Altcoin cheatsheet

007Coin 007 (2015-04) scrypt | pos | listed 007 020Londoncoin O2O (2015-06) quark | pos | extant O2O 10kcoin 10k (2015-01) SHA2-256 | pos | extant 10k 110coin IIO (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched IIO 1337 1337 (2015-10) x13 | pos | listed 1337 13 Coin 13 (2014-03) scrypt-j | pos | extant 13 16Bit BIT16 (2015-05) nist5 | pos | extant BIT16 1Coin ONE (2014-10) 3s | pow | extant ONE 1Credit 1CR (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant 1CR 1Paisacoin PAISA (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PAISA 1Satoshi 1S (2015-02) x11 | pow | foundered 1S 2112coin YYZ (2015-02) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched YYZ 21 Coin 21 (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant 21 23skidoo CHAO (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant CHAO 24x7coin TFS (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive TFS 256Coin 256 (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant 256 2bacco BACCO (2015-06) scrypt | pow | extant BACCO 2CHcoin 2CH (2014-01) quark | pow | extant 2CH 2ndEur 2NDEUR (2015-12) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched 2NDEUR 32bit 32BIT (2015-05) x11 | pos | extant 32BIT 365Coin 365 (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | extant 365 419coin SCAM (2014-04) scrypt | pow | stopped SCAM 42Coin 42C (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed 42C 4chancoin 4CH (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive 4CH 500Coin FHC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive FHC 502Coin 502 (2014-02) scrypt | pow | unlaunched 502 611coin SIL (2015-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SIL 666Coin 666 (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive 666 66Coin 66 (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive 66 6Coin 6CN (2013-06) scrypt | pow | inactive 6CN 7coin 7 (2014-01) scrypt | pow | defunct 7 81coin BIG (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BIG 84 Coin 84 (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant 84 8bit 8BIT (2015-04) scrypt | pos | listed 8BIT 8coin 8 (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant 8 A3 coin A3C (2014-04) scrypt | pos | extant A3C ABcoin ABC (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant ABC Abundancecoin ABC (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant ABC Acecoin ACE (2014-07) x11 | pos | inactive ACE Achillescoin ACH (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant ACH Acoin ACOIN (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | listed ACOIN AcroCoin ACRO (2014-02) novel | pos | unlaunched ACRO Activecoin ACTIVE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant ACTIVE Activecoin ACT (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive ACT Adamantium ADM (2015-07) x11 | pos | extant ADM Adamantiumcoin ADMT (2014-10) x11 | pos | stopped ADMT Adcoin XAD (2014-11) scrypt | pow | unlaunched XAD AdderalCoin ADD (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant ADD Aditicoin XAD (2014-06) scrypt-j-n | pow | extant XAD AdzCoin ADZ (2014-03) x11 | pow | listed ADZ aEchoCoin AECC (2015-03) scrypt | pow | extant AECC Aeciocoin AEC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant AEC Aegiscoin AGS (2014-07) x15 | pos-pow | extant AGS ÆØÅcoin AEOA (2014-09) x13 | pos | foundered AEOA Aeon AEON (2014-06) cryptonight | pow | listed AEON Aerocoin AERO (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant AERO AeroME AM (2014-12) x13 | pos | listed AM Aevumcoin AEVUM (2014-09) scrypt | pow | extant AEVUM African Black Diamond ABD (2014-05) scrypt | pow | unlaunched ABD AgileReserveCoin ARC (2013-12) scrypt-j | pos | extant ARC AHScoin AHS (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant AHS Aidbitcoin AID (2014-07) Grøstl | pos-pow | extant AID Aidencoin ADN (2014-04) scrypt | pow | listed ADN Aimcoin AIM (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant AIM Aircoin AIR (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant AIR Aixincoin AXC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | defunct AXC Alancoin ALC (2014-05) hefty1 | pow | defunct ALC Albatrosscoin ATR (2015-04) nist5 | pos | extant ATR Albocoin ALB (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive ALB AlchemistCoin XAC (2014-12) scrypt | pow | unlaunched XAC Alcohoin ALC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive ALC Alexiumcoin AUM (2015-08) scrypt | pow | listed AUM Alibacoin ABC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive ABC Aliencoin ALN (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed ALN Alipaycoin ALI (2014-11) x14 | pow | foundered ALI Allagescoin AAC (2014-01) BLAKE | pow | extant AAC Alliancecoin AAC (2014-06) x13 | pos | inactive AAC Allstars ALLS (2015-01) SHA2-256 | pos | extant ALLS Alphacoin ALF (2013-09) scrypt | pow | extant ALF Alphaomegacoin AOC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant AOC Altcoin ATC (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive ATC Altcoin ALT (2014-02) scrypt-n | pow | extant ALT AltcoinReserve ALT (2015-12) x11 | pos | extant ALT AltexIndustries ALT (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant ALT AluminiumCoin ALU (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant ALU Amazoniacoin AMZ (2014-07) scrypt | pow | defunct AMZ Ambercoin AMBER (2014-08) x11 | pos-pow | listed AMBER AmericanCoin AMC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant AMC Amerocoin AMX (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive AMX AmeroX AX (2015-10) x11 | pos | extant AX Amigacoin AGA (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive AGA AmKoin AMK (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant AMK Amsterdamcoin AMS (2015-11) quark | pos | extant AMS AmsterdamCoin AMS (2015-08) scrypt | pow | listed AMS AnaLCoin ANAL (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched ANAL AnarchistPrime ACP (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pow | listed ACP Android token ADT (2013-08) scrypt | pos | extant ADT Angelcoin ANG (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive ANG Angora ANG (2015-05) x11 | pow | inactive ANG Angrybirdscoin ABC (2014-06) x11 | pow | unlaunched ABC Anherocoin AHC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive AHC Animecoin ANI (2014-02) quark | pow | extant ANI Anoncoin ANC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed ANC AnonDollar DOLLAR (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched DOLLAR Anonymouscoin XAC (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant XAC Antarctic ACC (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant ACC Antibeebacoin ABC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | stopped ABC AntiBitcoin ANTI (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ANTI Anti-Keisercoin AKC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant AKC Antimatter ANT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive ANT Anti-TerroristicCoin PEN (2015-01) scrypt | pos | extant PEN AntwerpenCoin JEWEL (2015-05) x13 | pos | extant JEWEL Apccoin APC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant APC Apecoin APE (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive APE APEXcoin APEX (2014-07) x13 | pos | listed APEX AphroditeCoin APH (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive APH APIcoin XAP (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant XAP Apollocoin APOLLO (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant APOLLO Appcoin APP (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive APP AppCreditCoin ACC (2015-04) scrypt | pos | extant ACC Applebyte ABY (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed ABY Applecoin MAC (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive MAC AppleCoin APC (2013-11) scrypt-j | pos | listed APC April XAP (2015-12) SHA2-256 | pos | extant XAP Aptcoin APT (2014-08) scrypt-n-m | pow | extant APT ARbit ARB (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | listed ARB Archcoin ARCH (2014-08) scrypt | pos | listed ARCH Architectcoin ARCH (2014-07) scrypt | pos | defunct ARCH Arcoin AR (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant AR Arcticcoin ARC (2015-07) scrypt | pos | extant ARC ArenaCoin ARN (2014-11) novel | pos | withdrawn ARN Argcoin ARGC (2013-08) scrypt | pow | extant ARGC Argentum ARG (2013-11) scrypt | pow | listed ARG Argon2 AR2 (2015-12) salsarg | pow | extant AR2 Aricoin ARI (2014-08) scrypt | pow | listed ARI Arkenstone ARS (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ARS Arkhash ARK (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive ARK ArpaCoin ARP (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant ARP Aryacoin ARYA (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant ARYA ASAPcoin ASAP (2014-07) cryptonight | pow | extant ASAP Ascensioncoin ASN (2015-03) qubit | pos | extant ASN Ascentcoin ASCE (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant ASCE ASDcoin ASD (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ASD AsiaCoin AC (2014-04) scrypt | pos | listed AC Asian Investmentment Bond AIB (2015-04) scrypt | pow | extant AIB ASICcoin ASC (2013-09) SHA2-256 | pow | listed ASC Asspenny ASS (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant ASS Astral ASTRAL (2015-05) x13 | pos | extant ASTRAL Astrocoin ASR (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant ASR Atencoin ATEN (2014-03) quark | pow | unlaunched ATEN Atheistcoin ATH (2014-06) Grøstl | pow | extant ATH Atomcoin ATO (2013-12) quark | pow | defunct ATO Audiocoin ADC (2015-06) scrypt | pos | listed ADC Augmentum XAF (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched XAF Augur REP (2015-06) Dagger | pow | extant REP AureusCoin ARE (2015-08) x11 | pos | extant ARE Auroracoin AUR (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed AUR AurumCoin AU (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant AU Aurumwaycoin AURC (2015-01) scrypt | pow | extant AURC AustraliaCoin AUS (2014-03) scrypt | pow | defunct AUS AustroCoin ATC (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant ATC AutismCoin AUT (2015-12) scrypt | pow | extant AUT Autocoin AUT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive AUT Autumncoin ATM (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant ATM Avatar AV (2015-12) SHA2-256 | pos | extant AV Avcoin AV (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant AV Axiocoin AXIO (2014-06) scrypt | pos-pow | extant AXIO Axiom AXH (2015-07) Shabal | pos | listed AXH Axiscoin AXIS (2014-05) x13 | pos | extant AXIS Axroncoin AXR (2014-08) fresh | pos | listed AXR Azzacoin AZC (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant AZC B1bl3Coin B1BL3 (2014-11) scrypt | pos | extant B1BL3 B2BCoin B2B (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant B2B BabesandNerds BAN (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant BAN Backpackercoin BACK (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive BACK Baconbits YUM (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive YUM Badcoin BAD (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BAD Badgercoin BDG (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant BDG Bagelcoin BGC (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BGC Baihuicoin BHC (2013-12) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BHC Bamboo BAM (2015-04) x11 | pow | extant BAM Bamit BAM (2015-06) x11 | pos | unlaunched BAM BananaBits NANAS (2015-06) x11 | pos | extant NANAS Bananacoin BANC (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant BANC Bancorcoin BNCR (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BNCR Ban Hammer coin BAN (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant BAN Bankcoin BANK (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant BANK Banknote BN (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant BN Banksycoin BSY (2014-07) scrypt | pos-pow | extant BSY Bantam BNT (2015-12) x11 | pow | extant BNT Banxcoin BANX (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pos | extant BANX Baobeicoin BBC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive BBC BarberBuck CUT (2015-03) x11 | pos | extant CUT barcoin BAR (2013-05) scrypt | pow | defunct BAR BaseballCardcoin BBCC (2015-03) scrypt | pos | extant BBCC Basecoin BAC (2013-09) scrypt | pos | defunct BAC Bata BTA (2015-05) scrypt | pow | listed BTA BatCoin BAT (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed BAT BattleCoin BCX (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pos | listed BCX Battlestake BSTK (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant BSTK Bawbee BAW (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant BAW BBQCoin BQC (2012-07) scrypt | pow | listed BQC Bcoin BCOIN (2014-12) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BCOIN Bcttalkcoin BCT (2014-04) SHA3-256 | pow | extant BCT BDSMcoin BDSM (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | listed BDSM BeaoCoin BEC (2013-09) scrypt | pow | extant BEC BeastCoin 666 (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant 666 Beatlecoin BEA (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive BEA Beavercoin BVC (2014-08) scrypt | pow | listed BVC Beecoin BEE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant BEE Beecoinv2 BEE2 (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant BEE2 Beercoin BEER (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant BEER BeezerCoin BEEZ (2015-08) scrypt | pos | extant BEEZ Belicoin BELI (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive BELI Bellacoin BELA (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed BELA Bells BEL (2013-11) scrypt | pow | extant BEL Benjamins BEN (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | listed BEN Bernankoin BEK (2013-12) primechain | pow | extant BEK Bestcoin BEST (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant BEST BetaCoin BET (2013-10) SHA2-256 | pow | listed BET BeyondAccess BEY (2015-10) myriad | pos | unlaunched BEY Biebercoin BRC (2015-06) scrypt | pow | defunct BRC BigBangcoin BBC (2014-07) x15 | pos | extant BBC BigBullioncoin BIG (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BIG Bigcoin HUGE (2014-09) BLAKE | pow | extant HUGE BigPicoin BPI (2015-03) scrypt | pow | extant BPI Billaume BLL (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant BLL BillionCoin BIL (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant BIL Bilshares BILS (2014-08) nxt | pos | listed BILS Binarycoin BIC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant BIC Binarycoin BIN (2014-07) scrypt | pow | extant BIN Biocoin BIO (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant BIO BiosCrypto BIOS (2015-07) quark | pos | extant BIOS Birdcoin BRD (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant BRD Bitalpha BA (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant BA BitBar BTB (2013-05) scrypt | pos | listed BTB Bitbay BAY (2014-11) scrypt | pos | listed BAY Bitbean BITB (2015-02) SHA2-256 | pos | listed BITB BitBlockcoin BBL (2014-06) x15 | pos | foundered BBL BitBronze BRONZ (2015-12) scrypt | pow | extant BRONZ Bitburst BTB (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive BTB Bitcash BCSH (2014-08) x14 | pow | extant BCSH BitCent BCENT (2014-12) x11 | pos | extant BCENT Bitcentavo NBE (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant NBE Bitchcoin BTCH (2014-09) x11 | pow | extant BTCH BitChips CHP (2011-11) scrypt | pow | defunct CHP Bitcoin BTC (2009-01) SHA2-256 | pow | listed BTC Bitcoin12.5 BTC12 (2015-10) quark | pos | unlaunched BTC12 Bitcoin21 XBTC21 (2015-12) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched XBTC21 Bitcoindark BTCD (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pos | listed BTCD BitCoinFast BCF (2014-12) scrypt | pos | listed BCF BitcoinHashCore BTCHC (2015-07) scrypt | pow | extant BTCHC BitcoinLite BTCL (2015-03) x11 | pos | extant BTCL BitcoinNEW BTN (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive BTN Bitcoinplus XBC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pos | listed XBC BitcoinScrypt BTCS (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed BTCS BitcoinT BT (2015-04) x11 | pos | extant BT Bitcointalknshop BTCS (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched BTCS BitcoinTX BTCTX (2015-05) x11 | pow | listed BTCTX Bitcoinx11 BTCX (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant BTCX Bitcredits BCR (2014-12) momentum | pow | listed BCR Bitcredits CREDITS (2014-01) scrypt | pow | unlaunched CREDITS BitCrystal BTCRY (2014-10) quark | pow | listed BTCRY BitCurrency BTCR (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant BTCR BitDolar BD (2015-12) SHA2-256 | pos | extant BD Bitgem BTG (2013-05) scrypt | pos | listed BTG Bitgold GOLD (2014-03) scrypt | pos | extant GOLD BitHIRE HIRE (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pos | extant HIRE Bitinum BTN (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive BTN Bitleu BTL (2014-04) scrypt-j | pow | extant BTL BitLion XBL (2014-06) x13 | pos-pow | extant XBL BitLitS BTLS (2014-09) scrypt | pow | extant BTLS Bitloon BLN (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched BLN Bitlux LUx (2015-04) x11 | pos | extant LUx Bitmark BTM (2014-07) scrypt | pow | listed BTM Bitmiles BTMI (2014-12) scrypt | pow | extant BTMI BitMocoin XBM (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant XBM BitMonero BMR (2014-05) cryptonight | pow | extant BMR Bitmoneycoin BMY (2014-07) scrypt | pow | extant BMY Bitnote BNT (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant BNT BITOK BOK (2014-12) x11 | pos | extant BOK Biton BITON (2015-12) scrypt | pow | extant BITON Bitorecoin BTO (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant BTO BitPagar BPC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant BPC BitPeso BTP (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BTP Bitpopcoin BPC (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant BPC Bitpound BTP (2015-12) SHA2-256 | pos | extant BTP BitQuark BTQ (2014-03) quark | pow | listed BTQ Bitraam BRM (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BRM BitReplica BITR (2014-11) x13 | pow | extant BITR BitRush BSH (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant BSH BitSeeds BIT (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos-pow | extant BIT BitSharesPTS PTS (2013-11) momentum | pos | listed PTS BitsharesX BTSX (2014-02) unknown | dpos | listed BTSX Bitsis BSS (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched BSS Bitslap BS (2014-05) x11 | pow | unlaunched BS Bitstake XBS (2015-01) x11 | pos | listed XBS Bitstar BITS (2014-04) scrypt | pos | listed BITS Bitstone BST (2015-11) x11 | pos | listed BST BitSwift SWIFT (2014-10) x15 | pos | listed SWIFT BitToCcoin BT (2014-07) x13 | pow | extant BT Bitvegan VEG (2015-11) x11 | pos | extant VEG BitXcoin BIT-X (2014-05) x11 | pos-pow | unlaunched BIT-X Bitz BITZ (2015-02) x11 | pos | listed BITZ Bitz BTZ (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant BTZ BitZeny ZNY (2014-11) yescrypt | pow | listed ZNY Bizcoin BIZ (2014-08) x11 | pos | inactive BIZ Blackblackblackcoin BBB (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | stopped BBB BlackBlackcoin BBC (2014-04) SHA3-256 | pow | extant BBC Blackcatcoin BCAT (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant BCAT BlackCoin BC (2014-03) scrypt | pos | listed BC Blackdiamondcoin BDC (2015-09) scrypt | pow | extant BDC BlackDogCoin BDC (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant BDC BlackDogecoin XBD (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant XBD Blackdragoncoin BDC (2014-05) scrypt-j | pow | extant BDC BlackfridayCoin BFC (2014-11) scrypt | pos | foundered BFC BlackMarket BLM (2015-05) x15 | pos | extant BLM BlackTokencoin BLKT (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant BLKT Bladecoin BLA (2014-02) scrypt | pos | extant BLA BlakeBitCoin BBTC (2014-05) BLAKE | pow | extant BBTC BlakeCoin BLC (2013-10) BLAKE | pos | listed BLC BlazeCoin BLZ (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant BLZ Blend XBLD (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched XBLD Blesscoin BLS (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant BLS BlitzCoin BLTZ (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed BLTZ Blockcredits BKC (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | extant BKC Blocknet BLOCK (2014-10) x15 | pos | listed BLOCK Blockshares BKS (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | listed BKS Bloodcoin BOD (2015-06) quark | pow | listed BOD Blucoin BLU (2014-01) scrypt | pow | unlaunched BLU Bluechip BCH (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant BCH BlueCoin BLU (2014-04) scrypt | pos | listed BLU Blueplanetcoin BLP (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant