Neva image Neva

  • block_time - 91
  • source -
  • reward_modifier - ('h', 2628000, 'b')
  • block_reward - 5
  • protectionscheme - pos
  • name - Neva
  • distributionscheme - pow
  • posscheme - interest
  • protocol - bitcoin
  • expiration - listed
  • doacc - b969b450-46c7-4402-bafb-75c239684e3e
  • total_coins - 26280000
  • thread - 1388222.0
  • maturation - 25
  • symbol - NEVA
  • incept - 2016-03
  • powscheme - BLAKE2s
  • retarget_time - 1 block
  • date_founded - 2016-03-07
  • description - The first decentralized cryptocurrency ever to be created as a gift for someone's birthday. Today is my girlfriend's 25th birthday (her name is Neva if that isn't obvious) and since she is abroad at the moment I figured this is the best gift I can give her remotely. Who wouldn't want a global decentralized peer to peer network cryptocurrency platform named after them as a birthday gift, right? Don't worry, I will also give her a less geeky gift when she comes back. 0% PoS, fixed block rewards ensure predictable supply increase. Another goal is to approach the concept of mining to people that are not that tech savy. That is why the wallet features a mining button, so there is no command line necessary to (solo) mine. I know that once/if this coin hits the pools, solo mining will only heat up your room, but still people can try. And who knows what will be happening with the mining difficulty in the years to come. Gain some interest from the female half of the population (starting with Neva). Lets be honest the cryptocurrency community is still a sausage fest. Blake2s mining algorithm. At the moment CPU only, from what I was able to find, there is no GPU miner availible. Slow emmision. The PoW and PoS reward is 5 NEVAs. The reward will halve for both at block height 2628000. That is approximately 7 years until the first halving. After the second halving at block height 5256000 the PoW phase will be over, continued only by PoS with 1.25 NEVA reward, which will halve again in 2628000 blocks...etc. The low reward and long PoW phase is meant to avoid the insta-mine by handful of people., Coin specifications:, Ticker: NEVA, Type: PoW/Pos2.0 hybrid, PoW algorithm: Blake2s (read more), Difficulty retarget: Every block, Block target: 91 seconds, Block reward: 5 NEVA (both PoW and PoS have static rewards), Coinbase maturity: 25 blocks, Block reward halving: every 2628000 blocks (approx 7 years, probably less), Last PoW block: 5256000 (in approx 14 years), PoS start: from the first block, Minimum PoS age: 4 hours, Maximum PoS age: no max (PoS 2.0), Max coins: 26 280 000 NEVAs (this amount will be reached at block 131400000, or in roughly 350 years), Long story short, after about 35 years most of the coins will be created., P2P port: 7391, RPC port: 3791
  • DDG-CCT search on cryptocointalk
  • DDG-BCT search on bitcointalk
[a rdfg:Graph;rdflib:storage [a rdflib:Store;rdfs:label 'IOMemory']].
@prefix altc: <> .
@prefix atom: <> .
@prefix cce: <> .
@prefix ccy: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix doacc: <> .
@prefix ev: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix pam: <> .
@prefix pers: <> .
@prefix pub: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
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@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
doacc:b969b450-46c7-4402-bafb-75c239684e3e a doacc:Cryptocurrency ;
    dc:description "The first decentralized cryptocurrency ever to be created as a gift for someone's birthday. Today is my girlfriend's 25th birthday (her name is Neva if that isn't obvious) and since she is abroad at the moment I figured this is the best gift I can give her remotely. Who wouldn't want a global decentralized peer to peer network cryptocurrency platform named after them as a birthday gift, right? Don't worry, I will also give her a less geeky gift when she comes back. 0% PoS, fixed block rewards ensure predictable supply increase. Another goal is to approach the concept of mining to people that are not that tech savy. That is why the wallet features a mining button, so there is no command line necessary to (solo) mine. I know that once/if this coin hits the pools, solo mining will only heat up your room, but still people can try. And who knows what will be happening with the mining difficulty in the years to come. Gain some interest from the female half of the population (starting with Neva). Lets be honest the cryptocurrency community is still a sausage fest. Blake2s mining algorithm. At the moment CPU only, from what I was able to find, there is no GPU miner availible. Slow emmision. The PoW and PoS reward is 5 NEVAs. The reward will halve for both at block height 2628000. That is approximately 7 years until the first halving. After the second halving at block height 5256000 the PoW phase will be over, continued only by PoS with 1.25 NEVA reward, which will halve again in 2628000 blocks...etc. The low reward and long PoW phase is meant to avoid the insta-mine by handful of people., Coin specifications:, Ticker: NEVA, Type: PoW/Pos2.0 hybrid, PoW algorithm: Blake2s  (read more), Difficulty retarget: Every block, Block target: 91 seconds, Block reward: 5 NEVA  (both PoW and PoS have static rewards), Coinbase maturity: 25 blocks, Block reward halving: every 2628000 blocks (approx 7 years, probably less), Last PoW block: 5256000 (in approx 14 years), PoS start: from the first block, Minimum PoS age: 4 hours, Maximum PoS age: no max (PoS 2.0), Max coins: 26 280 000 NEVAs (this amount will be reached at block 131400000, or in roughly 350 years), Long story short, after about 35 years most of the coins will be created., P2P port: 7391, RPC port: 3791"@en ;
    doacc:block-reward "5"^^xsd:string ;
    doacc:block-time 91 ;
    doacc:comment "BC/517/86ad0832-d388-4d76-9b21-574c660355e7/1.2.1"^^xsd:string ;
    doacc:date-founded "2016-03-07"^^xsd:date ;
    doacc:distribution-scheme doacc:Dc10c93fb-f7ec-40cd-a06e-7890686f6ef8 ;
    doacc:image "nevacoin_neva.png"^^xsd:string ;
    doacc:incept "2016-03"^^xsd:string ;
    doacc:maturation "25"^^xsd:string ;
    doacc:pos doacc:D77046ffc-8771-4a19-b23d-2118bbfbd901 ;
    doacc:pow doacc:D93447ef0-c516-4fb7-8196-90c11693a722 ;
    doacc:protection-scheme doacc:D9758d7c9-6b22-4039-a325-285d680c22fe ;
    doacc:protocol doacc:Db8ade99f-11f1-476b-ae77-03c005c1bb66 ;
    doacc:retarget-time "1 block"^^xsd:string ;
    doacc:reward-modifier "('h', 2628000, 'b')"^^xsd:string ;
    doacc:source <> ;
    doacc:symbol "NEVA"@en ;
    doacc:total-coins "26280000"^^xsd:string ;
    skos:prefLabel "Neva"@en .
Higgins and Macfarlane
31 West Street
BS26 2AA

VAT Reg: GB701276958

Contains semantic web technology, may also contain nuts.

NB: in development, structure and/or content may change without warning; uses RDFLib4.2.2-dev, Pyramid1.5dev & Python3.4.3+ sign in