as our new cryptoloan technology will be rolled out and a new era of digital loans will begin We will stop those loan companies who charge high amounts of interest, Algo: X11 POW, Reward: 308.22, Block time: 60 seconds, Maturity: 50 blocks, Confirmation: 4, Fee: 0.00001, retarget:dgw, 180 Million total coins, 10% to formation of two new loans companies( DBT loans & DBTnow )"@en ; doacc:block-reward "308.22"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-12"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "debtcoin_dbt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DBT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "180000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Debtcoin"@en . doacc:D43c7d223-d338-4f32-8ee1-c450c50b5523 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "This will change the way you think about cryptos forever. You don't need to worry about being anonymous anymore. It will all be set up inside the wallet so that you can go straight onto the TOR network."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 15 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "centrifugalcoin_xcf.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "2000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DGW"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2102400, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "XCF"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42418000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Centrifugal"@en . doacc:D43df679a-812e-40e8-960f-3510403c9e18 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X13 + POS, Total POW Coins: ~7 Million, Block Time: 90 sec, Premine: 2% Why? To fund AeroME, Promotion, and Bounties, Maximum POW Blocks: 7122, Stake Interest: 12% per annum, Minimum Stake Age: 8 Hours, Max Age: 2 Days, Confirmations: 4"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "aerocoin_aero.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "AERO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Aerocoin"@en . doacc:D44167968-f407-4284-883f-aaf3fc5eb1f3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: NXE, 2,200,000 swap from DCX, 200,000 premine, 15 NXE per block til block 25000, Fresh PoW/PoS, Stake interest: 6% drops to 5.5% after 1 year, Confirmations: 10, Min. stake age: 8 hours, no max age"@en ; doacc:block-reward "15"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D55002b9c-060a-4cf1-867b-6f61c9ade065 ; doacc:image "nxecoin_nxe.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D6199a4b5-dba5-44bf-8f27-85566596c6b3 ; doacc:premine "200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NXE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2200000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NXE"@en . doacc:D443ae9a3-551b-474b-a65d-458ab28325a8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Half reward: 438 000 Monets per block: 44 Premining: 2 000 000 Difficulty rising after every 6 hours 6 confirmations per transaction Wallet has built in mining client for solo mining."@en ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "plncoin_plnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PLNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "38500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "PLNcoin"@en . doacc:D44478e07-78d2-4f92-9c02-de37f6a35729 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Korean"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "khancoin_knc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "KNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7880000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Khancoin"@en . doacc:D4473825c-4b0d-4daa-a1f4-92ff3e3f816c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Details, * Energy efficient and ASIC resistant Quark Algorithm: GPU, CPU, FPGA Mining, * 3 Minute Block Spacing Target, * 1,000,000 Total Proof of Work Coins; Basically unlimited Proof of Stake coins at 17% per year rate of return., * 1.7% (17000) Coin Primary Allocation for Services and Development, * 17% Annual Interest Rate with 2 Hour staking intervals and 10 hour re-staking, * Coin Control, QR Codes, advanced coin features."@en ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "republicoin2_rep.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "REP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Republicoin"@en . doacc:D44ddb9e2-f361-4acd-8a53-93f86116baaa a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "merelcoin_merel.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MEREL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "82000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Merelcoin"@en . doacc:D44e58937-32e4-438d-ae22-e38ca97c4e30 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Number 21 million coins maximum, Algorithm SHA-256, 5 minutes block time, 12 Block Difficulty resetting interval, 210000 block block reward half, Remuneration 50SYC first"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "sayacoin_syc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "12 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SYC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Sayacoin"@en . doacc:D451fdb39-a747-4657-b592-7f41a419e759 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt Algo 500 Millions total coins Block time: 20 Seconds Difficulty retarget: 60 Blocks with instamining prevention Transacion confirmations: 3 confirmations that means 1 minute transaction duration (20+20+20=60) Minted block confirmations: 30 confirmations Reward halving: 2 Years"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D78624b3b-41c0-4f5e-ad41-0c2296a60922 ; doacc:image "colacoin_cola.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "COLA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ColaCoin"@en . doacc:D452990b3-6801-452f-a54e-e384e0fab930 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 30 minutes, 1000 coins per block, and 500 million total coins."@en ; doacc:image "borgcoin_brg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BRG"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Borgcoin"@en . doacc:D4558665a-15e6-4c89-84a2-a2ab0b609055 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Trading Symbol: SNRG, Algorithm: X11, Total PoW Coins: 250,001, Block Time: 2 minutes, Confirmations Required: 60 (2 hours), Proof-of-Stake: Turbo Stake 30 Day Period (followed by 10% annual), Min/Max Stake Age: 2 Days / 6 Days, RPC/P2P Port: 50542/40698, Tor: 38155 (configurable with torport=)"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:comment "bitswift fork"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "synergycoin_snrg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SNRG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Synergy"@en . doacc:D45715938-b565-4537-95ed-fb126714d1e7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "TICKER: DCYP FULL POS MAX SUPPLY: 80 Millions POS: 5% Anon Messages Stealth Address Narration Send"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "darkcyphercoin_dcyp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DCYP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "80000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DarkCypher"@en . doacc:D45828745-e969-40af-a9f3-ccdee731b428 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: BitLion (BitLionCoin), Symbol: XBL, Coin type: PoW + PoS, Algorithm: x13, Number of coins: 100 million, Execution time block PoW: 1.5 minutes, Execution time block PoS: 3.5 minutes (PoS available after overnight exposure of coins), Reward PoW: Depends on the complexity of the network PoW, a maximum of 32 coins, Reward PoS: Depends on the complexity of the network PoS, a maximum of 32 coins, Ratio PoW / PoS: 70/30, Confirmation mining: 320 blocks as PoW and PoS, Confirmation of transfer: 10 blocks, BitLion is a Proof of Work (70%) and Proof of Stake (30%) coin. It uses the X13 mining algorithm., Bitlion is a synergy of several crypto coins: NovaCoin, CRTCoin, BlackCoin и DarkCoin. Every coin gives Bitlion the best feature! NovaCoin gives hybrid PoW & PoS system. CRTCoin gives protection from multipools. BlackCoin gives simple and intuitive PoS. DarkCoin gives difficulty retarget system., ZeroCoin technology is integrated into BitLion and makes it anonymous."@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:comment "relaunch"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitlioncoin_xbl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "320"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XBL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "BitLion"@en . doacc:D45a39e6e-04a2-4a69-9f8e-dbec13e64c38 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Adds new functions to Bitcoin, operates on a bitcoin blockchain. Master Coin - MasterCoin Abbreviation: MST Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 7/31/2013 Total Coins: 180.2 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 10 Blocks Block Time: 35 Seconds Block Reward: 20 Coins Halves every 3 years Diff Adjustment: 10 Blocks Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 35 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-07-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "mastercoin_msc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 3, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MSC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "180200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "万事达币"@cn, "Mastercoin"@en . doacc:D45a6483e-a644-4e70-90af-73997f200e8a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X11, PoW Blocks: 20160 (~2 Weeks), PoS From: 14400 (~ 10 Days), Total Xuro: 15 Million, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Block Reward: , [1-100 = 1 XURO (Fair Launch)] , [Block 100-5200 = 95 XURO], [Block 5201-20159 = 525 XURO], [Block 20160 = 5000 XURO], PoS Interest: 12%, Premine (Block 2): 120K - For development, Bounty's, Future features."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "xurocoin_xuro.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "120000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XURO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "15000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Xurocoin"@en . doacc:D45e829f5-a1ba-4252-8a61-e0e5e6d77862 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Hybrid X11 POW/POS, Symbol: SPE, Total coin: 50 million SPEs, Block Rewards: 100 - 25 coins per block based on diff; diff increased, reward decreased, 80 first blocks: 1 coin per block to prevent instance mine, Block time: 60 seconds, Retarget: difficulty will adjust each block, Min age: 2 days, Max age: Unlimited, Confirmations on Transactions: 7, Confirmations on Mined Blocks: 120, Stake interest 10%, Primine: 0.12% - 60000 - We decide to premine for the long term support, RPC port : 13579, P2P port: 13570"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "specialcoin_spe.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0.12%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SPE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SpecialCoin"@en . doacc:D460dbe7d-2b30-4208-a234-a0540a093603 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: DeOxyRibose Coin (Programmatically, DNACoin), Ticker:XNA, Total Max: 500,000,000,000 DNA (500000 PreMined for Other Phases), Time Per Block: 60 Seconds, RPC Port: 16815, P2P Port: 16819, Difficulty Readjustment: 240 Seconds, Maturity Period: 120, P.S. The Premine is for PoJ and the Remaining will be BURNED"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "dnacoin_xna.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:premine "500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:retarget-time "240s"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XNA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DNAcoin"@en . doacc:D46105705-2965-4b14-86f7-a08ee258e720 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name Twentyfours Coin Abbrevation XXIV POW/POS POS 24% Hash type x13 no ASIC Premine 0% Coins per block 24 Target spacing 30 sec. Target timespan 1 Min Coinbase maturity 5 blocks Max coinbase 350.000 P2P port 24242 RPC port 42424 for SOLO"@en ; doacc:block-reward "24"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "twentyfourcoin_xxiv.