BLP BlueSteelCoin BLUS (2015-06) x11 | pos | extant BLUS Bluntcoin BLUNT (2014-12) x13 | pow | extant BLUNT BMWcoin BMC (2014-01) quark | pow | extant BMC BnrtxCoin BNX (2015-06) x11 | pos | extant BNX Boardcoin BOARD (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant BOARD BoatsnBitches BNB (2015-06) x11 | pos | inactive BNB Bolivarcoin BOL (2015-08) scrypt | pow | abandoned BOL Bollywoodcoin BDC (2014-11) x11 | pow | extant BDC BomChickaWahWah BCW (2015-05) x11 | pos | extant BCW Bones BONES (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant BONES Bongger BGR (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant BGR BonusCoin BNS (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BNS Boodle BOOD (2015-08) scrypt | pos | extant BOOD Boolberry BBR (2014-04) SHA3-256 | pow | listed BBR Boomcoin BMC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | stopped BMC BoomCoin BOOM (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant BOOM Boost BOST (2014-05) x13 | pos | listed BOST BootstrapCoin BSP (2015-04) x11 | pos | extant BSP Borgcoin BRG (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant BRG Boringcoin ZZZ (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive ZZZ BoschiCoin BCC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant BCC Bosscoin BOS (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant BOS Bosscoin BSS (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant BSS Botcoin BOT (2015-09) scrypt | pos | listed BOT Bottlecaps CAP (2013-06) scrypt | pos | listed CAP Bountycoin BOUN (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant BOUN BountyCoin BOC (2013-08) SHA2-256 | pos | extant BOC Bowcoin BSC (2015-04) x11 | pow | listed BSC Boxcoin BOX (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant BOX BoyCoin BOY (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive BOY BRCoin BRC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant BRC Breakcoin BRE (2015-08) x11 | pos | listed BRE Breakoutcoin BRO (2014-10) cryptonight | pos-pow | extant BRO Brigadecoin BRIG (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant BRIG Brightcoin BRI (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive BRI BrightCoin BRC (2015-12) scrypt | pow | extant BRC Britcoin BRIT (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant BRIT BroCoin BRO (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant BRO BrotherCoin BRC (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant BRC BTCtalkcoin TALK (2014-04) scrypt | pos | extant TALK BTIcoin BTI (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | extant BTI Bubble BUB (2015-06) scrypt | pow | listed BUB BubbleTeaCoin BUBL (2015-02) x11 | pos | unlaunched BUBL Buddhacoin BDC (2013-09) cryptonight | pow | extant BDC Buffalocoin BFL (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant BFL BulbaCoin BULBA (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant BULBA Bulbcoin BULB (2014-08) x15 | pow | extant BULB Bull City coin BCTY (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct BCTY Bullcoin TBC (2014-01) quark | pow | extant TBC Bumbacoin CLOT (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant CLOT BunnyCoin BUN (2014-05) scrypt | pow | listed BUN Burbucoin BUR (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive BUR Burnercoin BURN (2014-06) x13 | pos | inactive BURN Burnercoin2 BURN (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant BURN Burstcoin BURST (2014-08) nxt | pos | listed BURST Businesscoin BIZ (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive BIZ Butterflycoin BFC (2015-08) scrypt | pos | extant BFC Butterflycoin BFC (2013-08) SHA2-256 | pos | defunct BFC Buycoin BUY (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant BUY BuyLatercoin BLTR (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant BLTR BuyNowcoin BNC (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant BNC BUZZ BUZZ (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant BUZZ Buzzcoin BUZ (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BUZ Bwincoin BWC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant BWC Bytecent BYC (2014-10) prime6 | pow | listed BYC Bytecoin BCN (2014-03) cryptonight | pow | listed BCN Bytecoin BTE (2013-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BTE Cable Coin CAB (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant CAB CACHEcoin CACH (2014-01) scrypt-j | pos | listed CACH Cagecoin CAGE (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed CAGE CaiShen Coin CAI (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant CAI CAIx CAIX (2014-05) scrypt | pos | listed CAIX Cake coin CAKE (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive CAKE CaliforniaCoin CAC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant CAC Californium CF (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | listed CF Camcoin CAM (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant CAM CamorraCoin CAM (2014-10) scrypt | pos | extant CAM Canadacoin CDA (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant CDA CanadaEcoin CDN (2014-05) scrypt | pow | listed CDN Cancercoin CCC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | defunct CCC Candlecoin CD (2015-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant CD Candycoin YUM (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant YUM CannabisCoin CANN (2014-06) x11 | pow | listed CANN CannabisDarkcoin CND (2014-04) x11 | pos | extant CND Cannacoin CCN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed CCN Cantorcoin EIC (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive EIC CapitalCoin CPTL (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant CPTL Capitalistcoin CPL (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant CPL Capricoin CPC (2015-07) x11 | pos | listed CPC CAPTcoin CAPT (2014-07) captcha | pos | listed CAPT Carboncoin CARB (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed CARB CarbonCredit UNIT (2015-03) scrypt | pos | extant UNIT CarbonEmissionTradecoin CT (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant CT Carpediemcoin DIEM (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | listed DIEM ÇarşiCoin CARSI (2015-01) scrypt | pow | extant CARSI Cash coin CASH (2014-02) scrypt | pos | listed CASH CashMe CME (2015-08) x13 | pos | extant CME CashTakers CTK (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | extant CTK CasinoCoin CSC (2013-07) scrypt | pow | listed CSC Cassubian Detk CDT (2014-07) qubit | pow | extant CDT Cataloniacoin CATC (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant CATC CatCoin CAT (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed CAT CateDoge CTD (2014-04) SHA3-256 | pow | inactive CTD CATicoin CATI (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant CATI CCoin CC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant CC C-Coin CCN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive CCN CDNcoin CDN (2014-01) primechain | pow | extant CDN Centrifugal XCF (2015-06) x13 | pow | unlaunched XCF Cerium XCE (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant XCE Cetuscoin CETI (2014-09) scrypt | pos | extant CETI Chaincoin CHC (2014-01) c11 | pow | listed CHC ChainCoin CHAIN (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant CHAIN Chakracoin CKC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | inactive CKC Championcoin CHAM (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive CHAM Chancecoin CHA (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pob | listed CHA CharityCoin CHA (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant CHA CHARONscoin CHCO (2014-07) myriad | pow | foundered CHCO Chatcoin CHAT (2014-07) nist5 | pow | extant CHAT Chavezcoin CHVZ (2015-06) x11 | pos | foundered CHVZ CHC coin CHCC (2014-05) scrypt-j | pow | extant CHCC Checkcoin CKC (2014-07) x11 | pow | listed CKC Checkoutcoin CXC (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant CXC Cheetahcoin FAST (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive FAST Cherrycoin CHE (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant CHE CherryNote CRR (2014-07) cryptonight | pow | extant CRR ChiChi Coin UUC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant UUC Chicoin CHI (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive CHI Chikun KUN (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant KUN Chilcoin CLC (2014-10) scrypt | pow | extant CLC Chingeling CHL (2015-04) x13 | pos | extant CHL Chipcoin CHIP (2015-07) x11 | pow | listed CHIP CHNcoin CNC (2013-11) scrypt | pow | extant CNC Choclatecoin CHOC (2015-01) scrypt | pow | extant CHOC Chococoin CCC (2013-12) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive CCC ChronoSphere SPHR (2015-04) scrypt | pow | listed SPHR CinemaCoin CIC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant CIC Cinnamoncoin CIN (2013-09) scrypt | pos | extant CIN Cinnicoin CINNI (2014-04) scrypt | pos | extant CINNI Citicoin CITI (2014-09) scrypt | pow | unlaunched CITI Citizen coin CTZ (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant CTZ Citycoin CITY (2014-07) x15 | pos | extant CITY Civilisationcoin CIV (2014-09) scrypt | pos | inactive CIV Clamcoin CLAM (2014-05) scrypt | pos | listed CLAM CLAMScoin GCS (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant GCS Cleancoin CLN (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive CLN Clean Water Coin WATER (2014-03) scrypt | pos | extant WATER ClearingHouse XCH (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed XCH Cleverbot CLT (2015-09) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched CLT Clevercoin CLV (2015-05) x11 | pos | listed CLV CleverHash CHASH (2014-10) x13 | pos | extant CHASH Clickcoin CLICK (2015-08) x11 | pos | extant CLICK Cloak CLOAK (2014-05) x13 | pos | listed CLOAK Clockcoin CKC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant CKC Cloudcoin CDC (2013-07) scrypt | pos | extant CDC Cloudtokens CLOUD (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant CLOUD Clovercoin CLC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant CLC ClubCoin CLUB (2015-10) scrypt | pos | listed CLUB Clustercoin CLSTR (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant CLSTR C-Note CNOTE (2014-01) quark | pow | extant CNOTE Coca-ColaCoin ICOKE (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pos | extant ICOKE CocaineCoin COC (2014-10) scrypt | pow | extant COC CoCoCoin COCO (2014-06) x13 | pow | inactive COCO CoCoCurrency COCO (2015-04) x13 | pos | withdrawn COCO Coexistcoin COEXST (2015-06) x11 | pow | extant COEXST Coffeecoin CFC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | inactive CFC CoffeeCoin CFC2 (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant CFC2 CoiledCoin CLC (2012-01) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct CLC #coin #C (2014-02) scrypt-j | pos | extant #C Coin COIN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant COIN Coin2 C2 (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed C2 Coinaaa Coin AAA (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant AAA Coinaid CAID (2015-09) x13 | pos | listed CAID Coinapilla CPL (2015-04) x11 | pow | hostile CPL CoinAwesome AWE (2015-02) scrypt | pos | extant AWE Coinbuilder BUILD (2015-12) scrypt | pos | extant BUILD Coincoin COI (2015-07) scrypt | pow | extant COI Coinlabcoin LAB (2014-06) quark | pow | extant LAB Coinmarketscoin JBS (2014-09) scrypt | pos | listed JBS Coino COINO (2014-01) scrypt | pos | extant COINO Coinomat CNMT (2014-01) nxt | pos | extant CNMT CoinoUSD XUSD (2014-09) nxt | pos | extant XUSD Coinsy CSY (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant CSY Coin Wayne CWY (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant CWY CoinyeCoin KOI (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant KOI ColaCoin COLA (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant COLA Colbertcoin CC (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant CC Coldcoin COLD (2014-08) scrypt | pos | abandoned COLD Coloradocoin COLC (2014-09) scrypt | pow | unlaunched COLC Colorcoin CC (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant CC Colossuscoin COL (2013-08) scrypt | pos | listed COL Colossuscoin2 CV2 (2015-01) x13 | pos | listed CV2 ComCoin CC (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant CC ComedyGold LEL (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant LEL Communitycoin CTC (2013-08) scrypt | pow | stopped CTC Community coin COMM (2014-03) scrypt | pos | listed COMM Compasscoin CPC (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive CPC CompuCoin CPN (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant CPN Computercoin CMPT (2014-07) x13 | pow | inactive CMPT Comrade COM (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant COM Concealcoin CNL (2014-07) x11 | pos | listed CNL Confessioncoin CFN (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant CFN Conspiracycoin CYC (2014-04) x11 | pow | listed CYC Containercoin TEU (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant TEU Continentcoin CONT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant CONT Continuumcoin CTM (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | listed CTM Cookies CKE (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive CKE Coolcoin COOL (2014-05) scrypt | pos | listed COOL Coolingcoin CLC (2014-07) nist5 | pos | unlaunched CLC CooperationAndSolidarityCoin CAS (2014-12) x13 | pow | unlaunched CAS Cooperationcoin COOP (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant COOP CopperBars CPR (2013-08) scrypt-j | pos | extant CPR CopperCoin CU (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant CU Copperlark CLR (2013-06) SHA3-256 | pow | listed CLR Corecoin COR (2015-07) scrypt | pow | extant COR Corecoin CORE (2014-06) x15 | pos | inactive CORE CorgiCoin CORG (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed CORG CornerstoneCoin CCX (2014-04) scrypt | pos-pow | extant CCX Cosmoscoin CMC (2013-06) scrypt | pos | extant CMC Counterparty XCP (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | listed XCP Counterscoin CSC (2014-09) scrypt | pow | withdrawn CSC Coven COV (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | listed COV CowCoin COW (2015-10) scrypt | pow | extant COW CPU2Coin CP2 (2013-08) quark | pow | defunct CP2 Cpucoin CPC (2013-08) Whirlpool | pow | extant CPC Crackcoin CRK (2014-09) x11 | pos | listed CRK CraftCoin CRC (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant CRC Craigscoin CRAIG (2014-09) x11 | pos | listed CRAIG Crankcoin CRNK (2015-12) x11 | pos | extant CRNK Crapcoin CRAP (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive CRAP Crave CRAVE (2015-03) scrypt | pow | listed CRAVE Crazycoin CYC (2013-10) scrypt | pow | inactive CYC Createcoin CREAT (2014-06) x13 | pos | inactive CREAT Credit CRDE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant CRDE Creditbit CREDIT (2015-11) x11 | pow | extant CREDIT Creditcoin CRDC (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant CRDC Credits CR (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant CR Credits CRD (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant CRD CREDS XXC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant XXC CrevaCoin CREVA (2015-04) scrypt | pow | extant CREVA Criccoin CRIC (2014-09) x11 | pos | inactive CRIC CrimeaCoin CMA (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive CMA CrimeCoin CRIME (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant CRIME Crowncoin CROWN (2014-07) scrypt | pow | extant CROWN Crowncoin CC (2014-03) Fugue | pow | extant CC CrownCoin CRW (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pow | listed CRW CRYcoin CRY (2015-04) scrypt | pos | extant CRY Cryptbit CBIT (2015-09) scrypt | pow | listed CBIT CryptCash CYPT (2015-06) quark | pow | extant CYPT Cryptcoin CRYPT (2014-05) x11 | pow | listed CRYPT CryptekSilvercoin CTS (2014-09) unknown | pow | extant CTS Crypti XCR (2014-06) ellipticcurve | pos | listed XCR Crypto CTO (2015-04) lyra2re | pow | listed CTO Cryptoapples CRA (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant CRA CryptoBancor CBR (2014-12) x11 | pow | extant CBR Cryptobits CYB (2013-06) scrypt | pow | inactive CYB Cryptobuck BUK (2013-11) scrypt | pos | listed BUK CryptoBullion CBX (2014-12) scrypt | pos | extant CBX Cryptobyte CB (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant CB CryptoCircuits CIRC (2015-06) x11 | pos | listed CIRC CryptoClub CCB (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant CCB Cryptocoin CTC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant CTC Cryptocoin Inc Shares CCI (2014-09) scrypt | pos | extant CCI Cryptodollar CD (2013-09) scrypt | pow | inactive CD Cryptoeagle CREA (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant CREA CryptoEscudo CESC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed CESC CryptoFocus FCN (2015-05) x11 | pos | extant FCN Cryptogenic Bullion CGB (2013-06) scrypt | pos | listed CGB Cryptographic Anomaly CGA (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed CGA CryptographicCoin CRT (2014-05) scrypt | pow | listed CRT Cryptographic eCash XCTE (2015-07) MD5 | pos | foundered XCTE Cryptographic Triangles TRI (2014-07) x13 | pos | listed TRI Cryptoken CYT (2015-09) scrypt | pos | listed CYT Cryptoken CRYP (2015-08) scrypt | pow | abandoned CRYP CryptoLOOT LOOT (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LOOT CryptoMETH METH (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | extant METH Cryptonite XCN (2014-07) m7 | pow | listed XCN Cryptonium coin CRN (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive CRN CryptoNotecoin CNN (2014-07) cryptonight | pow | extant CNN CryptoNoteCoin CNC (2014-07) cryptonight | pow | extant CNC CryptoPennies CP (2015-06) x11 | pos | extant CP CryptoPowers CPS (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant CPS CryptoShekel SHKL (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive SHKL CryptoSpots CS (2015-02) x11 | pos | listed CS Cryptostuds CSD (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive CSD Cryptotarget CRT (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant CRT cryptoWon CWON (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant CWON CrystalCoin CRYSTAL (2014-07) x15 | pos | extant CRYSTAL CScoin CSO (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant CSO Cthulhu OFF (2013-09) scrypt | pow | extant OFF Cubit QBT (2013-11) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive QBT Cummingtonite CUM (2014-09) scrypt | pos | extant CUM Curecoin CURE (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed CURE CurrencyofLight CURA (2015-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant CURA Curvatures CURVES (2015-07) x11 | pos | extant CURVES Cybercoin CYC (2015-09) scrypt | pow | foundered CYC CyberCoin CC (2015-03) scrypt | pos | listed CC Cyclecoin CCC (2014-03) scrypt | pos | stopped CCC Cyclingcoin CYC (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant CYC Cypher CYP (2015-03) qubit | pos | listed CYP Cypherfunks FUNK (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant FUNK Czarcoin CZR (2014-10) scrypt | pos | extant CZR Czechcoin CZC (2014-06) myriad | pow | unlaunched CZC CzechCrownCoin CZC (2014-08) scrypt-n | pow | listed CZC Czecoin CZECO (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant CZECO Dadcoin DAD (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | extant DAD DaffyBucks DFY (2015-04) scrypt | pos-pow | unlaunched DFY DafuqCoin DFQ (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant DFQ DaggaCoin DAG (2015-03) x13 | pos | unlaunched DAG DaMaCoin DMC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant DMC DarkBit DB (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant DB Darkblock DBLO (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant DBLO Darkcash DRKC (2014-07) x11 | pos | listed DRKC DarkCash DSK (2015-10) stackhash | pos | extant DSK Darkchaincoin DC (2014-08) x11 | pow | withdrawn DC Darkcoin DARK (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pos | listed DARK DarkCorgi DCORG (2015-09) scrypt | pow | foundered DCORG DarkCrave DCC (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant DCC DarkCredit DKC (2015-02) x13 | pos | extant DKC DarkCypher DCYP (2015-10) x11 | pos | extant DCYP Darkether DETH (2015-08) x11 | pos | extant DETH DarkEyeCoin XE (2015-07) scrypt | pow | extant XE DarkFoxcoin DRX (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos | inactive DRX DarkGold DGD (2014-12) x13 | pos | unlaunched DGD DarkKush DANK (2014-10) x13 | pos | extant DANK DarkNetCoin DNC (2014-10) SHA3-512 | pow | extant DNC Darknetmarketcoin DMC (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant DMC Darkpay DRKPY (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched DRKPY DarkPeer DPC (2014-09) scrypt | pos | extant DPC DarkScrypt DASC (2015-04) scrypt | pow | unlaunched DASC DarkShibe DSB (2014-10) scrypt | pos | listed DSB DarkSig DSIG (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pos | extant DSIG Darkswift DS (2014-11) x13 | pow | extant DS DarkToken DT (2014-09) nist5 | pow | extant DT Darktron DRKT (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | listed DRKT Dash DASH (2014-01) x11 | pow | listed DASH Dashcoin DSH (2014-07) cryptonight | pow | listed DSH DashLite DASHL (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant DASHL Datacoin DTC (2013-11) primechain | pow | listed DTC DaVinciCoin DAV (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant DAV Daycoin DAC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive DAC DayTraderCoin DTC (2014-10) x13 | pos | listed DTC DeafDollars DEAF (2014-11) scrypt | pow | extant DEAF DeathisNear DIN (2015-08) x11 | pos | unlaunched DIN Debtcoin DBT (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant DBT Decennary ARY (2015-11) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched ARY Deciphercoin DEC (2015-10) scrypt | pow | extant DEC DecryptRcoin DECR (2015-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant DECR Deepcoin DCN (2014-06) trisha | pow | extant DCN Defusedcoin DEC (2015-05) scrypt | pow | extant DEC DeleteCoin DEL (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive DEL Deltacoin DELTA (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive DELTA DeltaCredits DCR (2015-08) x11 | pos | listed DCR DeluxCoin DLUX (2015-10) scrypt | pos | extant DLUX DemonCoin DC (2015-09) scrypt | pow | extant DC Demonic DMON (2015-10) quark | pos | extant DMON Denarius DRS (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant DRS DeOxyRiboseCoin XNA (2015-05) thiamine | pos | extant XNA DeOxyRiboseCoin DNA (2015-03) x11 | pos | unlaunched DNA Desicoin DESI (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant DESI Destinycoin DTC (2014-03) scrypt-j | pow | defunct DTC Deucecoin DEUCE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive DEUCE Deutsche eMark DEM (2013-10) SHA2-256 | pos | listed DEM Devascoin DEC (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant DEC Devcoin DVC (2013-08) SHA2-256 | pow | listed DVC Diamond DMD (2013-06) scrypt | pos | listed DMD DiamondBack DBK (2014-08) cryptonight | pow | extant DBK DianKacoin YXC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive YXC Dibbits DIBS (2015-06) scrypt | pos | listed DIBS Dicecoin DC (2014-06) x13 | pos | inactive DC Dieselcoin DZL (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive DZL Diffcoin DIFF (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant DIFF Diggits DGT (2015-07) scrypt | pos | extant DGT DIGI DIGI (2015-01) scrypt | pow | unlaunched DIGI DigiByte DGB (2014-01) scrypt | pos | listed DGB Digicube CUBE (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pos | listed CUBE DigiEuro SCRYPT DEUR (2015-06) scrypt | pow | extant DEUR DigiEuroSHA256 DEUR (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant DEUR Digigems DGMS (2015-01) scrypt | pow | extant DGMS Digit DIG (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant DIG Digitalcoin DGC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed DGC DigitalCommercecoin DCM (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant DCM DigitalCredits DGCS (2015-11) SHA2-256 | pow | listed DGCS DigitalPrice DP (2014-10) x11 | pow | listed DP DigitalTaler DTR (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant DTR Dijkstracoin DKC (2014-06) scrypt | pos | defunct DKC Dilmacoin DILMA (2014-03) x11 | pow | extant DILMA Dimecoin DIME (2013-12) quark | pow | listed DIME Dimecoindirty DIRT (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant DIRT Dinarcoin IQD (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant IQD Dinosaurcoin DINO (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive DINO Diocoin DIO (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant DIO Diode DIO (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant DIO Diraccoin XDQ (2014-05) BLAKE | pow | listed XDQ Dirkcoin DKC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant DKC DirtyCoin DIT (2014-10) x11 | pow | foundered DIT Discountcoin DCT (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pos | extant DCT DisneyCoin IDISNEY (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pos | extant IDISNEY Distroblitz DB (2014-04) scrypt | pos | extant DB Distrocoin DISTRO (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive DISTRO Dizhucoin DIZ (2014-09) x13 | pos | extant DIZ DNAcoin XNA (2015-03) cryptonight | pow | unlaunched XNA DNotes NOTE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed NOTE Dobbscoin BOB (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed BOB DoctorByte DB (2014-12) cryptonight | pos | extant DB DogeBlackCoin DOGEBC (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pow | extant DOGEBC Dogecoin DOGE (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed DOGE DogecoinCash DOGEC (2015-07) scrypt | pow | abandoned DOGEC DogecoinDark DD (2014-09) x13 | pos | extant DD DogeCoinDark DOGED (2014-10) scrypt | pos | listed DOGED DogeGorecoin DGORE (2015-02) x11 | pow | extant DGORE Dogeparty XDP (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed XDP Dojecoin DOJE (2014-05) scrypt | pos | inactive DOJE Dokdocoin DDC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant DDC DollarPound DPZ (2013-08) scrypt | pow | extant DPZ DolphinCoin DOLP (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant DOLP Domecoin DOME (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant DOME Donatecoin DON (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant DON Donationcoin DON (2014-04) scrypt | pow | listed DON Doomcoin DOOM (2014-07) Luffa | pow | extant DOOM DopeCoin DOPE (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed DOPE Doscoin DOS (2014-08) x13 | pos | abandoned DOS DoshKapitalcoin DOSH (2014-08) cryptonight | pow | extant DOSH Dotacoin DOC (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant DOC Dotcoin DOT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant DOT Doublecoin XDBL (2014-03) novel | unknown | extant XDBL DoubleEaglecoin XDE (2014-08) x15 | pos | extant XDE Doubloon DBL (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed DBL Dougcoin DOUG (2014-03) quark | pow | extant DOUG Down coin DOWN (2014-04) scrypt-n | pow | unlaunched DOWN Doxcoin DOX (2015-04) scrypt | pos | extant DOX DRACHMacoin DRAC (2014-05) myriad | pow | extant DRAC DraculaCoin DRA (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant DRA Draftcoin DFT (2015-11) scrypt | pos | listed DFT DragonCoin DNC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant DNC Dragonsphere XDB (2015-03) x11 | pos | unlaunched XDB Drcoin ISK (2013-09) scrypt | pow | extant ISK Dreamcoin DRM (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant DRM DrizzyCoin DRKE (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant DRKE Droidz DRZ (2015-04) qubit | pos | listed DRZ Dropcoin DROP (2015-05) droplp | pow | extant DROP Dubcoin DUB (2014-08) x15 | pos | defunct DUB Dubeucoin DBU (2014-12) scrypt | pow | unlaunched DBU Dubstep DUB (2015-06) qubit | pos | extant DUB Dubstepcoin WUBS (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive WUBS Ducats DUC (2014-01) quark | pow | extant DUC DuckDuckCoin DUCK (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive DUCK duckNote XDN (2014-05) cryptonight | pow | listed XDN Dulorcoin DUL (2014-07) x13 | pos | inactive DUL DumDumGumGum DUMDUM (2015-04) x11 | pow | extant DUMDUM Dvorakoin DVK (2014-05) myriad | pow | extant DVK Dynamiccoin DC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive DC Dynasty DYN (2015-08) scrypt | pos | extant DYN Eagle EA (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant EA Eaglecoin EAGLE (2014-07) scrypt | pow | foundered EAGLE EagleCoin EGC (2013-07) scrypt | pow | inactive EGC EAGScurrency EAGS (2014-12) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched EAGS EarthCoin EAC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed EAC EarthDollar ED (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant ED EasterCoin ETR (2014-05) quark | pow | extant ETR Ebolacoin EBOLI (2014-09) scrypt | pos | unlaunched EBOLI EbolaShares EBOLA (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant EBOLA ECash CASH (2015-02) x11 | pow | extant CASH ECCoin ECC (2014-04) scrypt | pos | listed ECC eCent ECNT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive ECNT EchoCoin ECHO (2014-10) scrypt | pow | foundered ECHO Eclipse ECP (2015-08) quark | pos | extant ECP Ecocoin ECO (2013-08) scrypt | pow | inactive ECO eCoin ECN (2014-02) SHA3-256 | pow | extant ECN ECurrency ISO (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ISO Edge EDGE (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | inactive EDGE Edgecoin EDC (2014-03) x15 | pos | inactive EDC EdisonX3 EDISON (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive EDISON eDollar EDC (2013-07) scrypt | pow | inactive EDC EduCoin EDU (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant EDU EdwardSnowdenCoin ESC (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ESC Eggcoin EGG (2015-04) scrypt | pos | extant EGG EiniaOraCoin EOC (2015-06) scrypt | pos | unlaunched EOC Einsteinium EMC2 (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed EMC2 Eirecoin EIR (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive EIR Ekitacoin EKITA (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant EKITA Ekrona KRN (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant KRN Elacoin ELC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed ELC Electric ELE (2014-01) scrypt | pow | superseded ELE ElectricCoin VOLT (2014-01) scrypt | pos | inactive VOLT Electroncoin ELT (2014-05) BLAKE | pow | listed ELT ElectronicBenefitTransfer EBT (2014-01) scrypt | pos | extant EBT ElectronicGeoCacheCoin EC (2014-12) scrypt | pow | withdrawn EC Electronic Gulden EFL (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed EFL Electronic Lira LIRE (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant LIRE ElectronicYen EYEN (2014-03) x11 | pow | extant EYEN Elektron EKN (2015-04) x13 | pos | listed EKN Element ELM (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pos | extant ELM ElephantCoin ELP (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant ELP Elira ELIRA (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant ELIRA Elitecoin ELITE (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant ELITE EmbargoCoin EBG (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant EBG Emerald EMD (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed EMD Emercoin EMC (2013-12) SHA2-256 | pos | listed EMC EmiratesCoin UAE (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant UAE EMoney ECASH (2015-02) SHA2-256 | pos | extant ECASH Emoticoin EMO (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant EMO Emperor coin EPC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive EPC EmpoCredits XEMP (2015-08) x11 | pos | extant XEMP Emptycoin EMP (2015-08) scrypt | pos | extant EMP Empyrean EPY (2015-04) scrypt | pow | extant EPY Emucoin EMU (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | inactive EMU Endthebloodshed BLOOD (2014-07) qubit | pos | unlaunched BLOOD Energycoin ENRG (2014-05) scrypt | pos | listed ENRG Enigmacoin XEN (2015-04) x11 | pos | extant XEN EnigmaCoin ENC (2015-04) x13 | pos | extant ENC Entertaincoin ETC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant ETC Entropybit EBT (2014-01) scrypt | pos | extant EBT EntropyCoin ENC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant ENC Entrustcoin ETRUST (2015-04) scrypt | pos | extant ETRUST EnvyCoin ENVY (2014-09) x11 | pow | unlaunched ENVY EonCoin EON (2014-04) scrypt | pos | extant EON ePayerCoin PAYER (2015-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PAYER Equalicoin EQC (2014-07) scrypt | pow | extant EQC EquestrianBit EQB (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive EQB Equilibria EQI (2015-09) SHA3-256 | pow | abandoned EQI EquilibriumCoin EQM (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant EQM EquinoxManagement EQX (2014-08) x11 | pos | defunct EQX Ermahgerd EMG (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant EMG Ermiscoin ERM (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pos | extant ERM Error502Coin 502 (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant 502 ErrorCoin ERR (2015-07) scrypt | pow | extant ERR EscudoPt ESC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant ESC ESportsCoin ESC (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant ESC eSportsMoney ESM (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive ESM eTaler TALER (2014-07) SHA2-512 | pow | inactive TALER Eternalcoin ETC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive ETC EternalCoin ETC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive ETC Eternitycoin ETC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | defunct ETC Ethancoin ETHAN (2014-07) nist5 | pos | extant ETHAN Ethanolium C2H5OH (2015-09) cryptonight | pow | extant C2H5OH Ethercoin ETC (2014-09) scrypt | pos | extant ETC EtherDoge DOGETH (2015-08) x11 | pos | unlaunched DOGETH Ethereum ETH (2014-01) Dagger | pow | listed ETH EthereumDark ETD (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant ETD Eticoin ETC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant ETC eToken ETOK (2014-01) scrypt | pos | extant ETOK Euphoriacoin EUP (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant EUP Euphoriacoin EUPH (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant EUPH Eurobit EBI (2014-02) scrypt | pow | defunct EBI Eurocoin EUC (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pow | listed EUC EuroCoin EUK (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant EUK Europacoin EUROPA (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant EUROPA Europecoin ERC (2014-05) x11 | pos | listed ERC eUtopiumCoin UPM (2014-07) nist5 | pos | extant UPM EventToken EVENT (2014-10) scrypt | pos | extant EVENT Evergreencoin EGC (2015-12) x15 | pos | extant EGC Evilcoin EVIL (2015-12) x11 | pos | unlaunched EVIL Evolvecoin EVC (2014-08) scrypt | pow | inactive EVC Evotion EVO (2015-11) SHA2-256 | pos | listed EVO ExaByte EXB (2015-05) myriad | pow | extant EXB Exchangecoin EXC (2014-04) myriad | pow | unlaunched EXC ExclusiveCoin EXCL (2014-09) x11 | pos-pow | listed EXCL Execoin EXE (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | listed EXE Exilecoin EXN (2013-12) scrypt | pos | inactive EXN Exocoin EXO (2014-01) unknown | pow | unlaunched EXO Expanse EXP (2015-09) Dagger | pow | listed EXP Experiencecoin EPC (2014-11) scrypt | pow | foundered EPC Extractcoin XTR (2015-01) scrypt | pow | extant XTR ExtremeCoin EXC (2013-08) scrypt | pos | listed EXC EZCoin EZC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant EZC FacebookCoin FBC (2014-04) scrypt | pos | unlaunched FBC Fade FADE (2015-05) x11 | pos | extant FADE FailCoin FAIL (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant FAIL Fairbrix FBX (2011-10) scrypt | pow | defunct FBX Fairbytecoin FBT (2014-07) x13 | pow | extant FBT FairCoin FAIR (2014-03) scrypt | pos | listed FAIR Fairquark FRQ (2014-01) quark | pow | extant FRQ FakeCoin FKC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant FKC Falcoin FALC (2014-07) nist5 | pow | extant FALC FaldoranScrypt FSC (2014-11) scrypt | pow | extant FSC Fantom FNX (2015-10) velvet | pos | listed FNX Fantomcoin FCN (2014-05) cryptonight | pow | listed FCN Fastcoin FST (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed FST Fastcoin2 FSC2 (2013-05) scrypt | pow | defunct FSC2 FastcoinSHA FSS (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FSS Fatecoin FATE (2014-03) scrypt-j | pow | extant FATE FateofWhale WHL (2015-03) scrypt | pow | unlaunched WHL Faucetcoin FEC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant FEC Faucetcoin DROP (2015-10) x13 | pos | extant DROP FBcoin XFB (2014-06) scrypt | pos | inactive XFB Fckbankscoin FCK (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant FCK Feathercoin FTC (2013-04) scrypt | pow | listed FTC FeatherCoinClassic FTCC (2015-02) scrypt | pow | extant FTCC FederalReserveCoin FRSC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | defunct FRSC FedoraCoin TIPS (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed TIPS Feecoin FEE (2015-03) pluck-128 | pow | unlaunched FEE Feelscoin FEEL (2014-04) scrypt | pos | extant FEEL FellatioCoin BLO (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant BLO Ferengicoin FER (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FER Ferretcoin FEC (2013-07) scrypt-j | pos | extant FEC Fetishcoin FETISH (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | listed FETISH FFFCoin FFF (2015-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FFF FHRITPcoin FRED (2014-08) x15 | pow | extant FRED Fiatcoin FIAT (2014-06) unknown | pos | unlaunched FIAT Fibrecoin FIBRE (2014-08) nist5 | pos | listed FIBRE FIFAWCcoin FWCC (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant FWCC FiftyShadesofCoin FIFTY (2015-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FIFTY FileBitcoin FBIT (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive FBIT Filecoin FC (2014-03) novel | pow | unlaunched FC FilmCoin FILM (2014-07) x13 | pos | inactive FILM FimKcoin FIMK (2014-05) nxt | pos | listed FIMK Findcoin FIND (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant FIND Finercoin XFC (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant XFC Firecoin FIRE (2014-06) x15 | pos | extant FIRE Firecoin FEC (2014-01) scrypt-j | pos | defunct FEC Firecoin2 FC2 (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant FC2 FireflyCoin FFC (2013-10) SHA2-256 | pow | listed FFC FireGeek GEEK (2015-04) x11 | pow | extant GEEK Fire-ice FICE (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant FICE FirstAfricanCoin FACC (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant FACC Fishcoin FISH (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant FISH FistBumpcoin FIST (2015-06) x13 | pos | listed FIST Fitcoin FIT (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant FIT FiveHundredCoins FHC (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FHC Fixcoin FIX (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant FIX FlappyCoin FLAP (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed FLAP Flashcoin FLC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | defunct FLC FlashCoin FLASH (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant FLASH Flaxcoin FLAX (2015-06) c11 | pow | extant FLAX FlexCoin FCX (2015-09) SHA2-256 | pow | foundered FCX Flexiblecoin FLEX (2014-08) x15 | pos | extant FLEX Flirtcoin FLIRT (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FLIRT Floridacoin FLC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive FLC FlorinCoin FLO (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed FLO Floripacoin FLN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive FLN FlowerCoin FLOW (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant FLOW Floz FLOZ (2015-11) SHA2-256 | pos | listed FLOZ Fluttercoin FLT (2014-04) scrypt | pow | listed FLT Flux FLX (2014-05) SHA3-256 | pow | extant FLX Flycoin FLY (2015-08) x13 | pos | listed FLY Foldingcoin FLDC (2014-07) folding | pos | extant FLDC FonzieCoin XFC (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pos | extant XFC Football2014coin FBC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant FBC Footballcoin FBC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive FBC ForeverCoin XFC (2014-12) SHA2-256 | pos | extant XFC Forexcoin FRX (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive FRX Forumcoin FRM (2014-07) x13 | pow | inactive FRM Forvikcoin FKG (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FKG FourOhFourCoin FOF (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant FOF FoxCoin FOX (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive FOX Fractalcoin FRAC (2014-06) x11 | pow | listed FRAC Franko FRK (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed FRK FreeAnonymousInternet FAI (2015-09) mhash | pow | foundered FAI FreebiesCoin FREEB (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant FREEB Freecoin FRE (2015-10) scrypt-j | pow | extant FRE Freedom FRDC (2015-09) x11 | pos | listed FRDC Freedomcoin FDC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | unlaunched FDC Freemasoncoin FMC (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FMC Freicoin FRC (2011-02) SHA2-256 | pos | listed FRC FrenchGenius GENIUS (2015-02) scrypt | pos | extant GENIUS Frequency FREQ (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched FREQ Freshcoin FRSH (2014-06) fresh | pow | listed FRSH Frictionlesscoin FLC (2014-04) friction | pow | unlaunched FLC