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 minute"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XXIV"@en ; doacc:total-coins "350000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Twentyfour"@en . doacc:D461838e6-c415-4aa9-a1a1-82217d0dd2f4 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "AppCreditCoin, Scrypt PoW, max: 100 million, 2.0 PoS reward ( BlackCoin tech )"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "appcreditcoin_acc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 100000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "ACC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "150000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "AppCreditCoin"@en . doacc:D4628a07e-13e4-4b05-b4a3-f30321429e74 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Soundcoin is a fork of Litecoin (scrypt) with some different parameters. - 3 minute block targets - subsidy halves in 840k blocks (~4 years) - ~5 billion total coins - 1000 coins per block - 1440 blocks to retarget difficulty"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:image "soundcoin_snd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SND"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Soundcoin"@en . doacc:D46329b6e-74c3-44f0-88e3-75a0a0fa7193 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "2CH Coin - 2CHCoin Abbreviation: 2CH Algorithm: Quark Date Founded: Total Coins: 1 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 2 Hours Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "2chcoin_2ch.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D67af5c41-6b6e-40d3-9eba-f4d92b46f71e ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "2CH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "2CHcoin"@en . doacc:D46654717-5fb6-4561-9dc9-78e48d804d52 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Superiorcoin:, Total coins: 140,000,000, Algorithm: Scrypt, Difficulty Retarget: Digishield, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Distribution:, Block 1 - 7,000,000 premine, Block 2-6000 - 1, 1000 coins if you use the official pool (first 4 days), Block 6001-50000 - 100 coins (first 1 month), Block 50001-150000 - 50 coins (first 3 month), Block 150001-4944000 - 25 coins (first 10 years), Premine:, There is a 7,000,000 premine (5%), These coins are distributed as follows:, 1,000,000 development, bounties, giveaways, 6,000,000 proof of mining campaign, we give this amount to miners who use the official pool, Proof of mining campaign: When you use the official pool your miners will be hashing Litecoin but your rewards will be in Superiorcoin. This way we can use the mined litecoins to get into exchanges quickly and when listed we are going to provide buy support for the coin."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "superiorcoin_supr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DS"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SUPR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "140000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Superiorcoin"@en . doacc:D46768662-a879-424d-8d09-244d1852ac9a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, 84 coins per block, and 52 million total coins."@en ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "boschicoin_bcc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BCC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "52100000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BoschiCoin"@en . doacc:D467cd7ab-b096-4bd4-90b2-3f7aa8c045da a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "mousecoin_mosc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MOSC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Mousecoin"@en . doacc:D4686f496-addd-4293-bd81-a594a22feb5a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt Coins: 25,000,000,000 Blocktime: 30 secs Blocks confirm: 2 confirms Retarget: 1 hour Rremine: maximum of .2% for giveaways, bounties, competitions etc (will be declared before launch) Block rewards: 1 - 50,000 Reward halving interval: 150,000 Blocks Blocks 1 — 150,000: 500 - 50,000 BRO Reward Blocks 150,001 — 300,000: 500 - 25,000 BRO Reward Blocks 300,001 — 450,000: 500 - 12,500 BRO Reward Blocks 450,001 — 600,000: 500 - 6,250 BRO Reward Blocks 600,001 — 750,000: 500 - 3,125 BRO Reward Blocks 750,001 — 900,000: 500 - 1,500 BRO Reward Blocks 1,200,000+ — 500 Reward (flat)"@en ; doacc:image "brocoin_bro.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BRO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "BroCoin"@en . doacc:D468ca4ea-5256-429a-9469-0f26ddc6269d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "retarget twice per day, 40 coins per block, and 166 million total coins. Power Coin - PowerCoin Abbreviation: PWC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 5/13/2013 Total Coins: 166 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 12 Hours Block Time: 30 Seconds Block Reward: Initially 40 coins per block, halves every 2 years Diff Adjustment: 12 Hours Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "40"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "powercoin_pwc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "12 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PWC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "166000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Powercoin"@en . doacc:D46996304-0a02-40ba-a190-dc319c45493b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "0.5% premine (for Bounties and Giveaways), Based on Bitcoin 0.9.3 SHA256 source, Block target: 1 minute, Difficulty retargets every 480 blocks, Block reward: 162 BIG, halving every 250,000 blocks, Total coin supply: 81,000,000 BIG, maturity: 21 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "162"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "81coin_big.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "21"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0.5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "480 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 250000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BIG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "81000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "81coin"@en . doacc:D46ab229e-3959-44e6-ad60-b45e67773701 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bullcitycoin_bcty.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "BCTY"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bull City coin"@en . doacc:D46d18772-dc19-4ec0-988a-d9065095c728 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2013-10-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "thecoin_thc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "THC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Thecoin"@en . doacc:D46d2e112-7c14-4258-b3d3-a8feed248a78 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin name: Ethanolium, Ticker: C2H5OH, Website link: http://ethanolium.net, Public discussion links: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1184064.0, Block Explorer: None Available, Contact e-mail: tetragramma@outlook.com, Direct fork of Bytecoin via forknote.net, PoW algorithm: CryptoNight, Max supply: 7 777 777 777, Difficulty: retargets at every block, Block reward: Smoothly varying, Block target = 60 seconds, premine: none"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ethanoliumcoin_c2h5oh.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D77f94d10-71ab-444e-8300-800d4ce9d7c5 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "C2H5OH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7777777777"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Ethanolium"@en . doacc:D46ead130-f558-4ddc-b4ed-47ead005549c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "starbuckscoin_suc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SUC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "26687912"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "StarbucksCoin"@en . doacc:D4725a427-c895-4ad3-8cde-c5f9058a0bf2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-00"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "networkdraftscoin_eds.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "EDS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NetworkDrafts"@en . doacc:D472ecb09-674b-4876-8295-23f883de78c8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "POW BLOCKS TIME 60 SEC per block. POS BLOCKS 25% YEARLY - STAKE AGE: 6 hours."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "planetcoin_planet.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PLANET"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3800000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Planetcoin"@en . doacc:D47476c79-a5f7-47a7-9814-d3565985f911 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "tickcoin_tick.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TICK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Tickcoin"@en . doacc:D474d668f-53ce-4d8e-b572-5004fd2e94b7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ROXcoin ROX A crypto-currency developed for musicians, song lovers, and crypto enthusiasts. We have collaborated our passion of music and crypto to create a very unique coin that truly rox's! X11 Algo 4.5 million total POW coins Block time: 60 seconds Block reward: 3125 Block maturity: 200 POW blocks: 1440 24 hour POW only 1 to 8% POS per year"@en ; doacc:block-reward "3125"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "roxcoin_rox.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ROX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "摇滚币"@cn, "ROXcoin"@en . doacc:D475d5a5a-bf67-4ce6-8b62-511649f10eca a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "avatarcoin_av.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "5%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "AV"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Avatar"@en . doacc:D4766004b-14fc-42a2-9c05-12c9cccd08bc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Name: Poison , Ticker: PSN, Algo: x11, Block Time: 60 seconds, Block maturity: 60 blocks, Tx confirmations: 4 (fast tx), Hybrid PoW + DPOS + PoS blockchain, 20MB size blocks., PoW rewards:, Blocks 0 - 5 = 0 PSN , Blocks 6 - 250 = 1000 PSN, Block 251 - 500 = 500 PSN, Block 501 - 1000 = 200 PSN, Block 1001 - 1500 = 100 PSN, Block 1501 - 2000 = 50 PSN, After block 2000 Pow finish., DPOS rewards:, Blocks 1000 - 1500 = 10 PSN, Blocks 1501 - 2000 = 100 PSN, Blocks 2001 - 2500 = 50 PSN, Blocks 2501 - 3000 = 25 PSN, After block 3000 network switch to static PoS interest rate of 1% yearly"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "poisoncoin_psn.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PSN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "635475"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Poison"@en . doacc:D4771026c-ece4-4364-9182-b853fe2e5cd1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-27"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "wificoin_wifi.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "WIFI"@en ; skos:prefLabel "WifiCoin"@en . doacc:D4792ddac-6583-4091-bf75-2a72b38ce556 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "shillingcoin_shi.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SHI"@en ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Shillingcoin"@en . doacc:D47d8844e-291e-454c-8843-622462e6415f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ticker: ATM, algo: x11, pos interest: 9%, block target: 60 seconds, minimum pos age: 5 hours, last pow block: 36900"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "autumncoin_atm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ATM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "14491274"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Autumncoin"@en . doacc:D47daf5b3-fb5c-47a1-85ac-5ca05f746ad9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Online is a SHA256 coin and based upon bitcoin, exact same specs e.g. block reward, number of coins etc."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "onlinecoin_one.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 weeks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ONE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "210000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Online"@en . doacc:D47e5c04a-0b9b-4308-84bf-e80606acd811 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "2 minute block targets 2 billion total coins 100 to 1000 random coins per block 1440 blocks to retarget difficulty"@en ; doacc:image "amigacoin_aga.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "AGA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Amigacoin"@en . doacc:D47e6b8e7-8be4-473f-8432-4641207315dd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "taxicoin_taxi.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "TAXI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "56000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Taxicoin"@en . doacc:D47f397b6-16c1-41d6-811e-31832c7f40a0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 72 ; doacc:date-founded "2016-01-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "katzcoin_kat.