Friendshipcoin FSC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant FSC FriendshipCoin2 FSC2 (2015-01) scrypt | pos | extant FSC2 Frogcoin FGC (2015-03) scrypt | pow | extant FGC FrozenCoin FZ (2013-12) quark | pow | extant FZ Fruppocoin FRP (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pow | foundered FRP Frycoin FRY (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive FRY Fuckcoin FUCK (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive FUCK Fucoin FU (2015-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FU FUDcoin FUD (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FUD FuelCoin FC2 (2014-04) x11 | pos | listed FC2 FuelCoin FUEL (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant FUEL Fuguecoin FC (2014-03) Fugue | pow | extant FC Fujicoin FJC (2014-05) scrypt-n-f | pow | listed FJC FullIntegritycoin FIC (2014-10) scrypt | pow | listed FIC Funcoin FUN (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant FUN FunCoin FNC (2014-12) x11 | pos | virused FNC Functioncoin FCC (2014-05) hefty1 | pow | extant FCC FundCoin FUND (2014-08) x13 | pos | inactive FUND FunUnderCoinKing FUCK (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | foundered FUCK FuriousandFast FAF (2015-09) x13 | pos | unlaunched FAF FurryCoin FUR (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive FUR Fusecoin FUSE (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant FUSE Fusion FSN (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant FSN Fusioncoin FSC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant FSC Futcoin FUT (2015-02) x13 | pos | extant FUT Futurecash FRC (2015-08) scrypt | pos | extant FRC Futurecoin KFC (2014-05) trisha | pow | defunct KFC Futurecoin FTR (2014-05) nxt | pos | unlaunched FTR Fuzonc FZN (2014-08) nxt | pos | extant FZN Fuzzballs FUZZ (2015-09) scrypt | pow | inactive FUZZ FVZcoincoin FVZ (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant FVZ G8coin G8 (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive G8 GabeCoin GAC (2015-08) scrypt | pow | abandoned GAC Gabencoin GBN (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive GBN GadgetCoin GDC (2014-11) unknown | poc | unlaunched GDC Gadsdencoin GAD (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant GAD Gaelcoin GAC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive GAC GAIAcoin GAIA (2014-10) scrypt | pos | listed GAIA GalacticCreditStandard GCR (2015-08) x11 | pow | extant GCR Galaxycoin GLX (2013-07) scrypt | pos | extant GLX Galleon GLN (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | inactive GLN Galtcoin GLT (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive GLT Gambit GAM (2015-05) scrypt | pos | listed GAM GameCoin GME (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant GME GameCredits GMC (2015-03) scrypt | pow | listed GMC GameCryptocoin GEC (2014-06) x11 | pos | inactive GEC Gameleaguecoin GML (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant GML GamerHolicCoin GHC (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pos-pow | listed GHC GamersCoin GMC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant GMC GammaCoin GMC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant GMC Gangnamstylecoin GSC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive GSC Ganjacoin GANJA (2014-10) x14 | pos | extant GANJA Gapcoin GAP (2014-10) primegap | pow | extant GAP Gascoin GAS (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant GAS Gascoin GAS (2015-02) x11 | pos | extant GAS GascoinExtreme GSX (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant GSX Gatescoin GTC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive GTC Gatlingcoin GC (2014-03) scrypt | pos | extant GC Gaycoin GAY (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant GAY GBCGoldCoin GBC (2015-04) scrypt | pos | extant GBC GB Coin GBC (2014-04) scrypt-n | pow | extant GBC GCoin GCN (2014-11) scrypt | pow | listed GCN Geekkoscoin GEEK (2014-10) scrypt | pos | extant GEEK GeistGeld GG (2011-09) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct GG Genercoin GEN (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant GEN Genesiscoin GENE (2015-06) scrypt | pow | extant GENE GenesisCoin GNS (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | inactive GNS GenesysCoin GSY (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pos | listed GSY Genius GNS (2015-05) scrypt | pow | extant GNS Genstake GEN (2015-06) scrypt | pos | listed GEN GeoCoin GEO (2013-08) scrypt | pow | listed GEO Germanycoin GER (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant GER Ghostcoin GHC (2014-03) scrypt | pos | inactive GHC GhostCoin GHOST (2014-10) x11 | pos | stopped GHOST Ghoul GHOUL (2015-08) scrypt | pow | abandoned GHOUL Giarcoin GIARCOC (2014-04) scrypt-n | pow | inactive GIARCOC GiftCardCoin GIFT (2015-03) x13 | pos | extant GIFT Giftcoin GFT (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive GFT GigaCoin GIG (2014-10) fresh | pos | extant GIG GilCoin GIL (2013-07) scrypt | pow | inactive GIL Gimpcoin GMP (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant GMP GirlCoin GIRL (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive GIRL Giveawaycoin GC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant GC Givebackcoin GIV (2014-05) myriad | pow | extant GIV Give Coin GIVE (2014-04) x11 | pow | listed GIVE Gizmocoin GIZ (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant GIZ Glaricoin GLC (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct GLC Glidecoin GLIDE (2015-04) scrypt | por | extant GLIDE GlobalBoost BST (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant BST GlobalBoost-Y BSTY (2014-09) scrypt | pow | listed BSTY GlobalCoin GLC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed GLC Globalcurrency GLOBE (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant GLOBE GlobalCurrencyReserve GCR (2015-08) scrypt | pos | listed GCR Global Denomination GDN (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant GDN GlobalInternetcoin GIC (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant GIC Globe GLB (2013-12) SHA2-256 | pow | extant GLB GlowCoin GLOW (2014-10) x13 | pos | extant GLOW Glowshares GSX (2014-11) scrypt | pos | extant GSX Glyphcoin GLYPH (2014-06) x11 | pos | listed GLYPH Gnosiscoin GNS (2014-09) scrypt | pos | extant GNS Goalcoin GOAL (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant GOAL Goat GOAT (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant GOAT Gobangcoin GBC (2014-09) x11 | pos | extant GBC Godcoin GDC (2014-06) x11 | pow | inactive GDC Goddesscoin GODD (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant GODD Godzillacoin ZILLA (2014-05) Grøstl | pos | extant ZILLA Gold Backed Coin GBC (2014-04) ripple | pow | extant GBC GoldBars GDB (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant GDB GoldCoin GLD (2013-10) scrypt | pow | listed GLD GoldenLoafcoin GLY (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant GLY Gold Flexibly JRY (2013-09) scrypt | pow | extant JRY Goldpieces GP (2015-01) x11 | pos | listed GP Gold Pressed Latinum GPL (2013-08) scrypt-j | pos | extant GPL GoldReserve XGR (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant XGR GoldRushcoin GOLDR (2015-06) scrypt | pow | extant GOLDR GoldRushcoin GRC (2014-12) scrypt | pos-pow | extant GRC Goldstake GDST (2015-06) x13 | pos | extant GDST Golfcoin GOLF (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive GOLF Gollumcoin GLM (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive GLM Gongyicoin GYC (2015-07) x13 | pow | listed GYC Goodbye coin BYE (2014-02) scrypt | pow | foundered BYE GoodCoin GOOD (2014-05) scrypt | pos-pow | listed GOOD GoodLuck GLUCK (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | abandoned GLUCK GorillaBalloons GBLS (2015-08) scrypt | pow | abandoned GBLS GorillaBucks BUCKS (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | extant BUCKS Gorillateeth TEETH (2015-04) scrypt | pos | stopped TEETH Gotfomo? GTFO (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | abandoned GTFO Goxcoin GOX (2014-04) scrypt | pos | extant GOX GPU Coin GPUC (2014-04) scrypt-n | pow | extant GPUC Graffiti GRF (2015-07) scrypt | pos | listed GRF Grain GRA (2013-12) scrypt | pos | extant GRA Gramcoin GRAM (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant GRAM GrandCoin GDC (2013-07) scrypt | pow | listed GDC Granite GRN (2014-05) x11 | pos | listed GRN Grantcoin GRT (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | listed GRT Graph GRAPH (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant GRAPH Graphene GRP (2014-03) scrypt-j | pow | extant GRP Graviton GRAV (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant GRAV Grdtcoin GRDT (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive GRDT Greececoin GRCE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant GRCE Greed GREED (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant GREED Greedcoin GDC (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant GDC GreedEvolved GE (2015-07) scrypt | pow | extant GE Greekcoin GRK (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant GRK GreenBacks GB (2014-08) nist5 | pos | listed GB Greencoin GRE (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant GRE GreenCoinX GREX (2015-02) x11 | pow | foundered GREX Grexitcoin GREXIT (2015-07) x11 | pos | unlaunched GREXIT GreyCoin GREY (2015-09) c29 | pow | unlaunched GREY GridBit GRID (2014-08) x13 | pos | abandoned GRID Gridcoin Classic GRCX (2013-11) scrypt | pow | extant GRCX Gridcoin Research GRC (2014-08) boinc | por | listed GRC Gridmaster GMC (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | inactive GMC Grifcoin GFC (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant GFC Griftcoin GRIFT (2014-07) x17 | pos | unlaunched GRIFT GroestlCoin GRS (2014-03) Grøstl | pow | listed GRS Groincoin GXG (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant GXG Groupcoin GPC (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant GPC GroupCoin GRP (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct GRP Growcoin GROW (2014-11) scrypt | pos | extant GROW GrowthCoin GRW (2013-08) scrypt | pos | extant GRW Grumpycoin GRUMP (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant GRUMP Gryfencoin GRYF (2014-07) x15 | pow | extant GRYF GSCcoin GSC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant GSC GSMcoin GSM (2015-02) x11 | pos | extant GSM GuarantCoin GTC (2014-04) scrypt-n | pow | extant GTC Guarany GUA (2014-12) scrypt | pow | listed GUA Guccionecoin GCC (2015-06) scrypt | pos | foundered GCC Guccione Crypto Moneta GCMA (2015-06) scrypt | pos | foundered GCMA Guerillacoin GUE (2014-06) x11 | pos | listed GUE Guineacoin GUINEA (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pow | extant GUINEA Guldencoin NLG (2014-04) scrypt | pow | listed NLG Guncoin GUN (2014-05) scrypt | pow | listed GUN Guzhicoin XPC (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant XPC Gytecoin GEC (2014-09) scrypt | pow | extant GEC H2Ocoin H2O (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant H2O h4xx0rcoin H4X (2013-07) scrypt | pos | extant H4X HackCoin HACK (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant HACK Hadokencoin HDK (2014-05) scrypt | pos | inactive HDK Halcyoncoin HAL (2014-08) x15 | pos | listed HAL Halfcoin HLFC (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant HLFC Hamburgercoin HAC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant HAC Hamradiocoin HAM (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pow | listed HAM Hamstercoin HAM (2013-12) scrypt | pow | unlaunched HAM HansaCoin HANSA (2015-01) scrypt | pos | extant HANSA HappyCoin HPY (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant HPY Harcoin HAR (2014-09) myriad | pow | unlaunched HAR HardCidercoin WHC (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant WHC Hardforkcoin HFC (2014-08) BLAKE | pow | extant HFC Harmonycoin HMY (2014-01) x13 | pos | extant HMY HashBars HSB (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant HSB Hashcoin HASH (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant HASH HashPay HAP (2015-06) scrypt | pos | extant HAP Hawaiicoin HIC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive HIC Hayekcoin HAYEK (2015-05) scrypt | pos | abandoned HAYEK Hayekcoin HKC (2013-6) scrypt | pow | unlaunched HKC Hazecoin HAZE (2015-07) scrypt | pow | extant HAZE HazMatCoin HZT (2015-04) scrypt | pos | listed HZT Heavycoin HVC (2014-04) hefty1 | pow | listed HVC Hedge HEDG (2015-06) x13 | pow | extant HEDG Heelcoin HEEL (2015-07) scrypt | pos | listed HEEL Heisenberg HEX (2014-04) scrypt | pow | listed HEX Helixcoin HXC (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | extant HXC Hellascoin HLC (2014-12) scrypt | pow | extant HLC Helleniccoin HNC (2015-02) scrypt | pow | listed HNC Helveticacoin CHC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive CHC Hempcoin THC (2014-03) scrypt | pos | listed THC HempFarmcoin THC (2014-09) scrypt | pos-pow | extant THC Heracoin HRC (2014-03) scrypt-j | pow | extant HRC Herocoin HRO (2014-02) scrypt-j | pow | extant HRO Hertzcoin HZ (2014-08) x13 | pos-pow | listed HZ Hexacoin HEX (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant HEX Hexion HXC (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pos | extant HXC Hexx HXX (2015-06) scrypt | pos | foundered HXX HighFiveCoin H5C (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant H5C Hirocoin HIRO (2014-03) x11 | pow | listed HIRO Hispacoin HPC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive HPC Hive HIVE (2015-09) hive | pos | extant HIVE Hmoobcoin HMO (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive HMO Hobbitcoin HBC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive HBC HoboNickels HBN (2013-07) scrypt | pos | listed HBN Homocoin GAY (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant GAY Hongketocoin HKC (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant HKC Hongkongcoin HKC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant HKC Honorcoin XHC (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant XHC HonorCoin HC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant HC Honorcoin2 XHC (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant XHC HooliganPound HOP (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant HOP Horsecoin HORS (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive HORS HorsePowerCoin HSP (2015-09) scrypt | pow | extant HSP Horuscoin RX (2014-06) scrypt-n-r | pow | inactive RX Hotcoin HOT (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant HOT Hotdogcoin HDC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant HDC Hotelcoin HOTEL (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant HOTEL HouseMonkeycoin HMC (2014-12) fresh | pow | extant HMC Houseofcoins HOC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive HOC Htmlcoin HTML (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant HTML HTMLCoin HTML5 (2014-09) x15 | pos | listed HTML5 Huaxiabicoin HXC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant HXC Huitong HC (2013-10) scrypt | pow | extant HC HumanCoin HMC (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant HMC Hundredcoin HUN (2014-09) scrypt | pow | listed HUN HunterCoin HUC (2014-01) scrypt | pos | listed HUC Huskycoin HC (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant HC Hydrogencoin H2 (2015-06) scrypt | pos | foundered H2 Hyper HYPER (2014-05) scrypt | pos | listed HYPER Hypercoin HYC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | inactive HYC Hyperstakecoin HYP (2014-07) x11 | pos | listed HYP I0Coin I0C (2011-09) SHA2-256 | pos | listed I0C Iamcoin IAM (2015-09) x11 | pow | foundered IAM IaurabCoin IAURAB (2014-05) x11 | pos | unlaunched IAURAB iBits IBIT (2015-07) scrypt | pos | abandoned IBIT ICash ICASH (2015-03) x11 | pow | listed ICASH Iceberg ICB (2014-07) nist5 | pos | listed ICB IceCoin ICE (2013-06) scrypt | pow | defunct ICE Icecube45 coin ICE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant ICE ICOCoin ICO (2015-09) scrypt | pos | extant ICO iCoin ICN (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed ICN IconicExpertCoin IEC (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant IEC IconicXcoin ICNX (2014-10) x11 | pos | extant ICNX IdeaCoin IDC (2015-07) nist5 | pow | extant IDC Illuminati ILM (2015-06) x11 | pos | abandoned ILM ILoveYoucoin ILY (2015-03) scrypt | pos-pow | extant ILY IMAcreditcoin IMAC (2014-09) scrypt-n | pow | extant IMAC ImperialCoin IPC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant IPC ImperialCoin IMP (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant IMP ImperiumCoin IMPC (2014-10) scrypt | pow | extant IMPC IMPSasset IMPS (2014-10) nxt | pos | extant IMPS Incakoin NKA (2013-11) SHA2-256 | pos | listed NKA Incogcoin ICG (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant ICG Index IDX (2015-08) x11 | pow | extant IDX Indexcoin IDC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | defunct IDC IndoCoin IDC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive IDC Industrycoin IND (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant IND Infinitecoin IFC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed IFC Infinium-8coin INF8 (2014-07) cryptonight | pow | extant INF8 Influxcoin INFX (2015-08) x11 | pos | listed INFX Informationcoin ITC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant ITC INKcoin INK (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | inactive INK InkWayCoin LKNX (2014-09) x11 | pos | inactive LKNX Insanitycoin WOLF (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant WOLF Insanitycoin INS (2014-12) scrypt | pow | extant INS Insertcoin ISC (2014-02) scrypt-j | pow | unlaunched ISC Instacoin INS (2013-08) scrypt | pos | extant INS InstaMineNuggets MINE (2015-02) scrypt | pow | extant MINE InstaMineNuggetsA MINEW (2015-02) scrypt | pow | extant MINEW InstaMineNuggetsB MINEZ (2015-02) scrypt | pow | extant MINEZ Instantcoin BTI (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pow | extant BTI InstantDEX DEX (2014-04) nxt | pos | extant DEX Instapay IPC (2014-03) scrypt-j | pow | unlaunched IPC Intellect ITL (2015-03) x11 | pos | extant ITL Intellicoin INT (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant INT Intercoin INC (2013-12) intercoin | pow | unlaunched INC Intercoin ITC (2014-07) scrypt | pow | extant ITC Internationalcoin INC (2014-03) quark | pow | extant INC InternationalEurocoin IEURO (2015-06) lyra2re | pow | extant IEURO Internetcoin WWW (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive WWW InternetMarketingCoin IMC (2014-09) fresh | pos | extant IMC Investcoin IC (2015-03) x13 | pos | extant IC Investmentcoin INC (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive INC InvisibleCoin IVZ (2015-10) scrypt | pos | extant IVZ I/Ocoin IO (2014-07) x11 | pos | listed IO Irccoin IRC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | stopped IRC IRCoin IRC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive IRC IridiumCoin IRI (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant IRI Irishcoin IRL (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant IRL Ironbankcoin IBC (2014-08) scrypt | pos | failed IBC Isiscoin ISIS (2014-07) x15 | pos-pow | extant ISIS IslaCoin ISL (2015-05) x11 | pow | listed ISL Isotope XTP (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | extant XTP Isracoin ISR (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant ISR ItalyCoin ITC (2013-09) scrypt | pow | inactive ITC iTcoin ITC (2015-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ITC ITcoin XIT (2015-05) x11 | pos | unlaunched XIT Ivorycoin IVC (2014-07) x11 | pos | inactive IVC IvugeoEvolutionCoin IEC (2015-04) scrypt | pow | listed IEC Ivycoin IVY (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant IVY Ivyleaguecoin IVY (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant IVY iXcoin IXC (2011-05) SHA2-256 | pow | listed IXC JackpotCoin JACKPOT (2014-04) jackpot | pow | extant JACKPOT Jadecoin JADE (2014-08) x11 | pow | extant JADE Jaguarcoin JGR (2014-12) x11 | pos | extant JGR J-Coin JPU (2013-08) scrypt | pos | defunct JPU JebigaCoin JBG (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive JBG JennyCoin JNY (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive JNY Jerkycoin JKY (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive JKY Jesuscoin GOD (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive GOD Jet JET (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant JET Jetcoin JTC (2015-04) nxt | pos | extant JTC JewelCoin JEWEL (2015-02) x13 | pos | extant JEWEL JFKcoin JFK (2014-03) scrypt | pos | extant JFK Jixiangcoin JXC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant JXC JJCoin JJC (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant JJC jl777hodl JLH (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant JLH JohnKeyoin KEY (2014-05) scrypt | pos | inactive KEY Joincoin J (2014-08) myriad | pow | listed J JokeCoin JOK (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant JOK Joulecoin XJO (2013-09) SHA2-256 | pow | listed XJO Jubaocoin JBC (2015-05) scrypt-j | pow | extant JBC Judgecoin JUDGE (2014-08) x13 | pos | listed JUDGE Juggalocoin JUG (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant JUG JunkCoin JKC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed JKC JupiterCoin JPC (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant JPC Kachingcoin KAC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive KAC KaKacoin KKC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive KKC Karmacoin KARM (2014-02) scrypt | pos | listed KARM KarpelesCoin KAR (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive KAR KashmirCoin KSC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant KSC KateCoin KTC (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant KTC Keplercoin KPL (2014-10) myriad | pos-pow | extant KPL Kernalcoin KC (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant KC Keycoin KEY (2014-07) x13 | pos | listed KEY KFcoin KFC (2014-02) quark | pow | extant KFC Khancoin KNC (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed KNC Kibweecoin KIB (2014-06) x11 | unknown | extant KIB KillerCoin KILR (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive KILR Kimcoin KMC (2014-04) quark | pow | inactive KMC Kimdotcoin DOT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant DOT KimJonguncoin KJC (2015-08) x13 | pos | extant KJC Kimotocoin KMC (2014-04) scrypt-n | pow | extant KMC KingCoin KING (2014-01) scrypt | pos | inactive KING Kingdomcoin KING (2014-11) x13 | pos | unlaunched KING Kingkongcoin K2C (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant K2C Kittehcoin MEOW (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed MEOW Kiwicoin KIWI (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant KIWI Klingon Empire Darsek KED (2013-08) scrypt | pos | extant KED Klondikecoin KDC (2014-01) scrypt | pos | listed KDC Knavecoin KNC (2015-04) scrypt | pow | extant KNC Knifemoney KM (2015-08) scrypt | pow | foundered KM Knightcoin KGC (2014-05) x11 | pow | defunct KGC Koalacoin KOALA (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant KOALA Kobocoin KOBO (2015-01) x15 | pos | listed KOBO KOKain COIN COC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant COC Kölschcoin CGN (2015-04) x11 | pos | extant CGN Kooliocoin KOOL (2014-07) scrypt | pow | extant KOOL KoreCoin KORE (2014-06) x13 | pos | listed KORE Korunacoin KORUNA (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant KORUNA Kozakcoin KOZ (2014-04) x11 | pos | unlaunched KOZ Kraken KRAK (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant KRAK Krugercoin KGC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed KGC Krypt koin KTK (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant KTK Kryptohash KHC (2014-12) kshake320 | pow | extant KHC Kryptonite KRYP (2014-05) x11 | pow | unlaunched KRYP Kudos KDS (2013-10) scrypt | pow | extant KDS Kumacoin KUMA (2014-04) quark | pos | listed KUMA KushCoin KHC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant KHC LadyCoin LADY (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant LADY Landcoin LND (2014-04) BLAKE | pow | extant LND Latinocoin LAT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant LAT Latinumcoin LTM (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LTM Latium LAT (2014-05) scrypt | pos | inactive LAT LeaCoin LEA (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LEA Leadcoin LDC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive LDC LeafCoin LEAF (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed LEAF LeagueCoin LOL (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant LOL Learncoin LERN (2015-12) scrypt | pow | extant LERN Lebowskis LBW (2013-07) scrypt | pos | inactive LBW Ledgercoin LDR (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pos | foundered LDR Leetcoin LEET (2014-08) scrypt | pos | unlaunched LEET Legendary Coin LGD (2014-03) scrypt | pos | listed LGD Legitcoin XGT (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant XGT Lemonadecoin LEO (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LEO Lemoncoin LMC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive LMC Lemurcoin LMR (2014-08) x11 | pow | extant LMR Lendcoin LNC (2015-09) scrypt | pos | extant LNC Lennycoin LENNY (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant LENNY LEOcoin LEO (2014-07) scrypt-j-n | pos | extant LEO Leprocoin LPC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive LPC Leverage LVG (2015-11) scrypt | pos | extant LVG LGBTQoin LGBTQ (2015-08) x11 | pow | extant LGBTQ Liberty coin XLB (2014-05) x11 | pos | listed XLB LibertyReserve LR (2014-12) x11 | pos | extant LR Libertyreserved LRD (2015-09) nxt | pos | extant LRD Librarycoin LIB (2015-04) scrypt | pos-pow | foundered LIB Libremoney LM (2014-08) nxt | pos | extant LM Librexcoin LXC (2014-07) x11 | pos | listed LXC LickyBallyCoin LBC (2015-06) x11 | pos | unlaunched LBC Lifecoin LIFE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | unlaunched LIFE Life Extension EXT (2015-06) qubit | pos | foundered EXT Lightcoin LIT (2014-06) x11 | pos | listed LIT Lightspeedcoin LSD (2014-09) nist5 | pos | listed LSD Likecoin LIKE (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant LIKE Limecoin LC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | superseded LC Limecoin LMC (2015-11) x11 | pos | extant LMC Limecoin lite LCL (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LCL LimecoinX LIMX (2014-06) x11 | pow | listed LIMX Limicoin LIMI (2014-07) x15 | pos | extant LIMI Limitedcoin LTD (2015-09) x11 | pos | listed LTD Linearcoin LNC (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant LNC Lioncoin LIC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LIC Lioncoin LION2 (2014-11) x15 | pos | extant LION2 LionCoin LION (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant LION LiquidCoin LQC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | defunct LQC LiteBar LTB (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed LTB Litecoin LTC (2011-10) scrypt | pow | listed LTC LitecoinDark LTCD (2014-09) scrypt | pow | listed LTCD LitecoinNEW LTN (2015-01) scrypt | pow | extant LTN Litecoinplus XLC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | inactive XLC Litecoinscrypt LTCS (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant LTCS LiteCoinX LTCX (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant LTCX LitecoinXT LXT (2015-08) scrypt | pow | extant LXT LiteDoge LDOGE (2015-03) scrypt | pos | listed LDOGE Litefeathercoin LTFC (2014-12) x11 | pos | unlaunched LTFC Litercoin LTR (2014-11) x13 | pow | extant LTR Liteshares LTS (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive LTS Litestarcoin LTS (2015-02) x11 | pos | extant LTS Lithiumcoin LIT (2014-10) BLAKE | pow | extant LIT LittleDarkcoin LTD (2014-10) x11 | pow | unlaunched LTD Livecoin LVC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive LVC LiveCoin LC (2015-07) x11 | pow | abandoned LC Lizardecoin LIZE (2014-07) x15 | pos | defunct LIZE LoanCoin LOANCO (2014-09) x13 | pos | foundered LOANCO LocalFamilyOwned LFO (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant LFO Lockcoin LOCK (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant LOCK Logicoin LGC (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant LGC Logos LGS (2014-05) scrypt-n | pow | inactive LGS Logoscoin LOGOS (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LOGOS LondonGoldCoin LGC (2015-01) SHA2-256 | pow | foundered LGC LongCoin LNG (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant LNG LootCoin LT (2015-08) scrypt | pow | unlaunched LT LotteryShare HAYEK (2015-06) scrypt | pos | inactive HAYEK Lotterytickets TIX (2013-09) scrypt-j | pow | listed TIX LottoCoin LOT (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed LOT LottoShares LTS (2014-07) scrypt | pos | extant LTS Lotuscoin LTS (2014-06) x13 | pos | unlaunched LTS Lovecoin LOVE (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant LOVE LOVEcoin LOVE (2014-03) scrypt | pos | extant LOVE Lovercoin LVC (2013-11) scrypt | pow | inactive LVC LTBcoin LTBC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pos | extant LTBC LTCGearCoin XLTCG (2015-09) x13 | pow | foundered XLTCG Lucky7Coin LK7 (2013-09) scrypt | pos | inactive LK7 Luckycoin LKY (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed LKY LuckySevens L7S (2015-08) scrypt | pow | extant L7S Lunarcoin LNR (2015-02) x13 | pos | extant LNR Lunarcoin LUN (2015-10) x11 | pos | extant LUN Lure LURE (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pos | extant LURE Lusocoin LUC (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive LUC Luxurycoin LXY (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | foundered LXY LxcCoin XWBC (2014-10) scrypt | pos | extant XWBC Lycancoin LYC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed LYC Lyrabar LYB (2015-01) lyra2re | pos | listed LYB Maccoin MAC (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MAC MACDcoin MACD (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant MACD MacheteCoin MCT (2015-03) scrypt | pow | extant MCT Machinecoin MAC (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive MAC MachineryCoin MHYC (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant MHYC Macoin RM (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant RM Macro MACRO (2015-08) x11 | pow | extant MACRO Macrocoin MCR (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive MCR MadCowCoin MCC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant MCC Magic Internet Money MIM (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant MIM Magicoin XMG (2014-09) m7 | pos | listed XMG Magicoin MAGIC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant MAGIC Magnatoj XMN (2015-12) cryptonight | pow | extant XMN Magneticoin MGC (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MGC Magnetz MGT (2014-12) x13 | pow | unlaunched MGT MaiaCoin MAIA (2014-06) x15 | pos-pow | extant MAIA Maidsafecoin MAID (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pos | extant MAID MajorCoin MAJ (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant MAJ Maki MAKI (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive MAKI Malecoin MLC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive MLC MalibuCoin MAL (2014-10) x11 | pos | extant MAL Mammothcoin MAMM (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant MAMM Manacoin MANA (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant MANA Mandarincoin MAC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant MAC Mangocoinz MCZ (2014-08) unknown | pos | listed MCZ Mantiscoin MNS (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant MNS ManulCoin MANUL (2015-01) scrypt | pow | extant MANUL Mapcoin MAPC (2015-08) x11 | pos | listed MAPC Maplecoin MPL (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive MPL Maples MAP (2013-09) scrypt | pow | extant MAP Marbles MRB (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant MRB Marinecoin MTC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive MTC Marketchangecoin CHG (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive CHG Marscoin MRS (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed MRS MarteXcoin MXT (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant MXT Marucoin MARU (2014-04) x13 | pow | extant MARU Marxcoin TYC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant TYC MaryJanecoin MARYJ (2014-09) x15 | pos | listed MARYJ Masoncoin MAC (2013-09) scrypt | pow | unlaunched MAC Masoncoin BROS (2014-08) x11 | pow | unlaunched BROS Mastercoin MSC (2013-07) SHA2-256 | pow | listed MSC MasterCoin MST (2013-06) scrypt | pow | extant MST Masterdoge MDOGE (2015-06) scrypt | pos | extant MDOGE MasterMint MM (2015-11) x11 | pow | extant MM MasterMold MOLD (2015-05) scrypt | pos | extant MOLD MasterTradercoin MTR (2015-02) x11 | pos | listed MTR MastiffCoin MAST (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant MAST MatrixCoin MTX (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive MTX Mavro MMM (2013-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MMM Maxcoin MAX (2014-02) SHA3-256 | pos | listed MAX Mayancoin MYNC (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant MYNC Mazacoin MZC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | listed MZC Mazecoin MAZE (2015-09) x11 | pow | listed MAZE Mcoin M (2015-01) x15 | pos | extant M MeatBallCoin MBC (2015-04) x11 | pow | extant MBC Mediacoin MDC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive MDC Mediccoin MDC (2014-11) scrypt | pos | extant MDC Medicoin MDC (2014-11) scrypt | pos-pow | extant MDC Mediterraneancoin MED (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed MED Megacoin MEC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed MEC Megastake XMS (2015-04) x11 | pos | extant XMS Megcoin MEG (2014-05) scrypt-n-r | pow | extant MEG Melange SPICE (2014-02) Skein | pow | extant SPICE Memecoin MEM (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant MEM MemoryCoin MMC (2013-12) scrypt-n | pow | listed MMC Mental Health Awareness Coin MHA (2014-05) x11 | pow | defunct MHA Merelcoin MEREL (2015-09) scrypt | pow | extant MEREL Metacoin MET (2014-02) quark | pow | defunct MET Metalcoin METAL (2014-11) x11 | pos | listed METAL Metalcoin MTC (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive MTC Metalcoin MTT (2014-10) x11 | pow | foundered MTT MetalMusiccoin MMC (2014-10) scrypt | pos-pow | listed MMC Metiscoin MTS (2014-03) trisha | pow | inactive MTS Metrocoin MET (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MET MewnCoin MEWN (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant MEWN mgwBTC MGWBTC (2014-06) unknown | pos | extant MGWBTC Microcash MCR (2012-04) scrypt | pow | inactive MCR microCoin MRC (2014-01) scrypt-j | pos | listed MRC Microcoinarduino GEO (2015-09) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched GEO MidasCoin MID (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant MID Middle Earth Coin MEA (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MEA MiddleFingercoin MDF (2014-12) x11 | pow | extant MDF Midnight MDT (2015-07) BMW | pos | extant MDT Milancoin MLC (2013-12) scrypt-j | pow | extant MLC MileyCyruscoin MCC (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant MCC Millenniumcoin MIL (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant MIL MillenniumCoin MIL (2015-03) x11 | pos | extant MIL MillionaireCoin MIL (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant MIL Mimiccoin MMC (2014-06) quark | pow | extant MMC Mincoin MNC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed MNC Mindcoin MIND (2015-04) x11 | pow | extant MIND Minecoin XMINE (2015-08) scrypt | pow | foundered XMINE Minerals MIN (2014-06) x11 | pos | listed MIN Minerscoin MIC (2014-08) x15 | pow | extant MIC MinerTokens MTK (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant MTK Minicoin MINI (2014-02) quark | pow | extant MINI Mintcoin MINT (2014-02) scrypt | pos | listed MINT MiracleCoin MCL (2014-10) x13 | pos | extant MCL Miscoin MIS (2015-02) x11 | pow | extant MIS Mistcoin MIC (2014-10) nist5 | pos | extant MIC M.Jcoin MJ (2014-07) scrypt | pos | inactive MJ Mjollnircoin MNR (2014-05) hefty1 | pow | extant MNR MLKCoin MLK (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive MLK MMXIVcoin MMXIV (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MMXIV Mobcoin MOB (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant MOB MobileCash MBL (2015-09) lyra2re | pow | extant MBL MöbiusCoin MOBI (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MOBI MogliCoin MOG (2015-04) x11 | pow | foundered MOG MoinCoin MOIN (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant MOIN Molecule MOL (2013-05) quark | pow | extant MOL Mollycoin tab (2015-03) scrypt | pos | extant tab Monacoin MONA (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed MONA Monero XMR (2014-04) cryptonight | pow | listed XMR Moneta MONET (2015-10) scrypt | pow | extant MONET Monetacoin MNTA (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed MNTA MonetaryUnitcoin MUE (2014-09) quark | pow | listed MUE MonetaVerde MCN (2014-06) cryptonight | pow | listed MCN Money $$$ (2014-11) scrypt | pow | listed $$$ Moneyenom MYM (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant MYM Monkeycoin MKY (2014-02) quark | pow | stopped MKY Monocle MON (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive MON MoonCoin MOON (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed MOON Morpheus MRP (2015-04) x11 | pow | extant MRP Mortgagecoin MTG (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive MTG MotaCoin MOTA (2015-10) x13 | pos | unlaunched MOTA MothManCoin MOM (2014-10) x15 | pos | extant MOM MotoCoin MOTO (2014-04) novel | pow | unlaunched MOTO MountCoin MNT (2014-06) cryptonight | pow | extant MNT Mouse MOC (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant MOC Mousecoin MOSC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive MOSC Moviecoin MVC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive MVC Moxencoin MOXN (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MOXN Mozzshare MLS (2014-08) hefty1 | pow | extant MLS MtGoxCoin GOX (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive GOX Mugatucoin MUGA (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant MUGA MultiCoin MC (2014-07) x11 | pos | defunct MC MultiCoin MUL (2014-04) scrypt | pow | defunct MUL MultiWalletCoin MWC (2014-08) x11 | pos | listed MWC Muniti MUN (2014-03) x11 | pow | extant MUN Munne MNE (2014-09) x13 | pos | listed MNE Murica Coin FREE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive FREE Murraycoin MRY (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed MRY Mushroomcoin XMS (2014-10) x14 | pos | unlaunched XMS MusicCoin MIC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive MIC Mustachecoin MUST (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive MUST Mybrocoin MBC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive MBC Mycoin MYC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive MYC MyriadCoin MYR (2014-03) myriad | pow | listed MYR Mysterycoin MYST (2015-01) x11 | pos | extant MYST Mysterycoin MYST (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pow | extant MYST MysticCoin MYSTIC (2015-08) x11 | pos | extant MYSTIC N2coin N2 (2014-05) nxt | pos | unlaunched N2 N5coin N5X (2014-07) nist5 | pos | extant N5X NaanaYaM NYM (2013-11) SHA2-256 | pos | extant NYM NakamotoDark NKT (2014-12) x11 | pos | listed NKT Namecoin NMC (2011-04) SHA2-256 | pow | listed NMC Nanite XNAN (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant XNAN NANOcore XNN (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | foundered XNN Nanolite NL (2014-05) x11 | pow | inactive NL Nanotoken NAN (2013-06) scrypt | pow | extant NAN NanyangTUcoin NTU (2014-09) x13 | pos | extant NTU Napalcoin NAC (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant NAC NasCoin NAS (2014-03) nxt | pos | listed NAS Naturecoin NAT (2015-08) x11 | pow | extant NAT Nautiluscoin NAUT (2014-05) scrypt | pow | listed NAUT Navajocoin NAV (2014-07) x13 | pos | listed NAV NBCoin NBC (2013-08) SHA2-256 | pos | inactive NBC Nebuchadnezzar NEBU (2015-07) qubit | pos | foundered NEBU Nebulacoin NEB (2014-06) x11 | pos | inactive NEB Nectarcoin SWEET (2014-10) unknown | pos | extant SWEET Negotium NTM (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant NTM NEM NEM (2014-01) ellipticcurve | pow | listed NEM Neocoin NEC (2013-07) scrypt | pos | listed NEC NeoCortexCcoin NEOC (2014-07) NeoScrypt | pow | extant NEOC Neoscoin NEOS (2014-08) myriad | pow | listed NEOS Neptune NEP (2015-03) x11 | pos | extant NEP Nerdycoin NERDC (2015-05) x11 | pow | unlaunched NERDC Nerocoin NERO (2014-09) scrypt | pos | unlaunched NERO Nest NST (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant NST Netbits NBS (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant NBS Netcoin NTC (2015-12) scrypt | pow | extant NTC NetCoin NET (2013-07) scrypt | pow | listed NET Netcoin2 NET2 (2014-02) quark | pow | extant NET2 Networkcoin NETC (2015-07) x13 | pos | extant NETC Networkcoin NWC (2013-11) scrypt | pow | inactive NWC Neucoin NEU (2015-02) SHA2-256 | pow | listed NEU NeuroCoin NRC (2015-07) scrypt | pow | extant NRC Neutralitycoin NTC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive NTC Neutrinocoin NTR (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant NTR Neutron NTRN (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | listed NTRN Neverhoodcoin NHC (2014-07) x15 | pos | extant NHC Newbiecoin NEWB (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant NEWB