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2016-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "KAT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Katz"@en . doacc:D483e5d7c-d156-4066-a0d6-c8e3dd475be2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: DSB, Distribution: PoW/PoS, Algorithm: Scrypt, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Premine: 1% (20,000 Coins), Interest: 9% Annually, Maturity: 125 Confirmations, Min Coin Age: 1 Hour"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkshibecoin_dsb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "125"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DSB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20439620"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DarkShibe"@en . doacc:D485e6031-b7e8-465d-9d02-149b622c6782 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "The SAFE network [ref Network] utilises a mathematically complete, peer-to-peer Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) authorisation on an autonomous network [ref Autonomous], secured key-value storage and reliable Kademlia based routing [ref Routing]. The network is designed to be decentralised and has the ability to get rid of Domain Name System (DNS). The PKI solution deployed within the SAFE network validates a user’s identity with mathematical certainty."@en ; doacc:block-time 1 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-04-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "safecoin_safe.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D353ec5f7-587d-4cae-92d9-23b90cc92e2d ; doacc:protocol doacc:Da97c1cf4-3121-426d-9e51-ce4f61b4ba80 ; doacc:symbol "SAFE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "4300000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Safecoin"@en . doacc:D486090df-510c-453b-a30a-fd6cbf4b8722 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Block generation target: 2.5 minutes, Network difficulty retarget: Digishield - each block., Starting Block Reward of 50 MidasCoin, decreasing every month following a custom reduction formula, Total coins: 7,611,236 issued in 36 months of enhanced distribution, followed by a fixed block reward of 2 Coins/block: No cap, Coins backed by REAL GOLD held in a gold reserve with a minimum guaranteed daily increment, Monthly Block Reduction rate based on a custom scheme., 1% starting taxation on every transaction as a clean and transparent revenue model towards Midas Payment LTD’s investors., Taxation decrease as block rewards decrease, going down 0.25% every 12 months until it reaches a flat 0.25% transaction tax after 36 months"@en ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-29"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "midascoin_mid.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DS 1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MID"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7611236"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "MidasCoin"@en . doacc:D487369ce-de6a-48de-894e-d55db496a010 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: SHA256, Ticker: KC, Block Time: 60 Sec, Difficulty Retarget: 5 mins, Reward : 500 KC, Total POW: 2,500,000 KC, Total PoW blocks : 5000, POS interest per year : 2.25%, Min stake age : 6 hours, Max stake age : 30 days, Maturity: 100"@en ; doacc:block-reward "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "kernalcoin_kc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "KC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2500000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Kernalcoin"@en . doacc:D48803f7d-8c3e-4882-9423-04e9e0328c13 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "gatescoin_gtc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GTC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Gatescoin"@en . doacc:D488a3759-8d69-45d8-a2ec-82f526830870 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: Scrypt, Coin Name: AutismCoin, Coin Abbreviation: AUT, Address letter: A, RPC Port: 5462, P2P Port: 5461, Block reward: 50 coins, Block halving: 210000 blocks, Total coin supply: 21000000 coins, Coinbase maturity: 20 blocks, Number of confirmations: 6 blocks, Target timespan in minutes: 5 minutes, Target spacing in minutes: 5 minutes"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:confirmations "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "autismcoin_aut.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "6"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1105263"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 210000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "AUT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "AutismCoin"@en . doacc:D4896f27f-5924-43a0-9215-537e82ed6db5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "2.5 minute block targets subsidy halves in 840k blocks (~4 years) ~20 million total coins The rest is the same as Bitcoin. 50 coins per block 2016 blocks to retarget difficulty"@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "yardsalecoin_ysc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2016 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "YSC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "20000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "YardSaleCoin"@en . doacc:D489d216f-39d0-4446-b195-18de3c017b91 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt Algo 500 Millions total coins Block time: 20 Seconds Difficulty retarget: 60 Blocks with instamining prevention Transacion confirmations: 3 confirmations that means 1 minute transaction duration (20+20+20=60) Minted block confirmations: 30 confirmations Reward halving: 2 Years"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D78624b3b-41c0-4f5e-ad41-0c2296a60922 ; doacc:image "shopcoin_shop.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SHOP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ShopCoin"@en . doacc:D48bc4b60-1fd8-449b-bb04-f8a9428c1500 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "People Coin - Peoplecoin Abbreviation: PPL Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 9/17/2013 Total Coins: 1.440 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 4 for tx and 50 for mint Re-Target Time: Every Block Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 1.25 Havles every year Diff Adjustment: Every Block Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "1.25"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-09-17"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "peoplecoin_ppl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PPL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1440000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "PeopleCoin"@en . doacc:D48d0a541-d6b4-4c88-8eb5-d0486c5368dc a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin type algorithm (SHA256), POW Proof of Work, Halving 50000 blocks, Initial coins per block 2014 coins, Target spacing 1 min, Target timespan 5 h, Coinbase maturity 2 blocks, Premine 1,76 %, Bounty, distribution, exchange, game, advertisement, development, pool, Address Premine 1NXQEc3pymHEnm39hz9ULx5jaxufcSAguu, Max coinbase 201400000 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "2014"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "peercoindark_ppcd.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "2"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "1,76%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 50000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "PPCD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "201400000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "PeercoinDark"@en . doacc:D48de8c9c-f7aa-4bf6-96f5-7214646e1bdd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Welcome to Project Czech Slovak CROWN. CROWN is a new electronic currency designed especially for the Czechs and Slovaks on the basis of common traditions that date back to the late 19th century. Vítejte na stránkách projektu ČeskoSlovenská KORUNA. KORUNA je nová elektronická měna určená především pro Čechy a Slováky na základě společných tradic, které sahají až do konce 19. století."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-08-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "korunacoin_koruna.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "30%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "KORUNA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Korunacoin"@en . doacc:D48f2030f-8561-40b2-9862-3db49b013231 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "DoubleCoin is an experiment in mathematics and digital currencies. There are 50 coins, and each one has its own number, from 1 to 50. The first coin was originally sold for 1 satoshi (.00000001 BTC), and the price doubles for each coin sold after that. Coin #2 was sold for .00000002 BTC, Coin #3 for .00000004 BTC, and so on."@en ; doacc:comment "experimental"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D37214b6d-de63-48ee-8080-994ee5f4ecd4 ; doacc:image "doublecoin_xdbl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Da8dc43e2-3e92-41f8-b7f3-b36dcb7196c5 ; doacc:premine "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D8d337d24-148d-4d2a-bd06-6d8561e98c28 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D63b8092a-c56a-4a5f-b7be-d8e4ef7f6711 ; doacc:symbol "XDBL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Doublecoin"@en . doacc:D48f912b2-17a2-4a81-aecd-6f70998c4090 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Total POW coins: 10,000,000 DC, Block time: 1 minute, Difficulty retarget: every block, Nominal stake interest: 1% annually, Min transaction fee: 0.0001 DC, Confirmations: 10, maturity: 500, Min stake age: 8 hours, no max age, Premine: 2,000,000 DC 1,800,000 premined DC is destroyed ! , Proof of work (done), Algo: X13 , Block reward: 2000 DC (2-100 1 DC), Max height: 5000 (after this network will not accept PoW)"@en ; doacc:block-reward "2000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "dicecoin_dc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "2000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Dicecoin"@en . doacc:D48fd27fd-fe83-4c5a-8f20-7c6bfd71b4ea a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Some basic initial goals of Futurecoin include: changing its wallet-address system to one similar to Bitcoin (a combination of 30 letters and numbers vs. Nxt’s current 18-20 numerical wallet address’), being able to pay less than 1 whole unit (such as .01 Futures(FTRs), and implementing other features that have been employed in other digital coins and have been tested to work properly and safetly., There will be 21 Billion coins total – exactly 1000x the total amount of Bitcoin that will ever be released., Futurecoin functions by Proof of Stake., 99% of the coins will be distributed to pre-announcement investors based on how much you contribute during the investment period., 1% of the coins will be held for long-term development, bounties, etc."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "nxt variant"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "futurecoin_ftr.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D33583252-39e2-4b3b-a50a-deb84a7d77b0 ; doacc:premine "99%/1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:D99826a21-6c51-48ae-a68a-c9603d90802a ; doacc:symbol "FTR"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Futurecoin"@en . doacc:D48fd611f-3664-4ac6-934d-fc7632342d63 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 60 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 500 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D78624b3b-41c0-4f5e-ad41-0c2296a60922 ; doacc:image "fishcoin_fish.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FISH"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Fishcoin"@en . doacc:D49274a19-da74-4e22-a3cb-d4b88163c240 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "MacheteCoin : MTC, Algorithm: Scrypt, Reward: 100 MTC, Block Time: 75 sec, Havling every : 10.000 blocks, Max. Coins: 2,000,000, rpcport: 21271, P2P: 21272, No Pre/ICO"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 75 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "machetecoin_mct.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 10000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "MCT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "MacheteCoin"@en . doacc:D4933e871-bae7-400e-8e11-91bf946bb75d a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "New Spring Coin - The real cash-back crypto! Proof-Of-Chain, PoS/PoW, Total coins: 100 mln, PoW/PoS Hybrid (20% annual interest), Intial POW distribution (50 mln premime for cash-back distribution), Algo: X11, Block target time: 5 mins, Block maturity: 60 confirmations, Cash-back: 5% (for spending 2000+ confirmations / ~10 day old coins), (cash-back is sent after 10 confirmations of your transaction)"@en ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D55002b9c-060a-4cf1-867b-6f61c9ade065 ; doacc:image "newspringcoin_nsc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "50%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "NSC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "NewSpringCoin"@en . doacc:D49358da7-e906-45ac-aa57-ce8fc8cb113e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target using Kimoto's Gravity Well, 0.000023 coins per block, and 23 total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Dca3b4589-ca6f-4150-bdbb-40b1b38e299b ; doacc:image "amkoin_amk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "AMK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "23.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "AmKoin"@en . doacc:D49402134-0640-47df-a787-fe791041ac3f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 2 blocks, 50 coins per block, and 1 million total coins."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "lioncoin_lic.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "LIC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Lioncoin"@en . doacc:D494ab76a-244c-4567-a7f9-1b30d9e403eb a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Passioncoin, ICO, anonymous, charity, business cooperation., Total supply: 1820000, Algorithm: x11 (POW), PoS: 5% a year, ICO: 49% of coins [approx 606666], Block reward: 8, Block time: 40 seconds, Difficulty retarget: every block, Blocks 2-8000 will have 0 coins, This means for at least 4 days since launch the only people having the coin will be ICO people."@en ; doacc:block-reward "8"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 40 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "passioncoin_pon.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "49%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "PON"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1820000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Passioncoin"@en . doacc:D49a524ec-9c5b-4f09-bafb-4d4d1e3eeea9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "instapay_ipc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "IPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1600000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Instapay"@en . doacc:D49ac233d-c423-46dc-8471-4f484b9be28a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Proof of Work, Algorithm: Scrypt, Max Coin supply: 53m, Block Times: 60s, Premine: 2% (For initial distribution, not everyone mines), Block rewards recalculated every block using 10000 - (BlockHeight * 1), Max POW Height: 10,000, Proof of Stake, Interest: 1%, Staking starts 1hr after mining."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "gnosiscoin_gns.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "7%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 day"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GNS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "53000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Gnosiscoin"@en . doacc:D49b20cf3-c385-44c2-b2f8-43686463c2c0 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "minertokens_mtk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MTK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "MinerTokens"@en . doacc:D49b2ced8-e2c4-44ef-be5b-1efaecbf0870 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "LTC clone. 1'000'000 coins premine Phoenix Coin - PhoenixCoin Abbreviation: PXC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 5/20/2013 Total Coins: 98 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: Block Time: 1.5 Minutes Block Reward: 50 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D489f02a4-9133-45f0-9638-8f1890be769c ; doacc:date-founded "2013-05-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "phoenixcoin_pxc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PXC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "98000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Phoenixcoin"@en . doacc:D4a2b77b5-f5e6-4d9c-a5a5-1eced614edf9 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW/PoS hybrid, Initial supply: 7,777,777 coins, Initial supply will be used to exchange SAT to SAT² (at a rate of 1000 SAT = 1 SAT²) - NO premine, NO IPO - PoS (Proof of Stake), First year: 10% interest per year, Second year: 5% interest per year, Third year onwards: 2.5% interest per year - Minimum stake age: 10 days, Maximum stake age: 20 days, Block target: 20 seconds, Development fund: 1% per year - PoW (Proof of Work), 10 SAT2 per block, Reward halving every week, Block target: 80 seconds, PoW gets cut off at block 21600 (which should take about 20 days)"@en ; doacc:block-time 80 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "saturn2coin_sat2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SAT2"@en ; doacc:total-coins "7777777"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Saturn2coin"@en . doacc:D4a2c6a85-b954-4284-8b78-5824e7f86a6b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "TriCoin will have an IPO which will consist of %50 of all PoW coins (21,600 coins) . These will be sold to people who are interested in supporting TriCoin whilst at the same time giving them a great investment opportunity. We will accept a maximum of 10 BTC for all the IPO coins. This will provide TriCoin with a market cap of $6,000 (As of 7/8/14) which puts it at 277th on coinmarketcap, this leaves huge potential for investors to multiply there money just from investing. If we do not receive the 10 BTC by the time the IPO finishes the coins will be destroyed which will help to make the coin more scarce which will provide a greater opportunity for those who invested to earn., Symbol: TRI, Algorithm: X11 POW/POS (POW limited, then pure POS), Block Time: 60 seconds, POW:, Total Coins (by POW): 43,200, Difficulty Retarget: 10 blocks, Block Reward: 0.5, POS:, Min age: 10 days, Max age: unlimited, Mined/Minted Blocks Maturity: 60, Stake Interest: %100 per year"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "tricoin_tri.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "10 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "TRI"@en ; doacc:total-coins "43200"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Tricoin"@en . doacc:D4a3b62f0-3361-4ead-94c1-32218c6e9167 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Coin Type: PoW/PoS Hybrid, Hashing Algorithm: X11 , Time Between Blocks : 7 minutes, Block Reward: 50, Block Reward Halving Rate: 120,000, Pre-mine: No Premine, Total Coins: 12,000,000, Yearly Interest %: 3, Influx is a X11 algorithm based coin with no pre-mine using a Pow+Pos backend and designed specifically for CPU/GPU setups."@en ; doacc:block-reward "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 420 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "influxcoin_infx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 120000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "INFX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Influxcoin"@en . doacc:D4a410385-0f2a-4a85-a6b1-5d1b5e42ddec a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Launched: September 15th , Algorithm: x13, Max Coins: 200,000 coins, Block Time: -, Retarget: -, POS: 1% Annually , Premined: Only for IPO, Transaction Confirmations: 6, Greetings fellow investors, today we present an interesting an unique idea, we present UPcoin, the idea is unique as the coin is designed to only live for a short 6weeks. This short life coins idea is designed that all IPO funds will be spent to purchase cloud mining equipment via NiceHash.com (antminer s5) to produce profits daily, which will be used to buy [XUP] straight off the order books, and then be burned. The coins will be burned daily from day 1 all the way till day 42, in addition to this burn, every week one antminer s5 will be sold off, and the funds will be used to buy straight off the the sell order books. This idea is branched off the idea of a drastically decreasing supply over a very short period of time. Based on rough calculations, the supply should reduce by 15% weekly. The way this has been devised is to obviously be greatly beneficial to early investors. The initial value of each UPcoin will be set by how much BTC is raised in the initial public offering. For example, if 20 BTC is raised, the value per UPcoin will be 0.0001 BTC (divide the amount of BTC raised by 200,000). All burnt coins will be documented and posted in the thread and visible to all. As per agreement, IPO funds will only be released from escrow to our team once all XUP coins have been distributed to IPO investors, and in addition this, escrow will only be released once XUP hits at least one exchange."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "self-mining burn"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-16"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "upcoin_xup.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "15"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XUP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Upcoin"@en . doacc:D4a42a5f5-c209-44b3-a0b4-3dd4753aa494 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Example coin to show new “Python Blockchain” Library capabilities."@en ; doacc:image "pybccoin_pybc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Da8dc43e2-3e92-41f8-b7f3-b36dcb7196c5 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PYBC"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Pythoncoin"@en . doacc:D4a5ffb6e-87bb-49ff-8283-1d13d92d1b88 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Paranoia coin, Algorith: Scrypt pow, Block reward: 180, Time: 65, Block halving: 200000, Max coins: 72,000,000, Premine: 1% For development"@en ; doacc:block-reward "180"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 65 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "paranoiacoin_pac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 200000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PAC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "72000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Paranoiacoin"@en . doacc:D4a7570e9-b639-4149-a777-90c218abc9bf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Max. Total Coins: 9,000,000 USE, (5,000,000 IPCO/Bounty Coins + 4,540,000 PoW Coins + 500,000 Free Distribution Coins + 2,500,000 PoS Coins after 5 years), Algorithm: X13 PoW + PoS, A total of 3.5mil USE was destroyed from left over IPO coins and free distribution, Total PoW Blocks: 43,829, PoW Block Rewards:, Block 1 - 5,500,000 USE (IPO Coins and Free Distribution Coins) *Any unsold/undistributed coins will be destroyed*, Blocks 2 to 129 - 0.02 USE (to prevent instamine), Blocks 130 to 43829 - 100 USE, PoW Period: ~30 days, Block Time: 60 Seconds, POS Interest: 5% Annually for 5 Years, Coins Available for IPCO: 4,900,000 USE (4.9 Million)*, Coins Available for Bounty: 100,000 USE"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-09-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D8e7d4169-6578-4791-895e-21568fdd5369 ; doacc:image "usecoin_use.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "USE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "9000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Usecoin"@en . doacc:D4a84f6fc-6cb2-4d21-903c-ddbd1a07a421 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Use X11 algorithm, Super secure hashing algorithm: 11 rounds of scientific hashing functions (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, echo), Block reward is controlled by Moore's Law: 2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2), CPU/GPU mining, Block generation: 1.5 minutes, Difficulty Retargets using Dark Gravity Wave,change every 480 blocks, 7% decrease in the number of coins generated per year, Est. ~880M Max Coins, Impossible to trace Transaction, Superior Anonymity using DarkSend"@en ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "tomatocoin_tmt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "480 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('r', 0.07, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TMT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "880000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Tomatocoin"@en . doacc:D4a8c3d75-82b3-45d5-aa69-1ffb4b19b028 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "mmxivcoin_mmxiv.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MMXIV"@en ; skos:prefLabel "MMXIVcoin"@en . doacc:D4a8e8e2f-797a-483f-9b05-bd21ef195a50 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: PNC, Block time: 3 minutes, Difficult Retarget: 33 h, Coinbase maturity: 3 blocks, Algo: SHA-256, Premine: 0%, Max coinbase: 21000000 coins, Coins per block: 30"@en ; doacc:block-reward "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 180 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "platinumcoin_pnc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "33hrs"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PNC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "21000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "PlatinumCoin"@en . doacc:D4a934a2d-6628-4ef3-b3a8-d1cd613f4659 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "summercoin2_sum2.