Newcoin NEWC (2015-10) x13 | pos | unlaunched NEWC NewoCoin NEWO (2014-06) myriad | pow | defunct NEWO NewPiggycoin PIGGY (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant PIGGY NewSpringCoin NSC (2015-05) x11 | pos | extant NSC NewUniversalDollar NUD (2014-09) bcrypt | pow | extant NUD NewUniversalEurocoin NUE (2014-07) scrypt | pow | inactive NUE NewWorldOrdercoin NWO (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant NWO NewYorkCoin NYC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | listed NYC NextCoin NXT (2013-11) nxt | pow | listed NXT NeXTHorizon NHZ (2014-03) nxt | pos | extant NHZ NeXTWorldBullion NWB (2014-07) nxt | pos | unlaunched NWB Nexus NXS (2014-10) nist5 | pos | extant NXS Nexuscoin NXC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive NXC NFDcoin NFD (2014-06) nxt | pos | extant NFD nhzKARM NHZK (2014-10) nxt | pos | extant NHZK Nibble NBL (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant NBL Nicecoin NIC (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant NIC NiceCoin NICE (2015-05) scrypt | pow | extant NICE Nigeria Coin NGC (2014-03) Skein | pow | extant NGC Nightlife NLF (2015-05) x11 | pos | unlaunched NLF Nightmarecoin NM (2014-08) fresh | pos | extant NM Nimbuscoin NMB (2014-08) x15 | pos | listed NMB NineElevenTruthCoin NTC (2015-02) scrypt | pos-pow | extant NTC Ninjacoin NJA (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant NJA Ninjacoin NINJA (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pos | extant NINJA Ninja Doge NDOGE (2015-03) x11 | pow | extant NDOGE Nintencoin NINTEN (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive NINTEN Nitcoin NIT (2014-03) scrypt-j | pow | foundered NIT NOAHcoin NOAH (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant NOAH NobleCoin NOBL (2014-01) scrypt | pos | listed NOBL Nocoin NO (2015-10) x11 | pow | extant NO Nocturna NOC (2015-07) scrypt | pos | extant NOC NodeCoin NODE (2014-05) ellipticcurve | pos | listed NODE NodesForAll NODES (2015-09) x11 | pos | foundered NODES Nodex NODEX (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant NODEX NoFiatcoin XNF (2014-01) ripple | pow | extant XNF Noirbits NRB (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed NRB Noirshares NRS (2014-04) momentum | pos | listed NRS NoNameCoin NONC (2014-11) x13 | pow | extant NONC nOObcoin NOOB (2014-06) scrypt-j | pow | extant NOOB Noocoin NOO (2014-12) x13 | pos | unlaunched NOO NoodlyAppendage NDL (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive NDL NopeCoin NOPE (2014-10) x11 | pos-pow | extant NOPE Norrencoin XNC (2015-10) scrypt | pow | extant XNC Nosferatu NOS (2015-05) scrypt | pow | extant NOS Nostrum NOS (2014-08) scrypt | pos | extant NOS Novacoin NVC (2013-02) scrypt | pos | listed NVC NovaCoinDark NVCD (2014-10) myriad | pow | extant NVCD Novuscoin NOVUS (2015-11) scrypt | pow | extant NOVUS NRJcoin NRJ (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive NRJ NTXcoin NTX (2014-05) nxt | pos | extant NTX Nubiscoin NUBIS (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pow | extant NUBIS NuBits NBT (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pos | listed NBT Nuclearcoin NCC (2014-07) x13 | pos | defunct NCC Nucoin NUC (2013-06) scrypt | pos | inactive NUC Nuggetcoin NGT (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant NGT Nuggets NUG (2013-07) scrypt | pow | inactive NUG Nukecoin NUKE (2015-07) qubit | pos | foundered NUKE Nullcoin NULL (2014-08) fresh | pos | extant NULL Numbercoin NUMC (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant NUMC NuShares NUSH (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant NUSH Nutcoin NUT (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant NUT NXE NXE (2015-03) fresh | pos | extant NXE NxtMultigateway MGW (2014-08) nxt | pos | extant MGW Nxttycoin NXTTY (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos | extant NXTTY NyanCoin NYAN (2014-01) scrypt | pos | listed NYAN O2oCoin O2O (2014-03) quark | pow | listed O2O Obamacoin OBC (2013-08) SHA3-256 | pow | inactive OBC Obscurebay OBS (2015-01) x11 | pos | extant OBS Octane OCTN (2015-06) BLAKE2b | pos | extant OCTN OctoCoin 888 (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant 888 Ocultcoin OCC (2014-10) x13 | pos | extant OCC Ocupycoin OCUPY (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant OCUPY OddCoin ODC (2014-11) x13 | pow | unlaunched ODC OHLC OHLC (2014-07) x13 | pos-pow | extant OHLC OhMyGod OMG (2014-12) x11 | pos | extant OMG Oilcoin OIL (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant OIL OilGasCoin OGC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive OGC OKCash OK (2015-04) scrypt | pos | listed OK OldDogsNewTricks ODNT (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pos | extant ODNT OlympicCoin OLY (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive OLY Omega OMA (2015-01) x14 | pos | extant OMA Omnicoin XOM (2014-10) shanghai | pow | unlaunched XOM OmniCoin OMC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed OMC OneCoin ONC (2013-05) scrypt-j | pow | inactive ONC OneEvilCoin OEC (2014-07) cryptonight | pow | extant OEC OnelastCoin OLC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | extant OLC Onioncoin ONI (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant ONI Online ONE (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ONE Onlinegamingcoin OGC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | stopped OGC OnyxCoin ONYX (2014-07) x13 | pos | inactive ONYX OnyxcoinV2 ONYX2 (2014-08) x13 | pos | inactive ONYX2 O_Ocoin OO (2015-01) x11 | pos | extant OO Opalcoin OPAL (2014-09) x13 | pos | listed OPAL OPEC Coin OPC (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant OPC OpenSourcecoin OSC (2013-09) SHA2-256 | pos | listed OSC Opescoin OPES (2015-12) salsarg | pow | extant OPES OptimumCoin OPTI (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant OPTI Optioncoin OPTION (2015-06) x11 | pos | extant OPTION OrangeCoin OC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | listed OC Orbitcoin ORB (2013-06) scrypt | pos | listed ORB Orcacoin ORCA (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive ORCA OreoCoin OREO (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant OREO Orgcoin ORG (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant ORG Orient ORT (2014-05) scrypt | pow | unlaunched ORT Orioncoin ORION (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant ORION Orobit ORO (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ORO OrthoCoin ORTHO (2014-09) x13 | pos | extant ORTHO Oseturacoin OSE (2015-04) scrypt | pos | unlaunched OSE OSIcoin OSI (2015-10) scrypt | pow | foundered OSI Osmiumcoin OS76 (2015-10) scrypt | pow | listed OS76 Osmosis OSMO (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant OSMO Ottomancoin OTC (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant OTC Ourcoin ORC (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant ORC Overly Attached Coin OAC (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | unlaunched OAC Overseas Chinese coin OCC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive OCC OverTimecoin OT (2014-08) x15 | pos | inactive OT OverUnitycoin OVU (2014-08) scrypt | pow | defunct OVU Oxcoin OXC (2014-03) quark | pow | extant OXC Ozcoin OZC (2014-04) x11 | pow | listed OZC P7Coin P7C (2015-04) scrypt | pow | listed P7C Paccoin PAC (2013-11) SHA2-256 | pos | extant PAC PaiMaiBi PMB (2014-04) scrypt | pos-pow | extant PMB Pakcoin PAK (2015-06) scrypt | pos | extant PAK Paladincoin PLD (2015-07) cryptonight | pow | unreleased PLD PALCoin PALC (2014-04) SHA3-256 | pow | extant PALC Palestinecoin PAL (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant PAL Pandacoin PND (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed PND Pandacoin PAND (2014-01) scrypt | pos | extant PAND Pangu PGC (2013-09) scrypt | pow | extant PGC ParallaxCoin PLX (2014-05) scrypt-n | pow | extant PLX Parallelcoin DUO (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pow | listed DUO Paranoiacoin PAC (2015-08) scrypt | pow | listed PAC ParkByte PKB (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | listed PKB Parlings PLG (2015-02) SHA3-256 | pow | unlaunched PLG Particle PRT (2013-12) quark | pow | listed PRT Partycoin PARTY (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant PARTY Passioncoin PON (2014-09) x11 | pow | unlaunched PON Pastacoin PAS (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant PAS PathFinder XPH (2014-09) x11 | pos | extant XPH PatriotCoin USA (2014-02) scrypt | pow | defunct USA Pawncoin PAWN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant PAWN Paycoin PYC (2013-08) scrypt | pow | listed PYC Paycoin XPY (2014-12) SHA2-256 | pos-pow | listed XPY PayCon CON (2015-01) x13 | pos | listed CON Paypalcoin PPC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | withdrawn PPC Payprocoin PRO (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive PRO Payzorcoin PZR (2014-07) scrypt | pos | extant PZR PeaceCoin PEC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive PEC Pebblecoin XPB (2015-01) cryptonight | pow | extant XPB Peercoin PPC (2012-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed PPC PeercoinDark PPCD (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PPCD Peerpay PP (2014-06) x11 | pos | unlaunched PP Pegasuscoin PEG (2014-05) scrypt | pow | unlaunched PEG Pelecoin PELE (2014-05) novel | pow | extant PELE Pencilcoin PENCL (2015-02) x13 | pos | extant PENCL PENCoin PEN (2015-01) scrypt | pos | extant PEN Penguincoin PENG (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant PENG Pennies CENT (2013-08) scrypt-j | pos | extant CENT PennyPincher XPP (2014-12) scrypt | pos | unlaunched XPP Pentacoin PTA (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant PTA Pentaquark LHC (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LHC Peoplecoin PC (2015-08) scrypt | pow | extant PC PeopleCoin PPL (2013-09) scrypt | pow | inactive PPL Peoplescurrency PPL (2014-07) x17 | pow | extant PPL Pepecoin PEP (2015-04) scrypt | pow | extant PEP Peppsycoin PSY (2015-10) scrypt | pow | extant PSY Perfectcoin PERC (2014-02) scrypt-n | pow | unlaunched PERC Perfectcoin PERFECT (2014-07) x15 | pow | extant PERFECT Pesacoin PES (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant PES Pesetacoin PTC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed PTC PetroDollar XPD (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | listed XPD Phalanx PLX (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PLX Pharma XPH (2015-06) x11 | pos | listed XPH PHCoin PHC (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant PHC Phenixcoin PXC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | defunct PXC Phicoin PHI (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant PHI PhilosopherStone PHS (2013-07) scrypt | pos | listed PHS Phoenixcoin PXC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed PXC Phonecoin TEL (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant TEL Phooeycoin HKP (2014-05) x11 | pos | unlaunched HKP Photon PHO (2014-03) BLAKE | pow | listed PHO Photoncoin PHO (2014-01) quark | pow | extant PHO Phreakcoin PHR (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant PHR Picoin PCN (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive PCN PIcoin PI (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PI Pigcoin PIG (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive PIG Piggycoin PIGGY (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed PIGGY Pikachu Coin PIKACHU (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant PIKACHU Pikacoin PIKA (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive PIKA Pimpcash PIMP (2014-11) scrypt | pos | extant PIMP Pingas PINGAS (2013-12) scrypt-j | pow | extant PINGAS Piniumcoin PCN (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive PCN PinkCoin PINK (2014-05) x11 | pos | listed PINK PinkDiamond PDC (2015-07) x11 | pos | extant PDC Pioneercoin PER (2014-06) x13 | pow | extant PER Pipshares PIP (2014-09) scrypt | pos | extant PIP Piratecoin PC (2014-07) scrypt | pos | extant PC PirateCoin PIR (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant PIR PirateCoin PTE (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PTE Pixcoin PIX (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive PIX Pixxcoin PIXX (2014-05) scrypt | pos | unlaunched PIXX PizzaCoin PIC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant PIC PKRCoin PKR (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive PKR Planecoin AERO (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant AERO Planetcoin PLANET (2015-03) scrypt | pos | extant PLANET Planetdollarcoin PDR (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | inactive PDR Plankton FOOD (2014-07) x13 | pos | inactive FOOD Platinum PTL (2014-01) scrypt | pow | defunct PTL Platinumcoin PT (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PT PlatinumCoin PNC (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PNC Platinumtoken PTKC (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PTKC PlayToken PLT (2013-08) scrypt | pow | inactive PLT Plebeiancoin PLEB (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant PLEB Pleiadescoin LEIA (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pow | foundered LEIA PLNcoin PLNC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed PLNC PlusEVcoin PEV (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant PEV Plutoniumcoin RODS (2014-07) x13 | pos | inactive RODS pNut FTW (2014-02) primechain | pow | extant FTW Podcoin PDC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive PDC Poison PSN (2015-05) x11 | pos | extant PSN Poitin Coin PTN (2015-03) x11 | pos | unlaunched PTN Poker Chips CPC (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant CPC Pokercoin POK (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant POK Polcoin PLC (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive PLC PolishCoin PCC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant PCC PolishSexIndustry PSI (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant PSI Polybit POLY (2015-06) scrypt | pow | abandoned POLY Ponycoin PNC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | stopped PNC Ponycoin PONY (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pow | foundered PONY PoolStamp XSP (2014-12) x13 | pow | extant XSP Poopcoin POO (2014-06) x11 | pos | unlaunched POO POOSCoin POOS (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant POOS Populacecoin POC (2014-03) quark | pow | inactive POC Popularcoin POP (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed POP PorkCoin XPC (2015-01) x11 | pos | extant XPC Porncoin PNC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant PNC Portcoin PORT (2014-08) x13 | pos | abandoned PORT POScoin POS (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive POS Posdigy PDY (2015-10) x13 | pos | foundered PDY PosEffectcoin POSE (2015-03) x13 | pow | extant POSE Positron TRON (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | listed TRON Potatocoin SPUD (2014-01) scrypt | pow | unlaunched SPUD PotCoin POT (2014-01) scrypt | pos | listed POT Poundcoin PND (2014-02) scrypt | pow | defunct PND Poundkoin PUK (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive PUK POWcoin POW (2014-08) scrypt | pos | extant POW Powercoin POW (2014-01) scrypt | pow | unlaunched POW Powercoin PWC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | inactive PWC Praisedong PD (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant PD Praycoin JOSH (2015-02) SHA2-256 | pos | extant JOSH Predatorcoin PRDT (2014-11) scrypt | pow | extant PRDT Preiscoin PRS (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant PRS Preminecoin PMC (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PMC PreminePlus PMP (2014-07) scrypt | pos | extant PMP Premium PRE (2015-05) scrypt | pow | extant PRE PresidentCoin PSD (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive PSD PrimeChain PRIME (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed PRIME Primecoin XPM (2013-07) primechain | pow | listed XPM Prime-xicoin PXI (2014-07) x11 | pow | listed PXI Primio PRIMIO (2014-05) JH | pow | extant PRIMIO Prismacoin PRISMA (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant PRISMA PRO PRO (2015-04) x15 | pow | extant PRO Probe PROBE (2014-04) quark | pow | defunct PROBE Procoin PCN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant PCN Profitcoin PRT (2014-09) x11 | pow | extant PRT ProfitCoin PFC (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant PFC ProgressCoin PSSC (2014-11) x11 | pos | unlaunched PSSC Prometheuscoin PMC (2014-06) x13 | pos | inactive PMC Prospercoin PRC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed PRC Proton PRTO (2015-07) scrypt | pos | unlaunched PRTO ProtoShares PTS (2013-11) momsha | pow | extant PTS Prototanium PR (2015-12) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PR Prototypecoin PTY (2015-02) x11 | pos | extant PTY Prozcoin PROZ (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos-pow | unlaunched PROZ PseudoCash PSEUD (2014-07) x13 | pos | listed PSEUD Psilocybin PSY (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant PSY Pugcoin PUG (2014-07) scrypt-n | pow | inactive PUG Pulsar PULSE (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pos | extant PULSE PumpnDumpCoin PND (2014-02) scrypt | pow | unlaunched PND PunisherCoin P666 (2015-09) scrypt | pow | foundered P666 Purecoin PURE (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant PURE PurePOS POS (2015-08) x11 | pow | extant POS Purplecoin PC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | inactive PC Pwnycoin PWNY (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant PWNY Pxlcoin PXL (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed PXL PyongyangCoin XPG (2015-01) SHA2-256 | pow | stopped XPG Pyramids PYRA (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant PYRA Pythoncoin PYBC (2013-08) novel | pow | extant PYBC Qcoin QTC (2015-10) scrypt | pos | extant QTC Qcoin QTC (2015-01) scrypt | pow | extant QTC Qibuckcoin QBK (2014-07) x13 | pos | listed QBK QiwiCoin QWC (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant QWC QixCoin XQC (2013-07) unknown | pow | unlaunched XQC Qora QORA (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pos | listed QORA QPScoin QPS (2014-07) x13 | pow | extant QPS QQCoin QQC (2013-12) scrypt-j | pow | inactive QQC Quantradilbry Q1 (2015-07) scrypt | pow | foundered Q1 Quantum QTM (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant QTM Quantum2 QTM2 (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant QTM2 Quantumcoin QTC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | extant QTC QuarkBar QB (2014-03) quark | pow | extant QB QuarkCoin QRK (2013-07) quark | pow | listed QRK Quartz QTZ (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | extant QTZ Quatloo QTL (2014-06) scrypt | pow | listed QTL QuazarCoin QCN (2014-05) cryptonight | pow | listed QCN QubitCoin Q2C (2014-01) qubit | pow | extant Q2C Québecoin QBC (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant QBC Quedos QDOS (2015-11) x11 | pow | listed QDOS QuibitSphere QBS (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant QBS Quickcoin QWC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | extant QWC Quicksilver QSLV (2014-10) x15 | pos | listed QSLV QuidCoin QUID (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant QUID QuietCoin SHH (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant SHH QuitDough QUIT (2015-01) x13 | pos | extant QUIT Quotient XQN (2014-11) scrypt | pos | listed XQN R3D R3D (2015-08) scrypt | pos | foundered R3D RabbitCoin RBBT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed RBBT Racecoin RACE (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant RACE Radioactivecoin RAD (2014-01) scrypt-j | pow | extant RAD Radioshares RDSH (2014-01) scrypt-n | pow | extant RDSH Radix RADIX (2014-03) radix | pow | extant RADIX Rainbowcoin LGBT (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant LGBT RainbowGoldCoin RAIN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant RAIN Raincoin RAIN (2015-09) scrypt | pos | unlaunched RAIN Rambo coin RBC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | unlaunched RBC Randomcoin RND (2014-04) x11 | pow | unlaunched RND Randomquark RQC (2014-03) quark | pow | extant RQC RandPaulCoin RPCD (2014-11) momentum | dpos | extant RPCD Rapecoin RAP (2014-01) scrypt-n | pow | extant RAP RapidCoin RPD (2014-02) scrypt | pos | inactive RPD Rastacoin RTC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant RTC Ratcoin 大鼠币 RATC (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant RATC Ratecoin XRA (2015-06) x11 | pos | listed XRA Ratio RATIO (2015-12) x11 | pos | extant RATIO Raven RVN (2015-04) scrypt | pos | extant RVN Rawcoin RAW (2014-07) x15 | pos-pow | extant RAW Razor RZR (2014-06) BLAKE | pow | listed RZR RealCoin REC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | extant REC Realpay RPC (2012-02) realpay | pow | unlaunched RPC RealStackCoin RSC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive RSC Rebirthcoin REB (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant REB Recyclingcoin REX (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant REX RedCoin RED (2013-06) scrypt | pow | listed RED Reddcoin RDD (2014-02) scrypt | pos | listed RDD Redditcoin RDC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant RDC RedDragonCoin RDDC (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant RDDC RedeemCoin REM (2015-05) scrypt | pos | unlaunched REM Redkoin RKN (2014-06) unknown | pos | extant RKN RedOakCoin ROC (2014-09) scrypt | pow | extant ROC RedWind RD (2014-12) cryptonight | pow | extant RD Redwire RW (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant RW Refrigerator FRIDGE (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive FRIDGE RefrigeratorCoin FRIDGE (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive FRIDGE Reikicoin RKC (2013-11) SHA2-256 | pos | inactive RKC Rekt REKT (2014-10) scrypt | pos | extant REKT RenascenceCoin RNC (2014-10) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched RNC RepublicCoin RC (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive RC Republicoin REP (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant REP Republicoin REP (2015-10) quark | pow | extant REP Rescuecoin RSCC (2014-07) scrypt | pow | extant RSCC Reserved RES (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant RES ReserveShare RSU (2014-08) nxt | por | extant RSU ResumeoShares RMS (2014-12) nist5 | pos | extant RMS Retrocoin83 R83 (2015-08) scrypt | pow | stopped R83 Returncoin RNC (2015-12) x11 | pos | extant RNC RevoCoin RVC (2014-07) x15 | pow | extant RVC RevolutionCoin CHE (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant CHE Rewardcoin RDC (2015-09) momentum | pow | extant RDC RhinoCoin XRC (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant XRC Rhinohorncoin ROH (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | defunct ROH Rhodiumcoin RHO (2014-05) scrypt | pow | defunct RHO Ribbitrewards RBR (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pow | listed RBR RiceCoin RICE (2015-01) x13 | pos | extant RICE Richcoin RCH (2013-06) scrypt | pow | inactive RCH Richcoin RICHX (2015-12) myriad | pow | extant RICHX Riecoin RIC (2014-02) primeconstellation | pow | listed RIC Rightcoin RTC (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant RTC Rimbit RBT (2014-06) scrypt | pos | listed RBT Ringo RIN (2014-05) scrypt | pos | listed RIN Riotcoin RIOT (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant RIOT Ripoffcoin RIPO (2014-08) scrypt | pos | listed RIPO Ripple XRP (2013-05) ripple | pow | listed XRP RippleLite XPL (2015-01) scrypt | pos | extant XPL Riskcoin RISK (2015-02) scrypt | pos | inactive RISK RivrCoin RIVR (2014-07) x13 | pos | inactive RIVR RobotSexNickelscoin RSN (2014-07) scrypt | pow | extant RSN Rockcoin RCK (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant RCK Rocket RKT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | unlaunched RKT RocketCoin ROC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant ROC Romancoin ROM (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant ROM RonBurgundyCoin RBC (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant RBC RonPaulCoin RPC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | listed RPC Rootcoin ROOT (2014-07) scrypt | pos | extant ROOT Roscoin ROS (2014-09) x11 | pos | listed ROS Rosecoin ROSE (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive ROSE Roseonlycoin RSC (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant RSC RossUlbrichtCoin XRU (2015-05) x11 | pow | abandoned XRU Rotocoin RT2 (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | listed RT2 Roulettecoin RLT (2014-05) roulette | pow | extant RLT ROXcoin ROX (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant ROX RoyalCoin RYC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant RYC Rubberduckie RBC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | defunct RBC RubleBit RUBIT (2015-11) scrypt | pow | extant RUBIT Rublecoin RU (2014-09) x15 | pos | extant RU Rubycoin RBY (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed RBY RuCoin RUC (2011-09) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct RUC Rumorscoin RUM (2015-03) x11 | pos | extant RUM RupayaCoin RUP (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant RUP Russiacoin RC (2014-06) scrypt | pos | listed RC RVDCoin RVD (2013-12) quark | pow | extant RVD Safecoin SAFE (2014-04) SHA2-256 | por | extant SAFE Saffroncoin SFR (2014-04) scrypt | pow | listed SFR Sailboatcoin SBC (2014-07) x15 | pos | inactive SBC SaintPatrickCoin STP (2015-03) scrypt | pow | extant STP Sakuracoin SKR (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant SKR Sambacoin SMB (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant SMB Samsaracoin SMSR (2015-06) qubit | pow | extant SMSR Samurai RONIN (2015-09) qubit | pos | extant RONIN Sapience XAI (2014-11) scrypt | pow | listed XAI Sapienta SAP (2014-06) x11 | pow | defunct SAP Sapphirecoin SPH (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant SPH Sativacoin STV (2014-09) x13 | pos | listed STV Satoshifun HIFUN (2015-07) scrypt | pos | extant HIFUN Satoshimadness MAD (2015-08) x11 | pos | listed MAD Saturn2coin SAT2 (2014-06) scrypt | pos | listed SAT2 Saturncoin SAT (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant SAT SauronRings SAU (2013-08) scrypt | pow | inactive SAU Savecoin SPC (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SPC SavingCoin SAV (2013-09) scrypt | pow | inactive SAV Sayacoin SYC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SYC Scamcoin SCAM (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant SCAM ScarceCoin SEC (2014-11) scrypt | pow | unlaunched SEC Scarfacecoin SFC (2015-02) scrypt | pow | extant SFC Scattercoin STC (2014-09) x11 | pos | unlaunched STC SCitW SCITW (2015-09) x13 | pos | extant SCITW sCoin SCO (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive SCO Scotcoin SCOT (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive SCOT Scrasic SCR (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | inactive SCR Scrolls SCQ (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive SCQ SDFcoin SDF (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SDF Sealandcoin SEA (2015-08) scrypt | pow | extant SEA Secondscoin SEC (2013-12) quark | pow | inactive SEC Secretcoin SCRT (2015-08) x11 | pos | extant SCRT SecretsCoin SCC (2015-12) scrypt | pos | extant SCC Sectorcoin SECT (2015-08) x15 | pow | foundered SECT SecureCoin SRC (2013-08) quark | pow | listed SRC Securitysyscoin SCSY (2014-09) hefty1 | pow | extant SCSY Seedbit SED (2015-05) quark | pos | extant SED Seedcoin SEED (2014-09) scrypt | pos | extant SEED Seedcoin SDC (2013-09) scrypt | pow | extant SDC SeedShares SEEDS (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant SEEDS Selfiecoin SLF (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant SLF Selfiecoin SLFI (2014-11) scrypt | pos | listed SLFI SembroToken SMBR (2014-10) scrypt | pos | listed SMBR Sendcoin SEND (2014-12) scrypt | pos | extant SEND Sentaro SEN (2015-06) scrypt | pos | extant SEN Serracoin SRR (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive SRR ServX XSX (2014-08) scrypt | pow | extant XSX Sesame SEED (2015-05) scrypt | pow | extant SEED Sevencoin SEVEN (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant SEVEN Sexcoin SXC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed SXC Sha1coin SHA (2014-03) SHA1-256 | pow | extant SHA SHAcoin SHA (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pos | listed SHA Shadecoin SHADE (2014-09) scrypt | pos | listed SHADE ShadowCash SDC (2014-07) scrypt | pos | listed SDC Shadowcoin SDC (2014-02) nxt | pos | unlaunched SDC Shapes SPS (2014-09) x15 | pos-pow | extant SPS Sharecoin SHARE (2014-04) myriad | pos | extant SHARE Sharkcoin SAK (2014-04) quark | pow | extant SAK sharkfund0 SF0 (2014-05) nxt | pos | extant SF0 Sheckel SKS (2014-10) scrypt | pos | extant SKS Shekelcoin SHE (2013-11) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive SHE ShellCoin SHELL (2015-05) x11 | pos | listed SHELL Sherlockcoin SHC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive SHC ShibeCoin SHIBE (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant SHIBE Shieldcoin SHLD (2014-07) x15 | pos | listed SHLD Shift SHF (2015-08) Dagger | pow | unlaunched SHF Shillingcoin SHI (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive SHI ShinyCoin SHC (2014-06) scrypt-n-r | pos | inactive SHC Shirecoin SCN (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive SCN Shitcoin PTE (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched PTE SHITCoin SHT (2013-10) SHA2-256 | pos | inactive SHT ShitsandGiggles SANDG (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pow | listed SANDG Shoecoin SHOE (2014-07) x15 | pow | inactive SHOE ShopCoin SHOP (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant SHOP ShopX SHOPX (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant SHOPX Shrooms SHRM (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SHRM Siacoin SIA (2015-05) BLAKE2b | pow | listed SIA Siamesecoin SIS (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant SIS Sibcoin SIB (2015-05) x11gost | pow | listed SIB Sifcoin SIC (2013-06) nist6 | pow | extant SIC Signaturecoin SIGN (2014-08) x11 | pos | defunct SIGN SiliconValleyCoin XSV (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant XSV Silkcoin SC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | listed SC SilverBack SBK (2014-08) cryptonight | pow | extant SBK SilverBullet SVB (2015-05) x13 | pos | extant SVB Simicoin SIMI (2014-03) scrypt | pow | unlaunched SIMI Sinecoin SINE (2014-07) scrypt-n | pow | inactive SINE Singularcoin SIN (2015-04) scrypt | pos | unlaunched SIN Singularity SING (2014-06) myriad | pow | extant SING Siriuscoin SSC (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive SSC SJWcoin SJW (2015-06) scrypt | pow | listed SJW Skeincoin SKC (2013-11) Skein | pow | extant SKC SkullBuzz SKB (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant SKB SkullCoin SKULL (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SKULL Skycoin SKY (2013-12) Obelisk | pow | extant SKY SkyCoin SYC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | defunct SYC Skynetcoin SNET (2014-08) x11 | pos | abandoned SNET Slatecoin SLATE (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant SLATE Sleakcoin SLK (2014-09) scrypt | pow | extant SLK Slenderman SMX (2015-08) scrypt | pow | extant SMX Sletcoin SLC (2014-05) x11 | pow | unlaunched SLC Slimcoin SLM (2014-05) dcrypt | pob | extant SLM Sling SLING (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | listed SLING Slothcoin SLOTH (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | extant SLOTH SMACoin SMAC (2015-02) x11 | pos | extant SMAC SmallChange SMC (2013-04) scrypt | pow | extant SMC Smartchips SC (2015-09) SHA2-256 | pos | extant SC SmartCoin SMC (2014-02) scrypt | pos | listed SMC SmartCoinv2 SMC2 (2014-03) x11 | pow | extant SMC2 Smileycoin SMLY (2014-11) scrypt | pos-pow | listed SMLY Smurfs coin SMURF (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant SMURF Snakecoin SNAKE (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | unlaunched SNAKE SnakeXcoin SNCX (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant SNCX Snapcoin SNP (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive SNP Snowballs BALLS (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pos | extant BALLS Snowcoin SNC (2013-12) SHA2-256 | pos | inactive SNC Sobercoin SOBER (2014-09) scrypt | pow | extant SOBER Soccercoin SCC (2015-08) scrypt | pos | foundered SCC Soccercoin SCC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant SCC Sochicoin SOCHI (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive SOCHI SocialCoin SOC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant SOC SocialKrypt SOKRY (2014-10) x13 | pos | extant SOKRY Social media coin SMAC (2015-01) scrypt | pos | extant SMAC SocialNetworkcoin SNC (2014-07) scrypt | pos | extant SNC SocialxBot XBOT (2014-08) scrypt | pos | extant XBOT Softwarecoin SOFT (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant SOFT Soilcoin SOIL (2015-09) Dagger | pow | extant SOIL Solace SOLIS (2015-08) cryptonight | pow | extant SOLIS Solarcoin SLR (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed SLR Solcoin SOL (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant SOL Solecoin SOLE (2014-08) x14 | pos-pow | listed SOLE SolemnFuel SOF (2014-09) scrypt-n | pow | extant SOF SolemnShares SOLEMN (2014-09) scrypt-n | pos | extant SOLEMN SolidCoin SC (2011-08) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct SC SolidCoin2 SC2 (2011-10) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SC2 Solocoin SOLO (2015-08) scrypt | pos | foundered SOLO Somacoin SOMA (2014-02) quark | pow | extant SOMA Sonacoin LTC (2015-09) scrypt | pow | extant LTC Soncoin SON (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant SON SongCoin SNG (2014-09) scrypt | pow | listed SNG SonicScrewdrivercoin SSD (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed SSD Sooncoin SOON (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | listed SOON Soundbit SND (2014-07) x15 | pow | inactive SND Soundcoin SND (2014-05) scrypt | pow | unlaunched SND Sourcecoin SRC (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant SRC Sovereign SOV (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SOV Sovereigncoin SOV (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pos | extant SOV Sovereigncoin SVC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive SVC Spacebucks SBX (2014-06) BLAKE | pow | inactive SBX Spacecoin SPACE (2015-08) scrypt | pow | listed SPACE SpainCoin SPA (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | listed SPA Spamslayer XSSX (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant XSSX Spark SPARK (2014-10) x11 | pos | extant SPARK Spartacuscoin SPATA (2014-07) x15 | pos | extant SPATA Spartancoin SPN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive SPN Spec SPEC (2015-06) scrypt | pow | listed SPEC SpecialCoin SPE (2014-05) x11 | pos-pow | extant SPE Specie SPX (2015-06) scrypt | pow | extant SPX Spectrumcoin SPEC (2014-06) myriad | pow | extant SPEC Speedcoin SPD (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant SPD SpeedCoin SPC (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SPC Sphere SPH (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant SPH SpikesPrivateCoin SPC (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pos | extant SPC SpinCoin SPC (2015-05) nist5 | pow | unlaunched SPC Spirecoin SPIRE (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant SPIRE Spktr SPKTR (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant SPKTR Spoderman SDM (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive SDM Sportcoin SPCC (2014-06) x11 | pos | defunct SPCC Spots SPOT (2013-07) scrypt | pow | inactive SPOT Spots SPT (2013-07) scrypt | pow | listed SPT SpreadCoin SPR (2014-07) x11 | pow | listed SPR Sprouts SPRT (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | listed SPRT Spurdocoin SPUR (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant SPUR SquallCoin SQL (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant SQL Square SQ (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant SQ Squarebit SBIT (2014-12) x11 | pos | extant SBIT Squarerootcoin ROOT (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ROOT SSVcoin SSV (2014-06) x13 | pow | extant SSV Stabilityshares XSS (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant XSS StabilityShares XSI (2014-04) scrypt | pos | listed XSI Stable STAB (2014-12) x15 | pos | extant STAB StableCoin SBC (2013-11) scrypt | pow | listed SBC Stackcoin STACK (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive STACK Stackedcoin STKC (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct STKC Stacycoin STCY (2014-02) x11 | pow | extant STCY Stag STAG (2014-10) nxt | pos | testnet STAG StakeCoin STK (2015-01) scrypt | pos | unlaunched STK Stakerush STHR (2015-08) unknown | pos | extant STHR Stalwartbucks SBX (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive SBX StandardCoin STD (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive STD StarbucksCoin SUC (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant SUC Starcoin STR (2012-07) scrypt | pos | extant STR StarCoin STC (2015-09) x11 | pow | extant STC Starlightcoin SLT (2015-07) quark | pow | extant SLT Startcoin START (2014-06) scrypt | pow | listed START StashCoin STA (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive STA StealthCash STX (2015-05) scrypt | pos | unlaunched STX Stealthcoin STH (2014-05) x11 | pow | extant STH Stealthcoin XST (2014-07) x13 | pow | listed XST Stellar STR (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed STR Stemcoin STEM (2014-10) x15 | pos | extant STEM Steps STEPS (2015-09) scrypt | pos | listed STEPS Sterlingcoin SLG (2014-07) x13 | pos | listed SLG Stlcoin STL (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | extant STL StockCoin STC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive STC StoopidCoin STP (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive STP StopLosscoin XSL (2015-02) x11 | pos | defunct XSL Stories STY (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant STY Storjcoin X SJCX (2014-07) SHA2-256 | pos | extant SJCX Stormcoin STC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive STC Streamcoin STC (2015-12) scrypt | pow | abandoned STC Stripecoin STRP (2015-08) scrypt | pow | extant STRP StrongHands SHND (2015-09) SHA2-256 | pow | listed SHND SuckCoin SUC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | unlaunched SUC SUMcoin SUM (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant SUM SummerCoin SUM2 (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant SUM2 SummerCoin SUM (2014-04) x11 | pos | extant SUM Summitcoin XMT (2015-10) scrypt | pos | extant XMT Suncoin SUN (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive SUN Sunflowercoin SFC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant SFC Sunnysideupcoin SSU (2015-11) scrypt | pow | extant SSU SunRiseCoin SRC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | defunct SRC Supcoin SUP (2015-02) pluck-128 | pow | extant SUP Supercoin SPR (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | extant SPR Supercoin SUPER (2014-05) x11 | pos | listed SUPER SuperCoin SPC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant SPC SuperFastPOWsCrypt SFPC (2015-10) scrypt | pow | foundered SFPC Superherocoin SHC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive SHC Superiorcoin SUPR (2014-11) scrypt | pow | extant SUPR SuperNET TOKEN (2014-09) nxt | pos | extant TOKEN SuperRandom SRND (2015-09) x11 | pos | foundered SRND SuperTurbostake STRB (2015-12) SHA2-256 | pos | extant STRB SupplyShock M1 (2015-05) x13 | pos | extant M1 Surge Coin SRG (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive SRG Survivorcoin SVR (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant SVR Sutercoin SUTC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive SUTC Swagbucks BUCKS (2015-12) scrypt | pow | extant BUCKS Swagcoin SWAG (2014-02) scrypt | pow | inactive SWAG SwansonCoin RON (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive RON Swarm SWARM (2014-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant SWARM SweetStake SWEET (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant SWEET Swingcoin SWING (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pos | listed SWING Swisscoin SWC (2014-12) x11 | pos | extant SWC Switch Coin SWITCH (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant SWITCH Switzerlandcoin SWC (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive SWC Sydpakcoin SDP (2015-08) x13 | pos | listed SDP Synapse XSY (2015-11) x11 | pow | extant XSY Sync SYNC (2014-05) x11 | pos | listed SYNC SynCoin SYN (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant SYN Synergy SNRG (2015-05) x11 | pos | listed SNRG SysCoin SYS (2014-04) scrypt | pow | listed SYS TacoCoin TCO (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant TCO TagCoin TAG (2013-10) scrypt | pos | listed TAG Takeicoin TAK (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pow | listed TAK Takeoutcoin TOC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive TOC Talkcoin TAC (2014-05) nist5 | pos | extant TAC Tamaguccicoin TAM (2015-06) scrypt | pos | extant TAM Tanzanitecoin TNZ (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant TNZ TaoJingCoin TJC (2013-12) ocean | pow | extant TJC Tattoocoin INK (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive INK Tavos XTV (2015-07) cryptonight | pow | extant XTV Taxcoin TXC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant TXC Taxicoin TAXI (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive TAXI TaxiTokens HACK (2015-01) scrypt | pow | unlaunched HACK Teacoin TEA (2014-02) SHA2-256 | pos | extant TEA Techcoin TECH (2014-04) x13 | pos | extant TECH Tecoin TEC (2015-03) hefty1 | pow | foundered TEC Teddycoin TDY (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant TDY TeeleeCoin TLEE (2014-09) unknown | pos | defunct TLEE TEKcoin TEK (2013-09) SHA2-256 | pos | listed TEK TeleBET TB (2015-05) scrypt | pow | extant TB Templecoin TPC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant TPC Tenebrix TBX (2011-09) scrypt | pow | defunct TBX TenFive Coin 10-5 (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | defunct 10-5 TenneT TENNET (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | listed TENNET TerraCoin TRC (2012-10) SHA2-256 | pow | listed TRC TeslaCoin TES (2014-01) scrypt | pos | listed TES Teslax3coin TESLA (2014-03) scrypt | pow | defunct TESLA Tetcoin TET (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant TET TexasCoin TEX (2014-07) x11 | pow | extant TEX THcoin TH (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant TH TheballCoin TBC (2014-06) x13 | pos | defunct TBC Thebotcoin TBN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive TBN Thecoin THC (2013-10) scrypt | pow | inactive THC TheCoin THE (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant THE TheLastCoin TLC (2014-08) x15 | pow | extant TLC Theoremcoin THEO (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant THEO ThePandacoin PANDA (2014-03) scrypt-n | pow | extant PANDA TheWeathercoin TWC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive TWC Thinkandgrowrich TAGR (2015-06) x15 | pow | listed TAGR ThinkTwice TTC (2015-11) scrypt | pow | unlaunched TTC ThirdGenerationCoin TGC (2014-06) dcrypt | pob | foundered TGC Thorcoin THOR (2014-03) scrypt-j | pos | extant THOR ThunderStake THUNDER (2015-08) x11 | pos | foundered THUNDER Tianhe TIA (2015-09) lyra2re | pow | extant TIA Tianlongcoin TLC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive TLC Ticinocoin TIC (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant TIC Ticketcoin TKT (2015-05) x11 | pos | extant TKT Tigercoin TGC (2013-09) SHA2-256 | pow | listed TGC TileCoin XTC (2014-08) SHA2-256 | pos | extant XTC Time TIME (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pow | extant TIME Timecoin TMC (2013-07) scrypt | pow | extant TMC Timekoin TK (2012-06) SHA2-256 | pow | extant TK Tincoin TIN (2013-10) scrypt | pow | extant TIN Tiplecoin TPL (2014-09) unknown | pos | foundered TPL TippingRocks TPRS (2014-11) x15 | pos | extant TPRS Titanium TTN (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive TTN Titcoin TIT (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | listed TIT Tittiecoin TTC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed TTC Tjcoin TJC (2014-03) trisha | pow | inactive TJC Tlascoin TLS (2014-05) Twister | pow | extant TLS Tokyocoin TC (2015-08) x11 | pow | foundered TC Tomato TOC (2015-05) scrypt | pos | unlaunched TOC Tomatocoin TMT (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant TMT Tomatocoin TMC (2014-06) x12 | pow | extant TMC Toothfairycoin TFC (2014-07) x15 | pos | extant TFC TopCoin TOP (2014-02) scrypt | pos | extant TOP Topcoin2 TOP (2014-09) scrypt | pos | listed TOP Torcoin TOR (2014-07) x11 | pos | listed TOR Tornadocoin TORN (2014-06) x13 | pos | inactive TORN Torrentcoin TC (2014-06) x13 | pow | defunct TC Torrentcoin TCX (2015-04) x11 | pos | extant TCX Touchcoin TOUCH (2015-09) x11 | pos | foundered TOUCH Tournamentcoin TC (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched TC Tr011coin TCN (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive TCN TradeCoin TDC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | defunct TDC TraderCoin TRDR (2014-08) scrypt | pow | inactive TRDR Trafficcoin TRFC (2014-10) x15 | pos | extant TRFC TrailerParkCoin TPC (2015-12) scrypt | pos | extant TPC Traincoin XTN (2014-04) scrypt | pow | stopped XTN Transactcoin TXC (2015-08) scrypt | pow | extant TXC Transactioncoin TXC (2015-10) myriad | pow | extant TXC Transcoin TRN (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive TRN Transfercoin TFC (2013-12) scrypt-n | pow | extant TFC Transfercoin TX (2015-08) x11 | pos | listed TX Transformerscoin TRANSF (2015-06) qubit | pow | extant TRANSF Transitcoin TNT (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant TNT TranslationCoin TRLA (2014-10) x11 | pos | extant TRLA Travelcoin TAC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive TAC Travelcoin TRV (2015-07) x11 | pos | extant TRV TreasureHuntCoin BOOTY (2014-06) x11 | pos | inactive BOOTY TrickyCoin TRICK (2015-09) x11 | pos | extant TRICK TrickyCoin TRICK (2015-03) x11 | pos | extant TRICK TrickyDickyFunBill TDFB (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | extant TDFB Tricoin TRI (2014-07) x11 | pos | unlaunched TRI Trinitycoin TTY (2014-05) myriad | pow | extant TTY TripCoin TRIP (2015-08) scrypt | pos | abandoned TRIP Triskelecoin TRS (2014-06) x11 | pos | unlaunched TRS Triviacoin QUIZ (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pos | stopped QUIZ Trollcoin TROLL (2015-12) scrypt | pos | listed TROLL Trollcoin TRL (2014-02) scrypt | pow | defunct TRL Troptions TRP (2013-11) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive TRP Truckcoin TRK (2014-06) x11 | pos | listed TRK Truecrave TCRAVE (2015-05) scrypt | pos | abandoned TCRAVE Trustcoin TRUST (2014-07) x11 | pos | listed TRUST Trustcoin TRS (2014-07) scrypt | pos | extant TRS Truthcoin CSH (2015-08) SHA2-256 | pow | unreleased CSH T-StormCoin TSTC (2014-09) x15 | pos | extant TSTC TuHaocoin THC (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant THC Tulips TLC (2013-08) SHA2-256 | pow | stopped TLC Turbocoin XTB (2014-01) scrypt | pow | inactive XTB Turbostake TRBO (2015-10) SHA2-256 | pos | listed TRBO Turing Currency TNG (2015-05) fresh | pow | unlaunched TNG Turko TRK (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive TRK Turroncoin TUR (2015-08) scrypt | pos | extant TUR TuxCoin TUX (2014-12) x11 | pow | extant TUX Twecoin TWE (2014-04) twe | pow | extant TWE Twelve TWLV (2015-05) t-inside | pow | inactive TWLV Twenty15 2015 (2014-12) x11 | pos | extant 2015 Twentyfour XXIV (2015-05) x13 | pos | extant XXIV Twerk TWERK (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant TWERK Twilight Coin TWC (2014-04) x11 | pow | extant TWC Twipit TWIP (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive TWIP Twistercoin TWIST (2015-02) x11 | pos | extant TWIST Twittercoin TWIT (2014-01) unknown | unknown | withdrawn TWIT Twocoin TWO (2015-07) x11 | pos | extant TWO UCIcoin UCI (2014-11) x13 | pos | extant UCI Ucoin U (2014-11) x15 | pos-pow | listed U UFO Coin UFO (2014-01) scrypt | pow | listed UFO UKcoin UKC (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct UKC Ukrainecoin UC (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | extant UC UkranianGirlGoin UGG (2014-11) scrypt-n | pos | unlaunched UGG Ulicoin ULI (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant ULI Ultimatecoin UTLE (2015-05) x11 | pos | extant UTLE UltimateCoin ULT (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive ULT UltraCoin UTC (2014-02) scrypt-j | pos | listed UTC Umbrella-LTC ULTC (2014-07) scrypt | pow | listed ULTC UnattainiumV2 UNAT (2015-03) myriad | pow | extant UNAT Unattaniumcoin UNAT (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant UNAT UnbreakableCoin UNB (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pow | listed UNB Uncoin UNC (2015-01) x11 | pos | extant UNC Unicoin UNIC (2014-01) SHA2-256 | pow | listed UNIC Unioncoin UNC (2013-12) quark | pow | listed UNC UniteCoin UNI (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive UNI United Federation of Planets Credit UFC (2013-08) BLAKE | pow | extant UFC UnitedScryptCoin USC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | inactive USC Unitus UIS (2014-12) myriad | pow | listed UIS UniversalCoin UNV (2014-06) scrypt | pos | extant UNV UniversalCurrency UNIT (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pos | listed UNIT UniversalMoleculecoin UMO (2014-07) BLAKE | pow | extant UMO Universecoin UNVC (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant UNVC UniversityCoin UVC (2014-04) scrypt | pos | extant UVC UniversityOfTexasCoin UTC (2013-12) SHA2-256 | pow | defunct UTC Unobtanium UNO (2013-10) SHA2-256 | pow | listed UNO Unumcoin UNU (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant UNU Upcoin XUP (2015-09) x13 | pos | extant XUP UpCoin UP (2014-04) scrypt-n | pow | extant UP Uranuscoin URAN (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant URAN URCcoin URC (2015-03) scrypt | pow | listed URC Uro coin URO (2014-05) x11 | pow | listed URO UROdarkcoin UROD (2014-11) scrypt | pos | extant UROD USBcoin USB (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant USB UScoin USC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant USC USDe USDE (2014-01) scrypt | pos | listed USDE Usecoin USE (2014-09) x13 | pos | inactive USE UtilityCoin UTIL (2014-09) x13 | pos | listed UTIL V8coin V8 (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant V8 Vaginacoin VAG (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant VAG ValueCoin VLC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | inactive VLC Vampirecoin VMP (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant VMP VanadiumCoin VAC (2014-09) scrypt | pow | inactive VAC Vanillacoin VNL (2014-12) Whirlpool | pos-pow | listed VNL Vanillacoin VLD (2014-01) quark | pow | defunct VLD VapeCoin VAPE (2015-06) scrypt | pow | extant VAPE VaporCoin VPRC (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant VPRC Variance VARY (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant VARY Vastcoin VAST (2014-07) x11 | pos | inactive VAST Vaultcoin VLT (2014-04) scrypt | pow | extant VLT Vaultcoin VAULT (2014-08) nist5 | pos | extant VAULT Vcoin VCN (2015-05) SHA2-256 | pow | listed VCN Vector VEC (2015-08) scrypt | pos | listed VEC Vectorcoin VCT (2014-10) scrypt | pow | extant VCT Vegancoin VEGAN (2014-11) SHA2-256 | pow | extant VEGAN Vegascoin VGC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | listed VGC Veilcoin VEIL (2014-06) x13 | pow | inactive VEIL VelocityCoin VEL (2013-12) scrypt-j | pos | extant VEL Vendettacoin VAC (2014-02) scrypt-j | pow | inactive VAC VeniVidiVicicoin VVV (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant VVV Venturecoin VENT (2014-07) x13 | pow | extant VENT Venturenic VTN (2015-05) qubit | pos | extant VTN Vericoin VRC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | listed VRC Verncoin VNC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive VNC Versa VERSA (2015-07) x11 | pos | foundered VERSA Version V (2014-03) SHA2-256 | pos | inactive V Vertcoin VTC (2013-01) scrypt-n | pow | listed VTC Vertex VTX (2015-06) scrypt | pow | extant VTX Vexcoin VEX (2014-09) x13 | pos | extant VEX Viacoin VIA (2014-07) scrypt | pos | listed VIA Vibranium XVI (2015-06) scrypt | pos | listed XVI Vidioshare VDO (2014-09) scrypt | pos | listed VDO VikingCoin VIK (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | inactive VIK VindCoin VIND (2015-12) scrypt | pos | foundered VIND Violetcoin VLT (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive VLT Violincoin VIO (2014-05) scrypt-n | pow | inactive VIO Viorcoin VIOR (2014-10) scrypt | pow | listed VIOR VIPcoin VIP (2014-01) scrypt | pow | abandoned VIP Viral VIRAL (2015-04) scrypt | pos | listed VIRAL Virocoin VIRO (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | unlaunched VIRO Virtacoin VTA (2014-08) scrypt | pow | listed VTA VirtuaCash VCS (2015-07) x13 | pos | extant VCS VirtualCoin VC (2014-03) x11 | pow | extant VC Virtualdibscoin DIBS (2014-12) scrypt | pow | extant DIBS Virtual Mining Coin VMC (2014-05) scrypt-n | pow | extant VMC Virus VIRUS (2015-05) scrypt | pos | unlaunched VIRUS Vita VIT (2015-06) x13 | pos | unlaunched VIT Vocal VOCAL (2014-11) x15 | pos | extant VOCAL VodkaCoin VDC (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant VDC Void VOID (2014-11) unknown | pos | unlaunched VOID VolatilityCoin VLT (2014-09) x15 | pos | extant VLT Volcanocoin VOLC (2014-10) x13 | pos | extant VOLC Volume VOL (2015-08) x11 | pow | extant VOL Volume VOL (2015-06) scrypt | pow | stopped VOL VootCoin VOOT (2014-06) x11 | pos | listed VOOT VorteX VTX (2014-08) x13 | pos | extant VTX Votecoin VOT (2014-04) novel | pow | extant VOT Voxels VOX (2015-11) scrypt | pos | extant VOX Voxpopulicoin VOXP (2014-10) x13 | pos | extant VOXP Voyacoin VOYA (2015-02) pluck-128 | pow | extant VOYA VPNcoin VPN (2014-09) scrypt | pos | listed VPN vTorrent VTR (2014-12) scrypt | pos | extant VTR VvXxCoin VVXX (2014-08) x13 | pos | inactive VVXX W2Coin W2C (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant W2C Waccoin WAC (2014-05) scrypt | pow | extant WAC WaccoinGold WACG (2014-06) scrypt | pow | extant WACG WalletCoin WTC (2015-11) scrypt | pow | extant WTC Wampumcoin WAM (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant WAM Wangminbi WMB (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant WMB Wankcoin WKC (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | extant WKC Warofcoins WOC (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pos | extant WOC WarOfCoinsX WOCX (2015-04) x11 | pos | extant WOCX Waspcoin WASP (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant WASP Watcoin WAT (2014-06) x11 | pow | inactive WAT Waterpumpcoin PUMP (2014-11) scrypt | pos | unlaunched PUMP Wavecoin WVS (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant WVS WCG Coin WCG (2014-03) ripple | pow | extant WCG Wealthcoin WEALTH (2015-07) scrypt | pos | extant WEALTH WeAreNakamotoCoin WAN (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant WAN Wearesatoshi WAS (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant WAS WeAreSatoshi WSX (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant WSX Webcoin WEB (2014-07) x14 | pow | inactive WEB Wecoin WC (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | extant WC Weedcoin WEC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | extant WEC WeedTokens WETK (2015-01) x11 | pos | extant WETK Wepcoin WEP (2015-01) scrypt | pow | inactive WEP WFPcoin WFP (2014-03) quark | pow | extant WFP Whalecoin WHALE (2014-08) x11 | pos | defunct WHALE Whalecoin WHAL (2015-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant WHAL Whirlcoin WHRL (2014-07) Whirlpool | pow | extant WHRL Whistlecoin WSTL (2014-10) x11 | pos-pow | extant WSTL Whitecoin WC (2014-04) scrypt | pow | inactive WC Whitecoin XWC (2014-09) scrypt | pos | listed XWC Whycoin WHY (2015-10) scrypt | pow | extant WHY WifiCoin WIFI (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant WIFI WikiCoin WIKI (2014-02) quark | pow | extant WIKI WildBeastBitcoin WBB (2015-02) scrypt | pow | listed WBB Wildfire WF (2014-09) scrypt | pow | extant WF Wildwestcoin WEST (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant WEST Wincoin WIN (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant WIN Windcoin WND (2014-09) x11 | pos | unlaunched WND Winecoin WNC (2014-07) scrypt | pos | extant WNC Wintercoin WINTER (2014-06) x11 | pos | extant WINTER WinterCoin WINT (2014-11) x11 | pos | extant WINT Wisecoin WISE (2014-09) scrypt | pos | unlaunched WISE Witchcoin WITCH (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant WITCH Wolfcoin WLF (2014-01) SHA3-256 | pow | extant WLF WolongCoin WOLONG (2014-02) scrypt-n | pow | extant WOLONG Wonderful8Coin W8 (2014-07) x13 | pos | inactive W8 Woodcoin LOG (2014-10) Skein | pow | listed LOG Woolfcoin WOO (2015-05) scrypt | pow | abandoned WOO WorldAidCoin WAC (2014-06) scrypt-n | pow | extant WAC WorldCoin WDC (2013-05) scrypt | pow | listed WDC WorldCupCcoin WCC (2014-06) x11 | pow | extant WCC WorldCupcoin WCUP (2014-06) x11 | pos-pow | defunct WCUP World Football coin WFC (2014-05) scrypt | pos | extant WFC WorldLeadCurrency WLC (2014-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant WLC Worldpay WOP (2015-10) x11 | pos | extant WOP WorldPeaceCoin WPC (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched WPC WorldTopCoin WTC (2014-02) scrypt-j | pow | extant WTC WorldTradeFund XWT (2014-10) x15 | pos | listed XWT Wotcoin WOT (2014-03) SHA3-256 | pow | unlaunched WOT WPcoin WPC (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive WPC WTFcoin WTF (2014-10) x15 | pos | extant WTF X11Bitcoin XBTC (2014-05) x11 | pos | unlaunched XBTC X11coin XC (2014-05) x11 | pow | abandoned XC X13Coin X13C (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant X13C X14coin X14 (2014-06) x14 | pow | extant X14 X15Coin X15COIN (2014-06) x15 | pos | extant X15COIN X² X2 (2015-12) x13 | pos | extant X2 Xagon XAGON (2015-11) x11 | pow | extant XAGON Xanaxcoin XNX (2015-04) scrypt | pos | extant XNX XanonCoin XAN (2014-07) x11 | pos | inactive XAN Xaucoin XAU (2015-03) SHA2-256 | pow | listed XAU Xcalibit XBIT (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pow | unlaunched XBIT XCashcoin XCASH (2014-09) scrypt | pos | listed XCASH XChildrencoin CHILD (2014-09) x11 | pow | listed CHILD XCloudcoin XCLD (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant XCLD Xcoin XCO (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant XCO X-Coin XCO (2015-02) SHA2-256 | pow | listed XCO Xcurrency XC (2014-05) unknown | pos | listed XC XDDcoin XDD (2014-06) x13 | pos | extant XDD Xedoscoin XDC (2014-02) Skein | pow | extant XDC XenCoin XNC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | extant XNC Xenoncoin XEC (2014-09) myriad | pow | extant XEC XGcoin XG (2014-09) xg | pow | extant XG XGeneration XGEN (2014-05) scrypt | pos | defunct XGEN Xiaomicoin MI (2015-06) scrypt | pos | listed MI Xivra XIV (2013-12) scrypt | pos | inactive XIV Xmascoin XMAS (2013-12) scrypt | pos | inactive XMAS Xryptbitcoin XBIT (2014-08) qubit | pow | defunct XBIT Xtracoin CX (2014-05) SHA2-256 | pos | extant CX Xurocoin XURO (2014-08) x11 | pos | extant XURO XXLcoin XXL (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant XXL XXXcoin XXX (2014-06) scrypt | pos | listed XXX YACCoin YACC (2014-03) scrypt-j | pow | extant YACC Yacoin YAC (2013-05) scrypt-j | pos | listed YAC Yamashitacoin YMC (2014-05) x11 | pos | extant YMC YangCoin YANG (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant YANG YardSaleCoin YSC (2015-09) SHA2-256 | pow | extant YSC YatYatLingcoin YYL (2014-12) SHA2-256 | pow | extant YYL Yaycoin YAY (2014-04) SHA1-256 | pow | extant YAY YbCoin YBC (2013-06) scrypt-j | pos | listed YBC YellowCoin YC (2014-04) scrypt | pos-pow | extant YC Yep YEP (2015-06) SHA2-256 | pos | extant YEP YetCoin YET (2015-04) x11 | pos | foundered YET YinCoin YIN (2014-03) scrypt | pow | extant YIN YinYangCoin YINYANG (2014-02) scrypt | pow | defunct YINYANG Yocoin YOC (2015-12) scrypt | pow | extant YOC YoCoin YOC (2014-10) scrypt | pow | extant YOC Yolocoin YOLO (2014-05) scrypt | pow | inactive YOLO YoMama MAMA (2014-01) scrypt | pow | extant MAMA Yovivirtualcoin YOVI (2015-07) SHA2-256 | pos | extant YOVI Ypcoin YPC (2013-12) scrypt | pow | extant YPC Yupcoin YUP (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive YUP Zapcoin ZAP (2014-07) nist5 | pos | extant ZAP ZcCoin ZCC (2012-08) scrypt-j | pos | listed ZCC Zebracoin ZEB (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant ZEB Zedcoin ZED (2014-02) scrypt | pow | listed ZED Zeitcoin ZEIT (2014-02) scrypt | pos | listed ZEIT ZenithCoin ZTC (2013-06) scrypt | pow | extant ZTC Zerocoin ZRO (2013-12) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ZRO Zerovert ZER (2014-11) scrypt-n | pow | closed-source ZER Zestcoin ZEST (2014-03) scrypt | pow | inactive ZEST Zeta2coin ZET2 (2015-12) quark | pow | extant ZET2 Zetacoin ZET (2013-08) SHA2-256 | pow | listed ZET Zeuscoin ZEU (2013-10) scrypt | pow | extant ZEU ziftrCOIN ZRC (2014-12) zr5 | pos | listed ZRC Zimstake ZS (2014-04) SHA2-256 | pow | extant ZS Zipcoin ZIPC (2014-07) x13 | pos | extant ZIPC Zippercoin ZIP (2014-06) scrypt | pow | inactive ZIP Zirkcoin ZIRK (2015-03) scrypt | pos | extant ZIRK Zombiecoin ZMB (2014-02) scrypt | pow | extant ZMB Zoom ZOOM (2015-07) lyra2re | pow | extant ZOOM Zurcoin ZUR (2013-12) quark | pow | extant ZUR сиськиcoin сис (2014-07) x11 | pos | extant сис 屌丝币 DSC (2013-08) scrypt | pow | extant DSC
Higgins and Macfarlane
31 West Street
BS26 2AA

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Contains semantic web technology, may also contain nuts.

NB: in development, structure and/or content may change without warning; uses RDFLib5.0.0-dev, Pyramid1.5dev & Python3.5.0+ sign in