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "SUM2"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "SummerCoin"@en . doacc:D4aac3cf7-3517-4f85-a635-65551a938ec8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "ticker: HLFC, algo: sha256, block time: 1 minute, difficulty retarget: 1 day | 1440 blocks, initial block reward: 1000 HLFC, halving interval: 2 days | 2880 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-05-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "halfcoin_hlfc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 day"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2880, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "HLFC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Halfcoin"@en . doacc:D4abd4d18-420a-4120-aa27-796ce2c4c74c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: CoinAid , Ticker : CAID, Start with : C, ICO Volume : 100 000 000, Proof of Stake Reward : 60% Per Year , Coin Minimum Age : 1 Hour , Coin Maximum Age : Unlimited"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-09-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "coinaidcoin_caid.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-09"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CAID"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Coinaid"@en . doacc:D4ada13d0-6a38-4596-9f35-81f5c464c108 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "BitGold is a long term currency made with everybody in mind. The aim for it is to let everybody win. Many coins these days have premined massive amounts which the devs stash away so usually they can sell them later on the open market to make money, the problem with this is that it crashes the coins price and leaves investors holding the bag. A prime example of this is EarthCoin. When the coin launched it had a very high price. The coin was trading in the high hundreds of satoshi’s. The coin was then thought to have later been slowly dumped on by the developer who help a big premine, now the price is around 20 satoshi’s… How are investors going to recoup their money when they may already be down x10? The idea behind BitGold is that this coin still needs money to constantly be bringing out new things for this coin. To achieve this without having an unnecessary premine we decided to go with an IPO. Having an IPO means everyone gets the chance to buy into BitGold without worrying about these things going wrong. Because of the high number of IPO scams recently we have decided to go with a trusted escrow site. Algorithm: Scrypt, Minting: PoW/PoS hybrid, Max bars: Only 501,000, Block Time: 300 (To minimize PoS and PoW orphans as well as being faster than BTC), Initial Block Reward: 0.5 bars per block, Block halving: after 6 years of minting blocks, PoS stake: Year 1 is %10 Year Year 2 is %7.5 Year 3 is %5 Year 4 is %3 Year 5+ is %1, PoS age: 30 days"@en ; doacc:block-reward "0.5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-03-21"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "bitgold_gold.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 6, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "GOLD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "501000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Bitgold"@en . doacc:D4af33e7e-7d6e-4366-9881-ac42de7b1c38 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "candycoin_yum.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "YUM"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Candycoin"@en . doacc:D4b1b8dd7-0694-4b85-9031-de557ac2e628 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "MotaCoin - Crypto for BOOMING Marijuana Industry, X-13 Algorithm, POS - 12% annually, ~30 million coin supply, Launch Date: 4/19/2016"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "motacoin_mota.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "MOTA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "MotaCoin"@en . doacc:D4b206594-d071-478b-9c30-9507057f9e96 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 150 ; doacc:comment "experimental"^^xsd:string ; doacc:image "gammacoin_gmc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "GMC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1700000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "GammaCoin"@en . doacc:D4b6445d9-fed6-4bae-bfac-59fa69d3e5d2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker symbol: RMS, Algo: Nist5 full POS, Block time target: 1 min, Total supply: Genesis block 20 mln shares, Pos interest 0% and fee 0%"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "shares model"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-10"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "resumeosharescoin_rms.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:Ddb068b59-97a0-4403-a594-e51cd39b0a1a ; doacc:pow doacc:D532a50ff-94d9-4af3-b294-bc23eb726c8a ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RMS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ResumeoShares"@en . doacc:D4b81d031-ee8f-427a-a31e-f26822107577 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-31"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "onlinegamingcoin_ogc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 hour"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "OGC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "150000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Onlinegamingcoin"@en . doacc:D4bc0b026-ff8b-4492-9038-701133064037 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "CosmosCoin clone. Pay Coin - Paycoin Abbreviation: PYC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 8/6/2013 Total Coins: 30 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 5 for tx and 60 for mint Re-Target Time: Every Block Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 3 Coins Diff Adjustment: Premine:. Novacoin-based."@en ; doacc:block-reward "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D3abdae0c-b0a9-40ca-a028-387ca2bacf49 ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-08-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "paycoin_pyc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PYC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Paycoin"@en . doacc:D4bda8adc-c3a4-4c50-8b73-53c622fd076c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "x11 algorythm, mining for 1 week, staking at a rate of 500% thereafter, 10 coins per block, ~1,000,000 coins after first week"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "goldpiecescoin_gp.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GP"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Goldpieces"@en . doacc:D4be29153-97dc-48cd-b05f-e90022868640 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoSmin: 7 days, PoSMat: 48 days, annual returns: 1 - 30%, 2 - 20%, 3 - 10%, 4 - 5%, 5 - 2%, 6+ - 1%"@en ; doacc:block-reward "24"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "coinsy_csy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "288"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1, 'w')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CSY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "77000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Coinsy"@en . doacc:D4becc0e9-3f60-4d28-81b9-6bf4acf47c34 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:image "rainbowgoldcoin_rain.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "RAIN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "RainbowGoldCoin"@en . doacc:D4bed1e67-a8e4-4cb8-a996-9533e7c34d64 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Launched 11:00 PM UTC Friday, February 13, 2015, Pow is 100,000 BitBean per block for 10000 pow blocks then no more pow, Pos is 1000 BitBean per block, Max block size is 20 megabytes! Smiley, Min/max age is 6 hours, Target Blocktime: 1 minute, Time to Maturity: 110 Confirmations, Algo is SHA256, RPC Port is 22461, p2p port is 22460, No premine or ipo at all!"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D2c8fa3cc-2839-45ef-99a1-abf3514686b0 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bitbeancoin_bitb.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "110"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BITB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bitbean"@en . doacc:D4c0a9e95-874d-4f4c-bb0e-054d422a7f3f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "DSK DarkCash, PoW/PoS/PoI, StackHash, I2P, TOR, Markets, 2015-10-07, Name: DarkCash, Ticker: DSK, RPC Port: 10085, P2P Port: 10058, Block Time: 30 Seconds, PoS Reward: 0.025 DSK, PoW Reward: 0.25 DSK to 5 DSK to 2.5 DSK, Signing Algorithm: NIST5 + Schnorr Signatures"@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkcashcoin_dsk.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D84d77857-8d06-4ba5-a04b-d01238ddaab8 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DSK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DarkCash"@en . doacc:D4c171475-d2d9-4e59-83c0-86688fbedb8a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Extra anon features, Conceal Coin [CNL], Algo: x11, Block time: 30sec, Block reward: 3500 CNL, Last POW block 2880. (24 hours of mining), Total POW coins: 8,500,000 CNL, POS starts at block 2000, Block retarget: every block, POS interest: 3% per year, Coins stake after 24 hours, Confirmations per transaction 5, Coins mature after 100 blocks, Premine: 0 (0%), Pools, Source released! https://github.com/concealcoin/concealcoin , http://cln.coin-miners.info/ , http://cln.v2.dedicatedpool.com/ , http://suchpool.pw/cnl , http://pool.mycryptoco.in/ , http://xhash.net,, https://www.ipominer.com/ , Windows Wallet, https://mega.co.nz/#!p41H3YCS!mqRdj1ZPy22kuhiSEXwyr8wSArSKc3aGY3OKYSeB1z0 , Website, http://concealcoin.pw/ , IRC, http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=##concealcoin , Twitter, https://twitter.com/ConcealCoin , Anonymity features, Detailed whitepaper coming soon, Burst transactions, Conceal coin is a crypto currency that implements Concealed transactions and provide additional layer of anonymity compared to other coins. Burst transaction is built-in algorithm that allows you to divide your transaction in hundreds and possibly thousands non-even Nano-transactions that will be made via different peers. Burst algorithm will be released as an option in your digital wallet and you will be able to adjust amount of nan-transactions, Nano-transaction size and what is most important - timeframe for your transaction. After you set up your transaction - our algorithm will divide your initial transaction into number of smaller transactions with selected parameters and send each one separately to the recipient within your desired timeframe., Mixing pool option, Since we are not premining any coins, shortly after coin launch (in 10 days) we will actually buy out 2% of our own coins to create Native Mixing Pool and offer it as an additional option. Native mixing pool will be compatible with the Burst transaction technology and even further boost your transaction anonymity when used., We also incorporate anti-overlap in order to eliminate any possibility of mixing pool failure."@en ; doacc:block-reward "3500"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-18"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "concealcoin_cnl.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CNL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "8500000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Concealcoin"@en . doacc:D4c1ebd82-855d-4018-ac73-eb0186c97ece a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Super-quickly mined NVC clone, halving every 3 months + 100% RoI! Exponential inflation. Growth Coin - GrowthCoin Abbreviation: GRW Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 8/2/2013 Total Coins: 37.368 Million Confirm Per Transaction: 3 For tx 50 for mint Re-Target Time: Every Block Block Time: 45 Seconds Block Reward: 100 Coins Halved every 3 months Diff Adjustment: Every Block Premine:. Novacoin-based. None 100% NVCS (1.9%), SA 5/15"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 45 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D99e1c6f8-6944-4786-ae6f-1b32e61da00e ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-08-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "growthcoin_grw.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 3, 'm')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GRW"@en ; doacc:total-coins "37368000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GrowthCoin"@en . doacc:D4c23219d-ead1-4a97-bea1-b1339ae8faaf a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Eaglecoin represents the warrior of the future, the gamer who loves the challenges and wants, to fly higher than the others., Some time ago no one believed that there would be born, a virtual world, where people of all nationalities, Western and Eastern world, would have been able to challenge themselves to the death for dominance., Nowadays this is possible and this is happening!, Metaphorically, the beak of the eagle represents the, aggressiveness, the head represents the craftiness of, a successfull gamer and the feathers its elegance., Any smart investor knows that the evolution of the gaming, market is estimated to generate revenues of at, least $86 billion and $1.55 billion by 2016., Our goal is to create revenue for players on any videogame, allowing gamers to earn while they play through a sophisticated system of betting., The gaming companies earn millions, as well as their staff., It's now time to let the gamers earn too!, With the funds raised with the pre-mine we'll be able to build a big betting system based on the e-sports., It works this way : , - The two players choose the game to play., - They bet both the same value of eaglecoins., - The winner gets the total amount of the bettings (twice his initial bet)., Note: The 5% of the bet will go to the referee and another 1% will go as tax to the website (maintenance cost)., - Website :, Eaglecoin.Altervista.Org, (consider subscribing to the newsletter), The website where the bettings will begin is :, EagleMatch.altervista.org, - Algorithm : Scrypt, - Block Rate: 600 seconds, - Block Halving Rate : 50,000, - Block Reward : 300 EGC, - Total : 30 million coins, - Connection port is 9335, - Pre-mine : 1% (I'll explain below the reason), Windows Client Download : http://eaglecoin.altervista.org/eaglecoin-qt.rar, - Use “addnode add” in the debug console to syncronize with the network, Source code : http://eaglecoin.altervista.org/eaglecoinsource.rar, - Twitter : https://twitter.com/Eaglecoincrypto, PST Time : 25th July 2014, 3 pm, EST Time : 25th July 2014, 6 pm, GMT Time : 25th July 2014, 10 pm, http://eaglecoin.slugmonkeypool.net/, -Pre-registration is open, -PPLNS 1% Pool Fee, -U.S. Server, -Daily Backups of Wallet and Database via Crontab, EGC.HASHLINK.EU, Pre-registration will open very soon!, - 1% Fee on all pools, - PROP Payout system, - Dedicated Servers, - Multicoin Pool, - High performance NODE.js backend, - User friendly MPOS interface, - STRATUM, - VARDIFF, - Skilled admins, - Forum and Email Support, - IRC Support #hashlinkeu @freenode, - DoS and DDoS Protection, - Flood protection, pool.darktech.org:8080, -PURE NOMP POOL,HE USE NODE.JS TECHNOLOGY., -use your Coin address and Happy Mining! no registration!, -Fast payment! fee only 1%, If you own a pool and would like to be listed just send me a private message or answer to this topic., Exchange websites coming soon, Reason for the 1% pre-mine, - High offshore servers' cost (we have to go offshore to avoid betting regulamentations because there's no law that regulates the e-sports betting systems)., - State of the art servers are expensive (we need the best servers in order to be able to serve all customers)., - Bounty, giveaways, etc., - Referees employment (we need referees in order to check which player of each match has won)., - Website staff salaries (our customer care, website developers and maintainers need to be paid for the work they are putting into the project)."@en ; doacc:block-reward "300"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 600 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "eaglecoin_eagle.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EAGLE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Eaglecoin"@en . doacc:D4c4a5307-d57d-4ac1-b976-fe9252e4dc1e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Name: DeOxyRibose Coin (Programmatically, DNACoin), Marker: DNA, PoW Coins is Circulation: 216,000,000 DNA, PoS Coins Max: 270,000,000 DNA, Total Max: 486,000,000 DNA, PoS Annual Interest: 12% Interest, Min. Stake Age: 7 Hours, Max. Stake Age: 120 Days, Time Per Block: 240 Seconds, Difficulty Readjustment: Every 4 Days, Premine is for PoJ and the Remaining will be BURNED"@en ; doacc:block-reward "2156"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 240 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-25"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "deoxyribosecoin_xna.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "200000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "4 days"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "DNA"@en ; doacc:total-coins "486000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "DeOxyRiboseCoin"@en . doacc:D4c4c069e-5894-4fe4-8a8f-998d5f29a411 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Tournamentcoin is a new privacy-centric coin using the shasec2 procotol, Tournamentcoin aims to be a fun and untraceable digital unit of exchange. It intrinsically has a higher degree of privacy than Bitcoin or any of its various forks. It was launched on April 28, 2015, PoW algorithm: sha256 , Max supply: ~12.4 million [2], Block reward: by participation [3], Block time: 15 seconds, Difficulty: Retargets at every day"@en ; doacc:block-time 15 ; doacc:comment "closed source, product trading vehicle"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-04-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D69c60ef1-ed66-4562-bd83-9620f8c34e74 ; doacc:image "tournamentcoin_tc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:D2f8d0041-6df0-434f-bf7d-180ff944d554 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 day"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "TC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "12400000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Tournamentcoin"@en . doacc:D4c4d1a57-b895-4d69-a196-4499a9640e3b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Kudos Coin - Kudoscoin Abbreviation: KDS Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 10/7/2013 Total Coins: 100 Million Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 20 Blocks Block Time: 90 Seconds Block Reward: 100 Coins Halfs every 90 days Diff Adjustment: Premine: None."@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 90 ; doacc:date-founded "2013-10-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "kudoscoin_kds.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "20 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 90, 'd')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "KDS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Kudos"@en . doacc:D4c4fcaec-dc7f-4587-8f7a-6330df448e2f a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "42 Coin - 42Coin Abbreviation: 42 Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded:1/4/2014 Total Coins: 42 Coins Confirm Per Transaction: Re-Target Time: 7 Minutes Block Time: 42 Seconds Block Reward: 0.00000010 Block reward for the first 419 blocks Blocks 420+ are 0.00004200 block reward Diff Adjustment: Premine:."@en ; doacc:block-reward "((0, 419, 0.00000010))"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 42 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-01-05"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "42coin_42c.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "7 minutes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "42C"@en ; doacc:total-coins "42"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "42Coin"@en . doacc:D4c56e88f-d300-4a40-958a-4d3b2eb96424 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications: 5 minute proof-of-work block time. Uses ramhog, an innovative proof-of-work algorithm. ASIC resistant, GPU resistant, and botnet resistant. 2 minute proof-of-stake block time, starting three months in. Block reward starts at 1 SHC, scales quadratically over 2 days to 400 SHC, then decays according to 1 / (block_height/26280)^2. Shiny Gravity Wave difficulty adjustment algorithm. Proof-of-work ShinyCoin uses a novel hashing algorithm called ramhog. It is designed to be ASIC and GPU resistant."@en ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "shinycoin_shc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D7ee44a22-8d89-400e-a531-279d64a0549a ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "SHC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ShinyCoin"@en . doacc:D4c6b5475-345b-42e3-bc78-a3348c259f90 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "10k Coin. If you mine, hold, stake, trade, or use this coin for any reason, you understand that things may get out of hand. All problems will be fixed as they come up, but bear in mind this is an extreme coin that may become unpredictable. The reason for this coin is for me to test the limitations of our hardware staking units for MMXIV and BALLS. The coin may, at any time, be hard forked. Amount of inputs matter on resources, so this is an essential public test that must be on its own fork. There will always be a 1 week notice of a hard fork should it be needed, unless an immediate threat arises, Staking starts on January 20th, mining will continue until Block 100,000., Mining, 100,000 PoW Blocks, Block Reward of 1 / 100000, 1 coin total through mining, SHA-256 Speed Mining Phase, Estimated Mining Yield of 0.68, Staking, 10000% Yearly Stake, 1 Hour Deposit Maturity, Protocol will not switch, Fast time between stakes, Max coinage will be 16 days"@en ; doacc:block-reward "00000.1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "10kcoin_10k.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "10k"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "10kcoin"@en . doacc:D4c6e1da3-418e-45b5-9a0b-ed33faf203ae a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-12-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "ratiocoin_ratio.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "50"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "RATIO"@en ; doacc:total-coins "100000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Ratio"@en . doacc:D4c77019d-6cb1-4ea3-b136-a96c310c4740 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Digital Credits (DGCS) is a brand new digital cryptocurrency that will have a fair distribution. Credits can be earned three different ways! Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Proof of Burn (PoB)., SHA-256 Algorithm, Difficulty Retargeting every block, 5 credit block reward FOREVER, New block every 60 seconds, 7,200 credits a day, or 2,628,000 credits a year FOREVER, Halving = Never, Total Supply = Unlimited"@en ; doacc:block-reward "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-11-01"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "digitalcreditscoin_dgcs.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DGCS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DigitalCredits"@en . doacc:D4c80fa63-c1fe-44a9-9017-0747525ed6f5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Sufix: ILY, Algorithm: Scrypt PoW/PoS, PoW Period: 6,65 Years, PoW Ends: Block 3505250, PoS Min: 3 Hours, PoS Max: 24 Hours, PoS Interest: 1.0% Year, Premine: 51% Premine to Crowd Funding, faucets, prize, Transaction fee: 0.001, ​Confirmations: 3, Maturity: 60, Transaction Confirmation: 3 Blocks/3 Minues~, Target Spacing: 1 Minute, Difficulty Retarget: Every Block, Max Coins: 14,000,000,000 ILY, Block Halving: Never"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-03-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "iloveyoucoin_ily.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "51%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D3e6edbed-7710-4b98-be83-c02be8573f19 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ILY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "14000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "ILoveYoucoin"@en . doacc:D4c870499-d8dc-4591-967f-0fe4fe077425 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "URANUSCOIN (URAN) is the digital currency ,Fast,Simple,Secure,Anonymous Coin, algorithm SHA256 ,for Miners lot of coins and have fun., URANUSCOIN (URAN) Coin Description, Coin algorithm SHA256 Bitcoin clone Core, Diff Retarget, Halving blocks 612000 Coins, Target spacing 60 sec, Target timespan 5h, Block Reward 3 coins, Coinbase maturity 4 blocks, Maximum Supply 3.672.000 coins, Premine 0.3 %"@en ; doacc:block-reward "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:comment "rejectee"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-15"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "uranuscoin_uran.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0.3%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 612000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "URAN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3672000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Uranuscoin"@en . doacc:D4c8d6d9c-d506-4d47-898a-cf76757189df a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Premine: 5% - first 1000 blocks for check points, 2% will be donated to your top 5 most voted organizations., 1% is held for disaster relief funds. , 1% is reserved for current and future bounties., 1% for future development, administrative, and marketing"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:image "givecoin_give.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "yes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 250000, 'b', 6, 'm')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GIVE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Give Coin"@en . doacc:D4c94e6bd-7346-4529-8e47-8f4319248dc2 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "giarcoin_giarcoc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-04"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D89d90923-19e8-467b-91fd-134bd7b219d1 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "GIARCOC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "50000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Giarcoin"@en . doacc:D4c94f5bd-08a5-4d4c-a020-09f5795c8eac a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every block, 10,000 coins per block, and 13.5 billion total coins. Random reward clone. Earth Coin - EarthCoin Abbreviation: EAC Algorithm: SCRYPT Date Founded: 12/20/2013 Total Coins: 13.5 Billion Confirm Per Transaction: 5 for tx 60 for mint Re-Target Time: 1 Block Block Time: 1 Minute Block Reward: 10k Coins Halving once a year Diff Adjustment: 1 Block Premine: ??."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "premined"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-12-20"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "earthcoin_eac.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "60"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 1, 'y')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "EAC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "13500000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "EarthCoin"@en . doacc:D4ccbe8e6-da34-4868-a0fb-7beae446aca8 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "CamorraCoin [CAM] | Scrypt | Stealth Addresses | Encrypted Messaging"@en ; doacc:block-reward "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "camorracoin_cam.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CAM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "CamorraCoin"@en . doacc:D4cd3e462-9fe7-46c2-93ec-2534e49d350b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "X11 Based 77,777,777 Total. Short POW then Full POS! Online casino / website being built now!"@en ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pokerchips_cpc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CPC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "777000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Poker Chips"@en . doacc:D4cd50334-925a-425e-8a63-e294c04e1f84 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:block-reward "1"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 900 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:Df625a2c6-3455-43b8-b2b1-83d5be6aa671 ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-14"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "arkenstone_ars.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "2%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "2 blocks"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 105120, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ARS"@en ; doacc:total-coins "200000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Arkenstone"@en . doacc:D4cdbb8e0-1e1c-448f-a185-80d26c632d56 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo sha256d, Halving 34,560 blocks, Initial block reward 1,000 BAD, Target spacing 5 min, Target timespan 5 h, Coinbase maturity 5 blocks, Max supply 69,120,000 coins"@en ; doacc:block-reward "1000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 300 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-11-06"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "badcoin_bad.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "5 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 34560, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BAD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "69120000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Badcoin"@en . doacc:D4ce9edcc-292c-440c-b524-52062efc7b3b a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: X13 Nr. Coins: 5 Million Coins Distribution: PoS & PoW Total Coins: 5,000,000 400,000 (Premine) Algorithm: X13 Ticker: DKC POW/POS Hybrid til block 91,000 Block time: 65 seconds Stake interest: 12% Min transaction fee: 0.0002 DKC Confirmations: 4, maturity: 200 Min stake age: 8 hours, no max age P2P port: 8810, RPC port: 8812 Source: https://github.com/darkcredit DarkCredit (DarkCredit) github.com"@en ; doacc:block-time 65 ; doacc:confirmations "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-02-09"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "darkcreditcoin_dkc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "8%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "DKC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "5000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "DarkCredit"@en . doacc:D4d21353f-02d7-48c6-ad9a-50f3b6fde3f5 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Scrypt-jane based cryptocoin with random block rewards and 66.6 million total coins."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D07bec9ad-9a9b-48c4-9d51-9443cf3ebc13 ; doacc:image "fatecoin_fate.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-03"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:Dae4893bc-27c5-43c5-9be5-7d1665bdf473 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "FATE"@en ; doacc:total-coins "66700000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Fatecoin"@en . doacc:D4d27ff12-1007-45ea-aefa-56e00a743c64 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Pure PoS Coin, 30 sec block time, diff retarget each block, 3 transaction confirmations, 30 minted block confirmations, PoS block generation after 1 day of holding, Min stake age: 1 days, Max age: 100 days, Total coins in pow phase 0.64 billion, Variable interests (annual rate):, Year-1: 30%, Year-2: 20%, Year-3: 10%, Year-4: 5%, Year-5: 2%, Starting from Year-6: 1% annual interest for maintenance."@en ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:confirmations "3"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-23"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "footballcoin_fbc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "30"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "FBC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "64000000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Football2014coin"@en . doacc:D4d45af0e-8029-42b0-99c8-bb2f2c0b0d8e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Pharma (XPH) is a PoS-based cryptocurrency., Last POW Block: 10080 POW Reward: Blocks 0-1440 : 0 XPH, Blocks 1441-10080 : 10000 XPH per Block PoS start Block: 9700 POS Reward: 15% annual Block Spacing: 30 Seconds Maturity: 200 Blocks Stake Minimum Age: 2 Hours, Port: 16007 RPC Port: 16008, Magic Bytes: 0x53 0x07 0x19 0x6a"@en ; doacc:block-reward "10000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "exploited"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-06-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pharmacoin_xph.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "200"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "XPH"@en ; doacc:total-coins "86400000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Pharma"@en . doacc:D4d51f431-d9aa-466d-a26c-85f03658a1b3 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Ticker: REKT, Distribution: PoW/PoS, Algorithm: Scrypt, Block Time: 60 Seconds, Interest: who cares, but it is 4%, Min Coin Age: 4 Hours, Max 30 Days, Premine: No, mining like everybody else. A part of it will be used for future bounties/contestwinners., Block Reward: 120 REKT, Blocks: 8.000, Total Coins: 1.000.000 REKT"@en ; doacc:block-reward "120"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-10-30"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "rektcoin_rekt.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "REKT"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Rekt"@en . doacc:D4d5a4f06-1f63-46ec-b1d9-1a89e78e97e7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Transfer coin, TX (ticker), Hybrid, POW/POS, Algo x11, 60 sec per block, Difficulty adjusts every block, coin maturity 80, Min. stake age 24 hours, Configuration file: transfer.conf, No premine, No ipo., Trasfer is a new cryptocurrency. Our decentralized network aims to be a fungible and untraceable digital medium of exchange., Transfer is a cutting edge p2p digital network. Transactions are lightning-fast at just 60 seconds confirmation time., POW, 15 000 blocks , Block reward 300 TX per block, POS, From block 1 000 to 15 000 , Block reward 300 TX per block, From block 15 001 , Block reward 15 TX per block. , Masternode costs 100 000 TX and earns 50% from staking."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-11"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "transfercoin_tx.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "TX"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Transfercoin"@en . doacc:D4d72410a-22b3-4257-9853-d765370b8b77 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algorithm: SHA256, Total PoW: Unlimited, Reward: 80 Bcoin, Premine: 0 Bcoin"@en ; doacc:block-reward "80"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 1 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-12-28"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "bcoin_bcoin.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-12"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "20"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "BCOIN"@en ; doacc:total-coins "230000000000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Bcoin"@en . doacc:D4d779fad-1041-4d24-aebe-870fc5bba446 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PseudoCash [PSEUD], Algo: X13-Proof of work to Proof of Stake, Block Time: 60 seconds, Supply: 2.2 million, Rewards: 99, POW end: 21600(15 days), Min Stake: 6 hrs, Stake: 5% annual, Pre-mine: 1%"@en ; doacc:block-reward "99"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-03"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "pseudocashcoin_pseud.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "1%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "PSEUD"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2200000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "PseudoCash"@en . doacc:D4d7c83d3-129b-4ec7-a6b6-2febcdfdf423 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Posdigy PDY, Pow - Pos X13, Max Coins: 10,000,000, Block Target Time: 2 Minutes, Last Pow Block: 200,000, Maturity: 55 Blocks"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:comment "failed ico"^^xsd:string ; doacc:confirmations "4"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-10-26"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "posdigycoin_pdy.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "55"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "PDY"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Posdigy"@en . doacc:D4d967aba-6b3a-4a82-96f5-49e3df85b882 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D432a137f-7181-40fa-939b-f2c32bb46464 ; doacc:image "clamcoin_clam.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CLAM"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Clamcoin"@en . doacc:D4d97a3b0-d70c-4658-85a3-2ec106218f71 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "PoW Algorithm: X11, PoC Algorithm: None, PoS Interest: 2% / year, PoW Basic reward per block: 8 KiB, PoW Time target per block: 60 seconds, PoW Distribution: The block finder earn the reward, PoW Difficulty adjustment: Dark Gravity Well, PoW Reward halves: on block 43200 (4 from 8 ), 129600 (2 from 4) and 259200 (1 from 2), PoW coins to be mined: 1.019.520 KiB, PoC Time target per Roll: every 60 blocks (60 minutes), PoC basic reward: 472 KiB, PoC Distribution: shared between all Contributors, PoC total coins: 2.718.720 KiB, PoW + PoC total coins: 3.738.240 KiB, PoW/PoC Block maturity: 220 blocks, End of the PoW/PoC period: on block 345600 (target: 8 months), Transaction confirmations: 6"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D0ed5caf4-6e0b-4a90-adcc-f5d5cf57ce72 ; doacc:comment "short-lived high-risk experiment"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-06-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "kibweecoin_kib.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D8d337d24-148d-4d2a-bd06-6d8561e98c28 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "KIB"@en ; doacc:total-coins "3738240"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Kibweecoin"@en . doacc:D4daea6f6-bff4-4c30-afe7-c6a4303a70a7 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "created specifically for worldwide sporting events"@en ; doacc:block-reward "2"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:confirmations "8"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-05-22"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "goalcoin_goal.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-05"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "10%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "DS"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('r', 0.01, 'w')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:symbol "GOAL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "2300000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "Goalcoin"@en . doacc:D4db98e1b-8fd6-49ed-b96c-62d67f217464 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "IDEACOIN CRYPTO MONEY, BASIC INFO, Type: Scypt, SHA256D, Qubit, Skein, Groestl., Supply: 25 Billions Coins, Speed: 2.5 minutes per algorithm, Retarget: Difficulty adjusts every block, Reward: 250 IDC, Reduction: Halves every 967680 blocks, Premined: 0, Blockchain Innovation IdeaCoin uses 5 separate algorithms concurrently to create a Blockchain that focuses on technology and innovative usage."@en ; doacc:block-reward "250"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 30 ; doacc:comment "closed source"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-07-02"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "ideacoin_idc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D532a50ff-94d9-4af3-b294-bc23eb726c8a ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ; doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 967680, 'b')"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "IDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "25000000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "IdeaCoin"@en . doacc:D4de9502c-4d2a-420b-b3b2-1e5c0dbb3003 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications Openssl Heartbleed Exploit Fixed KGW Exploit Fixed 2.5 minute block targets subsidy halves in 840k blocks (~4 years) ~84 million total coins 50 coins per block Ports 40001-40002 Algo: scrypt Block reward: 50 GMC 1 blocks to retarget difficulty KGW"@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "gamerscoin_gmc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "GMC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "84000000"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "GamersCoin"@en . doacc:D4e10bfd0-1d50-4a66-a252-0168afb26ee1 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Algo: X11, DPOS reward structure:, 0-2000 - 250 CLICK, 2001-6000 - 125 CLICK, 6001-14000 - 62.5 CLICK, 14001-30000 - 31.25 CLICK, 30000+ - 10 click, block time: 2 mins, min/max stake age: 4 hours/30 days, maturity: 5 blocks"@en ; doacc:block-time 120 ; doacc:date-founded "2015-08-19"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "clickcoin_click.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-08"^^xsd:string ; doacc:maturation "5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "CLICK"@en ; doacc:total-coins "1000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Clickcoin"@en . doacc:D4e417190-7525-4b69-86d8-a525bddade02 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1SATOSHI COIN!, SUPPLY: UNDEFINED!, Price: 1 SATOSHI, 100% PRE-MINED OR NOT?, Minimum: 0.1 for 10 Millions 1SATOSHI, WE WILL GENERATE IN THE 1 BLOCK ONLY BOUGHT COINS FROM PRE-SALE BUY 1S COIN!!! That's your coin. You're the boss of yourself!, Buy 1s coins, Max supply will be the amount of 1s bought within 62 hours., The one who buy more coins will have full access to main OP, We will launch the coin,create the genesisblock, test it and set up a node, You will have full control over it Show us you hype skills (promotions, bounties, signatures etc etc), X11 Want to change settings(supply, premine, block rewards?) Work on it and try to make profit being the boss of yourself! This is an experimental thread."@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "experimental"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2014-02-07"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:D7b916659-94cc-4bc9-9a96-21da0fb5fc2c ; doacc:image "1satoshicoin_1s.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D06c1c81c-fe9e-4377-b33a-11705525a58b ; doacc:premine "100%"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "1S"@en ; doacc:total-coins "-1"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "1Satoshi"@en . doacc:D4e556e36-b549-4222-8249-d647aa4de721 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Specifications:, Algo:Scrypt, Block reward:10, Retarget:12 hours, Total coins:10000000, Manulcoin is a first cryptocurrency dedicated to manuls. It was created solely for fun and serve no particular purpose."@en ; doacc:block-reward "10"^^xsd:string ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:comment "reported virus-carrier"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2015-01-04"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ; doacc:image "manulcoin_manul.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2015-01"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:retarget-time "12 hours"^^xsd:string ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MANUL"@en ; doacc:total-coins "10000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "ManulCoin"@en . doacc:D4e626edb-1ac2-4efe-925b-d37142d0256a a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "Darknetmarket coin is being released fully anonymous no tracebacks , TOR funtion , but uses CLOAKCOINS shield as making it anon throughout., NO MORE NEEDING OF BITCOINFOG TO TUMBLE YOUR COINS , JUST USE DNM., We have been in contact with all darknet sites about the implentation of our coin instead of bitcoin. “BITCOIN IS TRACEABLE”, HOPING TO HEAR GOOD WORD BACK AND FOM MOST SITES. WE WILL BE PUBLISHING ON EVERY DARKNET SITE FORUMS TOO FOR EXTRA ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE COIN., ALTHOUGH DARKENET SITES ARE A CRIME BASED SITE IN SOME WAY THIT COIN CAN REACH A GOOD VALUE IF YOU PLACE BITCOIN WHERE IT WAS LAST YEAR WITH THESE SITES. 13$ PER COIN THEN THE BOOM. WE ARE OFFERING 800SAT PER COIN. IF TAKEN ABOARD BY SOME MARKETS WE SHALL SEE A GOOD PRICE RISE AND PROFIT MAKING COIN., With DNM there are no tracebacks what so ever and thereby leaving us PURE ANON, just waht the darkent needs., DNM coin is currently being made by a bitcointalk user who wishes to remain anon in this quest. we are still awaiting full specs but we no there will be:, 30m coins total, POW/scrypt x13, 10% IPO funds with escrow for every investor., IPO STAGE 1 ONLY:3M COINS @ 800 SATOSHI PER COIN., BUY 1 COIN IF YOU WISH OR BUY 1M COINS IF YOU WISH., OUR IPO ESCROW WILL BE HELD BY. MP2BTC WHO HAS HELPED A LOT OF DARKNET USERS OVER THE PAST 9 MONTHS IN RETRIEVING BITCOINS FOR THERE PURCHASES., WE HOPE TO FULLY LAUNCH IN 1 WEEK WE ARE EAGERLY AWAITING THE DEVS WORD TO BE FULLY LAUNCHED., Google doc for escrowed funds: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jg7b3AdNVjFOgFYlX46v4ilfXOPX9lVYlCG5bIqbcgU/edit#gid=0, ESCROW ADDRESS AND LINK: https://blockchain.info/address/12xDQL2qSJRcejWm2ENQnzfR2fbHmh8qBs, IPO escrow address for the funds. funds are beinf used to pay for the coins extra hard work needed to implement the anon feature and any features to be brought agaisnt us in future terms. we hope that all darknet sites will reach out for our coin as they will also want there users to feel safe from every transaction., CONTACTED MARKETS:AGORA, SILKROAD 2.0, BLUESKY, ANDROMEDA, EVOLUTIONa"@en ; doacc:block-time 60 ; doacc:date-founded "2014-07-13"^^xsd:date ; doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dcd9a9c54-c92f-44a9-be01-0ad6f99f6aaf ; doacc:image "darknetmarketcoin_dnm.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-07"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D19155d96-f19d-4976-8f20-6434e3599186 ; doacc:premine "10% IPO"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "DNM"@en ; doacc:total-coins "30000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Darknetmarketcoin"@en . doacc:D4e75a26b-2fe1-4430-949d-4d125833cdbd a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "MasterCoin, Abbreviation: MST, Algorithm: SCRYPT, Date Founded: 7/31/2013, Total Coins: 180.2 Million, Re-Target Time: 10 Blocks, Block Time: 35 Seconds, Block Reward: 20 Coins Halves every 3 years, Diff Adjustment: 10 Blocks"@en ; doacc:comment "clone"^^xsd:string ; doacc:date-founded "2013-06-24"^^xsd:date ; doacc:image "mastercoin_mst.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-06"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "0"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "MST"@en ; doacc:total-coins "619478.5"^^xsd:string ; doacc:website ; skos:prefLabel "MasterCoin"@en . doacc:D4e913a1b-5d37-450d-af67-5ce6165d6301 a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "1000 coins per block and 21 total coins."@en ; doacc:image "creditcoin_crdc.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2014-02"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D0441786b-85a1-45a6-a50d-1a9b80ec7b94 ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:symbol "CRDC"@en ; doacc:total-coins "67000000.0"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Creditcoin"@en . doacc:D4eac31c7-957d-4e4c-a239-aa7ff95da58c a doacc:Cryptocurrency ; dc:description "re-target every 250 blocks, random block reward 1-5 coins, and 64 million total coins. Premined LTC clone http://argcurrency.org/ Argentum is a sister currency to DGC and shares services and developers. Definition: Argentum is the Latin name for the element silver. Silver is a chemical element with the chemical symbol Ag and atomic number 47. It is the perfect name to represent this currency and the potential it has with a dedicated development team. Argentum is fast, unique, and secure. We have learned from many of the past crypto-currencies and created one that can rival any. Argentum brings innovation and experimentation that pushes the limits. Resources Website: ARGCurrency.Org Exchanges 1. Cryptsy.com Download Source: https://github.com/AlphaC4/Argentum Windows QT: https://github.com/AlphaC4/ArgentumQT Get Started addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= Specifications General -Scrypt -Optimized client -Achieved 0% orphans for extended periods of time during testing in perfect conditions (currently achieving close to the same on pools). Blocks -Maximum block size increased to 10mb -Maximum signature operations per block maximum increased to 100k -32 Second block time The first two features are on the bitcoin hardfork wishlist. We wanted to create the first cryptographic currency with almost unlimited scalability. The signature operations per block were not increased as much as block size because it is unnecessary and theoretically unreachable as is. These capacity increases do not affect performance and only serve as a guarantee of the network's future capacity. The actual size of blocks and transactions is the minimum amount needed to accomplish the task. Difficulty -Re-targets every 250 blocks Currency Creation 64 million total ARG. Once this limit is reached, it is increased by 1.1% annually, the rate of human population growth. Fair launch: We opted for a fair launch to let everyone start mining at the same time. Block 0-500: 0 ARG Block 500-1000: 1 ARG Block 1000-1500: 2 ARG Block 1500+: block reward random from 1-5. This sort of configuration is more realistic and adds additional security to the network by adding more variability. It also discourages difficulty hopping. Random block rewards: Rewards are not completely random but deterministic random. Argentum uses the last block hash as a seed to generate a “random” number. The same number always results from a given seed so the network will stay synced. Security -Mined blocks mature after 30 confirms: Argentum is a fast currency but it does not compromise the safety of the blockchain in the process. Ports Listen port: 13580 RPC PORT: 13581 Mining You can either solo mine or mine in a pool."@en ; doacc:cloneOf doacc:D8c037049-fb79-41f4-bb61-3d8ac12961d9 ; doacc:image "argentum_arg.png"^^xsd:string ; doacc:incept "2013-11"^^xsd:string ; doacc:pow doacc:D338257f8-402f-4c76-969b-6fc041d52e40 ; doacc:premine "yes"^^xsd:string ; doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D451a49d8-c9e7-46e5-8b8d-bcbe16f75c24 ; doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ; doacc:source ; doacc:symbol "ARG"@en ; doacc:total-coins "64000000"^^xsd:string ; skos:prefLabel "Argentum"@en . doacc:D4e